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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1919)
PACHS SIX gUCT BST OREOOWIAN, PKNDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, TWELVE paoeb 'BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN WOMEN WHO HAVE ASKED VATICAN FOR MARRIAGE ANNULMENTS Social and Personal M THOMAS SHOP I ormerlv Known The Paris A -!. mi IraitAltoT i it ended by thr C1vt ('hit to all th women of lenllion, ith chono who re mm .r of I hi- women w orgnntMiinn at preeeni in1 tho- who are not. to at tend m m'tinji tt th lilrr club mom Saturd flMftttll Mm n Ht ' n'cM.-k It. t... v t . k . , t n. ...t-. i i.. iiusei.o Jk, " " """"' own r..r Pen- Slrn Thomas liot.ertson. Mrs. Thomas ffampton, Mrs. William mill .Mrs rK .1. t. MOCook, Mrs. R. 1 -S.. ACWOerrv. Mrs M.-irv Al.l .w.. . i.. i.. Church. Their Kuestg are asked in the church reception room at J; SO o'clock. ' K. I., l'mvers are to he hostesses tomorrow for u meeting of the LadtM ' non-9 i rar.iata garment mot tospwi Cnce of SUITS, COATS, DRESSS AND WAISTS Great Reductions on Every Garment Choose "practical gifts" from ths Women's Shop. KU'clion of officer of BUh Ch.ip- ter, o. K S. will bv hold at u tetfiilitr : business MMBtatl tills evening;, for , which is hIho srhodulrd thf annual imyiut'in of due. f Hushee ohatr enjoyed an Interest in K meeting Saturday evening vhe,n t he worthy grand matron of Oreson ' Mrs. Albert a Mr Murphy, of Kuprti", . wuc a guest of the Chapter. A nusi- j nesw senaion and initiation were fol- ; towed by u delightful projA-am. the 1 party adjourning later to the banquet room for supper. The latter feuture ' was in ehaine of Mrs. K. T. AvLson while A. .1. Owen arriiiiKd the pro- Itram. Clusters of Ii vender and Yellow ; chrysanthemums do&ked the tables j and ooers were laid for RUty. Mrs. William Pierce was hostess last night for a meeting of the K. K 1 K. club. The affair was in the nature : of a costume paity and those present appeared in fancy dr ss. Menibera who were present were Miss Alma , Kohrmau. Miss Thelma Richardson. Miss Sybil Farley, Miss Margaret , I Joerger. Miss Elizabeth Juerser, Miss Francis Weber, Miss Lillian Ware, Miss Kdna tlecker. Add ti nal guests ' were Miss Ksiher Richardson, M jss Miss Juantta Friedly. Miss Huzel 1 Adams and Mrs. William Hussig. Mrs. H. U Oliver ,in! little grand- ; I daughter. I'eggj Oliver, left yesterday ; for Portland. Mnvesa iiad.iwilt and Mrs. DorotJi, MoOotnbs SI COXD I1XKR TAVUlIt lil II.DI.M; .Mrs. Jtssie Critchton was I it night for a t barmingly an: 1 A Store of Practical Gifts I; ostein AI rlicati'T.s of two beautiful Amer- I T.'nroihy McCombi, formerly Miu WPi t imed lc;i W men for annulment of mar- I anis .f ashinKton. I. C, who In 'tlinner at Hotel Pendleton, in honor of ; rtage ate n'W beintr considt red by the ' 1917 obtained a divorce in New York jtbe members of the Peoples Ware- j authorities at the Vatican. On is ' State for William F. llcCombt, for j house women's department of which , Prlnct ss Antolne Albert Rnnaiwill, merly chairman of the Democratic .Mrs. Cricbton is head. Dainty eoraaCi formerly Miss porothy Parker Deacon ; N'atmul Committee. She Is a daugh. 'bouquets marked the places of the ten ' of Boston, whose application is based , ter of Colonel and Mrs. John H. Wil- i ladies present. Honor guests of Mrs. on the ground that she was forced into . l .'tns of Washington, and a sister of iCrlchton were Mrs. Int PJeo. Miss Ni-jthe marriaef. The other is Mrs. 'Mrs. Joseph Leiter. : an Roberts, M iss Mabtd ltfoks. Mrs. : Minnie Hcmlerson. Mrs. J. D. BrftBV mell. Iln Mabel Hensel. Mrs. Gene vieve Gwinn and Miss Stella i 'orley. while additional guests were Mr. and .Mrs. rreu nn ana ueon onrn. I ne fop pendletonf say old timers. They iiinner was toiiowed by an evening at that Old Man Winter will bring forth .handling of ltah, Canadian and Ug a new title holder tonight. to their destination, as billed, but are The zero weath-T is unusually early not to be placed on tracks for dellv- ry to consignees without telegraphic Practical Christmas Gifts There is nothing more useful than u garment of some kind. Always practical and always appreciated. Great Bargains in jna Coats, Suits. Dresses, Furs, Blouses and Sweaters See our windows and compare our offerings. IXERSUjrS FOINTVIV PKNs The ideal gift. We have an exceptionally large aasortnitu' from $2.50 ap. All styles an points. KVKR SHARP pCXCls A eonapleie stock rantini; in rice fror si oo to S4.o. 7 TIOXEUV A Deaut.iul asscr'm."1 Baton. Cra le and Pikes tionery ir handsome bor. We feat'. re the GIBS").' ART -JXE of engraved ,rrj :tinsr rds. I-ric, r 5e to 35c. PEnn mis ami ronirr A ATKKS A very - imjilete !ine of im ported at..l domestic perCunits Tl f;inoy pMikagea, Tie to on. Kodaks KODAKS e line of Ku-tlr.nri- We have a jcood as. ' of dolls ir.-i Teddy Bear upwards. of 3'a- "it the theatre. j A "theater party" followed by grafQe and a luncheon at .Tolly Inn yesteiday made merry the birthday anniversary of little Miss Margaret Snyder. Her mother. Mrs. Joseph, Snyder, chape- , roned the affair and ei-ht younTters found places about table and enjoyed a link and whit' luncheon, the colors prevail bag even to the icy, cnndle-bodfcked birthday cake. TIIKKMOS KOTTLI'S Just the ift for cold weather. I'VIUMV IVOJtV The always welcome sift. A irry complete line. WELUCKVER AVATEII iMrrri.Ks. I Fine fur the baby these cold Mffhts. IXGERflOU WATCHES Kery bo- wants one. Praeti ?:il and useful. I.ert Andrus, formerly ol now In the lumber business dale, was in Iendit ton route to Itanpe. Ok ifon, to father. Joe Holirlay wat ii tr-v. n Ifro mhis home near Pinsh:im . ) Mr. and Mrs. John Crow urday for a visit n California recall the winter of 1 Si 4, when ex treme cold was noticed as early a.i De cember. More "recent record? show hat .n It 14 the thermometer bank to zero nt earlier than February. At that time the snow reached a dept h of -t inches. .Tlie storm is general throughout the At Creek the snnw is At L'kiah the tem perature Is 32 decrees below zero, and naotcr trucks iuro haullnt; hay frBtn r"' " ick to the Btotfk in the l'k!ah Country I'kinb I Kbt finality of the snow Is i causinK some anxiety amn stockmen li .is it Is of the vSHat thia sticks to the Udt hi' ' hde of caltb-, causiiii; considerabi , dim mfort. The st'ekmen had hoped j that the tff MinV would not fall be Kterda ! 'r Chrl'stmas, i-nd the earb. storm iprinjfs I 's smewhat t'nexpect. d. However, " it is estimated that stock will not suf fer from hay shortHg'i', n.s many cat tlemen sold cartle In anticipation of a Ioii hard wint' r. authority from Mr. Hollons. All commercial coal, other than llfrnlte, CanadJajl or Itah. will bo handled only upon formal application approv ed by the regional coal committee, nite coal were also received. These oals will continue to move through PNEUMONIA Call a physician. Immedi ale'y begin "emergency" trccitmtnt with tCl'ir? JODYCUA." DIM i f I ONE NIGHT ONLY THE BIGGEST SHOW IN YEARS Charlc: Jillinsham's Gigantic Musical Comedy al,.,,,W,,V, " " i'f " H ?r W.M.TllIt WII.I.S ROT I iMFAMT Or fl5 MOSTLY CURIA AND Till: FAMOUS TOM BROWW'S CXiOWH HAXOPROKE BAWD PKVJI'J SI. 00, $1.00, .00. J..-0 I'M S WAR TAX -I MS KATl ROAT THOMPSONS' DKI i STORK. -ft M. O. nennett left into fur Walla Walla. DRUG STORE Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. J Quality Goes ClearThrough Mr. and Mrs. thiH mornlnst by Mrs. Eva Wissler left on No. IS last niKht for a month's visit to her for- . mer home at Hershey, Nebraska. She will be pone until after the holidays. Her father passed away at the family home there last werk. .1 S Miss Vera Temple Ls expected to ar j rive home early n-x week to spend I the Christmas holidays in Pendleton. She ls attending the National Klnder- .garten acnooi m C hicago. Mrs. CharlPH Daniel was a charming inostess last nisht when she entertain ieu the following guest at dinner: Miss ! ISM -Morton. Miss CVern Bullack, Mis. Opal CaUtaon, Miss Marie Antoinette tlindraux. Mlhs Anna Howard. Mis Sophia Kikan, Miss Grace Hatton and Miss Klossie Sloan. ro the thin yon think best abide by it like a soldier. VOV-KSSI -vti M. BUSIXKSS IS CtJRTAaKD BY I'IKH 1. AMATIOX Oontlnneil from page 1.) . pro:ect against fire and fraMlng." Instructions from W. Hollons. vision .superint'-ndent regarding' 5. HUH AUTRE Mrs rli The name that this car has earned for goodness, is well founded and well deserved. Were the standards of Dort manufacturing less high the car could not possibly have earned such widespread favor .1 ss entertained group of friends in a delightful wa Saturday evening when they were I asked to the f'ross home at 509 West Railroad street for a game of "DOO." Mrs. Clint Davis and Mrs. Harry Huckstep were awarded trophies after the play and In serving a dainty sup per the hostess was assisted by Mr. Eddie Calhoun. The party Included Mr nnd Mrs. William H.-irklv tr nnri u.. ir..,.t j jstcp, Mr. and Mrs. .s.tnur Newton, fjjfr. and Mrs. Vein Hobos. Mr. anil 'Mrs. Charles Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. I ' alhottn. Mrs. Davis. Mrs. John Mul j j gun. Dock Itonnymore and Mr. ai .urs. i nanes , ross. l inal Date for IN in '.i'. nir,it. December 31 is the but date upon iwmcn ex-service nun can rclnatate Itheir government insurance without Making physical examination. After I this date, it will l.e necessary to take jthe examination before the blanranci I wtii be reinstated. Blank for this purpose may be secured at the Red Cross office, from Mlsa Virginia Todd, secretary of the if Croaa. Extraordinary Sale 0F- Oregon Home Products At the home of Mrs. Jesse Failing- on North Main Street Wednesday Only Tin- sale comprise pnxlncta made by state nnd k-al msim raotnrers stul nr.- amon(t tin- best on the nutrkot todaj If .on , Ms ..f.ina.i, or the home's mcMs papular articles and CANDY BROOMS flour, whp:at and pancake COFFEE CEREALS EXTRACTS II AMY FOOD I i READ ASSORTED ENGLISH BISCUITS BAIjK 111 (, INS T 10 O'CLOCK Given by the Episcopal Church LET THE GIFT TO YOUR WIFE BE NONE OTHER BEAUTIFUL ibjMU THAN A Dining Room Table Special for the Holiday Trade we are displaying many new and exclusive designs in DINING ROOM TABLES in most any wanted wood or color. There is no gift that would please "her" more for Christmas, and at the same time add beauty and grace to your home. See them on our floor they are priced from$22.50 up PRICES- W, Cm,. SJ MJ . " J- Wh,t. Sp. Ti, a,,,. Western Auto Co. Garage Phone 530. Paint Shop Phone JP O R.T MOT OR. CAR. COMPANY LAST NffiHT PROCLAMED i .11- Zero hour irrived for n,rm. meters sometime dnrinK the I. II watches of last n Kht and tocal itirens awoke this morning- with a feeling of frost in the toes and look d out Into a hrlsk iv,Btorm. All day the mercury has remained In a 'mains', condition and In spite of all efforts, succeeded in real h hk to only 11 degree ab.,ve sero. The I wdery nt persistent snow has reached a 1 1 pill of -hree Inches. I.ut nlifht Is proclaimed the 1319 champion for cold iraatbar, hut the, BaroeM ter. as read hv M.iJ'.r Moot house, weather observer, predicts jiiiiininiiiiiuii-iiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinuiiiiiiiiiiii.'iiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiriiii Martin Jones I School of Dancing j Every THURSDAY, FRIDAY I and SATURDAY Liberty Hall 1 to 4 7 to 9 srici'l. APPOINTMKXTS Tl a -liinfi- rorn rt Itallroom and fanc iij.'. I k'uuranteo. satisfaction. S 1 sons fi $.'.' . I'rivate oi i lass l .'sons. S (iiimiiiiiiii.iiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH'iiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiitiiit FOR THE GIFT THAT IS "DIFFERENT" In our front window wo are showing some very pretty and. serviceable gifts ,n oak and mahogany. They are tffb that please the entire househohl. All are priced so that you can well afford one or more. TELEPHONE STANDS PEDESTALS SEWING CABINETS SMOKING STANDS TEA TABLES NUT SETS W. C. CRAWFORD 103 E. Court Complete Home Furnisher Phone 496 s