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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1919)
FOURTEEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 9 TO 14 ! h Ea slTQreAoniari) FOURTEEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 9 TO 14 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1919 HI! BY FUEL FAMINE I JS TODAY'S ESTIMATE Whole Communities in Some Sections Have Enforced Va cations; Loss is More Than Millions Daily. FOOTBALL RIVALRY TURNED TO KEEPING KANSAS WARM BY NEW CODE OF SIGNALS WABI1INIJTON. live. 6.-Ah. it- than ii million workers a,re eompletely hi In "r employed only for part time an a result of the coal shortage, it Im cstl mated today. Hallroad adininistra tlon reports show whole communities hi Home ectlon are having enforced vacations. The wage hns In estimated at mure than two millions dully. The loss to employer Is beyond all Jailmates. PITTSBUItQ, Kiiiih.. Dec. t. -Football rivalry and onerMV have hern 1 nrmd to account hi the mines here. I'nlvi rait y of Kan -Has athletes are vicing with each other in efforts to show up their pats working In other pits. With out the sustaining roar from the bleachers the at hletc art- work -life; as they never did In the train-tic- season. Hleet and muehlnery troubles which have invariably ctoeed the min undt-r former regimes today fa fled to Interrupt t he volunteers now working to keep Kansas from freezing. The amateur mi ners simply cell "new signal,' and make the extra effort neces sary to gain another "first down." ONLY 650 TICKETS TO E WILL BE SOLD; RIVALRY KEEN High School Classes Campaign to Elect Carnival "Queen"; Interest Runs High With Basketball Competition. A man who tin raSjchsd lh uk- of 3" without Acquiring thf hair imigslnK l.iiMt hnH Uvd In vain. QUALITY SKIIVKK 8A!ITATIO To Your Interest The Pendleton Trading Co. pays the hignc. price for all farm produce. We are always in the .market for Chickens, Geese, Turkeys, Ducks, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Eggs, Fruit and Vegetables. If you have any thing for sale it will pay you to ccme here first. Pendleton Trading Co. "If it's in the Market We Have It." Guaranteed 6000 Miles Without a Puncture I In l tin1 iicm umii-anf 4i- on .atc Half-Sole which HMMHIH mi-! alMillt loo i ii i i-4'iit pillictlll'c I I A Biff Over Size Tire 5 Am S3 About Half the Price of the Ordinary New Tire AGENTS FOR FEDERAL TIRES Gertson & Marty Phone 595 639 Cottonwood St. Intercut In the coming eampnlgn t h' season t Ickcts to the Lyceum I course 1h increasing by leaps and j bounds at the fin llHon high iichool. Kach ticket sold entitles the saleHinan to ten votes for carnival- queen. -As I (ha campaign dot m not tart for a Week, the coming few day will be spent In ' perfecting pla ns for selling the tickets. The capacity of the school audi torlum Is only fi,a ho thin number of ticket and no more will lc sold. It will proballty he a case of "first come first served." The freshman class oply has not ch-i lt d a candidate fur "(jueeii."' The f enioi s have ihnw-n Vashti Hosklns. the Juniors Mary Chlahcltn and the ophmoraa, Kuth pho.w, The contest i promises to he Ian; and furious. CXaaaee omsidcr inignii Meetings of nearly all the classes I of Pendleton blah were held thiH week to deride concerning such matters a j i Iiih flowers, mottoes, colors, etc. The f laenlorg were unable to settle, on any I one of these thing. The sophomores j chose purple and white as their color.1 ; Ctaai Interest is awakening In the high I school partly as a result of thes ' meeting anl partly because of class j (eonteata in basketball. Junior I'lnu lroni The Juniors of Pendleton high ; ai bool met Friday to plan their Junior Prom, which l ciimiriK noon. Com , rtittteet were apoinl'd by the presl- j dent, Harold Hold man. to complete organisation f the work. Tuesday night was the time set for the tug-o-I i war between the Juniors and the' Mona" to see who has the right to ( have their numerals on the fire hOtHtt.1 John Rlinpaon was appointed to pick I and coach the team ('. S. Cramer is their class advisor. Itycrs Cabtalns Rook "Bus Byera htt been eh mum, cap-j tain of the freshman basketball team. ! A a large number of "Hooks" turn WQt fof practice, It has been derided V. have a flrnt team and the midgets, j This will allow the smaller fellows of the til?- to participate, in basketball, j Typtai iak r(4'vrl i Kirty a lit five-tenths wonls per j minute, -the highest speed made thlsi lyakr on the type-writer at Pendleton! ' hlKh school, was made yesterday by , Vara llughey in a content, conducted' b) A. C. Crews, poauneftlal instructor.. The next beet Morda were Blste I ark flakes cleaning as easy as walkina The Job of Insulation Ordinary insulation nearly always gives way before the plates do, and the battery has to be reinsulatcd.' Willard Threaded Rubber Insulation pro tects the plates from the very be&jnning of the battery's life, and protects the car ovner against the need of having the battery re Insulated. Drop in, and well tell' you about some of the long-life records that Threaded Rubber Insulation has made possible. DUST, threads, lint and even close clinging hairs are picked at once from your rugs by this vacuum cleaner that makes cleaning as easy as walking. Western Electric VACUUM CLEANER ' A motor driven brush, properly speeded by a worm gear, is what makes this vacuum cleaner different Women who have used other types I of cleaners prefer this they say it means cleaner cleaning in their homes. Come in and let us show this different kind of a vacuum cleaner to yoit. Electric Service Station 201-203 West Court St. !! ! ( tr i '7 ; "i I V 0 What a splendid gift this cleaner would make for the home. It's another one of the Western Electric Company's splendid products. I A lever control stops brush and gives suction only if desired. It will pay you to investigate this wonderful machine. Chas Milne ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 108 East Atta Street Opposite Alta Theater Electric Fixtures and Goods of All Kinds chorus Chin.' voices have a tif twenty-four voices in Chin no matter htw attractive those miht he, would be likely to verv disastrous effect upon the ! box office receipts. Undoubtedly audiences of today would not be so easily satisfied as were the ancient Creek audiences. 4 DR. J. EDWIN SHARP f 1 Dental X-Ray by Appointment Gysl Articulated Dentures. Inland Empire Bank HIdg. Office' Phone 330. Home Phone 794 CECIL COSPER PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT INCOME TAX ADV1SKB fimitb -Crawford Bid. Opposite Pendleton Hot) Phone 10Xt It was nd thf to appear ptiblicl; witli 4C.:( wrds per minute and . una ; .. ' t, liri.n Clarke, making 43.3 words. Mr. Crevs dans to substitute com mercial arithmetic f"r pcnmirnship next eenieeter. A course in business office training for shorthand students l.i also being considered. Orchestra oraauntaed A Jaaa orchestra led by Ivan Hon ar, violinist and composed of Ulchard Nell, drums, "Bui" Hyers. cornet and David swyiaoa, eocompainlat is being formed ;it the high school. The or- ganltntton may Play at me Ainiem Carnival, which is to be held next Fri day evening at the high school gym. Although this was the week for the j publication of the Lantern, the issue wns postponc i hecaitae of custom fiir women in the theatres of ; t he stage or in the j rft&ni years after ' X be death of William Shakespeare. The women who did venture to the theatre always were masked. Most Of Shakespeare's heroines were acted in his day by hoys. There are no records bf women acting 'on the Knglish stage Until after the KesP ration, when the floodgates of licenses were let down. The importance of women choris j ters in opera of comparatively recent date and has now become an essen tial attribute in such entertainments j as those which managers like Mr. I Charles Uillingham presents, of whkh I "Chin Chin' to be offered at the ore- gen theater. December is. is a notaoja .. 1 example vacation j EVIDENCE OF CONSPIRACY IN MINING OPERATIONS WILL COME UP MONDAY INDK NAI'OIjIS Dec. 6. Evidence tending to show that coal mine oper atora an! the miners conapired to vi olate the Lever act by limiting pro dltcttoa of coal last summer, before the miners strike was called, will be presented to the federal grand jury Monday, it is learned today. AUoged violation of the anti-trst . law b" operators will also be probed. PHONE 600 Why Not? Why noi oHii an account vtith The Inland Um pire Hank.' It D4M cti-ry facility for taking care of jour hlisf neaa DtWils, lange Of Ninall, ami is owtaod and COal ir ibi by UmatiUft County peoplOj your friends ami m-igliltors, wlui will give you a warm welcome and appreciate yottT ml n mage. Ii Rao the moat modem fjsjtajpsahul in ovcry de iHirtmeui. Indnding safe deposit boaee of the latent dfsdlSl tstatatled in an absolute liie-pitK.f ault, whci-c you may keep jour taluahlcs in ported sccurij..v, ll.WK Willi i s GROW WITH IS The Inland Empire Bank THIO I1WK OF COMMUNITY iri:iti :srs Otttan sad Pireotors J. w. Malanrr. Vrrm. . M. Illnkrlrr . :. t nllr. V. V. it C'nak'r I.rlund I. Tolmnti . Rrlla Hamrl I'rdr. nr. iiukic II. .1. Tnylnr l-'rrd Jiflmeller Frank l.rltmaa tut Week. Bevaragood cuts, news stories . ncl edltortsia ure rendyy for! the next Issue, whleh will nppear next I Friday. John Simpson and Allen FOlaomll have charge Of the anle "f tickets toll the hiuh Athletle Carnival. j, Which will lie held next Frldny. The! salr npciud Frlda-. W ill Prcaciu Way The Diimwitlc Poelety. nniler tne dhrectKMI "f ' friinier, is rehears-! Ing a play entitled, -'M'tch tuo Siul-; den,' l" presented to the stndem body of Pendlejdn hleh school at the i assembly next Thursday. The pro- 1 (rain will be varied as there will he j s' vsral mnsleal numjbara, apeeohsa, eta,; In addition to the play. IX bote Interest Lively With . iKhl aspiring orators working on their try-out si ehes and two BJn- gfllsh class ea sfulxlntr the dlstriet question, Interest in debale at Pendle- i to ohiuh school Is iiiBh. H. K. rnlow has Charge of the dehate stpiad and has ettpreased hlmaelf as pleased with the work being done, in the triangle debatei of Hie earl? Iprtng, seiidleton Itingh hopes to come out district cham Ulnn and sand a team ti Kugene to iDompets In the state finals. DEMPSEY-CARPENIIER The bare thought of only male The sixth decennal ceneue, taken In lstu. was the first one to cover agri cultural statist ics. now one of the most important parts of the entire census. Nil tab Can fi , out out and mail to t . K i:.ST), OtjJ or ickplnnio this information (o 1 1 i. r and Street ,.. ..... rnish: rooms; single: double beds; with, without Lath. er night $ M d business is good, but we can handle your new account in just the manner to please you, with meat, service and delivery DOWNEY'S MARKET 1 LOND Dec. 6. - Promoter COOh ran today declared his confidence in matching Jack Datnpaey and Oaorge l iii pentler. Knnpean champion, for a flghl hero June 7- ( Jacihran said he had a cable from , .lack Kerns, manager of Uempscy and that the deal bj virtually closed. Ht said be WtU start lor America imme diately "wiib enough money u induct Danipeay to make thr trip v london to light' Without Revision, The lniled States has 4.22T. OOtp 1 mules, says a Kovernineiit statistician; , but his randti was prepared lief ore I the Industrial conferences, - Washing - OWNERS rnnr your car in and have it overhauled while the weather is bad. A dollar spent in overhauling now will mean $10 saved later on. Our mechanics are thoroughly familiar with every working part and will overhaul your ear in the shortest possible time. We have a few post war Maxwells left. Also some bargains in used cars. We also have any part that may be needed, which will gave time. Neil 8c Barker Co. MAXWELL DEALERS Scout $1785 F. O. B. Pendleton ggjn SIX Touring $1685 F. O. B. Pendleton CALL AND SEE IT The 1!20 Elgin Six Scout Model on our floor ready for immediate delivery. All scout engines are turned up for snai formance and put through a special road tel factory. t BLUE MOUNTAIN MOTORS CfRc. ELGIN WESTCOTT- 101 Water Stfeet -HARROUN Phone 780 ost. 1 1 1 i J ton