- ' ' BvjenlerJfWjprea!eBBW9VS1 mm MOB BIX DAXVg EAST OMOONUlf, PENDLETON, ORBOOW. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1&10. TWELVE PA0E8 Social and Personal Mm. ilHttlr Smith wm elected pmM rhlf of honor at the mmunl election of the 1 untw of Himir held y ester -day othrr officer elected were Mr. Lot II l.on . chief of honm ; M is. M i v Mak , lady of honor; Mra, lit'1". lien, thief of oaramontaa; lira. aria Dale, recorder; lira, Myrtle .Par ley, ro rd 1 n f ina tic ier ; M re. K I U tdux, receiver: Mra. t Vlestine Kins, imher ; m ra, fell Anderson, aaalatauit usher; Mra. Cor N'cwwml', inside watrh; Mr. Morncan. outride Ht h . Mra, Marietta June, assistant Mm Hale slasher, Mr and Mm Collins, and Mr. an 1 Mr Jnineti Star Rtw were hvt. to chhf of h nor; Mm. Anna Mefon nell, first maid of honor; Mra. Jnli- Ta iti hell, st-rond niatd of honor; Mrs. Ava rM wards, musician Mra. Laota Itrown wok made captain of the Pe. ree team, lnltlatton ret emcmles were held yenterday for Mi. KUie Mol atrom and Mm. a ..i . Wltton. Mr nad Mm. Frank Sharpateln and-; McPharaon Circle No. 11, Uidlea of Jack Allien, of Walla Walla, wore Uta Q, A. R., will hold a buaiaaas moot -among the out-of-town .meet a who at- I0' at Moojpg hall ut o lock tumor tended the diinoc last night for which row :fternom. Election of officers la Mr. and Mm. Hen Iturroiigha. Mr. and ,to ne ' feature of the meeting and ull i members ;iic .inked t In- present. .dletnn tn September, and a k-ian.i-i Miaa l.uclllu Fisher, of A I boo. dauulit. i o( Mr, and Mra- A. T. Tor- lViidleton viaUor. MM or hla city. She attended hurl, I Mr. and Mra. Charles Irenmnjrer left Mhool here for throe years. thln morning for their home In FokhII Her husband hua hint received his j af tor ape ntllng several daH In the efty tttacharc from soiWre in the I aitc.li m. J. Buckley, general in u auger of Htute.s nmv) which he emend at the the O.-W. I ; & N. U In the city today, time America entered the war. Mr. X, j. ltlyUensteln la In Kcho today Weiss haa made many trips acres thufon hntltlW. , wuter oui mr i ne paun novo a i mom oh i . Henr has been in the hospital (it Mare Is- . . , ... I.i Mil l'nir..rni, At. m.,.1 M.w V,IM4 " "KHI IO Kl oW OllI whim pine on oeen llllll l lt'il at least once. are to make their home In I'ortlaml. Pendleton l i lends of Miss llaael W rick arc rejoicing' In her convulus cencv from a recent lllneHs. Miss W tick's health la improving rapidly. OPERA STAR WHO WILL APPEAR ON STAGE IN NEW PARISIAN "GOWN OF THOUSAND MIRRORS mum mm i mmu garment shoi Great December Clearance Sale NOW IX PROGRESS WOMEN'S SL ITS. COATS. DRESSES, WAISTS and PETTICOATS at Great Reductions Mm. Albert MeMttrphy. Worthy MUM matron of the tresn Kustern Star, wa a Kuest yesterday afternoon Of Mrs. Mary Johnson, grand treasur er of ihe ofder. and Mm. Lcota Wown. worthy matron of ltttsheo chapter, who araa classmate of Mm. McMnr phe at at the Pniverslty of Oregon. Mrs. MeMurphey with members of lushec chtipter last evening wont to Athena where she was n guest of the Athena and Weston chapters. To night he Is to visit Helix, tomorrow night. Milton and on Saturday even ing she will be the guest of Pushee chapter here. Com' tig1 as a surprise to her rela tives and many friends was word ro ceiwd last evening of the marrtaffa of Miss Velma Perkins, former Pendle ton girl, to Mont Weiss of Tort land. The service occurred yesterday after noon at the home of her parents in Portland. The bride la the daughter of Mr. and M ra. ra Perkins, who left Pen- Mothers Rwend Expectdnt Mother Soften tUo Musdea WtADIltlD ML'JUIKUt CO. Dot SO. Atlanta. C i i i m I THE THOMAS SHOP Formerly Known as Th Paria Smart Comfortable Coats at Sale Prices You will be surprised at what a small price that you'll ; be able to buy a jrood, warm coat for this cold spell. FINE MATERIALS AND GOOD, STAPLE STYLES PRICED AT $15.50, $17.50 AND UP "The Girl From Outside" bought one of our Handsome Afternoon Dresses. 8 Miss Mary ;urderi Miss lry Iarden, win hoa just returned from Knrope, hurried from Xaw York BOOS after landing to Join the Chicago opera Company. The yinger brought with her front Paris a new siane gown which she calls tha "Ouwn of a Thousand Mirrors' the gartnet having myriads of tiny mirrors all over it. TO THE- SECOND FTyOOH TAYt-OR BTJIfJING PRACTIC ALGIFTS Are Sure to Please lhere will be an unusual demand for nractical. sen sible gifts this Christmas. This is true because all of us are striving to practice economy. Our stock contains scores of good practical gifts and if you buy here you will not have to pay special "holi day prices" for staple goods. A few suggestions may be helpful: . TOILET ARTICLES, LEATHER GOODS, PERFUMES, STATIONERY, FOUNTAIN PENS, CAMERAS, SMOKER'S SUPPLIES, SHAVING SUPPLIES, DOLLS, PYRALIN IVORY, ETC. Such gifts combine real usefulness with good judg juagment and good will. 0(J Bring your list to us and you'll find somethin? suitable M for every name on it. 32 "IJVXT iUIfv?? a vi lav Vnis ATM i i 1 i i i GENERAL PUBLIC OB THE FIRST TIME r; TEN OR MORE YEARS -HARLES DILLINGrlAM 3F THE E.V YORK HIPPODROME 3LOBE THEATRE PRODUCER OF JACK O' LANTERN" VITH FRED STONE THE CANARY" ith JULIA SANDERSON nd JOE CAWTHORN HIP HIP HOOAY" EVERYTHING" TC, ETC., ETC. AVORS OUI? CITY AGAIN VITH 3NE OF HIS RICH AND GIGANTIC PRODUCTIONS Mauve and ivory chrysanthemums, profush ns at them In gr-at hall.t Of fluffy winter foliage were suspend ed over head, fashioned into a floral frieze along the walls and balcony and lankcd in lovely clusters against the orchestra pit in Eagle-Woodmen hall Inst nlKht, when scores of folk danc ed away the evening hours as guests Of Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Penjnmin Burroughs, Mr. and Mrs. James H. BtUIfia and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Slu.sher. Dancing began at y and the affair proved a most ehurming event. Floor , lamps CASt a rich glow over th" Mg 1 . room and rugs and "comfy" chulra j and davenp. rts added their charm to I gracious hoHpitallty. J Punch was dispensed during the I dancing and in un adjtining alcove I ices and coffee were served front I dainty (aVblaj) presided over during t alternate hours by Mrs. W. B. Hub- : bard, of Spokane, who is the house . miest Of Mr. and Mrs. Sturgls, Mrs. I Tt. S. Hurroupchs, Mrs. S. I. Sturgls. J Mrs. Henry Dixon 'Jones and Mrs. , (Thomas Tin mpeon. I T n a u n ii 0 e f ea t u re w h 1 ch ca m e j near the final number of the darn ing j progra an, cKlIlion atrips were tossed j overhead catching on strands of wire to form streamers of a riot of brilliant colors between which the guests danc ed away the final numbers. SHE 00ES TO BED WITH SHOES ON: HE'S TIRED OF IT AND SEEKS RELEASE f PORTI.AXn, Ore.. Pec. 4. Frank MuxficM claim his wife makes up" and goes to bed with bar shoes and storkliiRs on. He says he is 'tired of it." so has Med suit for divorce. Besides, the husband avers In his complaint, .Mrs. Maxfiald has a "nai e'ng, uarelsome disposition, and has grown careless In her appearance," HT IS THEREFORE .VITH A GREAT DEAL OF PLEASURE AND IN FACT PRIDE THAT I ANNOUNCE THE COMING OF HIS GREATEST MUSICAL COMEDY SUCCESJ Miss Thelma Yeaman. of Buhl. Iditho, became the bride of Iesier Norman yesterday evening at a simple ceremony at the Norman home, 715 West Kailroad street. The bride and groom were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kay. of this city, and the cere mony was perform 1 by Hev. Ft. E. CJornall, pastor Of the Methodist church. Mr. Nunnun recently return ed from service in France as a mem ber Of Company K. 116th Bngineers. The couple will make their home in Pendleton. THOMPSONS' DRUG STORE Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. I a If you wish to give something that will be most appreciated, combining comfort, beauty and service. Choose a Fur OF THE BETTER KIND Equally appropriate for Mother, Daughter, Sister or Friend. Otter. Beaver, Fox, Hudson Seal, Raccoon, Mink, and Badger for your Selection. Comparison in prices invited. Clingan Hat Shop The Small Shop With the Big Business 814 Main Street with WALTER WILL3 and ROY BINDIR IN THE LEA D A COMPAN i OF C'j FORTY niE X MEN BAl 4 Cr SCENES AND TI FAMOUS ' CLOWN SAXOPHONP BANl) SIGNED SAM WRIGHT OREGON THEATER PENDLETON ONE NIGHT ONLY WEDNESDAY, DEC. 10TH Surprising Mr. .incl Mrs. J. E. Allen upon the occasion of Mrs. Allen's birthday anniversary, a group of friends called at their home for sev eral delightful hours last evenlnp. Five hundred was an interesting diversion and a supper prepared by the guests in anticipation of the visit concluded a merry party. Oifts of china, cut glass and flowers w,re left, as the every morning guests departed, as birthday greetings nervous nystem to Mrs. Allen. Tne affair originated at the bidding of Mrs. Kyle Long and besides the honor guests and Mr. and Mrs. Long, the group included Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hose, Mr. and Mrs. Harrv MeFarland Mr. and Mrs. Lester f'ronin and Mr. ami Mrs. H. C. Krehbiel. HONEYMOON LASTED DAY, 15 YEAR OLD BRIDE WAS THEN FORESAKEN IS CLAIM 8POKANA D0. t, Desertion of his 15 year old bride at the end of a one day honeymoon proved ample grounds ; for a divorce when the Judge heard I'llen Brother's story here today. A FOOL AT 40 It is an old proverb that every man is either a fool or a physician at 40. ! Wall I fooled along for 40 years in ihe practice ft pharmacy and, the etudy of medicine an therapeutical before I discovered the wonderful I preacrlptlon for Number 40 For The' Blood, There Is more In this won-j derful prescription sold and used by I the citizens of our home city than nil other blood medicines combined. It is indicated In all depraved conditions of the system. In blood trouble, in I sores, ulcers, eczema and skin diseases. J In chronlo rheumatism, catarrh, con stipation, stoniarh. kidney and liver troubles. J. c. Mendenhall. 40 years a druggist. Rooaton, Texas, Jan. 22, ' J. . Mendenhall, Evansvllle. j Ind. I)-ar Sir: "Having suffered', from 12 to IS months' with a nervous i breakdown, said by physicians to be i sciatic neuralgia, causing general toxic ; poisoning, and seeing your advertise- : ment in the San Antonio Express. 1 : railed on Dr. A. M. Fisher, Druggist, j; He recommended your prescription Number 40 which I have been using Z for three months and I have receiv- 8 Od great benefit from It. Sleep well. ; good appetite, have gained several S pounds in weight, get up feeling fresh S Have no pains. My Z has become nearly 9 normal." Respoctifully, j. N. Dupree, ! 7 I T. ' ".million St. Z Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Brothers Scatter Sunshine WITH Christmas Greeting Cards Make a list of friends you wish to remem ber. Christmas Cards cost so little and mean so much that you cannot afford to forget anyone. Come in and see our fine large section of Cards, and pick out your favorites while the choice is wide. FRAZIER BOOK STORE 'The Girl From Outside" sent some of our read- f iig cards to her folks in Alaska. iDlfliTs Gift lrtttrmtufe A Good Stock of Coal in our Bins and UTAH Conditions of transpor tation and a strong pro bability of strikes make it advisable. for you to buy now. B. L Borfouaiis, Inc. PHONE 5 Cor. Webb and College A wedding" supper in "WalTa Walla ta.st eonnff fninplimrntcd Mr. and Mr. Harold Maloney Ida Chllds) whoso marrlat? was a PBd)etOll event of ye.' terday afternoon. The affnir took 'uro in a private dinin? room of Hotel D&CMM and the party included )esioes the honor guest, , ICIai Uaphne Itelts and nrnest Hoy- j (ion, their attendnnts at the wedding, and f itttt Winnie Iioylen and Jark Chllds, brother of the bride who mo-j ! ton-rt With Mr. and Mrs. Afnloney to the harden City, wnim where they: took the tiiiin for I'urtiand. Mix. Mal'iney'.- upintf away costijnie, and the one he choe for her wed ding, was a fawn rib. red t;i!lleur with trtn'minps of Mlnkflj worn with a bat Htore of liliif combined wilh the same fur. er.l a CQlWUIfl hou-pret of Ophelia rOlk MlM Pelt h. who ntti ndeI lior. w. io a dainty frock of black satin v 'i h cream lace ftehu, worn with jl Ji.rpe black hat and f orsaffe of pink ro el. nds. RUB NEURALGIA PAIN I AWAY! QUICK RELIEF! Mrs. ICmmett Kstes .i a Pendleton visitor from Walla Walla, fine arriv ed here hist night and Is vlHitfnjs her mother. Mrs. W. S. Watlock. Mr. and Mrs. .Tim K'-env, of V.nkrr, who have been ft Ihe home of Mrs. J. N". BwtttSM for the putt week, left this morning for Portland. Slop puff erf nffl Uiib Wuralfila Pain S Prom Kar o. ireful or Body with B "St. .lacobs I i n i t noii l " net a small trW bottle1 8 Huh thjfl soothing, penetrating: HnI-S I nt rfShl inti (he sore, inflamed j S nerves, and like m;m ir- Neurn Igia dis- 2 appea rs. "St. Jacobi liniment" eon- j 5 quern pain. rt is harmless neural- 'S iu relief which dreant burn or dls- S color t hn skin. : H Don't suffer! Jfs so needless, net a rmall I rial bott le from any drug ; S ;i nd gently rub the "aching ' S rb rva" and in just a moment yon S will be absolutely free from pain, ache t nd suffering, but what will please I you more Im, that the misery will not come back, No different whether your pain nr 3 neuralgia m leery is in the face, head S or any part of the body, you get in- slant relief and without Injury. Give a Gift That Is Useful ORNAMENTAL AND PRACTICAL IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD During the present high cot of every thing and furniture will cost you more soon unless unforseen hap penings occur make your gifts worth while... Do not give a cheap, trashy article' give something that will add co.nfort and beauty to your home something that will please "her" or "him." Among the many things we offer you we especially wculd like to show you the following: SEWING CABINETS PEDESTALS LAMPS SILK SHADES SMOKING STANDS NEW ROCKERS PICTURES PHONOGRAPHS These can be had in mahogany, some in oak the I prices are right. DR. W. H. REYNOLDS Chiropractic Nerve Specialist. Itooms 1 and 2 Inland Kmplre Hank 1H.I2. THThnne 101 II Hrn. 10 to 12 a. m. 1:30 to 5 p. m. - Come in and look around, things that will appeal. w.c. You will see many I Crawford is be today from St. Maries, Tdaho. . a "rthbon, of I'ortland, is In the elty today. A. M. Wrlijht is her from Portland today. Mr. nnd Mrs. r. K fiummere of Dr. David Bennett Hill l"NTIKTHT -ay IMaxiMMU. Complete Home Furnisher 103 E. Court Phone 496 "The Girl From Outside" said that a Piano Lamp was the nicest Christmas present you could buy your wife. Or fieattle are in the city today. riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii