t raw room FOURTEEN PACHES DAILY BAST OHWOOKIAS. PBrTOLKTO OWKOOrl WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 191 A. 4N INDEPENDENT c ire&on ani m mmm -ai W 1 rubllah-il nail? ana Beml-Wreklr. at Ivndldon, Oregon, by tha ACT OltEOONIAN rUBUISHINa CO. at the poatofflca at Pendle ton, Oragoa, u eecond-claaa mail tatter. ONE SAI.B IN OTHER OtTIEa. Jmprrlal llctal New Stand. Portland ON FILE AT Chlcaro Bureau, 0S Security Build-Ma-. Waahinrton. D. C. Bureau 111 Four t. II, sir. . I N W. NEWSPAPER. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (IN ADVANCE) Dally, one year, by mall $5.00 Dally, alx months by mail 1.60 Dally, three montba by mall...... 1.15 Dally, one month by mall .SO laklly, on year by carrier Lift Daily, alx months by carrier 3.75 Daily, three montba by carrier 1.95 Dally, one month, by carrier .65 8cml-Weekly, one year, by mall.... 1.50 V.mi.lTaalilv al mnntha V. , mm ....... W 1 t .- flkm .....ntl.- W , r. BLANKETS, THAT'S ALL! Telephone T1U: LAND ! "PKKTTY SH.V X know of a land where the streets are paved With the thlnfCF wa meant to achieve; 11 Is walled w ith the money we meant to have saved. And the pleasures for which we gxlere. The kind words unspoken, the promises broken. And many a coveted boon Are stored away in that land somewhere The land of 'Tretty Soon.-' There are uncut Jewels of possible fame . . , laying about in the dust. And many a noble and lofty aim Covered with mold and rust. And O: this place, while it seems so near. Is farther away than the moon; Though our purpose Is fair, yet we never get there The land of "Pretty Soon." Ella Wheeler Wilcox. LET POLITICS GO jr EVERAL days before the senate failed to ratify the peace treaty the Portland Oregonian expressing disgust over the w Lodge proposals said that the reservation proposed to article 10 whittled the league covenant's big stick down to a "fragile switch." Yesterday the Oregonian expressed the editorial view that "the worst that can be said of it (the amendment of article 10) is that it would delay action by this country until congress had voted." The candid view of the Oregonian was given when it spoke of the "fragile switch"; it is now talking politics. A simple glance at the reading of article 10 and at the Lodge reservation will prove the point. Article 10 as given in the league covenant is as follows: Article 10. The members of the league undertake to respect and preserve as against external aggression the territorial integrity and existing political independence of any members of the league. In case of any such aggression or in ease of any threat or danger of such aggression, the council shall advise upon the means by which thus obligation shall be fulfilled. The foregoing is a clear cut declaration that the league mem bers will stand together against any aggressor nation. It would stop Germany from trying to "come back." It would stop aggression by Japan because no power would dare go against such a league. It would preserve the world peace. Now here is the article 10 amendment as contained in the Lodge resolutions: The United States assumes no obligation to preserve the territorial integrity or political independence of any other country or to interfere with controver sies between nations whether members of the league or not under the provi sion of Article 10, or to employ the military or naval forces of the United Statas under any article of the treaty for any purpose, unless in any particular case the congress, which under the constitution has ttie sole power to declare war or authorize the employment of the military or naval forces of the United States, shall by act or joint resolution so provide. Even a school boy reading this amendment can discern that it takes the very life out of the League of Nations plan. It leaves the whole war subject open for future propaganda and chicanery by any nation that wishes to work such methods. It is an attempt to restore America to an isolated position, something that cannot be done. A league covenant after the Lodge specifications would be worse than a "fragible switch." It would be so much stuff for the waste basket. The Portland Oregonian was a good champion of the league covenant until recently. It should follow its convictions to the end and let politics ride where it may. 1 P 'view over the hurhor mid city in very beautiful. The city of La Havre tlutca I from 1515, The peoplo uUmg tho streets, mostly old people and chil dren, eouia not cover up me joy on their fares iih the continuous Ntreuin of khiikl-clnl AmerU'ium marched by. I was conscious of a at range happy feeling In the region of my heart bo oAUM I was there anionic those Am- Icrtcunn. By 1C:50 p. m. wo were I lum id a very slow and Jerky train for ' 1 '. iris. Tu OOftOhM were bill of nrmy nUMMM. By Invitation several of the (unmarried) "Y" men, of which num- her I VM one. went to help entertain tha QOrpa of nurses. Those two conch ies were pretty Ray till we arrived at Parts, about midnight. e were met lit the depot by a 'Y" guide who took as to our hotel. Paris Is the darkest PlaOC 1 have seen for some time. ! DON'T PUT OFF It's the neglected cold, cough, tender throat cr tonsils, that debilitate and leave the body disposed to serious germ diseases. EMULSION ! should be taken at the first sign ot lowered resistance, cold or cough. The energizing virtues ot Scott s bring essential nourishment and help to the weakened system. Give Scott's a trial. ficolt A Dowue, uloooiticld, N. I. 19-13 HEW YORK Parisian mademoiselles wrap trremseivcs up in blankets thes. days to keep warm. The Misses Rer.ee and Laura Cn itoSi this latest fashiou on their arrival from Paris blanket dress and blanket ecaU AN OVERSEAS DIARY glad. On going to "Y" headquart of identification. d to the top of shore we reported s with our papers everal of us w.tlk- ;he high cliff along LET US ASK WHAT YOUR IDEA IS OF PRESENT DAY OPPORTUNITIES. I und on which Lit Havre is hullt. The Thursday. August 8, 1918 This morning we tied to the pier at La Havre, but couldn't go ashore till aft er breakfast. "France at lust." was my thought and I was exceedingly jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuil. Don't think because you have taken many remedies in vain that your case is incurable. Hood's Sarsaparilla hits cured many seemingly hopeless cases of scrofula, catarrh, rheumatism, kid ney complaint, dyspepsia and general debility. Take Huod's. WHAT'S THE PROGRAM? or OVERNOR OLCOTT has called a special session of the legislature for the announced reason that the workmen's compensation law needs attention. Perhaps it does, but the general situation permits of speculation as to other subjects that may have a bearing: on the call just made. People have va rious measures they desire on the ballot next fall and it will be cheaper to have the legislature submit these measures than to circulate initiative petitions. The legislators can accomplish some good for Oregon if the special session is marked by a spirit of service to the state and is not too closely wedded to someone's slated program. CATARRH DOES HARM 1 Whether It Is of the Nose, Throat, or Other Organs, Get Rid of It. jatarrn OI tne nose or tnroar wnen it becomes chronic weakens the deli- : cate lung tissues, deranges the diges tive organs, and may lead to con sumption. It impairs the taste, smell and hearing, and affects the voice. It is a constitutional disease and re quires a constitutional remedy. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla, which by purifying the blood removes the cause of the disease and gives per manent relief. This alterative and tonic medicine has proved entirely satisfactory to thousands of families in three generations. ---v If there is biliousness or constipa tion, take Hood's Pills, they area thorough cathartic, a gentle laxative. Why the Most Widely Used Over 50,000 Torbensen Internal Gear Drive rear axles for motor trucks are now in service. The tremendous demand for Torbensen Drive compelled a tripling of factory facilities in 1917 alone. Other big enlargements are inevitable. This insistent demand has made Torbensen Drive the most widely used make of motor truck rear axle in the world. And it has attained this great leader ship over all other rear axles-through sheer merit of design and good service. What are the features of design that have made this rear axle the undisptued leader? For, in the last analysis, it is the design that determines the type of service that any rear axle can give. There are two outstanding features. The first Give Useful Gifts ii.:.... il r IK. I, .in,, ia iLlaviiva nnnrf'rillt- .-MUiieiiiiiiK to minion ...... -i-1- ed. It's lasting, attractive and a gift that s used every day in the year. REED FURNITURE We are showing a beautiful line of the New Reed Furniture, al ways appreciated and very attractive. Rock ers, chairs, tables, baby buggies, doll carts, etc. New designs attractive ly priced. ATTRACTIVE CHAIRS We have a big assortment of Rockers in oak with leather or imitation leather upholstery or upholstered in beautiful cre tonne or tapestry. Just the gift for Mother EXTENSION TABLES Make vour wife a present of one of our beautiful Extension Tables. We have a fine as sortment from which to select in a large range ot prices anu designs. CEDAR CHESTS Made of genuine Tennessee red cedar. A very attractive gift for Daughter. A NEW SHIPMENT OF DOLL CARTS Just the thing for the litle girl. See our Children's Rockers and ChaVs, High Chair, Baby Walkers, etc. .,r Una of IV.-U tiiBifortcrs. Ilctter t door niU for Uht' suy dayn. 8 V I 1 1 ffi CRUIKSHANK & HAMPTON 1 ..-.! i i itv mi ints" 124 E. WEBB Phone 548 Rheumatic Pains f 5 BRITAIN TAKES CREDIT FOR TENOR OF NOTES DISPATCHED TO HUNS l.')NIXK. Dec. 10. Credit for tba ittitude finally adopted toward Ger- Safe Remedy for Children's Colds If you want a pure, whole some and absolutely safe remedy for the relief of coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, get Foley's Honey and Tar. it contains no opiate or habit forming drugs. Alwaya Recommends It Cnurlr Bakrr. Brownsville. Tex., write: "hnr many ymn pMt I have uaed Fnley'i Hmey and Tar Compound In my family and have toiind it tuperior to any other couh medi t irie. It ia eapecially efficient in caaea of bod ot.iaof my children. I haveslwayi recommend ed ii to my Iriend, aa a aafr remedy for the chU drco. M it contain! oo opiate." Foley's Honey and Tar COMPOUND LOOSENS THE PHLEGM AND MUCUS, clean the paatagei, ooati in humed and irritated membrane with a healing and aoothintf demulcent, eaaai lioaraencai, nop tickling in the throat nd make refreshing, rcitful aleep aHa There is no better remedy for Coughs and Colds than Foley's Honey and Tar. ta KtrTalr, many in the supreme council's notes on the protocol is given to British delegates here today. The French wished to deliver a harsh ultimatum to the German delegates but were re strained by the British, who finally insisted that the matter be passed I upon by the British cabinet. Thi ! notes are a final invitation to Ger ! many to conclude peace. If the de mands are not met the supreme coun IcD will then work out a future policy : which may or may not specify the use j of armed forces. Quickly Eased By Penetrating Hamlin's Wizard Oil A safe and harmless preparation to relieve the pains of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lame sack and Lumbago is Hamlin's Wizard Oil. It penetrates quickly, drives out soreness, and lim bers up stiff aching joints and muscles. You will find almost daily uses for it in cases of sudden mishaps or ac cidents such as sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, bites and stings. Just as re liable, too, for earache, toothache, croup and colic. Get it from druggists for 30 cents. If not satisfied return the bottle and get your money back. Ever constipated or have sick head aehe? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 30 cents. Guaranteed. m S When you make gifU of "Can't you assume a little more I Meaning expression of countenance?" jacked the photographer. "Y-ye, air." hesitatingly answered the sitter. "Wait a minute and I'll take off these HhoeF." Topeka Journal. 28 YEARS AGO 1 I ' I the Daily East Oreffonlan December t, 1891.) J. Hmfth has received his In structions and blanks from Washing ton a - examining surgeon for pensions jand is now prepared to enter upon the duties of his office. A. Pendleton man Mho 1 tir-d of j wading through mud on the cross j walks suggests that a man and a stout j broom might be employed by the city ; to advantage. J. C. treasure was elected mayor at I the city election yesterday. Hiram; Flickinger and T F. Howard are the j 'nw councilmen. T. B. Morgan wa j made marshal and George Iash re corder, dark W'ook was elected city I treasurer. j Dr. C. H. DAY Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Wishes to announce the opening of offices in Rooms No. 23 and 25, Smith-Crawford Building, Pendleton, Oregon. Phone 704. or. Lynn tv. ciaKesir-e Chronlo and Kervous Dlsaaaea ana Diaaaaea of Woman. X-Ray aiao tro Tharaptutica, Temple Bid., Room Is, Fbone ! the internal gear drive is the basis of several excel lent makes of rear axle. The excellence of this form of power transmission is recognized almost universal ly by automotive engineers; and its widespread en dorsement by truck users is evidenced by the pre ponderance of internal gear driven trucks. The second feature is exclusive in Torbensen Drive patented impossible of imitation or im provement. A forged-steel I-Beam carries all the load. No other drive can have a forged-steel IlBeam load carrier with a patented shoulder engagement for maintaining practically perfect, permanent align ment of the load-carrying and driving parts. This construction has made Torbensen Drive strong and long-lasting. And at the same time it has reduced its weight to about half that of ordinary rear axle drives. This strong, lightweight construction makes Torbensen Drive save gas, oil and repairs, and increases rear-tire mileage about twenty per cent. Torbensen Drive has stood the test of seventeen years' hard work. Throughout this period its basic design has remained unchanged and unchanging except for logical improvements in details. This adherence to a fixed mechanical principle, and to an advanced form of its application, has re sulted in a seasoned, thoroughly established rear axle drive for motor trucks. REPUBLIC TRUCKS Use the Torbensen Rear-Axle Pendleton Auto Co. Established 1907 DR. H. H. HATTERY Physician aiul Surgeon American National Hank Building Office phone 673. Res. phone 1070 5 j iTniiiiitiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiif iiiiitiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiitif itiiifiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiirr Jewelry and Silverware Give the kind that have lasting value The name of Sawtelle is a defi nite recommendation of quality to purchasers of jewelry and silver ware of the better sort. Delighted customers are continually inform ing us that our stock is the largest and most varied in Pendleton. We suggest early selections of' HOLIDAY GIFTS. It will be to your advantage and convenience in every way. Pendleton people have never viewed better display of silverware, than is to be seen here now. ALL the new and up to date ideas in de signs and patterns, as well as high class period reproductions in ster ling silverware. You'll be delighted with . what we have assembled for your particu lar choosing. Royal M. Sawtelle The largest diamond dealer in Eastern Oregon.