TWELVE PftOra DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON. OREOON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1919. PA OS THKEI VfffVWfVfffVfVffWTTfVTfffffV WWW WW WWW WVOVO W News of Pendleton CXLAX 4 Mr.' IU-jthoIiIk (nvnleaoiiur. Mm. W. U. Reynold In convaleacln, after having her tunall. removed. She la at Hotel Pendleton. New Clerk To Arrive. Mlaa Kdlth McMurray haa accepted a poaltion aa clerk In the office of W. W. Crydor, t'matlllii foreat aupervla or, and will arrive hero to take up her dutlea January 1. Mlaa McMurray haa been employed in the office of the Uchoco foreat. olnued. Total fines collected were Of the caaee up, 41 were traffic violation, 24 were drunk or disorder la', 4 were for violation or ordinance U34 and 1 or ordlnunce 18. Will Itc-infMlcl ruiiiHlrv nulldiiur. O. , Mant wan iaaued a permit to day tn remodel the Interior of a build ing for the 'Knterprlae Foundry Com pany. The proposed work will coat 1300, It la estimated. BuUdln FDpnlta Total i;,i;b. There were 23 building; permita Is mied during November, according to the monthly report of Thomas Pitt Oerald, city recorder. The total value tor buildings was $47,435. During the month burial permita to the number of 14 were issued by the recorder. 12 Inches of Know. The anow at the head of nutter Creek la 12 Inchea deep, according to word received today by W. W. Crydcr, I'matilla forest aupervisor, from the foreat ranger of that aection. It liau been anowing for the post two days, ways the report. The depth of the anow exceeds the full at Butter Creek ut this time lust yeur. Will tuiid KeWul flewtkm. Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Taylor left today on No. 17 for Portland where Mr. Taylor will attend a special ses sion of the grand lodge of Oregon, I. O. O. F., for the conferring of past grand rank upon past grand lodge of ficers. One of the features of the meeting, which is to te Jield next Mon day, will be the presentation of a all iver aervlcc to E. K. Kharon, for 25 yeara grand secretary. 7(1 as.- itefoiv Police Court. November was a buay month for the police court, 70 cases having come be fore It. Thlrty-alx offenders paid finea, 32 forfeited ball and 2 were con- IjikkIcm sell Itod Cross Souls. The Oirla of Pendleton high school are selling Hed Cross Christmas sen la in connection with their work In the flirt's Forum. The Forum met last night with Vaahti Hosklna presiding. This and other matters were consid ered. The fact that the girls of the school ore good at the selling game 101101101- r I -101 101 1Q1 101 101 101 101 FANCY ROME BEAUTY Eating Apples THESE APPLES ARE WRAPPED AND PACKED AND CONTAIN EXTRA FANCY AND FANCY GRADE IN ONE PACK MEDIUM TO LARGE SIZES, $2.65 PER BOX Wo alto have some Extra Fancy and Fancy Jonath ans at a real good price. $2.75 to $3.00 per box Good Sound Winesap in sacks. Small size $2.75 per sack Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. Fine Groceries and Meats Phones 101. (Private exchange connecting both departments.) Schools Plan Olrtatro Programs. Children throughout the city schools are already ut work on their Chrlst mus programs und will shortly begin preaentation of them. It is planned not to have all tho exercises on the hos been demonstrated In the various laame day but to distribute them over tug duys in which they have part let- the two weeks preceding he Chrlst Paled. mas vacation, which begins Iccem- . ber 23. In some instances two or more grades will be combined for the 8dnoy Williams i ..male. -lug. Sydney Williams, whose hand waa badly Injured In an aecl.dent at the Burroughs Planing Mill yesterduy, is convalescing nicely today, ilo Is ut Ut. Anthony hospital. I tat., mi t. I- I .1 1 1 In-. Although the temperature toduy is only 20, muklng the day one of the I coldest of this winter, the barometer Is falling and there la indication that the weather will be warmer, says Ma jor Lee Moorhouse, weather observer. The thermometer dropped to 10 last night. Thrw lire Muring Pant Month. Pendleton had but three fires dur ing November, ull of them coming af ter November 26. Prior to-that date there had been no alarm for more than a month. The flrea were all small, total damage being estimated by Chief W. K. Illngold ut $200. Ten gallons of chemical were used and 600 feet of hose laid. One alarm came over the system und two by phone. -loi ioi loi loi 101 loi loi ioi ldi ' program work and some of the ex ercises will be held In the auditorl jum of the county library. FRENCH PRAIRIE FIRES SET SHELLS BURSTING If Me Before The Fire" If yoa wihll to nuke a quick sale of yoiir property, It will pay you to list It with us. We have arrange ments whereby we can sell property on easy terms o the buyer and get the cash for the seller. We are x'lluig property on tills plan to parties that couldn't buy otherwise. JOE KERLEY Insurance. Loans. Real Estate, Grain 721 Main Pendleton LAOS, France. Dec. 4. (United Press) Though the war is over, resi dents.of the devastated districts or France are dally fleeing from burnt. of shell and Hhrapnel. The new menace is caused by the small gross and swamp flrea which are following an unusually dry period in northern France, which frequently set 'off the shells that have been piled uy to be hauled away and exploded in some safe place. I Major H. Greene, of Boston. Um ihad a thrilling ride and narrowly os 'caped a hail of shrapnel on his way from St. Qucntin to I-Jton this week as a result of one of these fires. A 'French woman working in a field jnear llouconville was painfully gass- !pd and considerable property damage , ha? b"cn done. In the Mint, desolate fields, thous Lands of unexploded shells have been i( k-. up by German prisoners and 'though there art details hauling them I away and setting them off in remote viill-v every day. there are still long ranks of them everywhere. Sparks from locomotives and from small fires where battlefield rubbish is being burned, occasionally set fire t patches of dry weeds and the acci dental bursts are numerous. Koads passing places where shells are be ing set off are guarded but it is fron the accidental blasts that the danger comes. Major Greene was driving along road to one of the villages where he has a committee at work, when small prairie fire reached stray shells just over a hill near the road. A fragment whizzed nea r h is head . He put on full speed but several other I explosions followed quickly and one piece of shrapnel tore through the top of his automobile. When he reached safety he made a circuit of the die trict and warned the residents not to enter the road until the grass fire had burned out. The French woman who was gassed was almost a quarter of a mile away (from the bursting shell, but in a val ley. She was rushed to one of the Hed Cross stations and was found to be painfully burned but not Internally injured. Residents of the Aisne dist rict are depending upon the early arri val of the fall rains to end this dan ger, which has been the most serious l faced since the work of reconstruction began. m IRISH TERRORISM TOO MUCH FOR JUSTICE IN DECISIONS BY JURIES LONDON", Dec 4. The cabinet de cided to suspend trial by Jury through out Ireland due to terrorism there, md the impossibility of securing con viction, it is understood. Ijost Forever. Edith So that rich old bachelor didn't propose. Madge No, he ute six meals that summer hotel where they ndvor tise home cooking and decided to stay single. Boston Transrcrlpt. at Wm M VV Q l A 7 ' Y Garb; , y-f SERVICE PENDLETON'S LEADING STORE What ever you give, give something Practical We're sure to have just what you want. And for a practical gift come to this big Xmas store for it Shop early snop eany in me muimiiK. Give Alexander FURS . Picture her happiness when she opens your Christ mas box and finds an adorable fur the gift she most desired. SATIN for an evening dress would make an ex cellent gift for her Xmas. We are offering a big lot of pastel shades for even ing wear, such as pink, light blue, turquoise, water meion pink, rose, green, etc. We also have the trim mings to make up with these satins too, of braids, edges, flouncings, motifs, etc. Satins, the yard $2.23 to $4.00 Trimmings 50c yard to $15.00 TAPESTRY COUCH COVERS $5.00 to $15.00 Beautiful colorings and designs. What is it she would appreciate more than one of these fine Tapes try Couch Covers. They're full size and excellent finish. Look at them. Alexanders Furs have that exquisite charm and individuality so indispensable to correct gowning yet they are so sensibly priced. You pay no premium for Alexanders exclusive ness in fact it would be difficult to duplicate Alex anders quality elsewhere at even a much higher price. "The Girl From Outside" had one of those beau tiful Belber Wardrobe Trunks sent to her apartment today. JAPANESE HAND EMBROIDERED SILK KIMONAS Gifts to be enjoyed in hours of leisure. Silk lined, meaning comfort and warmth. Japanese silk and crepe de chine Kimonas $17.50 to $45.00. Embroidered wijh heavily padded flowers all lovely colorings. TOWELS Bath towels, in plain and colored. Huck towels of linen and union of finest qualitv with damask ends. Also HUCK TOWELING to make up. Give towels for they're always acceptable. Bath Towels 25c to $1.25 Linen Towels 50c to $1.50 Toweling, yard 75c to $1.50 THE GIFT DE LUXE GIFT NECKWEAR 75c to $5.00 A splendid lot of fine Neck wear for Xmas gifts. Made of net, Georgette, organdie, etc. Neatly trimmed and well made, offered in the newest styles. Col lars, cuff sets and Vestees. Be sure to look them over. f-v - - .X X BB lA - am. a a n. Ban 'i m if Kayser Silk Underwear We have a big line to offer for Xmas gifts. Knickers, Vests, Cami soles, etc., of the genuine Kayser make. Send her silk she'll like it. underwear, Silk Hosiery Qn in tx nn i.;.- jpT i v".w x ... fK m.n ine ideal gilt tor Vf aii s. rv wfiinan iv -awV wants more hose re- "jD l ) eardless of how manv' ' pairs she has. Offered vir T455?" in all colors, as well as vT black and white. INFANTS' SILK HOSE Silk sox and silk and wool hose in white, of the finest quality. Don't forget the baby. Give some hosiery. Silk Hose 95c to $1.25 Silk Sox $1.00 Silk and Wool Hose 85c GIFT PETTICOATS $4.50 to $25.00 Satin Petticoats with pin tucked and ruffled flounce in all new suit shades and white. A host of style fashion ed of taffeta, silk jersey, washable satins, crepe de chine and Georgette. Styles suitable for both street and evening wear, in light and dark colors for street, and lovely pas tel shades for evening wear. CHEAMERY BUTTER, per pound 70c TILLAMOOK CHEESE, PER POUND 45c WISCONSIN CREAM BRICK CHEESE, LB 60c VERY FANCY MINCE MEAT, POUND 30c FRESH COCOANUTS, EACH 25c PARSLEY, PER BUNCH 05c Naval oranges, large size, doz. iM 0 S ER vv c Grocery Department Two Phones 526 HEKIjIN, Pec. 4. -A wolf hmind, a reminder of the dog in Jack Lon don's '"Call of tho Wild." roams In n forest preserve ?ienr the Swiss bor der. The unimal has turned wild since being left behind by returninx soldiers a year nfto. BKRJLIN. Dec. 4. Businessmen are laylnjr complaints against the Ger man telegraph system saying1 that In many caes malls go faster than messages. Considerable busim-ss is lost thereby. with American teachers, has been even creator number between the Erected, for tho benefit of army offi- tees of 14 and 16. ceia no nave established their famj iltes In the town. BEUL.1N, Dec. 4. British occurTa- ition authorities at Cologne forbade BBXRUN, Dec. 4. The CJerman I marriages between British soldiers and thinks liberty is gone In America with (German Kil ls except under special prohibition. This idea whs set forth permits .f the German government on a local cartoon depleting the Q uess of Libert?, New York, taking ai BBRUK, Dec 4. Italy recently drink and raying, "Now, quickly, an-'sent in its first peace aeroplane to other swallow and then freedom, Germany with a load of official mail, adieu.'" RERUN', Deo. 4. Dusseldorf fur- BKUL.IN. Dec. 4. You may get nishes an apparent pipe dream to the away with murder in Germany, bat iff feci that America is planning to it's dangerous to carry weapons for fleet a "press palace' there whoso murder purposes. A soldier finding; real purpose would be to further Vin- mmereial supremacy. The Bonds for $10 and $25 aro now be inj; sold by Guy Wyrick, George Stan gier ami John Hamley. members of the "Flying Squadron" and upon the arrival of the 55 bonds -their saba I will be continued. r Becent bond purchasers Include Pendleton Ante Company. $25; Wool en Mills. $15; Ralph Folsom, $10; Kast iregonian. $10; Boyden & Boyden, $10; Raby. ualey & stei wer, $10; Byers Mill. $10; Walton Mill. $!: Taylor Hardware Company. $10; Economy Drug Store, $5; Jack McPhaU. $5; William Roesch. $5; A T. Schacfer. $3; Jerurd & Temple. $"; Walter Cresswell. $ 5 ; Harley Roth -rook, $ 5 ; William Pte rsoli, $ 2 . C : Dr. W. D. McNary, $;.; Murphy Bros.. Women's clubs are In charge of the Kile of the little stamps In the stores and also at the theaters. fhe stamps sell for one cent each and the Bale ester day were large. Word from th school districts thri'tii;hout the coun ty says that extra supplies of th rtmpa will be needed as children are responding readily. his wife untrue killed her, pleaded temporary Insanity and was acquitted hut he did six months for carrying a gun. not ea hn Dh Stale lery building material would be il all the way from the United the report said. MORE "HEALTH BONDS" ARE SENT FOR TODAY BERLIN, Doc. 4.- Dancing and what goes with It that is. the wine an. I tli.- tight and the munic costs Germany 60,000.000 marks a month. I I according tn estimates of the Neuol RERUN', Dec. 4. A recently In-j Beryiner Zeitung. Berlin alone has J vented movie machine in use here more tran 5 00 dance halls, to say takes automatic pictures of race fin-'nothing of the so-called "dance bars." Five dollar "health bonds" proved ishes and settles beyond question any! - so popular in Pendleton in the Christ- arguments as to which horse came In BERLIN. Dee. 4. Social diseases! mas seal sale for the benefit of the ahead. are making frightful Inroads in thtiOregon Tuberculosis Association that German schools. The Arar-Korre th supply has been exhausted and BERLIN", Dec 4. Coblons dis- spondenx reports that many children lhot.i in charge -i the sale have sent ! patches report nn American Chooj junder 14 are affected, and that n t Portland for more bonds. PONT BURY YOUR MONEY In ugly gas or electric fixtureo when yOu can have the artlatte end ornamental just as welL A visit here will show that It costa no more to have attractive saa or electric fixtures than It doee to buy the old clumsy and I net tractive ones. Ours are an orna ment by day as well as night. They add tone to i room with out costing you an extra dollar. See and believe. J. L. VAUfiH AN t