PAGE TWO FOURTEEN PAGES USEFUL GIFTS GIFTS THAT ARE PRACTICAL ARE ALWAYS MORE GRACIOUSLY RECEIVED THAN GIFTS WHICH ARE PURELY ORNAMENTAL. YOU CAN'T MAKE ANY MISTAKE IN PRE- 1 SEN TING THEM TO YOUR FRIENDS AND RELATIONS. ANY OF THE GIFTS THAT YOU MAY BUY HERE WILL BE SURE TO BE GREETED WITH MANY SMILES AND THANK B YOUS. 8 DAILY BAST ORSGOirtAJJ. Wmt-BTOW. ORPSGOK. WEDNESDAY, iECEMBER 10, 10i0. 3 fi i 8 8 8 A New Skirt for Xmas w9iwwwi!8wiwpsk! We have just received tome smart new sta les in pretty skirts and would like you to see them tomorrow. Of all the skirts we have shown this season, these are the most attractive. Into them the makers have put their best ideas and their best fabrics. Some of the styles are quite elaborate; others are simple; all are becoming and unusually good looking. WOOL SKIRTS SILK SKIRTS . . $8.75 10 $28.75 $10.50 to $25.00 T. P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP In Our Model Sanitary Basement CLEANLINESS ECONOMY SERVICE 3 Main Line Phones, all 15. All Other Departments Call 22 T. P. W. COFFEE T. P. W. Special Blend Coffee is a perfect Coffee, rich in aroma, strong in flavor, yet smooth and pleasing to the most delicate palate, price 55c pound. When in need of Coffee order some of our T. P. W. Extra Fancy Sauer Kraut, quart 15c Sliced Hawaiian Pineapple, 6 cans. . .$1.65 Fancy Eastern Cranberries, pound 20c Very Select Mince Meat, pound 30c We have a few boxes left of choice Hood River Spitzenberg Apples, while they last the box $2.75 I IF IT'S IN OUR AD IT'S TRUE We back every statement we make with the best goods in America goods that have a name and a reputation to sustain. We give you the best for the price, no matter what the price. t tfUL MM U:& nvx i2jf Xji4 if j2 Dollar Day Specials Thursday will be Dollar Day in Pendleton's Greatest Department Store. Read this ad carefully, then come and secure the best dollar Christmas gifts in Pendleton. A CHOICE LOT OF ARTICLES FROM OUR DRY GOODS SECTION. YOUR CHOICE FOR $1.00 THURSDAY. shaw KMT sll.K liosi: BOX HANDKERCHIEFS 14 inrh hoot of silk, rotors oi havana A - ff x 111 Xmaa box, ft complete lot of designs. ifm brown, white and black. Hollar Day. . . J .(JU splendid, values, Dollar Hay lor Jbl.vv INFANTS' WH1TF Sll.K IIOSF. FINK SHF.ICIl IJ.N'l'.N IA8DstKBCHIEF8 Ettas 1 to 1--. a splendid gift, fi -m Hand embroidered designs In wntta ,r d! AA Hollar Hay tb i UU '' V''V ttettT ""Uar Day, earb.. Jhl.UU E-l ( Hn.Mi:X'S WAIST I'.N'ION S11TS HAinKKHCH?EFtl Fleece lined' nge.s 4 to il -a g Fine sheer lawn ami lim'n, Initiate and original de- Holl ir Pay I i II I III whlti; ami rit 1 fi( "Pvv a great selection. Dollar Dal theeo Sftc Jgl IIII handkerchiefs, 3 for r i.rxon tou.kt watfh In Christinas box. several odors, such as (t f HJIlllONS violet, roue. etc. Dollar Day JS I IIII I'1 novelty designs, splendid for caml- 5 - fA V Holes .bags etc. Wide widths, UnUSUtU ' X mIHI DM: IlOX MF.LIIA POWDER values. Dollar Day. the yard . and one box Melba greusless cream. An- rf m f other splendid gift. Dollar Day. !K I IIII 1II MAN II IIL KTS ap Shape. Dollar Hay 15c nets, 7 for .hi III FRENCH n ORV f.V Various pieces of French Ivory, such as A 1lA SI.IItA I V ' I ' combs, hair receivers, etc. Dollar I;i- p V V BWltlMl designs, 35c Velln..l. .... I ay . ,. C I TFX MANH J HKSF.T RIBBON NOV! LTI1S 8 -T ' Po"""Pauito polish, 1IU0 vanltv eases , color, a- aa cuticle remover, file, oralis wooil stock (J - AA , . hL j fill and sandpaper files. In I'hrlstmas box. Hy Iol"u' 1Jay P 1 VV Dollar Day, - boxes for V CI.IMAX 3 I.I5. -f)TTON BATT8 Worth tl.GO. Dollar Day, rf 1 r STRAP M7KSE8 .;ch Jpl.UU A Bplendid assortment, worth to SI. 51 ff 4 Dollar Dav Si fill MF.RtJF.RI7.KD TABM: DAMASK K VV An unusual Rood value at 1.I6. Dollar (J f AA , Day, the yard HI AH CHAINS A wonderful selection of bright pretty Am gift STAMIM'.I) CFNTF.RS colors, long strands, regular $l.ti9 values. S I IIII Scarfs and Tin Cushion Sets, At m AA Dollar Day V Dollar Day 3I.uif For His Chrittmna Gift A House Coat or Smoking Jacket There hardly anything a man will appreciate .(. than one of these comfortable ood-iooking House Coats or Smoking Jackets. Our Christmas selection includes Coats made of two-tone fabrics, Scotch plaids, silks and velvets, at prices ranging, from ,$7.7." to$.'J0.00 DOLLAR DAY ITEMS FROM OUR WOMEN'S WEAR DEPT. TOQI F.S FOR WOMKN ami CH1I.DRKN A m f U 25 and Jl 35 values, Thursday. .. Ji.lU COTTON WAISTS in organdy and voil, checks and neat stripes; all sizes; J2.5" to $3.50 values, Thursday only BRASSIERES, a choice, assortment, J1.25 and $1.35 values, Thursday $1.00 $1.00 DOLLAR DAY GIFTS IN THE MEN'S DEPARTMENT Fine Calin're Sox 81.00 : Pair Fine Cotton Sox SI. 00 Cuff Links. rr choice 81.00 St-arf I'm-., a ff'MMl assortment KI.OO Silk llamlkcrchicis Sl.00 3 OotHl Initial Handkerchiefs $1.00 2 iHl. Inre Utpen Hemstitched llnndken hiefs 81.00 Men's Shirts, Soft CulT. Neckband Sl.00 Boys ami Men's Toques SI. 00 II i-rm-11,-,,1 -riUjrS?" 'iaisewiit pmi) W HY WOltltV ABOITTHI' I I I.I. (lid -Man Suntu let the fire go oul ami hiked on his Christians trip with never a thought or worry about fuel. LET vol R FIRE QO ol'T. AND HIKE TO THE BARGAIN BASEMENT Santa's tilft shop very many baft, WARM I I I T SI.II'I'ERS RaMtamt Ovr SOU pairs lo lotfer in al Santa's t;irt Sltoi 1 - t lasi'iuiiii 81.10 Santa's t.iri slij MEN'S JI'.l'.SEV SV1TERS They're bolter than ItllrU. Nut WOMEN'S OC'IIVt. ;OWNS One of the best speMals that wo have to offer yon. BMommi 8i.i OCR BOYS' AND ;ULS' KHOE8 ARK GOINCJ LIKE WILD FIRE. TMEV'llE Bt'HTT FOR WHS WEATHER AND- Vol It POCKET hook. EVERY PAIR A BARGAIN. THAT'S WHY THEY'RE SELLING SO FAST. .Santa's tilft Shop Santa's QUI Shop WO.ME.Vs HEAVY. COATS MEN'S OOMFX SLIPPERS Make excellent presents. They're warm and comfoi table. Banemeni sio.dn to (SUM KMnmenl si.os Santa's (.lit Shop Santa's t.irt shop MEN'S HEAVY IMONS KNITTED PETTIOOATN Itullt for the coldest weather. A sensible warm garment. Baaqment si.o- Baaamenl $lM Santa's (iirt shop Santa's OWi Shop CHILDREN'S MACKINAW'S KNITTED C.M-S They are the v. ry best. A great lt for everyheily. nam imml 85.. mi to sh.oii Baaemml Sac to lot: (JI.OVES ,NT) MITTEN'S THAT ARE MADE TO IOSEF (l It HANDS WARM. NOT MERELY TO SELL. We are opening up a gtssl lu-e-Clirlstnin sale on these Items. i-il '1 his Coinfortabic Warm shop and -ta a- long as t,tt like. SANTA'S RAR43AIM BA8EMKKT. J SI II STATION NO. I. V. S. POST OFFICE We hare here in our libre a Mill station of the United states Post Office. ITS POH Vol 15 ACCOMMODATION. You may mail your letters and packages here. liu your Stamp, here. ecui-c ostnl iinlrp. anil hnVe all the attention ami scrWcc of a regular Post Office. WE WANT YOU TO MAKE THIS STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS Meet your friends here. Use our entrance for a waiting place if you wish. Use our rest room. Make use of our post office. Send your express packages from here. Buy money orders here. We are prepared to serve you better :han any other store in Eastern Oregon. Let us do it. PENDLETON GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE 36epQoples Warehouse, SPSHERE U PAYS TO TWPE WSMIW ONLY 11 MORE SHOPPING DAYS REMAIN now for you to complete your shopping. It will pay you to trade at The Peoples Warehouse. I sLV-i; i- -ml I SUNDAY SCHOOL PARTY ine oest iooos THE BEST WHITE CHEFS THE BIGGEST VARIETY TO SELECT FROM MAKES Jolly Inn THE BEST PLACE IN TOWN TO DINE I lllltllllltllllllltllllUlllllllllUIIIIIHMIIIIIIIIIUIIHtHlttlllllinilllllllllHIIIIIimMIIIMHIi ir ( TCaat Oregonian Special.) j ADAMS, Dec. 10. A Bun day school 5 jmrty wan celebrated at the home of S Mr. and Mrs. C. Shotz on Saturday i evening. "Big-apple-pie, L.ittle-ap- H .pie-pie, no-apple-pie, and Bee who ! gets the apple pies, was played. Those ! B present were: Ivan Blake, Wendle j Mclntyre, Gwendolyn Mclntyre, Ma Bftake, Hellen IJowyer, Hellen Illake. j Geneva DanieH, Willard Dames. Jerrie ' ! IJeuallen, Dora Wullan, Merle U'at- ruin, Pauline Doan, Clarence powers, j SZ Duniel Kvmbler, and Beulah Spencer. H Mr. and MrH. Frank Martin gave a ! HjCince at their home ranch on Satur- ! S day night, a large crowd in at- I St tendance. Kefreshmenta were served ( Hjund all had a flnfJ time. t , ; S Only One " NWMO Ql'IMlVK" 3 To tr"t the irenulne. call for full namo LAXATIVB BROMO QUININE Tablets. Miss Nellie Darr of Pendleton spent Sunday at home in Adams. Ed Wallon was in from his ranch Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L T Ueuallen and daughters Dena and Doris were In Pendleton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Krebs, were in Pen dleton Monday. Mrs. C. Bunch, Mrs. Clark and Mill Bunch were in Pendleton Wednesday. Mrs. P. KrebS and Mrs. K. Christian motored to Pendleton Thursday. L. L Lieuallen shipped in two car , loads of wood from Meachan for win ter use. L. 1 Lleuallen Is having some re-, pairing done on his ranch. Clint Halcomb in Koing to build n cow barn on his ranch in the near fu- i ture. Harvey was in from his ranch , Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. It. Wallon were In Adams Thursday from their ranch. The Adams basket ball clulj played in the city hall Thursday evening. Mrs. D. home with irern, is confined to had cold. Jump from Bed in Morning and Drink Hot Water Tells why everyone should drink hot water each morning before breakfast. Iok for Blannture of K. Cures a Told In One Day. W. (iROVE. 30c Protect Your Investment Motor trucks axe an investment. Rightly used, they- should earn dividends large enough and long enough to write themselves eff the hooks and then make clear profit. The purchaser of the WHITE backs his investment in it with strength cf the WHITE COMPANY, with its years of successful experience, with its thousands of trained employes, with its tens of thousands of trucks in active service, with its millions of cap'tnl, and a serving organization, nation-wide, which has no parallel in the industry. Ask Ear literature Frentzel-Wies Motor Co. Phone 46 722 Cottonwood THE WHITE CO. Cleveland. Ohio To see the healthy bloom In your ; face, to see your skin Ret clearer and j clearer, t wake up without a head- j j ache, ba'-kache, coated tongue or a . nr'sty breath, in fact to feel your best, : day in and day out, Just try inside j I'dthinj; every imirninK f9V a week. ! uerore oreaKiast each day, armic a ; KlaH of real hot water with 'a tea Ferre Carothers returned to Adams upoonful of limestone phosphate in it after visiting for the past week with as a harmless means of washing from :ii. nJs in Walla Walla. i -ie stomach, liver, - kidneys and bow- F. Vuhett of te Interior Grocery the previous day's Indigestible Company was calling on the business wasl-, sour bile and toxins, thus oeonle of Adams Thursday. I cbansing, sweetening and purifying t Tfi.r. in from his ranch tlu- entire alimentary nmitl before FrUiAv putting more food Into the stomach Mr. and Mrs. R. Lleuallen was In The action of hot water ;i nd limestone Adams Friday. j phosphate on an empty stomach is Mr ,n,i vir-u inv Patnn and little wonderfully Invigorating. It cleans out an ine sour lermcniai ions. gu' a and acidity and gives one a fine appe tite for breakfast. A quarter pound of limestone phos phate will cost very little at the drug store, bat is sufficient to demonstrate that those who are KUbJer to const I patlon, bilious attacks, aeld stomal h, rheumatic twinges or whose skin is sallow or pallid, that one week of In side bathing will have them looking and fueling better every way. d were Tendletun vlaltor on ' ilaiiKhtt ; Friday. ! A dance was given at A. Farrow'a on Friday nlKht. A number of friends ;arul relatives were In attendance and all had a fine time. ' A parent-teachers' entertainment van held at tho Adams public school house on Friday evening. They had a iiiiie proKram and a good attendance. Basketball was played at the city ,hall on Friday and Saturday evening!.. -Miss Hellen Blake of Pendleton high school spent Sunday at home In Adams. J. . Hales, motored to Adams Sat urday evening to attend I O. O. F. I lodge. Miss Gwendolyn Mclntyre of Tcn dleton spent Sunday at home In Adams. Mrs. Jim t'hestnut, returned to her hmc la Adams. Thursday after visit ing with friends and relutives In the eastern states for the past month. j Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Morrison and children were In Pendleton Saturday. Mr. and Mm. T. A. Clirl.itopher were In Pendleton Thursday. - READ I TEN YES- B DO SO : HmmmHm9IH-I-NHBw-H-iBHmB0 F YOU THESE SQUARES PRICES- Tourin4 Cir -f98S. Rtmdutmr, f?$5; Ftur.m tnn Sfdnn. $1333; Fouramcn Coup, $1335. F. O. D. Factory. Wrre Wh-eln st:d Spmrm Tirw Butr Western Auto Co. Garage Phone 530. Paint Shop Phone 6!!3 ID OUT MOTOR. GAR COMPANY Quality Goes Clear Tlirough It is entirely natural that there should be a steady, growing eagerness to own the Dort. Such manifest merits as its reliability, its staunchness, its easy-riding quality, and its marked economy in operation, are attract ing the attention of motorists everywhere. I 1 I I