FOURTEEN PAOFS DAILV BAST 0RE00M1AM. PENDLETON, OREOOK, WKDNIBPAY, DECEMBER 10. 1919 PAGE TEH k - .. am. n aim w. tomouhow "THI3 Milt 1,1. M V AWAPTKD h KM UK. (ifHU stv.i: pi. AY A saprrh, armmutic Paramount - A rt -craft f ca i ii rv . The M trac te Man. which will U on view at the A rend a Theatre tomon is ciiviard to h cho of the really i ren drmorts f i t i nt year. It was written by Ktftnk l. Park.trd and produced an a vtaRe .ftlay by George V Cohan and i : k (1 the Hroadwuv theatre In the noaaon of 1 9 1 -1 T. where it played for many rnntha. The screen version i maid to be even more absorbing and x hi tiling in its development of t a' striking story, w hlch -slunva the mar vellous transformation tinder the lencflcent InflucnV of an ennobling environment f four of the mt no jtorlaua crooks of Weat Torka under world. Hearing; of t tie healing powers of this old man of the hills. Tom Kurke and hta Kind determine to capitalize them to enrich themselves, tattle did they reckon that tn their new field of peratton they were destined to un- ' dergo a mas lea I transformation, and this forms the lasis of one of the most ; thrilling stories ever screened. A cast of unusual strength por trays the exact 1114 roles in the picture. Tom Melhan, well known us one of the foremost lealng men on the screen ha tho ohler part, others are Klinor Pair. Hetty Compaon, Lon Chaney. J If. DumoML V. Iewson Butt. P A. Turner. Lucille Huton and Jospeh J. Dowling. STIUKIXfi HTKNERY for ma story in "T1IK MIRAtXK MAN' From the sordid slumbs of New York's chlnattvwn to the grandeur of high mountains and the majesty of the ocean that Is the range of the selling in "The Miracle Man," a big new Paramount-Artcraft picture, 91 ''asaMi ViVIAN MARTIN .An Innocent Adventuress CJnmouiilCpictUKr Its natural for the tea or coffee drinker to relisk POSTUM for this table beverage has a most satisfying coffee-like flavor, though it leaves none of the harmful after-effects that so often attend tea and coffee drinking. Economical, too. fade fcy POSTUM CEKtAL COMPANY Battle Creek. Mictugan.r Arcade Today CHILDREN 10c CAmerJcan Fit Co., In ADULTS 35c Six Feet Four A Six. Part FrocUicxioiv ox vr William AbBocK Thornton RUSSELL which Ik COIQ In to 'he Arcade theatre next week. The Hame expanelvenetw of vision is reflected In the lnorbln etory, wrlttu by KTnnk U I'ackara later drumatlzed by UPorne M. c-ohan. and pr.iclmod with etrlHlim nuccexa on broadway. The antral figure l a whito-hnlrea patriarch, who Uvea In tho hills naur ihe ea and who hue reputed power to huol the nick and crippled. Tom Burif and hla band in their haunt In tht New Yory underworld road of hlo miracles and com -eve the idea of WpltalUUni them for their own gain, o they go to the tmvn wkere the old nnn Uvea and frame up a miracle for him. To their surprise they discover that he really possesses the healing power accredited to him. Gradually under the boneflrent In- fluence of their now enviornmem there la worked' a transformation In tho hearts of the crooks and that makes Hose, the sangster's beautiful decoy, the charming g'rl he la nt : heart, that evolves a farm nana out of a dope fiend, and finally, tfrlnga out the better nature of even the hardened, sophstlcated Tom Uurk himself. In the hands of fsuch cap able artists as Thomas Melghan, Eli nor Pair, Joseph J. Howling. Betty : Compaon. and others of similar merit, this powerful story becomes a vital, living thing and one of the greatest dramatic spectacles of the screen has yet revealed. AVTA TODAY VIVIAN' MAItTlJt A FARCg FOU 0001 IX HEH NEW rKTI'Hl ' WMB v 1 r 1 ni A new paramount picture In which that delightful and popular little star. Vivian Martin, play the leading role, j "An Innocent Adventureaa," will bo shown for the flrat time at the Alto theatre beginning today. The picture, shows how the inno ojrnca of a little girl can sometimes bf (ome a great and powerful frco fori good and cause the regeneration of a j man. In this Instance the man was a mere boy who had once been a their, j but who now Is trying to live up to the higher Ideals of life honesty, truth j and faithfulness. A queer turn of circumstances causes the boy to thir.k , the girl a thief and, thus deprived of this Inspiration, which had kept him from joining his pals he now goes back to the old "game." How ha discovers that the girl's i character Is stainless and again starts j on the straight road with a firmer step than ever Is brought out in a '. highly interesting plot. Robert Vlg nola directed the picture and Clara I i.. Henne-iy wrote both tho jnginai s'.cry iaul tl.s, seonario. The picture, it is 'je ievved, Is one of her most tuc cessfufl efforts of her career and Is I pecto 1 to add greatly to her already i enviable ! omlvarh if that be pue isible among screen patrons. I Frame ii. Gaibutt was the camm-i- man ami tne supporting taw hi intOlt will nown Paramount ant Art craft players as Lloyd Hughes. Id ' io Chapman, Gertrude Norman, Jane v'.'oltf. Ton; D. Bates, Hal Clements, Tiers Farley and Spot'ljwooiKi Alt ken SUA Today children 10c Adults 35c cW tl : TTWTW 16 vnr film a " jmkkw. WUW ltlltMHItM0llilliilltltllliliniinilllltMpiMlMllfHM"illHtHltltMitllllMlMIMiMtltV r S PASTIME i CHILDREN 5c ADULTS 20c WILLIAM DUNCAN In-- Smashing Bairn; rs THE LIVING CRAVE. RAINBOW COMEDY The Popular Villian r I ; iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitii::iii!ii!:i:iii:rinMiMi'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii Jesse LLasky VI V IAN MAQTIN 'An Innocent m u a m Mivomircss Outing Chester Picture and International News Vaudeville Van Orden & Fallows Singing and Dancing. Monroe Bros. Bouncing Babies. Executive Officer (as ship is! to anchor): Ucggo that starboard an chor." Recruit (Just aboard ship re ccntly): I ain't got ahoM of It. sir." Iietrolt News. HELIX HAS BANQUET EX-J (East uregonian Special.) HEIIX. Dec. 10. A large number of Helix people attended the recep tion and enrertalnment held Friday night in honor of this community. 's returned service men. A banquet was held, followed by a reception and ad dresses by the following: Harold J. Warner, of Pendleton, and Dr. John Grlswold, of Helix. The dance at the K. P. Hall was largely attended and enjoyed by all. Sawyers orchestra provided the music. The affair was managed by the com mercial club committee. Among other who gave effective service were the honor guard and W. C. T. IT. Those present at the banquet are as follows: Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Ghormley, Mon ta Olvens, Claude Russel, Bruce Ham ilton, Ernest Kuoff, Walter Garrett, Charles Gibson. Mr.and Mrs. A. I Garrett. T. Engdahl, Dr. and Mrs. Grlswold, Mrs. Kendall, Jack Rose. Fred Slocum, Al Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Stake. Mr. and Mrs. Iff. Morrison, R. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. L. Nor. veil, John Lewis, Bessie Lewis, Erna Ruther, Earl Ghormley, F- H. Moes, J. Ringer, H. J. Warner, Rev. Lynn, Frank Davis. Ray Marks, Walter Porth, Alice Clark Grace Garrett, Mrs. W. H. Albee, Mrs. Minnie Walker, Bertha Sondo, Pearl Alspach, Harah Montgomery and Mrs. Mason. Edmund Potts Is home on a visit. There Is a community Christ mas tree and program in town this year. t Helix high school basket ball team U going to play a practice game with Athena December 12, at g p. m. Carl Engdahl spent the week end in Pendleton. Miss Ruth Blowers spent this week end with Helix friends. L. D. Clark Jr., was an Athena visi tor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. McLain and son left for Portland for a two weeks va cation Saturday. A steel gang of DO men la working out of Helix. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. McKinney of Weston were in Helix Thursday. Miss Ivan Dale spent saiuruaj w.w. Bessie Lewis. I The honor guard girls contributed (7( to the soldiers banquet. The guard disbanded last August. At that time having 21 members. They were organized in April 1918 for patriotic service. They also adopted for a year five French orphans. Emmett Kerley is very 111 with rheumatism. DEFINITTPLATFOiT FIUME SETTLEMENT TO BE SUBMITTED i rtvTuiv TV Q A definite plan for satisfactory settlement of the F'ume situation will be sub mitted to the British government byt Italian Foreign Minister Hcla lola during his present visit here. It Is understood today. Humor lH'ilk-l ROME. Dee. I'opolo Roma no rffoclally denied a rumor that Gabriels D'Annunxio is prepar ing a new exposition against the Dalmatian coast. AND WISH TO LEARN OF A GOOD ONE, GET A PER SONAL INTER VIEW AND U Model XT A Bicycle for Christmas Cove your boy a bicycle for Christmas. There is nothing that would be any more appre ciated and would be a gift of real worth. Wo have The Dayton from the small children's size -P ' to the regular full slzo. I'OMi: I.N AMI IiOOK TIIDM. OVI'.H. Pendleton Cycle Co. as E Court Phono 144 A path of warm, soothing sweetness follows every sip of our Hot Drinks Not merely "something hot," but a rich drink that will work wonders on the inside of little folks and big folks these chilly winter afternoons and evenings. Hot Tomato Bouillon Hot Mlted Milk Hot Oyter Bouillon Hot Beef Tea Hot Chocolate Hot Chili Con Came Hot Weinie Sandwich Every hot beverage for fastidious tastes i The Charles Co. tl WHOLK8AI.E AND RETAIL, J1S MAIN STREET PHONE I m Peredixo J ! ! H I i Dance Dance WITH Belmont Novelty Orchestra Of Portland, Oregon Monarches of Meloday. A Hit Everywhere Eagle-Woodman Hall Wed., Dec. 10, 1919 Admission 10c Everybody. Come READ THE WANT ADS Doctor Tells How to Detect Harmful Effects of Tobacco Try These SIMPLE TESTS Now Yorlc: Doctor Connor, formerly 1' JohriK Hnnktns hoHDltal. ways: Many men who Hinoko, rhrw or anuff Inrrs- and who arc sppminBiy tieminy nn nuffVrinir from nroirrpftwlvi organic ailment. Thousand of them would never have been affttctid had It not been for the use of tobacco, and thous ands would soon.Ret well If they would Only fltop the UBe of tobttCCO. The chief habit forming principle of tobac co ia nicotine, a deadly poison which, when absorbed by the system slowly affects the nerve's, membranes, tissues and ivtal organs of the body. The harmful ff fort of tohneeo vurles nd depends on circumstances. One will : no an ncirii wiui Hi'ii'Tai urwuuj, ers with catarrh of the thront. Indiges tion, constipation, extreme nervous r efts, sleeplessness, loss of memory, IncU of will power, mental confusion, fate, others may suffer from heart dls ese, bronchial trouble, hardening of the arteries, tuberculosis, hllndnes- or (even cancer or the common amiouon known ss tonacro peart. ' J tobnero In any Mrm you ran eully de- led the harmful Sffeets by making the followlnir slniule Jests. KcS) nloild one full page frorq a book. If. In the course of reading our voire bfromes muffled, hotre nnd indistinct, nnd you iiinst trMiienlly clear your thront. th chances are that your tBtftnt Is fm-ctel by catarrh ami It my be the beginning of mof ssrlous trouble vt in lh in Mr ii int before Ukllll Four ntHtl amok, walk p three flights of stntrs at a tegulnr p. ihcn i stop. If you find that yon are out ot , breath, your heart b-st is forced. rambling or irregular, you may be a victim 01 functional or organic besrt trouble. IT vou feel that you must . smoke, ohttw or snuff to quiet your nerves, you are a slave to the tobacco habit, and are positively poisoning yourself with tin- deadly 'rug, nlco "tln". In either esse you have just two 11 Hern stives keep on with the self - i polnontng process irrespective of the,; dangers snd suiter the consequenceii, or give Up th(S liahlt nnd escape the ; dnngers. You can overcome the crav- ing and stop the habit In a ry short time by using the following Inegpen-1 Hive formula ( Jo to any drug store ana ask Tor KwMtI tablets, take one -tablet nfter estfh meal, and In a com parntiveiy ihort time you will have no desire for tobacco, the craving will have left you. With the nlootlne poison out of your system your general health will quickly Improve. Note When asked about Vb otol tsb t,.ta one 01 nilr l-sdlrt rlrugglsts said: II Is truly a wonderful frmetly for the tobatco habit; away nheafl Of anything we have VeT so Id before. We are al thorlxed by the ma nuiacluter a to re fund the money to every dissatisfied, customer, and we would not permit h he use of ottr name unless the remedy poasessed unusual met It. Nleotol tsb lets are sold In this city under an Iron- Had money-back gusrantee by all up- to-dste druggists, inciuning rcnaieion f-l.i(i Co. ami Koeppen lima ;1, -3f I -Jl mjjjj.i