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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1919)
TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST OBEOONIAlf. PENDLETON, OREQON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER !, 1019 PAor won THE GOAT Hi.p.-h t.uikH l In one filU, call' U IM "Tank Vrni,ry.'' Of th nmiiM' r vUIiikcji not ven th ruin r.rniiln, th walla, huvln-K long In 06 buen Muct-d t. tone-flut. Of th old miMrolflctnl fur ti up th railroad thr arc only occasional nuked trre-KtvtriK, with a IVv. IvaflfMH branctiKH. Th r Ih nn livinv tree for ' mllM and mil. (Jirmnii ea did It. j The old Inft-rnri of nund haH kIv.-ii 1 place to a mor terrible ullencf a n- ! lent nitWokon by livlnir creature. No i-ii'N. no moving nm. in the i KThhh, nothing hut the iibnrtlute nl- I lence of a man-miide deert. Pirun the UfHl lilt nral point of xw, ; the country im yearM In the future. 1 Kvery ttquare fool must he leveled rind 1 remored. Only here the undertaking III Infinitely Mioro difficult. Any mo ment the workman may run Into an ! uiiexploded or bidden death trap. 1 Kvery farm will have to be equipped With a complete now driilnaffp yn- I tern. The old plpofl were ripped out rlurlng the early pari of the bombnrd ment, allowlim the waKte water to h l trend over t hi- flat court tr Hide and collect In deprcsHionn. Careful Providers Are Using Troco Not alone because it saves them 25 to 40 cents on every pound. That would be negligible if Troco were not a real luxury delicious, nutritious and satisfying. Troco is made from the two great food essentials of the Tropic and Temperate Zones. The dainty nut fat extracted from the white meat of fresh coconuts, is churned with pasteurized milk. Troco flavor ia inimitable. Troco is churned and shipped every day, on ice, to insure its freshness and sweetness. If your dealer will order fre quently and keep his stock in the ice box, your Troco will come to your table in all its original freshness and sweetness, just as it comes from the churn. If you have For sale by trouble In getting Troco in perfect con dition, write direct to the Troco Nut Butter Company, Chicago. We are obliged to label Troco "oleo margarine" because of old laws, enacted before this nut-made food was invented. Law also denies us the right to color in churning. Do you consider such discrim ination fair? Write your congressman abou it Send for Troco Recipe Book Tti. ..., ftrrlp Book, m practical llltlr pr.p.ti il by las Hallr li.n. stadlr on i' I . 1. 1 r Traea Nut nnlf.r f North Michigan Avnwfl, I lii.atc". aad at jour dealer's name. all dealer FOR THE AVIATRIX WRECKS LINE HORIZON IN BATTERED BELGIUM By EDWIN W. EUTLJUNQBjR (United Press Staff Correspondent.) PHE8. Ilelgium, Dee. 9. Although 8. INVESTED I IN THE k m small armies of men, mostly German prisoners, have been working nearly a year, devastated lletgium looks to day Just as barren and war-torn as when the armistice sent the German armies hurryini? back Into the dls- tnnces from which they had come. S.. immense Is the reclamation task oefore them. It is not noticeable that i the workers have made any impre 'slon at nil. Ypres Itself, n collection of ruins, has hardly been touched. The debris I has been swept from the streets an I 'a lean-to station put up near the sit i of the old. A few resturants hav :he..n reonened for tourists and rela tlves of fallen soldiers visiting tho xone. Oirlo Venders Come. aaaa.fl L'liuntlet of noBtal-rar.l sellers and curio venders forms reg ularly ootslde the station a few r'n utes before train time. Several liv en men and Knrage owners do a fine business driving slltht-seers over th - tile field was In 1918. i To the east, south and north stretches an uKly. shell-chopped llfe 'less terrain, where gangs of "body snatches," (the Tommy's name for grave hunters) are still wandering. 'Now and then, in some out-of-the-way grass-stuffed crater they still find a water-soaked uniform, gray or khaki. ,'with a human skeleton Inside It. They ; gather the bones together in a sack land carry them back to headquarters. jOr. they find a forgotten grave, prob ably marked by a rain-blackened 'wooden cross. The battle area Is dot ted with these crosses the only epi taph on some being a rusty trench helmet. The "body snatchers" Job Is to dig up the bodies, put them In sacks too. and bring them away for re- burial. WnclA Mete HorUon. V.'i.clied tanks, wagons, trucks, am nitinmon dumps, pill-boxes are scat rararl up to tbe horizon. Four miles nown the M.-nin road from Ypres 2S ammmmr vXammT MWfer rSSty - NATIONAL BANKS EXEMPT ' , FROM STATE RATE LIMIT WASHINGTON. .'Dec. . National hanks have the right to change Inter est in excess of mavvimum amoun. al lowed under state laws, the supreme, court decided todav. NEW TOR K Leave it to th designers to fill the wants of women in their new occupations. They were right on the spot with this model (or the latest sport flying. It's practical) too. But minus these Ypres is today liiin i,"'..,!-li pi.i.r; Christmas Suggestions Send money to your folks in the Old Country. It is cheap now. Make use of this. Today we can give you: Francs 2000 on Paris for about $205.00 Pounds 300 on England for about $120.00 Marks 5000 on Germany for about $140.00 We issue drafts on any place in Europe. Nico Blydenstein UMATILLA FLOUR & GRAIN CO. Pendleton, Ore. 220 East Court Phone 475 UN INSIOE BATH MAKES YOU LOOK AND FEEL FRESH Says a giant of hot water With phosphate before breakfast keeps illness away.' Physirans the world over recom mend the Inside bath, declaring this is of vastly more Importance than out side cleanliness, because the skin pores do not absorb Imparities into the : blood, causing HI health, while the jptirefl In the ten yards of bowels do. Ken and women are urged to drink each morning, before breakfast, a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful 'of limestone phosphate in It, as a harmless means of helping to wash from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the previous day's Indigestible I material, poisons, sour bile and tox l Ins; thus cleansing-, sweetening and : purifying the alimentary canal before eating more food. 1 Those who wake up with bad I breath, coated tongue, nasty taste or j have a dull, aching head, sallow com : plexion, acid stomach : others who have bilious attacks or constlpntion, I should obtain a quarter pound of : limestone phosphate at the drug store. This will cost very little but is suffi cient to show tbe value of inside bathing. PROMPT RELIEF (or the acid-dill nm r& stomach, try two or three RmioidS after steals, dissolved on flic tone-lie keep yoor etomaeb. sweet try Kl-aiolda the new aid to digestion. MADE BY SCOTT BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION IfcZa, Red Cross Christmas Seals 512 J KVKKRSO Jl cam I enclose $ to purrhaw P.ed r'ro.s.H fttrlstmns Peals to aid in the fijrlit against Tuberculosis. I Name Address City and State Make Checks Payable to Mrs. David Hill, Treas. The production nf Charles DiHinff ham's "Chin Chin'' has rivalled even "Floradora" in its popularity. Walter Wills and Roy Hinder are the featured memhers of the organisation. They are slim younjr men. masters of the eccentric dance and comedians of more than ordinary ability. "Chin (hin" is a musical comedy, or travaKanza. or fantasy, whatever It may please one to call It :Vut It is saturated with the cnmlc spirit and abound In delightful pantomime. The notices accorded the company this year pmvo that the agsrcKation of players is exceptional and that the production as a whole is a real "top notch" TllllinBham shw, and tlt even In war (inies. "Chin Chin" has been doing a record business on the road in army camps and elsewhere. The book of the play is by Anne Caldwell and It. H- Durnslde, lyrics by Miss Caldwell and James O'Dca. and music by Ivan Caryl) remember nH for tbe melodies of "The rink Lady" and "The I.lttle Cafe." Of its songs, "Violet." "The Cray Moon." "Tyovc Moon" "flood Bye" and "Ho Oar Slg Cong-Jue" are not likely to be forgotten for some seasons to roe There is n!sr saxophone music bv the renowned Tom Brown's Clown Sextette. In fact. "Chin ('bin ' is one of those fortunate shows that is clean and wholesome fun. offending no one. This delightful musical comedy win nee- at the Oregon Theater Decem ber in. If ever a tire received a real welcome from American car owners, the Republic Grande Cord is that tire. That it is more than living up to Republic reputation for longer life is a source of satis faction to us. A Republic Grande Cord on your car will show how far cord tire construction has ad vanced. 1 SIMPSON TIRE SERVICE COMPANY L. A. Mcnton, Manager. Guaranteed 6000 Miles Without a Puncture This Is I he new eiinrantiM on .nts Half-Solr which moans Just about 100 per rent punctm' pnntf. A Bit? Over Size Tire S About Half the Price of n the Ordinary New Tire AGENTS FOR FEDERAL TIRES Gertson & Marty Phone 595 639 Cottonwood St. DR. W. H. REYNOLDS Chiropractic Siervc Specialist. Rooms 1 and 2 Inland Empire Bank Bldg. Telephone 1018 Hrs. 10 to 12 a. m. 1:30 to 5 p. m. ROYAL BEAUTY A Good Stock of Coal in our Bins ROCK SPRINGS and UTAH Conditions of transpor tation and a strong pro bability of strikes make it advisable for you to buy now. B. L. Burroughs, Inc. PHONE 5 Cor. Webb and College W(4 : - REPUBLIC GORD TIRES OP JLJGCtJV LONDON Tho reigning beautv In Bttftlah peerage is the Countess oi Lisburne., wife of liord LIs lurne and daughter of Doll Julie de BitletH'oiirl. attache of the Chilean lesratinn. sha la r .,i. Castilian stock and a type of trm .-panisn oeauty. sne Is an accom 1'iisueu sporuworaati and aoclet layyiiiej