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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1919)
1 1 , FOUftTF.EN PAGES SATURDAY, DECEMBER 0, 1010. PAQE SIX fiAILY EAST OliEGGNIAK. rEUPLETOrr OKEPO.f. A TEMPLE OF LAW THE THOMAS SHOP Social and Personal Formerlv Known as Thn Paris I i Mr. K llxn he th 1 Vndtrlun lft M Bill V 'I -". Oftl., to Vlpt It H llKiiitrr Mr on. c Hatoc Ufcl id on the future of th CWO, ou Two new members enjoyed th rt nif. v ttvt ituv i Mrs, s frn a short talk w them. Tin sre Mf. Allen ) . nil.- rtivlty. ir ft rat It. I romtni; ltyiiun Mm. I. M. SpauWunK, loth re uMitions to Pendleton clubdom. InterestliiR feature of the affair talk by Allen Ujnon which wns Ltfullv nirrotos of thf club's main thr ugh the ho to NMi to i idays and Jan The concert being: at thr dintf rooms ure open "1 MSM th. Mr, Byno tmenr nni stcrd i lock lone churmlnRiy appoints rheon nt which foitrt lub members were present, ""ofi .met) C h rysa ni H sstl 1 1 m a C It 1 red le llluxtrated his talk with ut ijr rol let lion of phot ok ;aph ut the luncheon wre laid Nwih, Mi-, a A. Newherr . Uldttlff, Mrs. W. N. Mat loci:. , Mis. J. T. Rl hardson, Mrs. rers, Mrs; S.iyres. Mra. H. H. Viet re brary. the n iHltll t Boherso - Tarnfitcllo 3. Somewhere a Voice -din Met. "or mack. 4. lnntores(nc Mtsehn :.. Spanish Dance, No. 6. A nreani John McCormack. 7. , Ave MariaJohn McCormack "ri'z Kretsler. 8. Tmumeire Micha Kiman. !. QaVotte in Q Mieha Klman. 10. Crucifix John McCormack- 11. Memories of Home Neapolitan 13. Keep the Home Fires Burning -Jthn McCormack. 14, (1) The Bee, (2) Minute Wait! Maud To- IM Ill I Compare OUR Coats, Suits, Dresses, Furs, Blouses and Sweaters ALGIERS The youth of Algeria frequents, the mosques of( Mohammed not only to pray, but for Induction In the meaning and purpose of the la. These temples are an old to the French eov-i ernmont in keeping order in this colony. 1 WBm I I'STUKS t.AK'.IKNT -SHOP Beautiful New Blouses Have Arrived New Creation in Georgette nod Crepe de chene ollms IS. Thais (MasseneD- ,1 Mr. Rnrl P. Tulloch are a few days In Portland. They return to Pendleton on Tuos- With Mrs. 1 honor guest. , gracious, wmi Mrs. Reobe Henry V. O enjoyed calli M. Collins ( hospitality, dispensed I' 'visitor at the Mischa El- . Main .street. Lovely ohrysnnt hetuuins add i living? rooms where coming the rum a A. Hartman, Jr.. Mrs. s. K. Thompson, Mr Mrs. ft. M. Bawtelle, boose, Mrs. B. I Lawrence Fraaler, Mrs. Alvah Blusher, Bis, Mrs. WlUard B Watson, of Portland Mayberry, -Mrs. " on north s of pink iin to the llpheherin Kptilciiiie liccLcd. Fear of a diptheria el" ALL GREATLY REDUCED 'SOMETHING TO WEAR" MAKES A USEFUL CHRISTMAS GIFT 1 M Ins health P' idleti after While treneo. tuixlan let .lay ind M SFK OUR WINDOWS alter itetn canen n hcrla cases in that scctt rtiiS. the Tepldto I. . h?"a under i beta Btnlly i mi . t ; Jo DIRECTORS WORK WITH MEN n ;Mf FAVORITE BLOUSE SHUf is the expression we hear from women every day. SEE THESE NEW ARRIVALS They're the prettiest creations we've shown for some time. Reasonably priced $4.95, $5.S5, $6.95 to $23.50 SECOND FLOOR TAYLOK BCTLDING HZ TTTTTT Scatter Sunshine WITH Christmas Greeting Cards Make a list of friends you wish to remem ber. Christmas Cards cost so little and mean so much that you cannot afford to forget anyone. Come in and see our fine large section of Cards, and pick out your favorites wnile the choice is wide. FRAZIER BOOK STORE "The Girl From Outside" sent some of our read ing cards to her folks in Alaska. IIP m ji' fj'V'' W''j 1 Mrs. Charl Halloek. In the dininit -oom ehrysant heenu ms nodde white Blusters, the g rhattlnpr over the t.; charming table, j.iletl h silver tray, were olustei tumn fruits, the luatrot of persimmons, tlie pu and the eriinson ol' apl eri-anates Vielng for radl tall candles which surroi Preaidins; at the table nate hours were Mrs. 1". H. H. Halloek Mrs. ' I.e. Mrs. Alice Hayes, Mrs jzier, Mrs. John Hatley Istursis, Mrs. li. S-. Burro ' Norhorne llerkeley. rple of trapes t, s and pomo- with the FYani Mrs. Era- Uha Mrs. Mrs. Rosy bara Jean ar evening from their home buck to be the guest, s Par- ; this Star- f Mr. and Mrs. jn Lewis Ben Trombley at their horn street. Mrs. Stella HaKer became the bride Of Ered 1'ollson ar a simple ceremony performed tlvs afternoon at the home of Mrs. Al Orlggs of this city. The. couple will make their home in Pendleton. Hiss in for th. er, Mrs PRACTICAL GIFT8I Are Sure to Please There will be an unusual demand for practical, sen sihle g-ifts this Christmas. This is true because all of us m are striving to practice economy. iflf Our stock contains scores of good practical gifts- K and if vou buv here you will not have to pay special noli- 2 K dav prices" for staple, goods. A few suggestions may be af ft he'pful: ' t s f i , r- i r-T-ff rc i r tut d c Pi C aTs BJC 1U1LC.I rtR I Iti-LC, LU11 nu uuvu, PERFUMES, STATIONERY, FOUNTAIN PENS, CAMERAS, SMOKER'S SUPPLIES, 3 SHAVING SUPPLIES, DOLLS, PYRALIN IVORY, ETC. j, l. : . . u: 1 Ar1nnna ..-If V. Tfrr illrlor' S judgment and good will. Diamonds There's magic in the words, and when you give her a diamond and you count upon it being her j most valued gift this hristmas she will be pleased beyond measure J and of course that is what you wish. Aside from the joy of owning a diamond there is a practical side that comes from the fact that dia monds are constantly advancing in value and are, therefore, a splendid investment. When you buy a dia mond ring from this store our reputation for relia bility and square dealing assures you that you will get the utmost value for your money and get just what we represent the stone to be. By all means give a dia mond if you can. k end. the guest of her W. Green. J. A. yeager, principal of the school at Adams, was a visitor to Pen dleton today. I. K. Lawrence, prominent Vkiah JI man was here Friday. P. J. Wat kins is in the city from s Meacham. E. C, Goodwin of Portland, la a B Pendleton business visitor today. Mr. and Mrs. X. A. Anderson, of Al- Z M. It. -Kofi', former Pcndlctonian. S returned to Yakima yesterday after a S 24 hour visit here. s noSTON-There Is a factory here, where .Mtai wZII I not o..,, thOTh.?n1 employe-rtockholders operate urn " (rlg!,T), is treasurer, and Joshua C Ken share in the pro., is f office s work. 1..0 8 .ncn. Tne workers elnC M UIHIItlllllllllllllllMinillltHltllHIIUlllMIUIIIlllUUll HIIIIIIIIIHH imiIIIIIIIMinHMIIIIBMMIIMinilllMMlllllliniMlll lirniTiirp riir uw Km m li u iui lira lmju iv Olil PORTLAND WIRES BID I FORCHAMPiONSHlPBOUTl PflP.TLANO. Dec. 6. men today wired an 1100,000 foi a battl ind the H. Shriners' con to erect a sta field seating Business offer of between ntler here in se Show and They plan n Multnomah people. Royal M. Sawtelle Jeweler. Largest Diamond Dealer in Eastern Oregon DEATH TOLL GROWS IN J MISHAPS AT CROSSINGS 1 Interstate Com number of peopl cent in number erce Commission S if" death totl and 3 ag frum aiitn.'.- r: OF being struck 3 :s has in'-rease! Urcrt per cent in' S lied and sixty per 3 people Injured 3 l. Following an 3 Ig July 1, per day Inju If It is the happy sceluaiori of one's own bedroom that comfort finds its first and last consciousness of the day, and night's peaceful repose brings rejuvenation of tired minds and bodies. This little glimp:;e into a comfortable bedroom tells you that there are many beau tiful bedroom suites in our store that invite yoijr inspection. Especially do wo want you to see a lnt e arrival in our stcr? it is a lovely bed room suite in ivory and consists of a dresser, bed, chiffonier, three win- dressing ta ble and a bench. It is nearly like the lllus Oration and ;il the aurprisingly low .price . of $135.00 Killed, total, fl nic Jan. per day 1 , 1 1 1 T injured, 1 1 : rag- per day injured, 11; ending Sept. 30, 191 1 I i rage per flay Injured, K,; i Bring your list to us and you'll find something suitable tor every name on it. I I THOMPSONS' DRUG STORE Mail Order Given Prompt Attention. : & . v ", j PARENTS, TEACHERS HEARS i CREDIT SYSTEM TALK! I arent-T. acher Circle or me -chool met l:ist evening in tli r a ,t the county library ami s d the following program: Solo... -Miss Alberta ICCMOtlles WILL THERE BE MUSIC IN YOUR HOME THIS CHRIST MAS? Is there .any present in the world of gifts that will please the entire family as well as a phono graph? Our sl ick Ir overflowing with late models we have the machine to suit your family nnd your purse. Come in and let us play a STRADI VARA or PATHE for you The I..-; test Thing ii Town Something you will not soe in ev ery home and pric ed : i that you can afford one Tctophctta Tables . ri ! Stools in oak or mahog any in separate Pieces or with fold ing stools. W. C. CRAWFORD Complete Home Furnisher lo:j E. Court Phone 496 IwmwuiiiiiiiintiiwnimawiiHHtiiuii wwwwwmHWiwwiwww iiiniiHiuiiiiiiiiiiiuiiwwiHmmiHMMiMi