East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 11, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    " Ten pages
pan Tmunt
News of Pendleton
Drive I Tom Mviix In Snow.
SYed Much and Curl Engdnhl, of
Helht, drove In from the nelKhborliiK
town lant evening through 20 miles
of snow. Thoy reported the going
rough and at times had difficulty
keeping to the road.
Mr. iMahop Hues It.
Mrs. Hoy T. Bishop, formerly of
I'ondleton, now of rortland, address
cd;a meeting of the University of Ore
San student body this morning at Ru
gene on tho collego campus. The
talk was In connection with the cam
paign for funds for the University of
Oregon Women's building.
graph of lEnst Court Btreet In Febru
ary, 1 Hie, showlng snow piled hiKh
on the sides of the 'thoroughare. That
year there wus close to four feet of
snow. Tho picture Is In the window
of Major Le Moorhousc s office.
Krulor to AltCTid Convention.
District Attorney Koscoe . Keator
left, todriy for Portland and Balem
where he will attend the annuul con
vention of district attorneys of Ore
gon, opening today. On Monday he
will appear before tho state supreme
court to petition for a rehearing in tho
euro of the State of Oregon vs. M. Z.
Moss, wealthy Ijike county stockman.
melted In a local Jewelry store at 5
o'clock this morning by '.he firemen
rousing ti,e proprietor from bed to
open the building and exmiKulsh the
lihhl. which was flickering and men
acing the wall paper.
Is Taking VatuUon.
K. B. Koek, clerk In tho I'nited
States lllologlcal Survey office here, Is
spending a 12 cay vacation In Uklah.
Ho is the guest of survey trappers.
Snowfall of lt Uncalled.
The heavy snowfall of the winter of
'11116 Is recalled by a colored photo-
t'ounc.lmcii Occupy Fu-csldc.
Five councllmen occupied the fam
ily fireside last night insteaa or ven
turing out to do their duty by the
oily. As a result no quorum could
be rstMH and there was no meeting
held There was little of Importance
to b t rted upon and this business
can wait over until the omlng Wednesday.
ion- laini. Dangerous.
Warning ngnlnst allowing gasoline
lights to burn all nlht In store build
Inr was Issued today by Fire Chief
Hlngold. The lights, which are for
l!i hi -num. in, nt l'lcases .Students.
The munual training department of
the high school, under the direction of
urvttie lleeves has rearranged the
lockers In the locker rooms. The new
arrangement Is much more satisfac
tory than formerly.
lr. Wulnscott Here,
Dr. C. O. Wainscott, of Herniiston.
was In the city yesterday. Dr. Wains
cott recently returned after service In
the medical corps of the army and
was the first Umatilla county physi
cian to enlist in th escrvlce.
1 1 irii-fi4)i-
1 m ALiCana
Tif. 4L iA 'HB I .a I ' m&MBmm ssH atasl M
itnbbu ihiniiiu( OsnsMaoora,
Tho rabbit poisoning "uniaii;n
started ip the west end ot Te county
Tho farmers put out ponson on top of
the snow. The rabbits are attacking
the hay stacks, say farmers, and But-
emergeney use oniy, arc uangerous ir ter creek farmers are putting up rab
left i.urnln;: too long and will often bit tight fenoes around the sfrirka anA
explode or flicker and set fire to then putting poison out.
r.earby objects. Fire was narrowly
with Popcorn
Children will remember the evenings spent
around the fire place or the kitchen stove popping
corn and making pop-corn balls all their lives. And
they are the happiest nights they remember, too.
We have a lot of very fine pop-corn that pop into
great big snowy white, crisp, balls. Include several
pounds with your next order. Also a can of sorghum
for the pop-corn balls.
POPCORN, 15c POUND POPPERS, 35c, 45c & 50c
"Waste Less Buy the Best"
Pendleton Cash Market. Inc.
Fine Groceries and Meats
Phones 101. (Private exchange connecting both
ClinuiM-cy Moot! On Train.
Chaunccy Olcott, who will appear
in Portland tonight In "Macushla."
passed through Pendleton this morn
ing on train No. IS. The Irish actor
says that his company has suffered
much because of railroad tie-ups. He
has just completed a tour of Canada.
Kiiiglits Call off Jaunt.
The pilgrimage of the local Knights j
of Pythias to Walla Walla today to I
meet Supreme Chancellor Charles H. j
Davis was postponed on account of
the snow and cold. Autos were to 1
have been used on the trip but these
were found Impracticable and there j
is no train to substitute.
Women Making Dress Forms
Pilot Hock Women are showing
great interest in the making of honie-
I made dress forms, says Miss Ella May
Harmon, county demonstration agent,
who returned from Pilot Flock yester
day. Miss Harmon announces that
anyone who Is interested in this work
may get the information from the
women In charge in the various communities.
loiioi 101 101 101 101 ioi i6iioi ldi
Cnumtal pictures Shown
Motion pictures taken by William
Finley were the best feature of the
meeting of the Oregon Sportsmen's
I.en gue i" Portland recently says
Ft inly J'wtt, who returnee! from
rVrtr ;ml yefttcrdny after attending the
n rl ' n z Th e p ictu res showed t he
p'arm'rran nd coney of Mt. Rainier
tthd r ere unique In that they were the
first pictures of ptarmigan and coney
ver shown.
I "See Me Before 1
I The Fire" I
I If you wish to nuike a quick sale of your property,
it will pay you to list It with us. We have arrange- 1
ments whereby we can sell property on easy terms H '
" the buyer and get the cash for the seller. We are H i
selling property on this plan to parties that couldn't
buy otherwise. ;
in i Insurance. Loans. m
I Real Estate, Grain f j
721 Main . Pendleton I;
mM,IIIIIIIMI1 Bl.. ,-.. .,
llrfu'le Man" leiaved.
Owing to uncertainty of the electric
light supply, the failure of the picture
to reach here from Portland and the
small patronage of shows because of
transportation difficulties, the "Mira
cle Man,'' booked for the Arcade thea
ter today, has been postponed until a
later date, Vntil a picture is received
from Portland in its place, the Arcade
will be dark. The Pastime and Alta
will continue to operate, however.
Has llstinjniiHlicd Sen too Qom.
Hursey Dahin, of Preewater, who
has a distinguished service cross for
service in France, was in the city to-
-iay to comer with It. . v hite. reti-
Tal vocational advisor, Dakin has de
cided to take up vocational training.
He leceived shrapnel wounds and wan
(tasMd. He received a citation and
the cross for gallantry in action as i
member of the gas and flame corps in
the St. Mihiel, the Argonne, and the
Verdun sectors.
Hero to Confer Witli White.
A. G. Stephens of Heppner. Kay C. I
Rehburg, of Albee, and William X. j
Spurlock of Heppner. were among the
out-of-town ex-service men who were
i in the city to confer with the Ited
Cross and with U. O. White, federal I
vocational advisor, who was in the city I
for two days. Because of the stormy
weather, the number of men who
conferred with Mr. White was small- '
er than expected.
Do not put off buying your Xmas candy until it
is all gone. Our stock of candy now is very
choice and complete. '-...,- ,
Mixed Candy Per Pound, 50c
We have a large amount of mixed nuts all ready
to send out as you order. If there is a certain
kind of nuts you prefer we will gladly mix them
as you order. ,
Mixed Nuts, per pound, 50c
Carnival Plans Complete.
Plans for the htffh school athletic
carnival, which conies tomorrow night
are practically completed, even to
Sprinkling' ashes on the sidewalk, in
order that the crowd may climU the
hill In safety. The ticket sale has
been (rood and all indications point to
the success of the affair. John Simp
son and ltoland Morrison as elow ns
from the hoys' cadet corps and Caro
line Schnelter and I.ida McDonald as
"clownesses" from the girls' corps,
are said to be features of the entertainment.
Grocery Department
Two Phones 526
Title lletwccn Kooks ami Juniors.
In two fast, clean tattles of basket- i
ball the juniors beat the sophomores
and the rooks beat the seniors at the
high school last night. The juniors I
and freshmen will play in the finals I
many mgm at tne athletic carnival.
The series of class frames started Mon
day evening; and the results to date
are as follows: Juniors won three, lost
none: rooks, won two, lost one; seni
ors, won one, lost two," sophomores.
lost three, won none. The camps have
all been referred by Coach Karl K.
Kleisehman. No serious injuries have
been sustained by any players though
the games have been fast and furious
at times. Good refereelng helped to
keep the contests clean.
AJ ten Lion Voemcii
There will ba no meeting to-riujht
win to the fuel shortage.
Do Your Christmas Shopping
No need to lace Xmas gift buying with dread. Do as hundreds of other people are doinjr, buy a gift
two every' dav or so and lonjf before Xmas is here every gift problem will be solved without the rush
of the 11th hour buying. Why not go at once and do your Xmas buying at tnis ureal Amas More,
where you get practical gifts. SHOP EARLY.
for an evening dress
would make an excellent
gift for her Xmas. We
are offering a big lot of
pastel shades for evening
wear, such as pink, light
blue, turquoise, water
melon pink, rose, green,
We also have the trim
mings to make up with
these satins too, of braids,
edges, flouncings, motifs,
Satins, the yard
$2.25 to $4.00
Trimmings, vard
50c to $15.00
Beautiful colorings and designs. What is it she
would appreciate more than one of these fine Tapes
try Couch Covers. They're full size and excellent
finish. Look at them.
GIFT NECKWEAR 75c to $5.00
A splendid lot of fine Neckwear for Xmas gifts.
Made of net, Georgette, organdie, etc. Neatly trim
med and well made, offered in the newest styles.
Collars, cuff sets and Vestees. Be sure to look them
over. '
Give Alexander Furs
Picture her happiness when she opens your Christ
mas box and finds an adorable fur the gift she
most desired.
Alexanders Furs have that exquisite charm and
individuality so indispensable to correct gowning
yet they are so sensibly priced.
You pay no premium for Alexanders exclusive
ness in fact it would be difficult to duplicate Alex
anders quality elsewhere at even a much higher
Gifts to be enjoyed in hours of leisure.
Silk lined, meaning comfort and warmth.
Japanese silk and crepe de chine Kimonas $17.50 to
$45.00. Embroidered with heavy padded flowers
all lovely colorings.
Bath towels, in plain and colored. Huck. towels of
linen and union of finest qualitv with damask ends.
Also HUCK TOWELING to make up. Give towels
for thev're alwavs acceptable.
Bath Towels 25c to $1.25
Linen Towels 50c to $1.50
Toweling, yard ... 75c to $1.50
wz. a
95c to $5.00 Pair.
We have a big line to offer for
Xmas gifts.
Knickers, Vests, Camisoles,
etc., of the genuine Kayser make.
Send her silk underwear, she'll
like it.
Bring your packages here to be wrapped and
we mail them for you. No charge.
'j. ys'y. ISO -iv0l&02& ii- TJi Kfitf H
LOST Indies hlack silk hand bag i
with braded top. Contained small
I sum oi' mousy. Reward if returned
The finest quality WOOL JERSEY that's made.
One of the most satisfactory dress or suit fabrics
you can buy. It hangs well and does not wrinkle.
Offered in colors of navy, brown, pekin, sand and
black, 52 inches wide.
The ideal gift for
Everv woman wants
hose regardless of how many
pairs she has. Offered in ' all
colors, as well as black and
Silk sox and silk and wool
hose in white, of the finest
quality. Don't forget the baby.
Give some hosiery.
Silk Hose .'. 95c to $1.25
Silk Sox $1.00
Silk and Wool Hose S5c
We are really headquarters for laces. You will
find the newest kind in all widths and qualities.
Laces for Camisoles, laces for dresses, collars, cuffs,
underwear, baby clothes, etc. If you need laces come
here to buy it.
75c to $25.00
You really have to see what
we're showing in this line to
appreciate them. The newest
ideas and styles of leather and
velvet bags. Give hand hag or
purse for Xmas.
Shown in our ART DEPT. where you can get the
goods and make them up. Models of sweaters, scarfs
center pieces, fancy work of all kinds. No trouble
to show.
HOSE $2.00
The new thing in silk
hosiery. We have it only
in two shades at this
time but we'll have more
later. The shades are
brown and gold and pur
ple and black.
"9-N" this office,