TWELVE PAGES FA OF. TWT.TVT. DAILY HAST ORF.OONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1019 JJ W w w wwww vwwww OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE J. C. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution Good Things to Eat X-Rayco Because; X thimK t. havs a FAUCN STOMACH. . UHNevci. I I Swt Apple Cider, none better. Why pay more ? Gallon 60c Little Pig SauMge, package 50c Country Sausage, pound 35c Evaporated Fresh Eggs, 2 dozen size $1.25 Comb Honey, comb 35c New York Count Oysters, pint 75c Winter NellU Pears, box $2.75 Hot House Lettuce, pound 40c Kippered Salmon, pound 35c Pure Maple Sugar, bar 35c Bulk Mince Meat, pound 30c Giant Cheddar Cheese, 1300 pounds, per lb 55c Spanish Olives, pint 30c Gray JSros- Cjrrocery C- "QUALITY" Two Phones, 2S . 823 Main St In the San Francisco Fire there was not a single safety deposit vault seriously while- sixty ier rent or the so-called "flM proof""' safes. Bssre MfilMl, bt'iit. Ivmken or ssjUfVBBd sSjMne, antl iht- eontciii.. totally lost. If your of business or home were visited to night by a desaStrCaei fire. would you int feel si-ier if your valiuiblo NjBrs wi re stored in a fire-proof aial Imrjrt a r-proof vault .' Safety Ienosit I Soxes may bsj mtiipm! sixes ami nt a sniatl annual rental at iu various THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON Total Jlesoutvcs over Hvo Million Dollars. we ah k-Kay TvKeN or VilUli Hf AO. TOO '! IF YOU iwpurr we won vmv Moe op Vriilt? tONli ReClTAC OF . . . . . r-t rr aKi r lit I ' 1H 7 I k - -. ULMtlt, L t 1 1 - y m Air 1 -me vecK DAILY MARKET NEWS OF PENDLETON The following prices are the prices being paid to producer by Pendleton business houseB. Wherever retail prices are given the fact will ba tpe c ally mentioned. Errs and Poultry. Eggs, 8 Oct? 85c. riitmpcatiuthlc If you wen- to see the unequalled volume of unimpeach able testimony in favor of Hood's Sar fiaparilla, you would upbraid yourself f'r so long delaying to take this ef fective medicine for that blood, dis ease from whirh you are suffering. Hens, 16 to 20c. Spring chickens, 20c a pound. Country Ham, Etc. Ham, best quality, 28c. Bacon best quality. 40c. nutter i iu and Butter Butter, $1,25$135. Potatoes. New potatoes, 3c a pound. Wheat Found Smut Kcsistant. miiittiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittisiiiiiiiiiiiuiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiititiiiiiiiiiii DULL. THROBBING Oft VIOLENT HEADACHE USED cars WITH A FACTORY GUARANTEE We place a factory guarantee on the following used cars. Cars like new and we guarantee them mechanically. 1 FRANKLIN, BUICK AND VELIE EASY TERMS From 15 to 20 smut resistant va rieties of wheat have been discovered bred out or setected out. reports H. M YVoolman, federal investigator of ce real diseases, who is located with the department of botany and plant path ology at the Oregon Agricultural col- leji Although these wheats, called highly resietanf much remains to be lone in solving the smut problem. Some of the varieties are in small quantities and several years must elapse before they can be sufficiently Multiplied to help much. Many of the resistant and immune strains must have desirable production and milling You take a Dr. Jams Headache qualities bred into them before they Powder and In Jnsf a few moments e acceptable as commercial varie- i vour head clears and all neuralgia and Some of these problems win be pain fade away. Its the quickest considered at Farmers week, Decern and surest relief for headache. bor 29-Jamiary 3. ' whether dull, throbbing, splitting or ; - ' r.erve-racklng. Send someone tn the All Linen Firm idrug stoic and get a dime package ami Active in Yards. ! now. Quit suffering r.'.-fdles- ; All livestock showed a firm and ac Ite sure you get Dr. James Headache tlve tone Thursday.' Keceipts were Powders then there wil be no disap- t fair and a quick cleanup of offerings I pofntment. j was shown. ior Bl 1 5 Now Look Here Womens Shoes ' HP $2.49 A PAIR Why not reduce the high cost of living by buying a pair of Goodyear Welt Shoes at a remarkable low price. PICK OUT YOUR SIZE Widths 2jl n i B" CJ D El 3 3 jSVal 4 "2!" 41 4 4'! 4! 5 '5 V 31 71 6 6V1 7 81 3j 15 31 17 15 HOE 3 w 31" 2 51 4 If These shoes are conveniently displayed on counter near the Shoe Dept. SEE OUR WINDOWS JrfJ. Zfeennett Sor 4f Incorporated J Incorporated PFNDI.irrON, OKKCOX oilOMTK HOTK1. I'KM.M.TON J. C. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution lr. .lame-." ITradactM Powders lear Your II ml ami HtOl .euial.u IMiu at Oim-c la t'nts a rscssfB. r Country saunagf1 and par-rlbs are "clline In local markelli, the aannage FfWn for 3" cent, a ptund. and the spare ribs for from 5 cents to 30 ccnta a pound. Eastern Oregon Motor Co. CHEVROLET, VEUE, PEERLESS Near Pustofflce. I A VITAL t is natural ior a growing child to crave what may seem an of food. The vital, important factor is to tssure not only a plenitude of food but food that contains those substances that promote healthful growth. SCOTFS EMULSION is daily helping to nourish and strengthen many boys and girls through the trying period of growth. lou should not hesitate to give SCOT I A EMULSION to a child of any age. The exclusive RTade of cod-tiver oil uied In 3cott' Emulsion is the famoui "S. & B. Process." made in Norway and refined in our on American Laboratories. It is a guarantee of purity and palatability unsurpassed. Scott & Bowne, Bloomfield. N. J. 19-2? In the sheep division better values , country Siiiisaov and are ruling for both yearlings and f weathers, the former being strongg at 1 Sparer! I Selling 1m while the latter are firm at $9.50. General Iamb and mutton ra,nge: Best east of mountain .. $12.00$$ 13.10 Stockers and feeders ... 10.001S 1 1.50 Valley lambs lt.l00tt.IO YearllngH 9.50ft 10.00 Wethers 9.00fi MO Kwes 6.50 7. 50 While the cattle market Ih consider- e dstrong and one selected lot of steers sold at $11. ihe general market unchanccd ;! $10.60. Demand for all classes of cattle. General cattle range: Best steers $ 9.00 2nod to choice steers. . . . Medium to good steers . Fair to good steers .... Common to fair steers . Choice cows and heiferfl Qood to choice cows, and heifers Medium to good cows, heifers Ifaiv to medium cows. and heifers Ca nnera s.oo Bulls 5.00 Best light calves 12.50 Heavy calves 7.00 Stockers and feeders . . . 8.00 Trade In the swine alleys strong with a rather fair Tops are considered unchanged extreme sales at the $16 mark. General hog market range L Prime mixed ...$15.50 Medium mixed 14.5015.50 IILOH T"0 Ij P5COUGHS 9.00 8.00 7.00 6.50 8.00 7.00 5.50 4.00 5 I Jewelry for Xmas 2535 IB PENDLETON'S POPULAR PRICE STORE. f Jo i S A Complete Line of J at e.oo ' d K 9 9 00 I SOLID GOLD AND SOLID GOLD FILLED 8 " i JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, CURIOS, ETC. J 7T 6.50 J I 9 5.50 f We have no fine fixtures, but we have the goods. S ill Next Door First Nat. Bank. j i SOL BAUM A with m A t Sporting Goods Store f -is oo 9 Guns, Sweaters, Leather Vesta, at prices that are right A ta Motel rend eton aiae. m 8 a 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiii IF YOU HAVE USE FOR A TRUCK You pay for it whether you buy it or not. Republic MS Will prove it. Pendleton Auto Co. Established 1907 Use Horse Sense! Buy a Ranch If voi want a frraNoftjfM SO apM lnijroed farm on the i: TI, on the railroad, one mile from station, you had heller a-i irick. This Utile ranrti has a nice home, barn and other buildings, pferttj of fruit, grape.- and aevriee, some seedWMl (o fall wheat, some alfalfa" and Ls i- ii .-i with Stodi and nniehlnery in tact, evcrjlhimr rtady to iimmo onto und start ofwrationa. Hard to Ikh this Tor a goxl buy. Prtcc SII.0OO.0o on hikmI terms. We have a choice lairaaln In (own propertjr, con gjiSjUm of :; honsea and r Iota, paved on two streets. Price, Snow t& Dayton "We Sell Land" Phone 1072. 117 East Court Street Real Estate Farm Loans Insurance I r.vaMratel Kggs Are ! Sold Hi SI. 25 fans. Kvaporated eggs, with two dozen eggs to a $1.25 can. are selling tn the local stores as a substitute for fresh j eggs at 90 cents a dozen, and packed ' eggs at 75 cents a dozen. The evnpo- rated eggs enn be used In nil Cooking ex cent f nr frvincr. bolline. nnarhine. etc Chaneis Is Grain Market Are N'oti So sharp. Only slight readjuHtment of coarse I erraln prices Is noted In the reports ; from the Portland exchange today. No 2 barley went up 25 cents to $67.-5 I but other grades are unchanged at j tfl8.50 and $09. The rise to $70 far I Xo. 3 is being stayed. Corn Is quoted at $60 and $63 iifter the high mark of I last week. Mill feed went 50 cents I higher and la $41 f- o. b. mills In car ' toad lots. Oats are $55.50 and $r,ft today. Just Arrived f Kilts and tesetahles Mfee'ed by Cold Snap. Fruits and vegetables are scarce be eetlSf if the cold weather, announce Iocs I grocers. The winter weather Is causing a shortage In these prnducts Hot ouw Ittiiee 'h in ' ii'- a I'oitnd. Hot house lettme is retailing at 40 nts a pound. It is grown In Walla Walla. Winter Vellln IVnrn re wiiiin Here. Winter Xellis pears, nt $2.75 a box, are selling in the local markets. They are grown in the Htanficld and Iler mlston sections. I 2 Carload of 7 Pass. Hudsons 5 Pass. Essex Oregon Motor Garage BUICK HUDSON CADILLAC HUDSON Distributors i