PATLV EAST OTIEGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREOOT?. T'I'f'.T.VTf "PAflS M.T TOIt VIVIW M VItTIV FAROE IXI i IN H 1 Tit m: - H 111 A np paramount picture in which that dellrhtful and popular little snr Vivian Martin. plav the Irn.liuc role! "An Innocent Adventuress," bo ehnwn for the first time at the AUa theatre beginning today. The Met lire shows how the Inno- , ci nee of a little Klrl ean sometimes le l'nif a great and powerful (OVC for pood and cause the regeneration of 1 nan. In this Instance the man was a mere boy who had once la?en a their, tn: Orho now Is trylnR to live no to the higher ideals of life- honesty, truth and faithfulness. A queer turn of circumstances causes the hoy to thtr.k the girl a thief and. thus deprived of this tnsplaatlon, which had kept him from joining- his pals he now goes back to the old "Kami'. Whitens like Peroxides 5 How he discovers that the k'tTs character is stainless and again starts on the straight road with a flrmol step than ever la brought out In a highly interesting plot. Robert Vlg nola directed the picture and Clara ;. Kennedy wrote both the irlginiU s'cry end lh secnarlo. The plctur, it is iic'.cvved, Is ono of her moat tut ressfilfl fiorts of her career am! In en pecie.t to add greatly to her already I pnvntmn i o uivarlty. if that be pos. slide among screen patrons. Flam; .;. Garbutt was the csincr.i- iimn and the support Ins cast In -hides I fiicIi vth Known Paramount and Ar: craft layers ag I.loyd Hughes. Kdytlt Gertrude Norman. jane offf. Tom D. Bates. Hal Clements, uames l'ariey and Spot'luwuode .:t koc PASTOCK TODAY Dirty Better Peredixo TooihPaste LIGHTS MAT) IIEg wrm III i: TlUMi; ' clears Sold only where W AD S goods Jff are displaced "Jtlt tlkfl kA An. to T lllhas striking a match with her thumbnail a la William S. Hart and holding It up so her dlrcstor. Jeseph A. Gordon I could light his cigarette. Hut Mr. Golden was too aj4onishrd to puff, and the match went cut. "Where did you learn that?" he ' w asked. "Taught myself,'1 smiled the Titian-i d This Laxative Is Now in livli a IfSEoia Hemes Thtj reInlc tJieir health with Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pcpcin Where there etc women ami young children oik.1 cJJnly pco- it is tlwaya well to have a mild, penile-acting laxa tive like Dr. Caldwell Syrup Pcptin haady. Tm n combination o( simple laxative herb with pepcin w hich Joe ell that u rcLird in constipction and doe it with w.rty and comfort. It is free from narcotics and may 1- given to bebi-j. Hnlt a million mothrrs htve it id as many ood American hemes, and these families arc healthier for it. Every drug store sell Syrup Pepsin at 50c and $1 a large bottle, the Utcr for those who already know its merits. 1 sp'te of the fact that Dr. CaldutU's Syrup Pepsin is the largest selling liquid scrativc in t..e Rvrtf, there being over 6 million bottles sold each year, many -vho weed its benefits haxe Hot yet used it. If you have not, send your name and c 'dress for a free trial bottle to Dr. Jl fl eWalt m WasMtijton St., Monti cvlfa, Ulinoit, DO. CALDWE LL'S SYRUP PEPSIN THE PERFECT LAXATIVE Arcade Today ADULTS 35c MMBH-- CHILDREN 10c Cimerican Film Co.,Ijuz: A Six Part Production, of Uivusuai Merit WILLIAM RUSSELL As B&cfc Thornton . . , BlT.. . . . I ' I H ell as the worst hnJ man on the Teen. Yon see, most people try to the trick by scratching the nail up Pearly white TMM"rM'nfmiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii m i bmiiissshsii iisi iimm mm i m 1 1 PASTIME I CHILDREN 5c ADULTS 20c I1 WILLIAM DUNCAN In Smashing Barriers From the Novel by Jackson Gregory. The most costly, stupendous and painstakingly produced sub ject in weeks. Thousands of doll. us were spent for the storv; six months in the making. It has the kind of a wallop found in only one or two pictures in a season. Jackson Gregory's Masterpiece IN ADDITION, HAROLD LLOYD COMEDY. II "fftt t ft 1 1 M $! i S COMING T() Till JOSEPH J. COWLING and BETTY 00MPS01SI a a THE MiRACLE MAN aim'Adf: THtnt sdav i kiiav and sati kday THE LIVING GRAVE. haired weeks tt be 'It took about six ,ost mo six perfectly Rood but now I can do it as ANNIE LUTHER In The Great Gambe itfe NANO WOMEN Womrn as wrll a mm tiro mnrlr mlfl 'erable by kiflncy and hjaddor trouble, i Dr. Kilmer Swamp-Hoot, the great kidney nifdiuinr. i highly ri'Commrnd- eit bv thousands. Swamp-Root stands the highest for ' the reason that po many people say it has proved to b- just the remedy need ; fed) in thoiiRrtndH of Veo the moflt di- .a. THE DRAUGHT OF DEATH. At druggists in large and medium uizo bottles. You may receive a sam u Biz..- bottle of Swamp-Hoot by Iar- eel Post, aliro a pamphlet telling you I atKgtit it. Address Dr. Kilmer A Co., , Liinjrhamton, N. Y., and cnelone ten ; ct us, alsi mention the Tundleton Huat i OrefcT.iian. und Aowo on the end of thp mntrh. That not c.nly breakes the nail, but also gets briniHtone under It when it burns, and, of course hurts. The sec ret is t draw the edge of the nnll quickly across the end of the match, and there you have It." Director Golden was so much im pressed with this new accomplishment of Miss Luther that he went straight ta his office and wrote into the script of "The Great Gamble" the new Pathe serial release In which she Is co-starred with t'harles Hutchinson, a scene In which she strikes a match wth her thumbnail. And, of anyone doesn't helieve she can do it, just go to the Pastime today and see for yourself. P"d by the villainous lumberjacks. j while searching for Bella's kidnapped father, are burled alive in a cabin. Enticed to the cabin under the im- presHion that they will find tin- girl's miHHing father there, Joe Ryan fBull- head Bulger) and his henchman. twi ot k tne supports out from under the shack and sent it down into a deep Pit with the pair locked inside. Not uittO they hear the clods -f dirt and stones falling on the roof of Iuncuri and Miss Johnson reulize that they are being burled alive. Kvery attempt to escape is futll. When the ganRHters have covered the cabin entirely, noth ing but a length of tin st.Veipe re mains over the ground nnd through thia they sent their ultimatum Unit Bella must marry Wiggins, one of the loaders o the gang, or they must well as played the leading role in It. I ired that it is one of the most dar. Illg and uo isual stunt he ever tack I ptrish. Duncan, who directed this scene ns ed. This ephui the Pastime Wednesday. de is being presented at Theatre on Tuesday and RAINBOW COMEDY sThe Popular Villian ijTiUKix; st'Kxratv ixi: m3 stokv ix "THK MIKACLiK MAN" iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniKHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiii jimiiiaiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiji Big Holiday Sale of I Highgrade Pianos and Player Pianos COMING ARCADE THEATRE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, That were ordered to be delivered here several weeks agro, but will arrive just before the Holidays and must be sold at once to give us a chance to get back south to lake care of another carload ordered down there for the " inter, and anyone that contemplates purchasing a pi io anytime within the next year, will certainly do well to drop us a card and we will call on you and take you to see e of the pianos, or send one to your home for examination. I can sell you one of these beautiful in struments at prices that will surprise you for the qual ity of goods you will be getting, and can make terms to suit your convenience, if you cannot pay cash. They are direct from the factory with a perfect guarantee of satisfaction. Drop me a line, or tele phone and leave youpr name and address, in care of the East Oregonian, Pendleton, Ore., or General Delivery, Jendleton, Ore. THE PHOTO PLAY WITH I AN AMAZING SOUL GEORGE LOANE I TUCKER'S MIRACLE From the sordid slumbs of New York's Chinatown to the grandeur of high mountains arid the majesty nf the ocean that in the range of the setting in "The Miracle Man," a big new Paramount-Artcraft . picture, which is coming to the Arcade theatre next week. The same expansiveness of vision is reflected in the absorbing tory, written by Frank l. Packard later dramatized by George M. Cohan, and produced with striking success on broadway. "-'I,, central figure Is a white-haired ; patriarch, who lives in the hills near the lea and who has reputed power i to heal the sick and crippled. Tom j t'iirke-and his band in their haunt in the Xew Yory underworld read of his ! miracles and coneelye the Idea of capitalizing them for their own gain. Bo they go to the town where the old : man lives and frame up a miracle for him. To their surprise they discover that he reallv possesses the healing power accredited to him. Gradually under the beneficent In fluence of their now envlornment th'-re Is worked a transformation In j the hearts of the crooks and that makes Rose, the gangster's beautiful decoy, the charming girl she is at ! heart, that evolves a farm hand out of a dope fiend, and finally, brings out the better nature of even the hardened, sophisticated Tom Burk himself. In the hands of fsueh cap able artists as Thomaa Meighan, Kll nor Fair, Joseph J, Dowllng, Betty Compson, and others of similar merit, this powerful story becomes a vital, living thing and one of the greatest dramatic spectacles of the screen has DON'T BE WITHOUT SIOAN'SLINIMENT Keep it ha ndy it knows no equal in relieving pains and uches SLOAN'S LINIMENT has been sold for 38 years. Today, it is more' popular than ever. There can be but one answer it produces results. Applied without rubbing, it penetrates to the afflicted part, bringing relief from rheumatic twinges, sciatica, sore, stiff, strained musrlcs, lame back, and other exterior pains anU sprains and the result of exposure, ft leaves no mussiness, stain, clogged porrs. Get a large bottle for greater econ omy. Keep it handy for use when needed. Your druggist has it. Thre sizes 35c. 70c., $1.40 STOPS HEADACHE OR NEURALGIA AT ONCE Dim t MllTc-i-: (ivt it Id Out IMogc f Ir. JanuW Hciidtu'lii' rowdora and iit't Kid of 1'iUn. ALTA Way Children 10c Adults 35c J head 1 .lam yet revealed. You can clear your head and relieve dull, splitting or violent throbbing dache in a moment with a Dr. mcH Headache Powder. This old time headache relief acts almost magi- caiiy. sen rr so me one to the drug store DOW for a dime package and a few mo. ments after you take a powder you will wonder what became of fthe headache, enuralgia and pain. Stop suffering It s needless, lie sure you get what you ask for. . Kofiler & Chase Piano Company ( J. V. UARNALL, Factory Representative. S; MAN IMSTIMK TOI.Y RKIU.if. STWtK AUK IMIUKp I.IVK AS HIT VAIUM IN PIT flMliMIIMIII)lllllttltilHIIUIIItlllllllMllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllli:(f Th fifth episode of SmnHhln Bnr "Iit." the lat-Bt Vlt.-inrnnh nilventuri" net-lsl. tarrlnK William Duncan, Juet faMy reiks with daredevil nitlnn. jihrlllR and suspense from wtrirt to fln OTl or thf two reel. One hrpnth tak lng etunt follow, the other, and all thl lit capped by the . Umax of the episode when Dnncan (Dick Dsrlns) and. IJUJJi Bdith Johnson tfu lla Manners), trap- ! H SSS S j 7. A LITTLE- I WW j; r JeCC I tmLia VI V I AN MADTIN in 'An Innocent Adventuress Outing Chester Picture and International News Vaudeville Van Orden & Fallows Singing and Dancing. Monroe Bros. Bouncing Babies.