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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1919)
t '. : i ! : : PAOBTHRM i'OUM'F.EN PAGES DAILY EAST OKKUON1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, DKCLMBER 0, 1011) News of Pendleton : . -.jmmiLkmLmJr win pUy iMsiii iiHiii Roland Andre, of alhi'im, who Ih nt ti'ocllllH l.nlvi.-lHlty pf Oregon, In ui 11 llonrd im a proralstns candidate for I hi' rri'Klinmn hmkil I. .ill i iwpnuui iin.iH i too rmt. Qn of Ho' moat raoMt dual In llveHluek of Intel -cut In the county In the purchase liy V. V. Chapman, of ; Pilot (lock, of a herd of 1200 lamia-. 1 hey were SUedlMsd from IiIn hrother , A. II. I'liiipiiiun. iilao a aheep raiser. oil In II can will wait for some othet train. EnctMer at 'iliorn Hollow, V. II. llaya, city enul in-, r. went in Thorn Kallcm today to dlrsct the j children Attend story If (tar, no. vim: of an enKlno which wm nw l Closa to (0 children of ihe lower there In connection with I In- fhnpllxh arades win preaunt thla niornhiK at Sprlnga extenalon I Ml auininer. tin- regular atory hour In Ihe city II- ! hmry. Mian Martha Johnaon, who Din- shci-idii-i'dcr in conn. conduct til BMtlngg, hg a large I'lter.Mc.Miilian, a iheepherder from following of joungntera from all (our (he Heppner country, forfeited 111 toli.i tlM (nuili- ffhoola. I he police c rt thin morning fori . l,ll llolil Sale The Ladle Aid of the Molhodlut (ffa.ureh will bold i Booked food, apron ami hanilk' H'hii'f eale Kiilurduy. Ie ftlber It. fhe aale la for the M v ' of Ho- i hurch. ;i$ L-lm , purfini r.Tn'N i.KAniNf? STORE ' "7 i failure to Appear nn 11 ctuii-Re drunk rihI disorderly. rily will ciii 1 S'l- Ir. Fred Ueuallcn of thin be one of (he fNMUMfft Hp vice In honor of soldiers, sailors and niiiririCH t.f Ad. imp. to lit held iJeccm ber 12. Hmv. J. J. jhckawr will deliv er an address, also. I ' i - '21 lllClM'-i of SlMUV. Twonly-one inches of snow ha f;t" Ion nt I ho hmd of Willow creek, nay I a report from the tMHt Muht Wits Cohl or. I-'iMt oinht'H temperature of 8 dc itrces nhovp stero whh the coldest thin mason, with the exception of one tiltfht when the thermometer propped to 6 doKrce above. The maximum to day wiim 29.77, If I (Vow Krai- Selling. Pendleton und other I "ma tills uiRer station to W. i county towns will ro over the top In Here is a Condensed Lfist of Xmas Suggestions For the busy chopper. Also for those who do n it know exactly what to give. Scan this list carefully, check off your want, cut this out antl bring with you to ihe Great Christmas Store and let u:t fill them for you. , -? . You'll fintl lots of thing) this list does not include, so it behooves you fo pn- u a visit ana see the wonderful selections we have here for you.- Let this be the rr ..iu- ''i ifive practical gifts. SUGGESTIONS FOR "HER W. f'rydi r, I'nnnllla forest aupervlaor. A foot of the anow Ih packed hard while Ihe rcmalnlnir nine Inchea of Oft allow fell recently. ihe ChrlMinna Hal aale long before Ijcccinher 19, thi date net for the com pletion of the drive, f.ay local work era. Everywhere the enthiiMlaam In the -ali- Ih gleet and th- aupply of aeala Ih dlmlnlKhlng rapidly. Silks 2.0O U $5.5 Qoorgclle, plain J..' l :$.on (.oorjsetle, fancy :i.on to s;:.::. Wiadill lr:ss t.laxlM $I.2I Ut So.OO Ilaid WotitaM 50c to SK ..VI I OBtni Have (Jiaid Meetlnu' A gel -to-got hor meeting of Ihe tnemliera and frlendn of th Kagh-a lodge wan eield aat night, wlih gboul l,r,0 men In attendance. An oldfai-h-lont-d "welder nnd Hauerkraut" ford was a feature of Ihe evening. A pro Krani WSJ preHented before the nerv ing of the Hilpper. The lodge will In-'tlnuc l. Th lliate 100 n'w niemhera Uecember 19, Willi No. 4. and plana for that event were made not carry more than 11 V. I'. Train M i riiH(l The .V. I. Pendleton-I'aoco train l . unaffected hy changcB mad by tho I To Make lire fiiirey. K. P. yHlem as a ineana of eomlintllng A. C. Ilarhnr. alate fire re"- ' ' I ho coiil Hhortngo. The railroad la an- i will be unable to make : r . jrvey -"illng 2 train, among thm iralnalln rendition before earl next year. No. I and No. 2. There are no chan- . Member of the fire marshal' staff gea In mall line irainH, xcept that the ure now- at Oregon City making a ffur pnrlor car on Train No. 4, between Vey, Horace Kykee, (lllbert Allen and Si aiilo and Spokane, will lie dlaoon- I Cleorge .Strokes are In charge of the Pendleton train connects j work. Trains Nog. 3 and 4 will ara and any IVndlelon Slallou I'milTcrlcd. last night. that cnmuit la aecommodal- 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 loi i(i ' ' 1 1 - ' M " Bxtra Fancy Apples for Christmas Gifts A box of our beautiful red Apples is something that will be appreciated and enjoyed by every member of the family. EXTRA FANCY LARGE SP1TZENBERGS $4.00 PER BOX Juat tell us the number of boxes and give us the ad dresses We double wrap, tax and deliver them to the express depot for you. "You can depend on us" Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. Finer Groceries and Meats Phones 101. (Private exchange connecting botfc departments.) 101101101101101101101101101101 Althotiixh It. "i.rr local navy ru i oftMUnc officer, received word tolri v that the navy if plunnintf to ha'-'f onie moving diib-Rtulions, hr Ik of tht opinion that it will not affect the lo- eat navy rocruitinK Hiatin. The navy! ru.DotinccH that to enlist In thf trul- i Ofeoots, a man muni be between iho men of IS ami 30. Woman Accidental! shot. Mr. William l!ow-rn wjim nrrldfnt ally Shot In the left arm laHt nipbt when a fun which Mr. I lowers Wiic cleaning was avc hi en tally liint-harRed. Th accident happened at the Itfn I'rombley rancli on McKay creek, where Mr. and Mrs. BOWerfl are living. Mr. towTH wilm rushed to I'cndJeton lo St. Anthony'a hopital and Is now oonv.(!escinf nicely. S.r4) to SI.r0 . . to MUM . . to VtJM . sn.txt to So.oo H2.TA) to -'2.50 $10.00 to $UJM ... Owe ti K5.00 . $15.00 to fl(MM) . . . ft.rM- to $H.'0 . $ to s 15.00 . . 7r- to'1 . . . 75c to 2.50 . . . I5' U S;t.50 . . 75c to SI2.50 5.00 to S.Oii Sl.50 sr. on to ft 5.00 . Ull to SI5.O0 . . . 10c to 1 .541 . $5.00 to SIH.50 ( oat l.5t to Kir.O.lHI Suit I hi- Coating t.lovos KM tflovc, fabifc Table IoIih , Napkin, set lilllH'll lotll.M, M'tft Silk HoK'l'Jf Kllk I nderuear Mimsiiiuyur t'rnlircMjis (ollarn Hand Ba antl POVOMl Bag Handhs i 1 1 '.I.. .ii - I anc I inf. Work Ptooeti. TawMi S-rf' Tan-vtr Coilcfi Corerp . . HadeHa HaiiilkcK-biiT SMH hilU IMliaiat I 50 to !5.oo i oruettc I'cth out- for Init SOHIM . 01I.M to 5.oo arni-.l. 01.50 to fS.00 sdk i rwHs 010.00 to JSUO.oo . Cordnro KaChrobm $11. Oft to IViHlleton liatil IColK WM9.W9 silk Kimons $25.(M) to S45.w Kami t inbroidei eil (.own- and Combination-. $2.05 to Sfl..V CrtfrWB de ( bine OOHHI and Oomhbimtkm $2 5 to Ijidic-- Sttcatcr-, llk, wool or fabric 0JO M S25 ( ai. af.l Sunif 8tt $1.50 to $A 1 pi -i opal Sale on Wednesday. A demonntration nale of morchan- i tlLse, with the sale of miscellaneous articles mo much in demand by tin holiday chopper, will bv Hold at the) Christmas lasaar to e held next Wed nesday afternoon and evening at the residence of Mrs. Jesse Failing- on Main .street, under the auspices of the j Tarish Aid of the Kplscopal church, j The merchandise has been donated to j the l'arish Aid by local merchants. "See Me Before The Fire" IT ou wish to make a quick sab- of jour property, It will pay jou to UM It with n. We have arrange ments vth n by W0 "ll M'll proiwrly on tcruts the Imyer ami :'t the i-asb Tir the seller. We are m Mm:; property on UMa plan to imrtlcs that couldn't buy otlierwlM.. JOE KERLEY Insurance, Loans, Real Estate, Grain RjNMI Poisoning on I'm lny. The cnlil. snowy weather in the west end of the county assures the success of the rabbit poisoning cam PRitfn wlilch will befrin on Tuesda morning. One thousand dollara wortii of strychnine will be mixed with threi and a half tons of alfalfa and the areen fond will attract the rabbits. It is estimated that one ounce of strych aine will kill from 100 to 3;10 rabbits. Fred ncnnlon. county acrlculture agent, is direcUnit tho campaign aod J. P. SKNaught of Hermiston, Is one of the active workers. ,-.-..1111 I.. SI.. .0.011 'Wl V WjWSVI" ..-. to SJIMI.1W - SUGGESTIONS FOR -HIM Suit 2.r,.00 to STS.OO Ovenxmt S18J.0 to SA5.00 Mackinaw 8.o to 20.oo Union Suit . Siso to sio.oo Hats $.50 to $22.50 t ap- R'1.5 to Sd.00 Silk HM 51.00 to $2.50 Basn ltoh-. Pendleton .... $:so.oo Smofclna Jacket .. sio.oo to $17.50 Gloves Shirt Ties ollar lias, leather BdtS lu rses liulinu Robes S2.00 to $10.00 .. . $2.25 to $15.00 T3c to $4.00 CotlCn Covers Auto Robes lied Hlankets Cliff Ituttons shirt Bbm vest Chant ami Pencil Vest Ctuiili ami Knifef Shoes $s.50 to SI5.00 Various other thii tlM) immerolts to litctititin. Dress AVoiileus Coalings Gloves, kid . . SUGGESTIONS FOR GIRLS $2.00 to $5.95 . $1.00 to $7.50 $...50 to $13.50 . $2.30 to $.1.50 In-esses (wool) . .. . lr, -s-s (oottoil) . . Middles Hand Kmb. ;owns Sweaters Pajamas $11.95 to $11.95 $1.50 to 96.50 $2.75 to $a.SO M.r.u to SS.50 $2.95 to 8.50 $2.50 to $3.75 . loves, fabric $1.15 to $1.25 Silk Hosiery 95c to $5.00 Silk liulerwear ... $5.00 to $10.00 iland Iti's and Itu-ses .vie lo $25.00 Vanitv Hans 35- to $2.50 r Ntx'kni'ai' 1 lundkerehiefs Shoes Coat 75c to $5.00 . . . IOC lo $1.50 $5.00 lo $15.00 $5.95 to $45.00 721 Main Pendleton Didn't Know City Law; Wrong Anyway I. II. Iytwrence, of I'klah. told Jndce Fit. Gerald that he did not know tho city ordinances and therefore was un aware that it la wrong to let tho motor of his auto run with the car unattend- j ed. The Judge was assured that Mr. Lawrence knows the state auto law, however, so when he showed the de fendant the same provision In the Mate laws, he was willing to pay his j :. fin". Al Carden admitted that he I knew heter than to park a machine I on the left side of the street and paid bis $2 fine with a smile. Coal Mine is Idle. The coal shortage continues to be acute in Pendleton. A local con! com pany received word today from the mine which supplies its coal et&tlnR that although the company had on November J!) posted notices of ad vance of 14 per cent in the wages of the nun. effective December 1. in ac cordance with recommendations by Fuel Administrator Gurfield. only about t'.n per cent of the men showed up for work Monday ami Tuesday. The mine, says the report, is Idle, the men having gone out on strike again as a protest against being allowed only 14 per cent increases. The leading coal companies report that it is impos sible to say when the production of coal wilt begin again. s Suit .... Overcoat Waist . . . Shirts . . . Os SUGGESTIONS . Sll.00 to S20.00 $5.90 to $1 8.50 B5c to $2.00 . . $1.00 to MM . . Sl.00 lii $2.50 FOR BOYS tiloves Tics Sweaters Hals Shoes . . . 500 lo $1.75 . . . 35c to $1.50 . $3.50 to $4.00 . $1.25 to $::.7r S5.00 to $10.00 SUGGESTIONS FOR BABY Hand Made I Ire-si - S2.50 to 915.00 Machine Made Dresses 91.50 to 94 .50 Hand Made Petticoats . SO to 941.50 Machine Made Petticoats to 93.50 Japanese (Jnilts ... $4.50 to 94.95 Hand Knih. Pillows 12.95 to 912.00 I5oot-cs. silk or wool 3c to 93.50 Hot Water Pottles, hand painted 1 .50 to S2.50 Comb and llrusli Sets 85c to 93.50 Carriage Strap .... SI. 'JO to 92.50 Rattles 25c to 91.00 baby Books ........ SSc to 91.50 Teething Kings 2.".e Hihs lOe to r Caps $2.95 to $3.50 Silk lisle Hose 35V to 50e Silk Hose f " V 81.25 Silk Sox 5e m Booth's Sardines,regular price 30c, now Saratoga Chips, package 10c Fresh Country Butter, 2 pound roll $1-35 Troco (Oleomargarine) pound 45c Bulk Peanut Butter, pound 30c Country Bacon, pound Tru-BIu Fruit Cake, pound 75c Shumway Ifemls Turners'. Uninp. A. K. Shnmway, well known Miltnn n., nif rtvi a i , I t .p. s. ' , i , i iif H 10 nrm.,n'ml RAUthprn Miiho depart-I he lieertsen- ;it Jl n heart ineMts of the Farmers Educational nnd Co-operiiiive Union of America for th year 1920 at the final session of the convention at The Dalles yes terday. ". Harrah, farmer of Pendleton, was named as one of tho directors. Dr.'c. .1. Whittaker, firnierly of Pen dleton. mw of CamhriUge, Idaht, was also olnntcn as a director. The ninth annual meeting Jwt fin ished was declnred the most Import ant held durjnj the history of the Eanl?ution. Many matters not i an Ih? made. The county sent out after January 1. I sihle so that improvements may be bids r;th dous niil stiMveil fcni;tle: will Mu.-'t'e tliirinr tlii eomina" winter and i. HM.i fr I ui.i-in nrr flmill'.SSloili rs .nnin rnmiirp n fee of S2 The law ", tne uecemner meet- provides that dons found at large without a license are considered out law and may be killed by the sheriff, police or constable in the precinct where found. Persons now 1ors nf more than eiRht months must have the state the John Day connect with the Ornnt will roicwum"" rua leading tu JuHn Ua a Tho survey party of tho commis- Ing of the highway commission Satur- sion completed the field work several day, Iecember 20, to request a sur- v . oks :mo and a larfre portion of tho vey party to locate a highway from office work is understood to have Pilot Hock to the John Day river. n completed. c omplete data Is This road would pass through Albee necessary before advertisements for ami t'kiah and at the arth fori Canon City. It is nearly from Pilot Hock to the line. The commissioners today wont to tho Havana-Helix road with neers from the highway !'!.: i to look for supplied r rock er ntl available for the road. license by tho last of January. Per- ; isons obtaining dt;s subsequent to that date have 30 days In which to net a t license. Failure to license a dog nnlv I Within IPC aiLOllt'M iniiv sun.jei.aJ me of vital Importance tc but of concern to th were discussed. local farnirrs. entire nation, STATE LICENSE JAN. 1 ffender to a fine of J 1 0. The state license is understood to be in addi tion to whatever license is required hy j municipalities. The license Includes ja certificate, col la? nnd metal tag. Tho county cleerk is to keep a rec ord of owners holding dog licenses. by alphabet nnd by number. BUY WHITES That the advice of the experienced truck user. HIS REASONS ARE Because they cost less in the end. Because they can be depended upon in any emergency. Because he is sure of service one five or ten years hence. Because the depreciation is small--and the re-sale always high. White Trucks are built in four sie . Grocery Department Two Phones 526 All dosrs in the state of Oregon over eiRht months of ape, will have to hae state licenses after January 1. 1VJ0. according to a law passed hy the 191H legislature. Tho county clerk issues the licens cfor nil doRs In his county. Ucenscs, together with tho collars nnd license tags required to be worn by doRs, were received today hy Coun ty Clerk It. T. Rrown. No application blanks were received, but owners ot flops may apply now, IncloslnR the li cense fco, and tho ccrtUHcatvs will l Peque provens st that office data on the Ini- , nt of the Pendleton to Pilot UorU hiRhwny be rushed to comple t'en was made of District HUthway Engineer M. O. Hennett yesterday by the county ommlssioners. The coun t is ojSiXtous to Rrt maps and estl lisUles ou the work as quickly as pus- Frentzel-Wailes Motor Co. Thune 46 722 Cottonwood THE WHITE CO. Cleveland, Ohio li 9 ; t hi V: .7' I