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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1919)
HAGE TBlf PAIT7 EAST OKSgoinAK, PEWPLBTOS, CMOOTT. DECEMBER 6, 1010. F0URTET3N PA0E3 I UBt'AIMC si miv M, MOMt.w and ciinTn her win- thr camp, ar unlnadad, and much of precipitated act to Nome I inled ahutte llliu I.. ... . . .1, ... , .... . . .... . .....,....,... nouoii inhos tlmun: this nr.. her, without ornwdn. the ...! ur. w.-J, .. .., i ! " ld- Aml h, ln " sirl t..o. ashore, but era aha mudl bo4 raubaa ubj 11 i an an aix-iacnt. hut th.' mmlv shore, -she 1 ll's too Mod to Bltra awa.v. See ih t,t., 11,., ,.,,..,. 1 .. 1 ' " iiim 0111. : ,i,.,. i,P ..... W alt, 1 KHwarda dlrcctad thla pro- ! Kvii-y f. ot of thi Hex Hea.h pro-m-lli.n. which i the first to ha Auction Is fall f loi. thrill. Ill th, I'M. fflo I'.UIS, 1,1' h. nfc... t . one of the iMIcWtful lunations of little star in four years." It was adapt- ...... 1, ,t ., ,,iini; , ,1 from a plav of the same name by ,,, ,,, nas lauen nopeiesslx in loye the late Clyde Pitch. Ulth a . . : ,1 ult-l I. 1 , .i , . .... - i.iini anu j. mies i.-, i'xmiv Wi lli l-'V si.-i-'v iv dmlftnn, 1.. her 1, th..t .. k. v.... , I . -s Ml.., I n ,,, , hi. ' '""ramr"- moto ,mkiv ih.m. tnirlr Mia manhat.r. ha via. I...'.. m.-Ji ... u. ' ; L". .' """" " "arr ""n Emmy Wehlail. Met,,', fas. inatlna "iinser , and hawim sworn a hat ryiflEla) It VMPAItT ;ii!is UWW i 1 it i piiotovi 1 "' inady is rtiniwint In the I'aramouni picture, "uiris. Ha ruling an.l flalnt. little .fai uuei itc "lark, which arUI In- shown at the Ar cade theatre Sulldav. Al.TV M IV M IlllVlltr celeltraled 1 is se.Kinc ill uiKlllst Hal Votina and Tame. I- 10 her home that he iniaht Van Tries ivere the c uneramcn. Hut bis beloved is Melius siipnm-Un lb stara are Haaey impression that she is a Warren. Ralsn fhadwick, Harris. n havla. 1,...,, .,. ., I .. , n . . . ..... .. ... " ,,, roru. full, i no mas l. l-erse - - - ., - . . sinla l-'. l!, nn,1 nthup , .ei.mlr. .. .1... . . . ' . rad ef all men. h,.s h.,.. . , T " ' '"' u" uiealre on Minilay ami Man- I Alta Theatre Today door a ajgn rendlns. '.Vo man shall roas this threshold." ucii us ularind daffhnoa mlKlit hue intimidated moat younit men. hut not K.lKar Hoh. He is a 'ling lawyer nnd a man who persev, res He aimpW " around to another room acrcss ihc cotiriyard. crawl across a aus- AKt 1K TODAY ItKX BEACH TM.K v r.oi.n Itlsn ilBwa as w m. w wsav A u a. Toothpaste Sold only i 7 X -A 1 Keitlivm in motion piclures ha vpp been a prime requisite, ami In "The Olrl From Outside,"' Ilex De.ich's new nMTVvn picture which Is to open at the Arcade theatre to"day this point will be nr-tieel at once as beine par I Ic l ry utrlk inir. Director Retina Id Hiirker, under whose careful supervi sion thla productions was made, has injected the utmost in realism Into this story. ' For instance, the Seattle boat is seen being unloaded on the btetftk shore of N'xme. Alaska, where "The fiirl from Outside" plays her part. The date is 1 9o, and the characters alone are worthy of praise. The atno sphere is interesting., and recalls to mind those days r f the Klondike rush. Barrels. hoTtes crates, cases groceries of all kinds, clothing, implements, mining koota, and all equipment necessary for iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiminiHiiiiifiiii,MniiimiM,,i,iini,i,in,iiii1,HMiiiiiMiiiiiin jda in the clever comedy-drama "The Amateur Adventuress." I The Btory la that of a young girl. Norma Wood, who is tired of th humdrum existanco- of every. day lite ' In an office. She determines to set cut In se.iiTh for adventure In ether words to see life. To accomplish thi properly requires money nnd. most important f)t$$l, beautiful clothes. How to get them U" the problem. P"t being n womnn Norma acconiilishcs both and the nly thing that remain- is the adventure itself. How she gets this and the surprising manner In which fate plays Into her hand, is thrillingly shown in this picture which gives Miss Wehlen every opportunity to display her remarkable talent and her clothes. An amazing series of in cidents show how adventure follows adventure in rapid succession and how happiness and Jove is her ultimate re- v.ard. Miss Wen leu's dramatic power j nnd whimsical humor have never ap- t pea red to better ndvemage. Others i f the clever cest ar Allen i Sears. Kosemary Theby. William AT. Mong, dene Pallette, Marlon Skin- ' ner,' I,ucille Ward and Victor Potel, I The play was directed by Henry Otto i and produced under the personal su- i pervision of' Maxwell Karger, direc- CmLDREN 10c My Julian Jottcphson I'hotogiaido tl by Chester Lyons ADULTS 35c llirecleil ,y Jerome Mlol lll Supei l cil by Thomas II. Ince He said he could never love her because she was a "play actress." To this countr.y "rube" the stage Was the devil's paradise. Certainly he loves her before the picture is over ! It wouldn't be a picture unless he did. But the chain of circumstances that makes him change his mind is what makes this one of the "gol-darndest" best pic tures Charles Ray has ever made. On Same' Bill Fox Sunshine Comedy THE LADY BELLHOP'S SECRET REGION TO LEGION 3bssssssMKN& THREE DIE IN FIRE MI SCATINK, la, Dec. 6 Three ' persons are dead and eleven are In n ciuieut onuiiion today us the rcsul ot a lire which destroyed a ratlwa moior mis alter it bad jumped the track Dear here late yesterday. - ARCADE SUNDAY and MONDAY Children, 10c B I'ASTIMK SUNDAY AMI JIOMIVV HKAITIKI I. SUMS BttTS IX Tin: itiisi: or Tin-: ua.m-iio" r-:i.VNEAr8LIS John Bow resigned his job as mayor of Can hy. Minn., to Join the Foreign Legion in 1916. He is the onlv .Foreign Legion member of th American Legion. ALTA Chilrren 10c Sunday Monday i Adults 35c METRO PRESENTS Emmy Wehlen IN The Amateur Adventuress A COMEDY ROMANCE Ori Same Program KINOGRAMS News of the World PARAMOUNT MAGAZINE 3 The Scenic effW-ts of "The Rose 2 the Ranchb.f the Paramount pi;-ttire i S -which will bte shiwn at the Pasdjme J S Theatre on Punday and Unday are ! S particularly beautiful, having been ; 5 pbotoaTAphed in Southern California among the old Spanlal, mtflalortfl in S order ti pet the proper ntniosphtrre. sz The repr duct ion of thea scenes i US of a t)-.Mi1 day in Calfornia, sere . 5 to "revive popular inte-ivst in th' "hi , 52 missions Which are rapidly cruniblins! 25' Into dust. The services of a number i SZ of Mexican men. women and children wc re acquired aa Maopenr,! and to 1 get her with a bacjcsroujid of Spanish S missions, tended to Rive the amount ( SI of atmosphere 'required. "The Rom of thRanoboH i.s a ro- ! 5; nuiiU r i ith a combination of plot, set- j j5 tlnga and virile characterization that I 5S; N handled in an artintlc manner and ! S is pecoJiarly adapted for the screen. What society wants is shorter en gagements and longer marriages. NASAL CATARRH ti , , " ... nnuan very ioirmcn it Is a Serious Disease Worse at This Season. It i, ad i-flanir.inl ion of thenincoua membra r.c. csuiing a discharge, and is aggrtv ,cl I .ulj.s and sudden eouiges ii o;:tlicr, hut depends on an impure ejMIiHtion of the blood. hen chronic it may develop into Consumption by hrcakine down Ilia delicate lungr tissues and inipairing , I ,-iitTi ncaiin. Begin treatment with Hood's fiar saparilla at once. This medicine purifies the blood, removes the cause of the disease, and rivet permanent relief. It has been entirely satisfac- j torv to three generations. If a cathartic is nerded take Hood's Pills, thev enliven the liver, regulate the bowels. Adultr, 26c JW1 ml 'lI"See No Mail Hear Ni vl.m '";.' A IJesie I,. I.dslyi pre ' Mamuerit j ' V For Christmas B CLYDtll rRCH Boetuurta hy t l.AltA III iom.i R and AUOB KVPOW Directed b i rnt RaWAHM Lipt. that Brew whiskers should never touch theirs! Then one niffht a poor innocent man dived riKht into their apartment and faced them three raging furies in their nighties! Perhaps they treated him too cruelly ami were sorry. Anyway, the Man Haters' League crumbled. And now well, it won't be well for the person who speaks ill." of their husbands! Made from the famous play by Clyde Fitch. Chipf man-hater dainty Marguerite Clark. Better come! PRIZMA The Picture tieautiful PATHE NEWS Around the World in Pictures I HOME CHRISTMAS Very Interesting Vaudeville ADAMS & MAXEY 'The Hoosier Cleanup Kids" We have a large assortment of Pipes Cigar Cases Cigar Holders Cigarette Holders CigareMe Cases Tobacco Pouches Cigars Cigarettes and Tobacco In Special Xmas Packages an Ideal Gift. i I an 1 I ii , p iiiiiiiiiNMiiiiMiiMMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiminiiiuiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiinn 1 1 Pastime i Sunday and Monday Children, 5c Adult, 20c I Jesse L. Latky presents David Belasco's Play 1 1 "The Rose of the I Cigars have made and spoiled many a Christ- mas morning. Si Give ciears that are denenrlAhlp Wo nffo H a wide selection of the kind you can give without "misgiving." ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT OF HIGH GRADE CANDIES IN ALL SIZF BOXES The Charles Co.. 713 MAIM STBEE1 WHOI.HSAM: AND RtTOUL PHONK CLIFFORD & CLIFFORD A Bit of Circus "illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliliiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllllUlllllllllllllif mmmmmmmmmmmmmummiummuwuHt iiiiiiiiiipmhiiiihiii, Arcade Today samuki, touiu vv "i:i:skts Ijbx Beach's Lift tnrT miami f nas north JfLDAlTJJD (ROM THIS W .Ui LAOY e Girl From Outside I 1 1 :l 1 "I I l lit IUCfSiXAM lii:kKK i'kiidi i ii TMnotroM Lmrrni Willi III la-f tfiiiH itt irciiKih (Im (airlejr HM" 0M haMsV l'4 lull. "dij" in Xlakii l--irii-d llii- I'VittriKf llial I'mnI ba litnn i ! latiti-ill llio uirl hi- lnti'il ami miiili- , ' I In i jiuiniai' in miiiiiIh-i man. Ill- had failil hi ili-lH ni Kralftiulf : WASHICTOXrf your boy U home from orerseas or Christ Trias, thank Brig -Gen. W. D. Con-' lor. He Is the man who is send-' K American soldiers borne from" 1 'ance and Germaw SWAMP BORDER OFFiCE EIj I'ASo.rfDuc. 6. The formation of a home Kiarl of American Legion members to protect El 1'iwo in eircnt of intervention by the I'niterl 8tat-ii In .Mexico in the object of a meetintr of former Her vice me nhcltl last night. TJ- t all for the DiMtlfiK and recall ot sJ A iiieric-an mining m-n in Mexico fot SJlowed VV.iKhljiiKton advis that a de Sj ciKion on the Mexican situation will be . :'(. notrfi. B The f-xodtiH of Mexicans from th 2'l"nit-fl KtateH has already start'-d. Kn Htlra families of Mtxicaai ur- Rrtivtnir h re in lacrMaiipic ruimber, c rossing Sjthc interqytinnal bridge at JuareK. The; 5 ' nasjforL office here is swamued. ', I A m.r-ricaYts n the Mexienn side, how- ever; are p fbaking lick to pU PftJKl Si yet. dhmbllnff tablet in Juarez are crowded dally nnd far into the night : by Amei k-an la ers. American bun- i Oliver Chid Plows Rancho" Featuring Bessie Barriscale A PARAMOUNT PICTURE "Te of the Ranch.." is a tale of the days of feuds in Old California a .story of those golden days when men would Kive their lives for a "claim" or a woman's smile. David Belasco's great stage success it is known by theater-goers the nation over. Come, won't you. Added Attraction BURTON HOLMES TRAVELOGUE """'HHiiiiiuiiHnm linMlllliHiilftl,wHWn,,f Plow Makers for the World Juarez. onttnUfl their usual visits to M. . , TaltTtt Mine-. S JKKFKHSOX ffTT. Mo., pec. SE Miwojrr coal mint-M .ire seix-i! I. S the artate under a pi o la mat ion which (lov-i nor Gardner limied today. aT.. av.n.a... I. . .. t I. I a 1 S not bee, nuf th' need them beeaM ' Pendleton, Ore. Sturgis & Storie Walla Walla, Wash. We Buy Used Cars If you have a used car for sale bring it over We can perhaps make a deal Beck & Miller Phone 203 628 Cottonwood St. IIIMIIIIIIIIIHIIMIMMIIIIIIMIIHIIIMIIIIIIIHMntlflllllMIIIIIIMIIMIIilllHIKMtiilljlltlllllll " ' '"" "l 'rr"rJ x" baT ,h"m