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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1919)
raw mm TWELVE PAOfM DAILY EAST OREOOfTIAH, PElflW.KTMI. OUOOR, FRIDAY, I0&MdEft 5, 1019 CONROY'8 CASH GROCERY IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROYS Crisco. . l'i lbs. 60c, 3 lbs. $1.15, lbs. $2..'5() Extra Quality 7 oz. Toilet Paper, 3 rolls 25c Shasta Tea, blk. or green, 2 lb. 25c, 1 lb. 50c Van Camps Pork and Beans, No. 2 tins 5 for $1.00 Van Camps and Franks Soups, 2 for. . . 25c EXTRA GOOD BULK COFFEE, LB.. 45c Soap, Sunny Monday, 7 for 50c Mexican Rid Beans 3 lbs. 25c, 7 lbs. 50c Blue Karo Syrup. .No. 5, 55c, No. 10, $1.10 Shredded Wheal, each 15c Olympic Pancake Flour 35c "Chere is an Battery tor Your Car I 'I'll' lor'ul nuvul i i i tiittntf Bliitloti uulnounrvd today that Jpnmu LmU iw of Walhi Wiillu, haw i nllHti-d fur the nuvul aviation iorvlca, H will be !! to tin- Crt'Hl I.Hkrn Nuvul Htatloli, t'hliiitfo, for trutnliiK. The young man 1h ill -nrH of aff nrcoiriinir lo Jt. Out, HMTulthiK offic ii . BRINGS THE ROSES TO CHILDREN'S CHEEKS MoHW: lU'tm TIiIm VktIuIiIh Trnu ut IIoiih i,hkJ Health to All the ptomlly. To drive nut of the system Inipurl tli thut keep you baling miMimMa In good iidv !, and popl who want bet ter blood arid keener enjoy in tiU of life should not nflvleet taking it at least a iwit-wtiekH treatment of xm lie lieulth-tmlldfnir K. & t. Tea. DruKKiMtH will tell you thut wore of pi- enjoy a cup at bedtime baeauM It keeps llvir and bowels In proper mint it ion :ind enrlu lilHmiu attmalrm (.ml if Mick headache. Give It to the childn n when peevish. They jllke It, and ft act very gently n the little bowel. He sure you get Or. Carteri k. & B. Tea. NEWS OF THE CUUNTY OFFICES AND OFFICERS OPEN NOSTRILS! END I A COLO OR CATARRH KcKoi- (.nii!: to Convention, The UlHtrh t attorney of OrOn will convnne In Suletn nnxt Thu.Hduy. I KiM.iv and Saturday in their annual three day convention. Jltrlct Aftor-I ny It. I. Kaator uld today that he will attend InuHmut h aa he will have! to appear before the mipreme court In j Malem " Monday fnllowlny. Prominent atnonK the Miibjecta to be ; dlt-iiKMod i Ihir plan of co-operation aad co-ordination of all state officer , in Hubdttlrac radical actlvltlcK and teaching Americanism. The 3i da- trict attorneys of the state, attorney- 1 general, governor, Justice of the mu- I prcme court und If circuit judges of j Oregon have been Invited to attend, i THE PRICE Ffertncrf will Moot t'mi.plne r.irhniH will meet tonight with Fred liennlnn, county agrlcwl turo agent, to make arrangements for the formation of a cow tent Ing khso clntlon and also to outline f;trm bu reau nfcajne m a How To Get Relief When Head and Nose arc Huffed Up. and it will give "punch" and "pep" to your start ing system. The space saving "Unit Seal" con struction gives extra plate surface hence greater capacity per unit of weight and volume. This means built-in durability and power. Let us show you your "Exl&e" Bat tery and explain its special features. For battery testing, filling or expert battery advice come to our m "JExibe" Service Station This service is free to all battery users. Repairs, the prompt and satisfactory kind, on any make of battery at the riht price. Count fifty! Your cold in head or catarrh dlK.-tpp'-urs. Vour clogged nos trils will open, the air passage of vour head will i lear and you can hreathe freely. No more raufflujt;, h:i wkinn mucous discharge, drynrss t.r aoha; DO ttUKffUie f'r bn.uh ;tt nighf. flet a small hottle of Kly's Craaill i Balm from your nrvavtt and apply i I little of this fragrant antiseptic cream j In your nostrils. It penetrates throuuh every air piisaaK'' of the heud, too thing , and healing the swollen or Inflamed mucous membrane, giving you instant I relief. Head colds and catarrh yield ; like magic. Ion't stay stuffed-up and miserable. Relief Is sure. Two District Vet to epurt. Hchool census returns from the county districts have been received by ; ( 'ounty Superintendent V. W. Oroeii from all save districts No. 18 and 42. j s n : i ub i i it air. urui i win u. v. whj - pilatton of data will be made. From these ruiuite is determined the outre of special school tax money wldh ; each list (let will be apportioned next year. So J lit I it 1 1 i.nulc I.Mims ti til May. The cuuty school HU"pcrinlciid iit announced today that this county will ! not exercise Jts opinion of giving i eighth tfrade examinations in January ami that the time set for such fxami- j nations during 192t will be in May, i June ami h'eplmnlier. JfllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIHtlllllU Simpson Auto Co. i 11 n m wnitman i Sampler I For the lover of good candy. E Called Samplers because in old- S en times samples showed the S best In needlework and design This modern Sampler shows the best In chocolate and con- S fectlon. We are headquarters S for the .Sampler and the whole g Whitman line. (.atnh'liu c Mano tor (.rami Jury. The cases of Rill Tramos, charged wit h opernt ing a gambling house at rUettv and Jim 4'hiorvss and . P. 1 ; reea, arraatad fr jumbling there, i will be presented to the grand jury Which convenes on December 1j. D4s- ; trict Attorney It. U Kentor said today. Two of the tnOfl are willing to stand j Bar iOtiOfl by the giand jury without j preliminary hearing, Mr. Keator said, j AM are held in bail. 25 unces for 25 is placed on every package by the manufacturers. It is the same now as before the war. The H. C. L. does not need to worry you when you purchase KG Baking Powder Our Government bought millions of pounds for overseas. Htnnflctd Couple Issued license A marriage license was Issued 1 Thursday afternoon to James A. War Petl and Mi.-. Sibble Thompson, both J Of Stanfield. ONE NIGHT ONLY THE BIGGEST SHOW IN YEARS Charles Dillingham's Gigantic Musical Comedy Claude Jjoyd ?lven .Decree A decree of divorce was signed by Judge G. W. 1'helps in the case of Claud Lynn I.lody vs. Shirley M. Ut d. E MH Aprais4 Man's Ktitate. George C IJaer were named today to appruwe the estate of Charles Jenkins Insane, and for whom a guardian was appointed yesterday. 9. Phone 408 Remember THIS IS A SAFE PLACE TO TRADE Booth's Sardines, can 25c Norwegian Sardines, can 30c Seeded Raisins, package . 25c Van Camp's Spaghetti, can 25c Pop Corn, pound 15c TJic new Pineapple is in. Standard Grocery Co. C. L. Bonncy, Pres. 230 E. Court St. Phone 9G I Tall man & Co. I IculliiC Drntstna. riiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniui JfHUIHIIHINUUHHIIIIIIIUNISlhllMfhillll 1 1.1 1 Ml The riiinpse Fpccinllst, which, spending years in study and re nearch on the merit of practic ing his professional medicines, is enabling him to treat any acute and chronic discuses very ucccasfully. If any one who is afflicted with any diseases can not be cured call or write to hii.i. I k. .?. vonii fiiiM:sr: mi:u. 5 :. Ko. j; K. Tth St. Walla Walla, Wash. Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiri PeitllJon to Admit Will Mrs. Nora Hugoi yesterday petition- j cd the proliate court to admit the will ; of the late lvmis Unpen. Depositions j must first he taken in Portland, I where Mr. Haen lived at the time of his death. The petition shows that the estate is valued at 1130.000. J98,- 000 of which is represented by reul I property in Umatilla county. .She asks to be appointed executrix to act with out bond. WALTER W 11,1 S ROY Itl.VDI rt t'OMP.WY OF 01 MOSTLY ilKI.S ANI Till . 1 "AMOl K TOM HKOW.N'S ( LOW.V SAXOI'HONT. BAND HKB8 1.K. 1.50. 2.00. S2.SO BUM WAR TAX BEATS NAT! IU)AY THO.MI'SOXS' DRUG 8TORH. t , Dr. C. H. DAY Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Wishes to announce the opening of offices in Rooms No. 23 and 25, Smith-Crawford Building, Pendleton, Oregon. Phone 704. ' I rmatUlu Wjints standard High School Voters in school district No. 6. Uma- i j tlHa. will have an election Monday, i j December S, to provide for the estab- ! lisbment of a standard fou-year ac I credited higrh school at that place. Hwnimir ICvain-s in 'Two WedtK KxamlnatJon of candidates for teachers' certificates in trepon will be belli at the county library. Pendleton, in Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, December IT, 18 and 1 0, it was an nounced today. V. tr. Green cotinty superintendent, will be in charge. Gmuilly Xurso At I'matilla Miss Florence B. Bitllley county health nurse, is in I'matilla today where sho 'was callel because of the diphtheria eases i nthat city. Three deaths has resulted from diphtheria in I'matilla recently. DR. H. M. HANAVAN DENTISTRY Room 7, Temple Bldg. I'bone 772 MBjtit i fHli rWHIir'll1 1" ' I. . ji iiJk. JWfP Mpi PI m Mma, APPEALED LIBRARY CASE TO BE HEARD TUESDAY The famous library case will comet up for hearing on Tuesday. December I 9, at 9 a. m. in Pulem, before the Su preme court. The cast? was appealed by Judfre lames A. Foe aftor a decision render- cd in favor of the commercial club by I.IudKC Qustave Anderson, of linker. A or bri car The Car. the Factory and the Dealer r.iv lady can drive without trouble .shifting ears or controlling the clutch VVe Want you to drive The Dixie as it is one of the few cars easily handled. T. & S. Motor Co. 722 Pif lnnwvd Phnnp 4fi CLASSES TURN OUT FOR HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL Ijvst niplit nearly a score of boys from the senior and sophomore classes ! urncd out for basketball practice at the high school pym. The coach re ports a lively practice. Next Week the interclass gurnet will be played "ac cording to t he following" schedule: Monday, junior vs. senior, f!osh vs. Hophomort1 : Tuesday, sophomore vs. senior, frosh s. junior; 'ednesda . junior rs. BOphs, seniors vs. frosh. The semi-finals will be plael Thurs day evening und the final? nt the At hlutic Carnixal. 1'i iday. I 'fcomln'r IS. The pirls Of the school are also do- inK f'ue work In this line. Miss Oa t harine Morpm, the coach, U work Inif hard to whip the team into shape. Many of the irfrls are observing train ing rules. TEMPORARY INJUNCTION GRANTED FIVE COMPANIES We Want Pendleton People to Know THAT THE UMATILLA FLOUR AND GRAIN CO. IS FAST BECOMING A PLANT WITH A PAY ROLL Our ever increasing business during ju st the past few months has grown by leaps and bounds. For instance, up to last April this plant had three people employ ed at a payroll of $300 per month and no w, since August first, our payroll is $2000 Per Month With 12 People Employed Every dollar of this is distributed among citizens of your own community. WE HAVE MANUFACTURED 5000 BARRELS OF FLOUR SINCE AUGUST OF THIS YEAR This was in addition to our chop mill p roducts. Skookum Pancake FLOUR is receiving recognition all over the North west and very extensively throughout Uma tilla county, outside of Pendleton. Very gratifying orders are constantly being re ceived from Portland, Spokane and Idaho p oints. Skookum Pancake Flour is a really good product, having already proven its w orth. Do not be misled by temporary cheap prices from large outside concerns. Thes e temporary prices are merely a club ued to cripple the home manufacturer. If they accomplish the desired effect t he price on their own product begins to as cend. NKOOKl .U IUM IKK 9 OCR IS Sla 1Y PKxm.irrox cash MARKET ivvur r.iins. AI.KX Ml:i:s STM) VKI (;l!(M KRV And can easily be obtained by all Pendlet on grocers. Umatilla Flour & Grain Co. ST. LOUIS, !. ... Federal Juilffp FiirlH today irranted a lempormYy in junction aKainM enforcemenl of war time prohibition. Five iligtillmjr com panies rtMucted an Injunction lo pcr- i.iit removal from bouii and the leJBaHr Town office 220 E. Court St. Thono 1014 MGR. NICO J. BLYDENSTEIN ill and Warehouses 1100 U'e.- t Alta Phone .')"1 of, - - -