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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1919)
FOURTEEN PAGES DAILY EAST ORECONIAN, PEHDLETOlT, OREOOIT, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1919. PAGE T9UB News of Pendleton Til JMImn Rmllcv At lUtcAUta move IiIm pile of residence to MImm Florence B, Smiley, county idlotOD. hsslth Bttnw, I at tttversW booooI, to ilny makliiK ;.h. i, ,i cxuml jiiitl"ii of Alliens I'Iiiii- Tin-key NIhmI. Hcliool pupils. voy, however, 1m dolnit rnnch fa xter inlimte predatory nnlmuU In tho for. cm, elates Mr. Wooda. I'iK le l.eves for Nun Diego. Allen Took, of Juinwlown, N. Y., who has born visiting; hla nephew. I . I). HotWrt, here for the punt week, ilc pnrtMl this artcrnoon on No. 18 for Hun lueuo where ho will winter Iklftar Leases Searcey Itancli. Kinest A. KdKiir. rormerly In part nershlp with Wlllliitn KuppciH on his South Cold Bprlnjf ranoh, nan bong-hl the outfit uml taken a five your lease on V. ( Heareey's I tun) acre ranch at the head of Missouri (luleh, northwest of Pendleton. Mr. Seaieey will ra- Onatr Htephens, of Athena, an nouneeil today that the Athena Hod and Oun Club will hold a turkey shoot there- on I'ecember 21, to which j hold Its monthly meeting tonlKht. hooters. In Ifcndletoa are cordtully invited. Medina Is l'o-ip.,,1,-,1. Ovtag tm stormy weather tin Re tall Clerks talon of this o t I NOW TELLING BEFORE WHERE THAT RIGHT SPOT IS TO INVEST IN I Theater Will be Heated. The Oregon theater toduy obtained pi rmiKslou to huve the building- heater for this evening's performance of l ' bin rhln. Sam Wrig ht, manager of the playhouse, announced that the comfort of the patrons will be looked after. The 'bin l 'hln company arrlv- d on No. 19 at 1 o'clock this after noon. t'umiuiuni Will Ktai-t Monday. Tho high school caniimlan for the felling of Ivceiim tickets will bcgls Monday morning. The sale will riot la-Kin on Saturday, because of the Hule of lied Cross seals on that date. Mill ill UM WaterpoHi r. The Pendleton Roller Mills Is put ting its water power machinery In sh-tpe to resume operations tomor row after having been forced to close down on orders prohibiting the use of electricity for power. Q U yJUI TV SERVICE CMS! Im.T'a$a Anions thfr. Der in the wtttrrn division of tho I inatillii National forewt have increua-, sheriff ;ill for Befft Slllnmn. w ' BO vmm m uw Anyone in JVnrlloton or vicinity ! paHt five yMrn, nccordln to an ontl- J knowing tho whereabouts of a man mato made today by H it. Wood I named Bert BpUlmaiL thought to be for en t ranger of Alboe who Ik In thein thlH vicinity, is anker to ' .it hfM city. Itanwer Wood sayH that one knowlfdK. t, Sheriff . who has if.irum ror irn mcroHHe in ine ih that tho Krwth of iindcrhrutih lias made it hard for hunters to get the deer. san that in his opinion, only half the hunters kH one deer in a sea son and that not many get two. A peculiarity noted by Mr. Woods in that ai the Ueer increase, the cougars and coyote, the enemy of the deer, In crease a Iho. Tho I', s. Itlologlcul Kur il mCKHilfEO for the ICrm t. s. Gtboon nnwohoytifr Mrs, T. H. flibson Is convalescing after an operation performed Tuesday morning at Ht. Anthony's hospital. M1h Helen Gibson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. f,lhson, who has been ill with pneumonia. Is convalescing also. 101101101101101101101101101101 Fine Christmas Chocolates and Candies Made in Oregon By Russell & Gilbert Co., Portland We have just received and placed on display a large shipment of very fine Christmas Candies. THIS SHIPMENT INCLUDES A LARGE AS SORTMENT OF FANCY PACKAGE CHOCOLATES THAT WILL DELIGHT AND PLEASE THE MOST DISCRIMINATING PEOPLE. "Send them a package of chocolates" Priced at 40c to $7.75 "You can depend on u" Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. , Fine Groceries and Meats Phones 101. (Private exchange connecting both departments.) 1 101101101101101101101101101101 "See Me Before The Fire" If ymi wish to make a quick sale of your property, It will pay you t Il-st It with us. We haw arrange ments wliervhy we can nil property on easy terms the buyer and get the cash for the seller. We are selling property on the. plan to parties that couldn't buy otherwise. JOE KERLEY Insurance, Loans, Real Estate, Grain 721 Main Pendleton It i -!.-( hall t.arnes at High School. Tho ho ni .J- beat the sophomores 11 to 6 in a basketball game at the high Rchool last night. The Juniors beat the freshmen with a score of 21 to 13. Tonight the seniors will play U ireshmen and the Junior vHl piay i he Mrphomren In the clasH s?rie-.. BIcyeBoa Arc rsele. Bieyclen ar UBeless during the storm apd mewenper hoys are eoing the roundn on foot today. Western I'nlon messenger boys are confining tholr per vices to cairyirur tcIeKrams and are not answering other calls for messenger Fervice. Elmer it. ! I Wauled At ltots Klmer Iledel. thought to be r siding In Pendleton, Is wanted at Boise by B. IJcdel," who writes Sheriff Tavlor that the man's father hits Just died. The writer said that when last heard from, Bedel was living with a family named Basehor. No persons by that name are known to be living here now, however. PoKoning t'ampaign lostMmctl. Because of the continued snow fall, tho rabbit poisoning campaign sched uled to take place this week in the wr-st end of the county, has bren post poned. As son an the snow slops fallinK. the poison will be put out and the deep snow will contribute tO the success of the j campaign, says Fred I '-nnfon. county agriculture a cent. The stryehnlrfe, mixed with alfalfa j haV, will form the only green food In , sight and It is expected that the rah bits will succumb by hundreds. Yes ,' tordny preparations for the mixing of tiie poison were made at Hermlston. Bdn and Columbia, so that all wilt j be In readiness for the campaign as soon as weather permits. The sum of $1,000 has been spent for the poison and throe and a half tons of hay will .a IS to used. PUT ON PUBUCSALE i BUY YOUR XMAS M CANDY EARLY Do not put off buying your Xmas candy until it is all gone. Our stock of candy now is very choice and complete. . Mixed Candy Per Pound, 50c MIXED NUTS ALL KINDS We have a largo amount of mixed nuts all ready to send out as you order. If there is a certain kind of nuts you prefer we will gladly mix them as you order. Mixed Nuts, per pound, 50c FRESH COUNTRY SAUSAGE 30c POUND SPARE RIBS 20c POUND YUMA, Arix.. Dec. 10. Five hun dred farina, with all water rights in cluded were put on sale by the J'uiicd States government here today at a public auction. The farms are in a large tract which roceiit Irrigation projects brought un der cultivation. All are in the Yuma valley. The farms will he of five, ten or twenty acre unts, and the govern ment will not consider any bid under inS pdr at re. Ton percent, must he paid today, fifteen percent in sixty dart and tho .balance in three equal annual payments. w i Grocery Department Two Phones 526 ENTENTE NOTE-MEETS WITH GERMAN FAVOR 1 BERLIN, Pec. 10. The allied notes ! demanding (erniuny s immedite ac ceptance of the protocol were received today. The tone of the notes, ac cording to German official circles is , considered conciliatory. "Germany will sign.' a well-posted i diplomat here today declared when he I heard of the provisions of the notes. H is understood that the entento, have agreed to permit postponement of the delivery of German docks and marine materials demanded as repa ration for the sinking of the tntenu d German fleet at Hcapa Flow, until it can DO determined whether their sur render W0tll4 hopelessly cripple Ger jinany'n industries as the Germans ' have contended. Tbe entente, how I erer, refused to change their stand I toward German war prisoners and ! holds to their right to Invade Germany if she transgresses any of the rules bittl down by the peace conference and the armistice. Notes on the Scapa Flow matter, it 'Is understood, require Germany to list 'the marine materials demanded, no mftlUtUy delivering tbem to the allies, but with the privilege of demanding 'their return if theGermun government lis able to prove that delivery is over burdensome when the matter Is sub mitted to arbitration. This is regard -ied by the Germans as virtually an ad ' mission that Germany will be nltowed to retain the docks. Foreign Minister Mueller is expect ed to present the notes to the releh- thnt the government may send Its In- structlons to Itaron Von l.ersner, the German representative in Paris, PENDLETON'S LEADING STORE Cfte 'Store of m$tw,$ twit Brilliant In Its? Holiday. Dres THE STORE RADIATES THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT. ON EVERY COUNTER PILED HIGH ARE XMAS GIFTS AWAITING YOUR SELECTION. DO YO JR SHOPPING AT THIS BIG STORE. Making You Acquainted With Smart Shoes for winter Here are pre-Xmas styles of dis tinction and individuality, present ed in a. wide variety of materials and colorings. Here are evening and walking boots of attractive design, the Louis heels and smart walking heels, to suit the occasion. (a I 1 Tan Kid Boot, welt sole, medium leather Louis heel, an excellent quality shoe for $8.50 Brown Kid Boot, welt sole, leather Louis heel $10.00, $12.50 uight Grey Kid, turn sole, covered slender Louis heel $12.50 Ivory Kid, long vamp, ivory welt sole, covered Louis heel. ...$15.0O Cream Kid, Smartz Goodwin Qual ity, light welt, new long vamp, slender Louis heel $16.50 Bronze Kid, also Smartz Goodwin Quality, light welt, long vamp, covered Louis h2el $18.00 Brown Calf vamp with chavenette top to match, button, Cuban heel welt toe. An attractive boot for street wear $15.00 The Beauty of a New Blouse Emphasizes Costume Smartness. It may cost $6.95, or it may cost $35.00, it mat ters not the price. If it is of Georgette crepe correctly designed and artistically trimmed thtn it is beautiful and these Alexander's custom ers are admiring every There shades. are many new ..." - - - 9 Oil PRACTIc A SILK UMBRELLA $5.50 to $15.00 Yes, why not a silk umbrella? They make appropriate as well as practical gifts. Our assortment consists of black and colors, of pur ple, green, taupe, brown, red, etc. Fancy ring handles, with trimmings to match. Pick it out now and let us lay it aside. SILK VELVET, $8.50 YD. A shipment of the fin est quality Silk Velvet in black and dark gree'n. These are back order ?oods and just now arriv :ng. Give her a suit or dress off these. As you know, Velvet is very styl ish and very practical. RIBBONS Plain colored ribbons, fancy ribbons, satin ribbons and silk ribbons, in fact the only real ribbon department in town. Ribbons for lingerie and trimmings, ribbons for fancy work, ribbons for bags and ribbons for camisoles, offered n the largest variety of shades and patterns. Ribbons for every use. You'll surely need ribbons to make up into Xmas gifts so come to this store where you can get the best. GIFT PETTICOAT $4.50 to $25.00 Satin Petticoats wr pin tucked and ruffle1 flounce in all new :ft shades and white. A host of style fa-shi ed of taffeta, silk jersefr washable satins, crepe J chine and Georg I Styies suitable for b Q street and evening we in light and dark eol i tor street, and lovelv r - tel shades wear. for eve-r,vr GIVE A PAIR OFW""l GLOVES - for girls and women, an expres m'ent just came in c mittens and gloves, also some lined leather mittens wifi fur cuffs, for the kiddies. Warm Gloves 25c to $l.Zf Rring your PACKAGES here to be wrapped uiu! mailed. V"e have a special service for this. Use it. its five. A SPLENDID XMAS GIFT IS A VELVET BAG A big lot just came in, in plain and fancy, offered in black, navy brown and taupe, in manv desirable shapes and styles. Well made and neatlf finished. $3.50 to $25.00 At a time like this when you can't get to town easily, USE THE PHONE and we will endeavor to fill your crders as well as if you were here. USE THE PHONES. GROCERY DEPARTMENT 526 OTHER DEPARTMENTS 78 XMAS BOXES, 5c to 50c Xmas Boxes of all sizes and shapes. Come here for vour supply. We can fill the order exactly for you. Also TYING RIBBON, 10c spool to 20c roll. NEW METAL BAG TOP $1.25 to $3.50 if very best quality and they come in just the shap .vant. Make up some bags as gifts and use these r -ng handles wih chains, offered in silver, brass and Z lized silver. Extra Special in Our Cor set Dep't CORSETS AT 1-2 PRICE We are closing out broken lines of corsets. All of standard makes, such as R. 4 G.. Smart Set, Binner and Lady Ruth. Closing out Ferris Corset Waists. Your choice. . 50c I ; fjs n I I 8 si A w m fir 1 i j i i i n I :A i i i ai Mi .