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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1919)
FACE THIRTEEN OMTT.T KN-IT nnrrirtfmrw HHBnjTCT, OWWWW. SATURDAY. UKOKMBEB C, 1019 FOURTEEN PAGES WANT ADS , CLASSIFIER Notices, Business Opportunities Locals, Lost, Found, For Rent, Etc. Classified for Easy Reference WAV!' All (Ol.tIMN AND i issn mi uuubotom Countlnff six ordinary worda to lue line .nil! cliHitfvd by the line Want mix it mi Itx-nla. Itatra Vrw l.lnr. Flrat Inaartlon, pt Una 10c Knch add. Inncrtlun. pr line . tc i in. w h (nix inarrtlnna), each liiavrttori, iir Mm- Co 1 inu. men tiiNcrtion. pat line. 1 month ontrm-f, nicli Inacr tlon. per Una 12-month contract , vavh In 3o I U..r M i j,. 3C Mo ada taken for Kaa limn 3 llnea. Minimum charjre !lo Ada takfn OVr th telephone onlv from But ' " , h ri aub rrlberp anl thoaa )ltd In ih 'A vlfpittma Ilirvvlory. Copy tnuat h r. iir ifftr not lat-r thun 1:30 o'clock day of publication. MBW TODAY Knrh now advertisement will btt run under '"New Today" for H the flr)t Insertion only. Ouring I suhs.i.iont Insertion of Hi ad ' It will appear under Its proper I 1.1.11 It Bilun. FOR SALK -line Overlund, reason vie, If taken at once. Inquire 814 Haiti Uooo ALL AROCND SAKLSMAN VVunta work, reference. Address (C- this office'. KXPl:ltli:Nl'i:i MAN AND WIFE Wanu hot 1 work, reference. Address Ti : lins office. Ft l It HALE ( Vlrtrula, ((o.OO It taken at once with record. In quire HI 4 Hazel. . Ft IK SALE- Three strand switch. brown, natural curlv. cut hair, two feel Ion. I'tTone 3r.s-V. wa.ntki i Furniahed Aatr ir house keeping roruu- Rest of reference. Call Room till. Hotel Pendleton. XIOK Pl.AVKR PIANO and foil ilol lars worth of tlaver( la.lls for sale Will make terms. "6H" this office. FUR SALE- litis Ford, excellent ren dition, c i llres, leaving city ren- son for selling. Inquire 1314 E. Court. Trails. . fc He IX'OI . M.. IHt: Mb. Train Nos. 1 and 2 are discuntlnu. ed. t .IS Tmlna Nom. 20 and 21 r dNmn- ' tlnuiMl. .Trains N-a. 41 and 42. 'Pilot Rock, will run Ifonddjr, Wcdnesdiiy antl Kri- dny only. Thto Is on incount of coal ahortnitf . xottco it. v a EaiM All Kilts nro roMocMed 'in mcpt in tho lodK'- room at 1:30 p. m. Sunday. Ii'cmbir 7lh. Ity Order of KxAltcd Hulcr. Notice Notlcr of PuriMiit of Git f,f IVikII' tm Ifnprciii4-iit Baajdja Notice in hereby given that City f Pendleton Improvement Bonds No. 5, Scriea O. .'o. S Series 11. No. h. Series V, Noa. 3 and 4. Series 3. No. 3 Series 5, No. I, i und 3. Serlca I, and NOJh 2. 3, ami 4 Scries 11. will b paid upon pi (-Mentation thereof to the iindcrflgi. cd at the Amerb-in Nation) B-'ttik, p' ndieton. iTmatUla !otnty, OrafW,, aftef Junuary l, ltd!. Intaraat on nall Hondl ccukcs Janu ary l, i:o. Dated Lec. I, 1lt!. UUE atOORH u se. Treasurer, City of Pendleton, by H Wi Dickson, Deputy. otiT to rm Public Anyone Indebted to the Bowman of Junuary. C. F. llllWMAN TEACHERS of both grade and high schools will find It to their advantage to Inquire regarding n proposnl we hiivn to oirtlce that will enuble thehi to materially In creaso their Incomes. Pleasant, dig nified, educational work. No personal ullcitntion required. Write 4JartfM I vicnslon ti)tltiilo (06 I'anama Bldg. Portland., Ore. Notice. 1 hnvo moved lo my new offices In the American National Hank building, j Boom 10'J. lr. Floyd Croup. IN POUND. The following described animal has been taken up by the marshal of the City of rendjoton, to-wlt: One urny mure, about P year Old, no brand, weight about S50. If nid animal Is not claimed by the owners or those entitled to It possession, cost, and expense paid and tnken nway within ten day from the dale hereof then at 2 o'clock p. in. of the uth day of December, uin. the said animal will be old to the highest bidder, at publlo auction, for ensh. at the City Peund. In snld City of Pendleton, the proceed of such ale to be applied to the payment of such cost anil expenses of mnklnK sal. ' Dated this 2nd day of December. LOST A NO FOUND ' 1MB To MY PLACE miles north n( Helix. 2 sheep. Owner fny have ante hy paylns ehnraes Inniilre .la- ,inson tiros. FOITND Between water nod John Bad street, hunch of kes owm-ri Ma) have JUM b Milng for Ihl ad. FOR SALE Koit HAL Nearly now bicycle lor 1 1 7.0 if Inquire H Thompson St. Iron MALE AM kind of Insurance), J. II. Bat, 114 Main SI., Phono (04. J-- 1 1 KALE A few fine young cock erel. Ilho Id Island Reds. "Phone I0F5. l-- I e HA l.i. Chandler excellent condition. Prls (1.1&0.00. Sturgl & Storle. Mode rn ( room garage. Inquire house. 1004 FOR SALE Modern bungalow with one ace of ground and pumplni' plant. Phone 211-R. FOR 8A LE Standard aewlng mi- chine, chairs anl tables, Mrs. Jeaie Falling. Falling Illdg. FOR SALE Several nls piece ot residence property. AIho acre tract Win. Morrison. phone 1003. . WILL EXCHANOF. nicely furnished five room modern apartment for smaller ano. Address "T" tlila office. HEi KIVKII Mve cars or ISO. 1 oal- t-,1 alfalfa hay. sk for price. I t'lnutilla. Floor & Oralu Co., Phones If and 1014. TOOLS FOR SALE Full kit of car penter tools. Keen-Cutter Miter Hox, brand new. Lester Drown, Uencral Delivery, City. FOR SALE IJtiifk six louring car.. A-l condition eeat covers and ex tra lire T. & S. Motor CO, I'honc 46. 722 Cottonwood. I for sale ! basement, j Haley St. THREE ROOM HOL'SR and lot for,!"!! Rl-Nj sale, liter Park Additi'.n. terms to suit. F. II. Mason, 80S Lewht ! St., ,r Wooler: M.ll. For HALE Rran new modern 5 room bungalow with full basement. Healing ,lant. parage, eK., $1400 cash balance ns rent. Phone 477. FOR SALE Modern elKht room house, hot water heeit, four lota, aorage. 22T. Jane St. Pendlet-n, Ad dress S. S. Ruttle. Spokane, 804 W. Kiernan Ave. 200 ACRES SO cultivated, balance tlmoer-pasiare. Adapted to stock. train, bay. Good soil Natural drain age, spring water. Horse", machinery, toole 1-2 of crop. Building Macadam road to Eugene, miles. (8000 oaah. Federal loan (.000. A. Ball, Route 3. Eugene. Ore. ron lln 8AM-3 Vivo pUHMIlMr Frank -Newly repainted touring- rar. and In good mechanical condition. Umatilla Auto CO., 809 Garden PL, Phone 4 17. ( WANTED V ANTED 4 or 6 room house Phone 1028. furnished I WANTED Good elaan rags at The i East Oregonlan office. j I.ADY WANTS DAY WORK ctoso ! by. 0J S. Main, Boom 9. 4 WANTED -4 or 5 room furnished house no children. Phone 1028. DOINGS OF THt OUFhb I was Just ovrRto trh ij SOO l VZti.1 H its Almos- fimished : TE1 - Jf I w it i Just Wonoc-rfui.. "Y Ano Vv'we gihg To make. rr Ait- vjvfJ3E4-Fr I Wowcea IF eeopue WH.L expect me To MAkG MV OBESSF-S AFTSIS. V,'E. ARE MARRIED? I Jl -WW i N .a -CTsW 1 WANTED Continued SVANTi:!)- airi housework, m 321. or woman for general mil (anally, phone WANTED Qlrl for general house work. Inquire 014 Lewi or I'hono 006-J. WOMAN VfcANTB WORK on ranch cooking for men- Addreaa 2-A thl office. . . WANTED To purchase fresh milch , cow. Only ,ho best considered ' Phone 1048-J WANTED Woman lo do funnily washing at her home. Address "4D'' this office. . WANTED Three mlllwrlghU. Will , nav 41.00 per heir and railroad fare. Vale Milling and Elevator Com pany, Vale, Oregon. I SALESMEN Economy lines of cal enders, leather goods and bank j supplies, good commissions exclusive I contract and territory; established I house. Kconomy Advertising Co., lowa City, Iowa. FOR RENT APTS. AND ROOMS ALT A APT. 1 rURNISHED APT. Hamilton Court Full RENT Two room t Inquire "0I" this 'iffice. TOR RENT Furnished room, close ' In. 415 Garfield. Phone 248-M. For RENT Six room' house with hot and cold water. Call 321 High St 1 FOR RENT Two one-room arts, and one sleeping room 402 Tustln St. i -Well furnished sluepinK u per week. I'lione - tl((-R. FOR liKXT Close steamheated room. Thompat n St. n. furnished. Inquire 025 MiELLANEOJJS FOR CHIMNEY SWEEP. Phone Irv. Ing Snyder. . WARD PHOTOS for Xmas. tako you In your home. We will HEMSTITCHING at the Singer shop. Mall orders promptly attended to. IlllEHHMAKINO Remodeling. Apt. 4, Hamilton Court. Phone 344-R. J HEMSTITCHING Mail orders Ralph Hnssell Laatx. Apt., , Phone 0S6-M. M1S r. HKFXE WHU designer H Phone ?si-M. Drcssmakt River I r and rive WiNp SHIELD f-LAS? Put in while yo,j wmt. B. L- Burrougha, Cor-! ner Webb and College. . 1 BEAUTY SHOP BR BEAUTIFIKD at Miss Robb's ahop. Judd Bldg., Prone 1050. I T1-T Pilot Rock Pendleton Auto Stag I.caveu Pilot Book at 8 a. m. LeavOfl Pendletun at 10:30 a. m Leaves Ptl"t Bock at 1 p. m. leaves Pendleton at 4 p. m. FANCHO STUBBLEFIELJ?, Prop. 4 -4 TIPPING OFF THE BRIDE - TO - MUST A HA WW ciiOu- MAW HOW AsIP I L me aoovt 1 rr trETA MURE - UsT ME fi J IB , 1 SBE. ViAia Ntw ORess.HCLftx' Vrttt.ypC'AViar I Oon' f i s'.,vj -l j DEFOSE- cJ ACE MASHlViO ano --zzvc ii AraniWAflto, ao let voo piamt ihem b 1 fT if jatwwm bt - it. rmlMoo-l'i oil. on Auio Matte 4 i : Uavcs llormlbtun. a. m. I.e. Ives Pendleton, St. Ororge 'Hotel. 4 p. m. Tare: Echo, (1.00; Stanftuld, i.20; Ksrralstori, (i 75 Special trlpa by request. A. it. ROBERTS, Prop. ,. TIMK CARD. 4 WeHton-Pendirton Auto Stage. 4 Leave Weston for Pendleton at 7:0 a. m. and J2 45 p. m. leave Atncna (at 1 cndleton at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. 4 Leavi-s Adam for Pendleton at 8:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. 4 Leaves Pend:.-ton Allen-Knight Co. EtbiK) tor Weston at 1' .00 4 a. to. and 4 p. m. 4 O. H. McPHERRIK, Prop. IN AGAIN avwxs CHICAGO Charles E. ChaCsny Is back on ibe Job again as super intendent ibe Chicago schools. BRITAIN WILL STAND BY FRANCE, EVEN ALONE PARftS. Tov. Uiitain ill vxo cut4? the terms of the Franco -Hritlsh defensive alliance, by which che rCl' , i Mf M :: Mr rtRTceH t" aid France in even, yf un 13 J rovolced iilai'iiiilijii bj (jerniany. I whciher or not the United StiifeS be- comtH u party to the pCPCti a enrdins- nt-rts.iaperj here t.ulay. llo. HUUI ''It says here that the world la not revolving as fait oa it did 10,000 year ago.'" Id the ill Fogy, as he looked i up from tlic magazine he Waa read ing. I "Mn be not." commented the I irouch. "But it goes around fast enough to satisfy a man who has o note to meet and no money to pay it." Cincinnati Kinjulrcr. JllM One More The Human Encyclopedia had an swered more than 1 0,000 quest loni correctly and was about to retire when a man in the rear of the hal- Eh 'M; 'Just one more question, please!" 'State your question, sir," smile' the ..iia.i ..encyclopedia confidently "When is a trolley car full?" asked the man. Cincinati Enquirer. BY ALLrlAfv BE CAU PT IATEC'- MVsElF I i ! i r(F47ltsV ov ARB MAWSO ANO OBft C ArafAMU, A-JO LET VOU PLA.MT TrtEM juii5Ei-r HANDY BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF PKNDLETON AND VICINITY land ready to slve you prompt and efficient service. , , i anouIjcement attorneys i FL0"!!! IIAVi; MOVED my office in the leltx Pldg.. from Room 9-10-11 to oom 7-8-9. turn to me m, u. . tebrr, eye, ear. noso and throat ape da St. AUTO TOPS IF YOU N2ED a New Top of Cur tains for your enr, Sae Oadwa, 101 E. Court AUTO TOPS and shoe repairing, Wtt Alt itreot. AUTO TIRE SERVICE 1,1 iVHEN IN TROUULE cal1 our Service Car. We go anywhere, any time. ...xpsoo Tire Service Co., Phone 451. AUTO TIRES PENNSYLVANIA vertown Cord. Vacuum Cup, Wallace Bro ARCHITECT RAYMOND W HATCH Arohltect Phone 7(t. Rooms s and ( Da paln Bldr- AUTO TRANSFER OR QUICK SERVICB, Bud Cornflr-ld. Pbone S2 Crescent Cigar tore. Residence, Phone 104(. AUTO REPAIRING PERBTJNB: & BEMENT, Automobile Repairing. Ford, Chevrolet, Stude jaker or any make of car. Service ;ar at any i'lione 203. time. (30 Cottonwood. AUTO WRECKING iOODYEAR TIRE SERVICE Good- year tires and tubes. Monogram oils md greases Bcntly & Rmenart. Alia irid Garden streets. AUTO PAINTING IT MZ.N WITH TEARS of experi ence. Motor Inn arage, 72! Cotton vood. Ward A. Hoagland. Prop. AUCTIONEER :ol. W. F. YONHKA Auctioneer, Call at Sturgis & Storie's Implement o.. for snle dates. AUTO ELECTRICJW0RK UTO Electric Work of all kinds: Magneto, starter, ignition, etc, El ctrlc ServP Station. Main & Water. VE REPAIR anything electrical on an automobile. W E. Chase Co. ATTORNEYS : . STNON & BYNON Attorneys at law 15-16-17 Belts building, over Bond -Iros. Telephone 154. ! 1EORGB W. COUTT8. Attorney at : Law, Room 17, scnmiai diocs mi (ARTER ft SMi'THE. Af mr!can law. Office tn rear National Bank Blulding PlaeeYOUR bW on Our twu Sounds Good Tastes Good During this cold w oather no doubt you have a fire in the kitchen most of the time. Why not get a big: piece of boiling meat or roast. You tret bet ter satisfaction from the larger pieces. Then you can have cold roast beef with some of our freh ground Hone Radish or Chili Sauce. This ill not only save fuel and time but makes you cheap meat. The Dean Ment Dpt. Phone 0B S,'VVa..Vav - - ... of- R. I. KEATOB, Attorney Lw. Ro-jm 24. Smith-Crawford Blulding. :R A. Lowell, attorney and counel- lor at law. Office In Despaln mag. I 8. A. NE WHERRY, Attorney at Law. Smith-Crawford. Blulding. PETERSON, BISHOP & CLARK, at- I torr.ey at Law. Room 1 and 4. Smith-Crawford building. JAMES E. PERRY. Attorney at Lw, Of. .co over Taylor Hardware Com- bai.f.v it a lm: v. Attorney at Too. nff'f In imnrisu National Bank Building. FRED Law Bldg. E. SCHMIDT. attorney at Room 14 amlth-Crawford R. M. TURNER. Attorney at Lw Rooma 7. 8. 9. Deapaln building BICYCLE REPAIRING AUTO Tires Vulcanized, bicycles and applies. Savage tires, key fitting Pendleton Cycle Co.. 218 K Court BLACKSMITHING THE AN SHOP, blacksmith lng Horseshoeing our Specialty. Re pair auto springs, wheels, all site FIRST CLASS Blaeksmlthlng of every description. You oan do better her i A. P. Burgln. 507-8 Clay St BATTERiES BATTERIES re. aired or recharged new and rental batteries. Electric Service Station Ccr Garden and court PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for : months. W E. Court. Telephon Chase Co.. 820 9 2(9, Pendleton CHIROPRACTOR DR. LENA A. BOONE. Chiropractor, office over Cash Market. (0t K. Court; Phone 103, DR. LOR ETTA BL STARE A 8-10 Peehler Bldg. t to 12 a. m.: 1:50 to 6 p. m.: other hours by ap pointment; phone If. 683 Res use IJIJW IhAblUnb 6( DUILUCnO PARKER BANFIELD Designing. Enslneering, Constructing; 10 years rperience in concrete and brick con struction: Colombia fcldg Portland Or DENTIST DR. THOMAS Oil MART, Taylor Hardwares Bldr., Pendleton, Ore.. Fhone 1)07. DRAYMEN CALL PENIAND Bros. Transfer van to move your household goods We goods. We do ooun- try hauling. Telephone S39. ENGRAVED CARDS VTSITINQ CARDS Weddlr., An- no.'.neements. Invitations, many do- aignr and etyles to seleot from For KjKt Oretronlan Office i I Tatom Co. Grocery Dept. Phone 688 ! --' U - FEE & FEB, Attorneys at tw t-o Id Deapaln Building. POTTED PLa.nTs. cut flower, pin. and ferns; funeral wreath, design. Geo. Hooker, Florist, Sit Main , t FARM LOANS sN'iw 4k DAYTON, 117 East Court . Reaj Eetate, Fire Inaurano. ILoanm. Bee u ..bout a loan. ; J WILLIAM i. HAN&coai Jcwelers-Opticiana Pendleton, Oregon. JOB PRINTING 1 ETTKR HEADS. Envelope. mil Heads, . oos Leaf Bill, Commer cial Forms, Dodgors. Placard, etc. printed to your order tan Office. LAUNDRY EVER Y article lauoi erea vtfeul There' an arent In your town. Troy Laundry. 08 Garden Bt LUBRICATING OILS MoN ORAM Oils and Oreasea all dealers, Eastern Oregon Warehouse 'Matleck and Alts Sts. F G. Sullivan I, rn Oregon Representative LEGAL BLANKS LEGAL BLANKS of every description Blank Deeds. Leases. Writs, Bill of sales, Vontracts, Subpoenss. Affidavits ; Complaints Summons, etc.. for sals at En st Oregonlan Office. IVIOJpjiyiEi L, MONTER.vSTEI.LIj Marble mat Granit works; writs or arrays- fOS nterview for prices, styles, etc PIANO TUNING Let me take care of your plan, at the year. Tuning, regulating and res pairing, Uprights, Grand and Player, Phone (45-W. B. A. McDonald Painting and Paper Hanging PAINTS Wall Paper. Picture Pslni Man Low- Rms. Paints J W JACKSON, i.oneruJ oi-lri. i J, Painting. paiertn and calsomining ' one quick neat ar ' nht i , dn. Phone 1034 dOUSE PAINT WENDT Tinting, Paper Basgna jEstlmatea Furnished Phone 1144 Shop 320 Anra St 1 POULTRY SUPPUES 1 .'HICK FOOD 8ctch food. 'onlcs bone, shell, grit. corn, oars rolled barley, Umatilla Flour A Grain Co HEATING plants, shee. m-ta pipe fitting genera ptumbln, plies D. D. Phelpn. 317 E Court RADIATOR REPAIRING 1 VLTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta street All makes of adiators repaired. Work guaranteed I C. Blasberg. Prop. Iave your Radiato.- repaired by ouf expert Thorough satisfaction guar anteed D D Phlps. 317 E court REAL ESTATE 'TTM ATTT.IA County wheat or lands Pendleton propertjt ' anehrta crazing- larida W H m nook - apraj RESTAURANT iTHF JT'ELLF good ole. RUGS JEVt ano attractive rugs oo. iu vour old ingrain and Brussel ear pets by the Walla Walla Fluff Rug Co US! Walla Walla Ave. Wall Wa IT 11a Wash Phone 1(77 SUITS TO MEASURE FMIL BECK the tailor Hnt. "ma lleton. Bldg Phone 110 SECOND HAND DEALERS gf V STROIiLE deals- In oe and "o- jf ond band goods Cash paid for 5 second hand goods Cheapest plao V o buy ti?use'nold good II1 r court B rhon !TIW j SHEET METAL WORKS ' PENDIJiiTilN SHEET METAL, works d chimney tops, gutters, skyllgtata 6 troughs, auto bodle... 738 Cottonwood ' TAXI SERVICE WHEN TOU NEED s tall or touring f car. call noedrcka We go any. d whera snytlms; all new taxi ph n j 4S4: stand (11 Main ST TAILOR i ,ono ftl M'M tft USED CARS C-Ei. CARS at gaoulne barsaia prtss at the pndteten Malaf ale Cl. Ilsl aillf a H' ph. in l(( ye