DAILY EAST OREOONIAN. PENDLETON. OBEQON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1919. TEN PAGES riot tmr OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE "JTCT Penney Cq., A Nationwide Institution 1 aVDN'T St KtHJ WHEN VOO TH6 SAMO OCT) TV qot on; wmr . 2 1 Do You Know IjThat We Sell OILCANS WASH TUBS CLOTHES BASKETS O-CEDAR MOPS MOP STICKS LAMP AND LANTERN GLOBES STAR-LIT LANTERNS COTTON MOPS O-CEDAR POLISH LIQUID VENEER LYK-NU POLISH GLASS WASH BOARDS BRASS WASH BOARDS TOILET PAPER WATER PAILS (jray $ros. (grocery (Jo. "QUALITY" TWO PHONES 28 AND 29 i . 1 Lmo KICKIM'. KIND fy I AflKAh FOR 3 YCAH, I HAT? A BIC NOTION TO -tM2 MV UM fR2C . "BCAT S AC- fOW CMANCCAt-E TMC IvGrVme? HA1 Climbing you cmnnot push M u. a Uiddor unless Ho to will ing to llinh little, no more than you can make a mule drink after kadlne liim to Uie tnMigto. w uie right sort of fellow mea not rare to he ,,u-1h-.i up aU the way. there la too row joy In do ing one' own mouiiUnjr. A ftevtaes Account lias proven, in untold Instumwi. Um- ladder to success. 1K you want to elimb It? We open such ao-ounts over) .lay. One Dollar or more starts one. IDE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON Resources over (1W Million Dollars. 1 I 1 1 - 1 FiA ill ml 8m J l DAILY MARKETNEWS OF PENDLETON Ull' I i III Why not buy your good USED GAR this winter and save the spring and summer price. You can make money on any of our used cars. All overhauled and in good shape and we back them all with factory guarantee. Save money and buy satisfaction by dealing with Eastern Oregon Motor Co. CHEVROLET, VELIE, PEERLESS Near Fostoffice. The following prices are the price But IJttle Cliange In being paid to producers by Pendleton Price In Markets. business houses. Wherever retail) There is but little change in the prices are given the fact will be ipe- I prices in local groceries today. Fruits cially mentioned. vegetables are hard to get because Ears and Poultry. ' of th tleup of the railroads and it Is Eggs 80c 85c almost impossible to secure perish- Hens'. 16 to 20c. I able product during the cold snap. Spring chickens, 20c a pound. j Country Ham, Etc J s,ronvr: , " " Mllireed at .New Top. Ham, best quality 28c. Mj showed renewed strength "L, Li Bntt exchange yesterday because of the . B Jf? srip of winter and went to 143.25 a Butter, H-25'1. jton, f. o. b. mills, a new top for this . . I year, oats also showed strength, ad New potatoes. 3c a pound. vancn of 50 cent, a ton being bid all along the line. Quotations today are $56. r0, $57,r,u and $58. Corn is listed at $1 and $63, with barley unchang ed. The barley prices are $6S. 69 and $69.50. 1 lo Market Weak Lambs Are Firm. Hog market here continues to re flect -weakness in sympathy with tho further declines In the east. Owing In the congestion in hog products' trade, expectations are for lower val ues here. General hog market range: Prime mixed $14.50&15.00 .Medium mixed 1 4.OUS3' n.i.'i Rough heavies 12.50 13.00 PiSS ; I'j.oitfrt' 13. mo It was the second day without a new S arrival In the cattle alleys. Trade in- 3 For the lover of good candy. S dicates a strong tone. 3 - . Bl ,1 mHId markpt ranire: Rest steers $10. 75 11.25 A Lazy Liver Causes a great deal of trouble, bil- i loudness. I'onstipatioti and sick j headache. J o not put up with it; correct it at once by taking Hood's Pills Hide by C. L Hood Co., Lowell, Mho. aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiife I Whitman I Sampler j Called Samplers because In old- II I en times samples showed the s 3 best in needlework and design. S 5 This modern Sampler shows 3 3 This modern Sampler shows . i, v. i- Ahni.nlata n n d con- 3 fcctlon. We are Headquarters 3 for the Sampler and the whole Whitman line. Tallman & Co. j f jttn Orandata. iiinmiiiiiiiiMHiiMniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiS 10. FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW ADDRESS oppo, - ?Tn EAST OREGONIAN DO YOU KNOW that this laundry is prepared and can launder prac tically any article you wish to send here? We not only can do the job but it will be done satisfactorily. A Trial Convince The Troy Laundry 610-12 Garden St.Phone 179 Send it to the Laundry Your Grocer will tell you that Golden West The Butter Supreme is Without an Equal Toys! Toys! AND THEN SOME MORE TOYS. THE BIGGEST AND BEST LINE OF TOYS THAT EVER CAME TO PENDLETON. 40 CASES-40 JUST ARRIVED. "Over 20 dozen Dolls." Yes we have them as you want them from those beautiful sleeping kind to the funny little clown dolls, 25c to $12.50. Game Boards, Cedar Doll Chests, Doll Trunks, Doll Beds, Doll Buggies made of gray and tan wicker priced at $4.98. Doll Tables, Doll Rockers, Toy Kit chen Cabinets and Strong Wood Toys, Toy Automobiles, Drums, Flying Machines, Pianos, Trunks, Guns, Stoves, Trains, Black Boards, Rocking Horses, Scooter Cars, Velocipedes. "Humpy Dumty Circus," a bushel of fun for the kiddies, contains all kinds of animals, clowns and circus paraphernalia. Ouija Boards, fun for everybody. The rea.1 image Charlie Chaplain that actually performs. See Our Windows Filled to Overflowing Like everything else in our store, our prices on toys are within reach of all. TABLE LINENS All Pure Linens, per yard $1.98 to $3.98. Satin Table Damask, yd. 89c and 98c. Beautiful Filet and Cretonne Table Runners and Bureau Scarfs 79c to $2.98. Fancy Double Faced Cretonnes, Velour Draperies and Art Den ims for fancy work, j)er yard, 17c to $1.39. f Ladies' Fancy Boxed Handker chiefs, per box 39c to $1.98 Children's Boxed Handkerchiefs, 15c and 19c. Fancy Towels and Towel Sets, Crib Blankets, Laundry Bags, Pillow Tops and all kinds of fancy dry goods suitable for Erescnts OZENS AND DOZENS OF MEN'S TIES Excellent values in wide flowing and silk ties in every color of the rainbow 49c to $1.49 Men's Silk Mufflers. $1.69 to $1.98 Fancy Arm Bands, Handker chiefs, Suspenders, Sox, Garters and Ties in Xmas packages. This is the right place to get right prices. Get the Xmas Spirit ! happy tlat you can. Shop Early ! Be a live wire and make every body Incorporated J PKNDL.ETON, ORKGOJf OPPOSITE HOTEZi PKNDIiETOX J. C. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution f9 Oood to choice sheers .. 9.25(910.25 f Another reason for the high cost of Medium to good steers . 8.25i 8.75 !,, , Fair to good steers 7.00 8.00 j "Vln ls that to man' mothers have Common to fair steers... 5.50 6.00 ; quit cutting down dad's trousers to fit Choice cows and heifers 8.50 9.25 Good to choice cows and heifers 7.00 8.50 Medium to good cows and heifers 5.50 7.00 Fair to medium cows and heifers 4.00 5.50 Canners 3.00 4.00 Dulls 5.00 7.00 Best light calves 13.5014.00 Heavy calves 7.00 12.00 Stockers and feeders ... 8.08 9.25 Mutton continues to show a steady tone at North Portland, but lambs re main firm at the recently advanced price. i General mutton market range: Best east of mountain .. $13.00 13.50 Stockers and feeders ... . 10.0011.60 Valley lambs 11.00 13.00 Yearlings 9.6010.00 Wethers 9.00 9.60 Kwes 6.60 fib 7.50 little Willie. Yazoo City Sentinel. lie very careful what you say to your enemies and be more careful what you write to your friends. Chi cago News. Peredixo Tooth Paste TWIN CITIES WILL NOT FIGHT CHICAGO'S CLAIM ST. VAVIi, Minn., Dec. 11. (United Press.) The Twin Cities of the North have combined in an effort to bring the national convention of the repub lican party here in 1920 if the national executive committee decided againat Chicago as the meeting place. Gustav LindquiHt, secretary to Gov ernor iiurnquist and memher or the national executive committee, started the boom for the Twin Cities in the fight for the convention. He pointed out the fact that the northwest norm- lly delivered a republican majority. Tho Minneapolis Chamber of Com merce decided to lend its support to fit. Paul in the capital city's cam paign for the convention. D. V. Cavanaugh, chairman of the convention committee of the St. Paul association has laid plans to attract the convention here. Chicago, it is reported here, may be decided upon as the permanent meet ing place of the republican party con ventions and if it is, the Twin Cities will make no effort to get the conven tion. Dirty besides doing. X. Better paste can do-i- whitens like peroxide Sold only where A D S goods are displnyed jwrly whin LarfeeTube r ALLEGED I. W. W. IS TAKEN INTO CUSTODY SKATTIjE. Dec. 11. Thomas M. McKlnley, 27 who says he is secretary of the Shipbuilders' Industrial union. No. 825, Industrial Workers of the World. waB arrested here today. In McKinley's room police found lists which they said contained the names of approximately 1,000 members of the union. Reports received by the ouict'rs inuivaie ine mt o.-rHhlp of around 2.500. Papers sell- ed, it was said, indicated tne snipyara j L W. W. planned to endeavor to crip ple the American Federation of La bor. , . I 8 s 2 s 9 Barjjnjn Usejl Car i Buick E-45, 1918; New Top, Cord Tires Good Mechanical Condition Oregon Motor Garage CADILLAC BUICK HUDSON nfetrlLiitori