TWELVE PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 12 "'East)reonia'1! TWELVE PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 12 DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1919. NORTHWEST DISTRICT LEADS COUNTRY IN RESTS BETWEEN SESSIONS QTTALITY KKIIVK K H.i IMITATION We want your trade If trooil, reliable foods, lowest possible prices, fair and square dealing polite attention will get it, we can count on you for a customer. Come in and ar range for a weekly or monthly account with us. Pendleton Trading Co. "If it' in the Market We Have It." Oregon, Washington, Idaho Section Has Headquarters in Pendleton ; Survey Work Praised by Stockmen. Oregon, ttTaatiinarton ""'I Idaho din- : Mete f Ihu I'. H. Illolofftcal Burvay, which huH hadquartfciK in Pondlto4 I t nil Matrieta in the United Sataa for the avcrutro number of coyot -k I ami hoh-rutH exterminated. I'mutiihi comity cuttlemeil and Mm ihih-ii me ypraeelna prmiae of the work of the-: jtiurvcy In IIiIh county. The dlKtrk-t Ik No. 7. and rhe re nialnhiK tl(tht of the- dltihtn in tb ( nlU'il stuti arf Arizona. California Ntvuda. Colorado, New tfexlee, .Mon tanu, Texan. Utah, Wyuiiiintf-Houtli Dakota. During tin- y to Hkdh-d miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiir We Want Your monthly account. You want our quality meats, plus prompt service, courteous treatment and entire satisfaction. LET'S TRADE LIBERTY MARKET Phone 187 I rfiiimimiiiiiHiiiiuiiiiiainiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuniiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiuiii Dance Tonight AT Liberty Dance Hal! SAWYER'S ORCHESTRA This will be the first of our regular Wednesday night dances for the winter season. Couples (8c, war tax 7c, total 75c Extra Ladies 3c, war tax 7c, total 10c nr a force of from hunt cim )hh been em ployed In the I'mtiMj tftates, under the direction of the various Inspector. Stanley Jewett, of this city, i the Ore gon, Washington, Idaho ihiet-tor and employs f5 men. The Salaries of a part of Hie hunter I ire pad from the Federal Treasury' Hid of the others from nniiutMHtrk I funds eapptled by (he State or by eolltrihutioiis from lo. nl .r..ii ni l.,nu i and Individuals. Hiitiot Take Skin-. Hunter me not permitted to re- ?lve bounties and the skins tuk-n In - come the property of the federal kov- : ernment, the state or the organisation Or Individual who pays the Hilary ' j Skins tuken by federal h'untera during' j the year netted the fjoverninent J7,-I 1SS.56 which )ia been turned into the; lift 8. Treasury, making the total re ceived by the government (Tom this OUrce 91 1(7.387.37. iurtng the year, the number' of ani- ' mals tak-n was 5K4 wolves, 27, J coyotes. 149 mountain Hons, 4,1 -'3 hoh catM, 43 Canadian lynxes and 81 beat Bears are killed only when they are I known to have damaged stock. llo-j OaiMM of potaottjng operations. It Is f ;lfe to estimate the entire total, In eluded trapped and poison d, at 32,-j ubu predatory anirials a year. Will Fight Rahlca Habies noted uiuonir 1'matilla coun ty animals mid in other counties of the State are fought with Biological vey funds. When an outbreak of ti distant- Is noted, lr any district, hunt-' 'rn arc itmucdiatdv conccntrateH in that aertlon. Bo thai wild anUaale ci H inff rabies are vuntmftrlly destroy. 1 I aro the spread of the disease chef k- it. Special effort an made by insj to1-; of the bureau to destroy tndivhln- 1 at predatory animals which have be come notorious for their stock -ktltlli ft I Xplpltp in various stati-s. A moun tain Hon v...- killed recent!) mat lu-l beis, Wyoming, and eras known to h; e killed $1000 Worth of IlVOStOcK Una Ictober bestdf killing a lare : number of cattle, during- the winter.! This was a much-hunted and n.i.tle ' scarred animal which had been m-mv t timqs wound td by private hunters. I 1 t!oYvntf2Kai v R!VEMn,M.E. !l Having finished Ills speaking lour aftOUMll the peace treaty. Senate Hiram Join:, on ha retired to his honl1 here tor a brief rest before Congress reconvenes, lit is here Mwnj with his pet Airedale on the perch of his home which beloiiKed to( the brat Lord Baltimore. t a 1 "2SP-,-i I Sure Sign of a well-pleased appetite- the satisfied look on the face of a child eating GrapeNuts This food of natural sweetness is highly nourishing and full of the strenth-ivin qualities of whole wheat and ma! ed barley. Ote package serves marry meals The GIFT Problem With Christmas only a few weeks away the question what shall I get for that gift is here again. Apractical electrical gift of J&i wme kind would be hijrhlv an- : a J 1 ... J 1 1 L 1 cl L u uy uiuaL cycij wiic. Electric gifts are a joy to receive. A vacuum cleaner or washing machine would make any woman happy. An electric heater for father, for the office or den would make a nice gift. Our new stock of fixtures are in and ready for your inspec tion. A small deposit will hold any article for you. Service and satisfaction is our motto. Chas Milne 108 Kat .UK St. Opposite Theater i:iectriiral tioods of AU Kinds, and Contracting WASHING MACHINES ELECTRIC FARM PLANTS DR. J. EDWIN SHARP Dental X-P.ay by Appointment Articulated Denture. Inland Empire Mank BMg. Office Fhone 330. Horr.e Phone 74 CECIL COSPER pcm.ic AOOOUVTAITT INCOME TAX ADVISER Smitb-Crawford Bide. 0poalt Pendleton Hot Phona 10(0 Made by POSTUM CEREAL CO. Battle Creek. Michitfan mm mm nrnTninTiram mi run KtO I Alb I tUnO lilt iUlL ,,,,ll,,,,lll,IM,,'!lll,l,,',',,lll'',ll''''"i'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiimiiriiiiiin,iii Martin Jones School of f Dancing Every THURSDAY, FRIDAY 1 and SATURDAY Liberty Hall I 1 to 4 7 to 9 SPECIAL APPOINTMENTS Teaching correct ballroom and fancy dancing, i guarantee aatlsfactlen. r s HiimillllllHlllllHIIIIIIINIIIIIimH WAsm.N'tiTtiN". Hit. 3. Wartime fori ri'St rictiDiis were restored today when Pile Administrator Garfield re quested the railroad administration to limit coal distribution to essential ronsumeru. Good Groceries At a fair price, with courteous service and prompt delivery- & t ; js Did you ever stop to think that we are paying less rent than the Main street stores? You are the one to receive that saving try it this month. You will be surprised at the results. Despain & Lee Phone 445 209 E. Court SAN QUENTIN, Cftl., Deo. 3. When Antom l,;ipar:i Mltn on I- teinlT I it his inU'i titinl Klamls WlU not be trunvf erred to one of the in I mates tn prtoon hero. 11 vu learned today thai his rehktlvei hnve deniaml i i i that his body be dellvefod to them ! Intat t. Prison phytdctani said their request will he prantvil. Ten thonsaml dOllara have heen OffdVed for hi I Klamls. hut the 1imMts i tin 'iinee 1 they Could only be used within the prlnon w,lis for experimental pur poses. It was planned to use thm to (rejuvenate an, ajrea prisoner. WIFE WHO RECOGNIZES 1 MERITS OF GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP IS SOUGHT POHTIANn. Or.. Hee. . Any vouni woman who Is not more than is years old, who is "educated to the true tm iits of government owner- thlp," and wants a hoaband may he aooom modal ed by writing1 t Charles A. BlattOoe, P. O. bog S4, Orchard?. Wash.- pro hh-tl she isn't inn )at Bleneoe wrote n letter aaklnv Portland newspaper to help Um find the "right one." The future Mrs. Blencoe "must he Muri the Influences of republoan, rad ical and capitalist agitators." it Is promised that alt ctu respOndence thai be strictly conndentlat Letters, by ;tu way. should be registered. Nolle: "AU flirts and trlflers be-ware:" That ttranre fatality which com pels all suooessfuJ authors to go to New York exLMs alo ''on the nthr side." Patience Worth, the famous St. taOhls spool , has gone to New Ynrlc. ' Intend Km p Ire itank Bids;. IW OffieA Phnna 330. Home Phone 794 i 1 I I DOWNEY'S MARKET I I i I Start the new month off If right open an account at the market that serves you best. 4 Your credit is good here, use it. OWNERS Bring your car in and have it overhauled while the weather la bad. A dollar spent in overhauling 11i.ll- 11-i 1 I 1 i nA,MJ !.,.... Mm r.. 1 : ..1.1. . II, 17(111 .1 V I'll lilLl'l 1HI. Villi lllt.'l IlilllU K are thoroughly familiar with every working part and I . ,11 l l ii. ,i.2..i. ... . . "in uici ikiui jraur car in uie stioriesi possioie time. We have a few post war Maxwells left. Also some bargains in used cars. We also have any part that may be needed, which will save time. Neil & Barker Co. MAXWELL DEALERS Scout $1785 F. O. B. Pendleton six Touring $1685 F. O. B. Pendleton CALL AND SEE IT The 1920 Elgin Six Scout Model oi our floor ready for immediate delivery. All scout engines are turned up for snappy per formance and put throuirh a SDecial road test at the BLUE MOUNTAIN MOTORS CO. INC El GIN WESTCOTT HARROUN 101 Water Stfeet Phone 780