East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 02, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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News of Pendleton
Salt Vrtnn Mmu-Iumi.
Mcuoham brunch of thp 1'nmllllu
rinniiy Red Crou Hent In G0 yeitur
diiy l the tremmry of tho chupter.
Tho money wai derived from the gale
of two sewing machines.
Will Noll uxmr nuiiniM.
The HlrnPHon Auto Oomp'iny Iulii ao
cep.ed the Umatilla county agency for
iftoclde butterloH, and In InHtullltiK a bat
tery department with an expert re
pair mm' In charge. Tho department
will handle the overhauling and re
charging of batteries. Batteries for
any mnke of car will bo sold.
I ntli. r O'llagrm leaving.
Father James O'Hagen, who has
been acting as chaplain for Kt. An
thony's hospital, and who has had as
his territory Milton. Freewater Athena
and Adams, Is leaving Pendleton to
accept a parish in Ontario. Wo on
has been chosen to speceed . Father
U'Hugen here.
One Couple IkmihhI Mc-lis.
A Miai rlage llci-nse was Issued loiliiy
to John Henry Pennington, or Hand
Point, Idaho, and Miss Murjoiy An
derson, of Pendleton.
liiinrdlau .ixlnl:l for Minor.
John J. Iorenzen was today ap
pointed guardian over tho eatate of
Hilda M. Lorcnxeii, a minor, 14 years
old. He Is the girl's brother.
On Trip To Adams.
Miss Klla May Harmon, oonty
demonstration agent, and Miss Flor
ence B. Hmlley, county health nurse,
are In Adams and Ferndale today in
the Interests of ugent work and county
health VOrk,
MlMslonarleH at ClirlMlan CbSfoh.
Mrs. Ktclla I.uubt Young, of Japan,
and D. O. Cunningham, of India, who
are making mtsslonery work their life
vocation, will be In Pendleton tonight.
They will be honor gueHts at a dinner
tonight at 6:30 o'clock at the Chris
tian church, and at that time anyone
who Is Interested In missions or In
missionary work may confer with Mrs.
Young and Mr. Cunningham.
t". I'. Will ..II Hi I ill II-
A trip through a blizzard with the
thermometer at 111 below zero, was
one of the experiences of C. P. Walson
of the L'altod Htates lllologlcal Kur
voy. during a recent visit to Idaho. Mr.
Watson returned" today and says he Is
glad to be back and enjoy Pendleton's
balmy weather.
M llim PoMhiihmI.
The men's gymnasium cUimh. toned
tiled to meet tonight, will not meet un
til Thursday night, ut the hluli school
I i. lit. nil. ChMM I'uuMllln SohOol.
The public school at Umatilla has
been forced to close down tempurar
lly on account of the spread of i nula -glous
disease there. Conditions are
reported quite bad there.
Is In Hospital
Mrs. M. I. Oannge (if Pilot liock It
eniivalescing at 8t. Anthony's Iiospt
Inl after an operation pcrturiiirii mas
ReftlMd Hi- Offer of Home.
Harold Kldone today filed suit far
divorce i Mini Mrs. Paula lOldore, to
whom he was married early In 1914.
He alleges that she deserted him In
January, I'M-, and has since refused
his offers of providing for her a home
here if she will return to him. Khe,
together with their four your old onlMi
resides with her parents In Spokane.
The plaintiff offets to pay S-f month
ly toward support of the child. He Is
represented by Peterson, Ilishop &
101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101101-
A Fine Box of
Oregon Apples
FROM "101"
Send your relative and friend any place in
United State a Fine Box of Oregon Apples
for Christmas.
We double wrap, address, and deliver them to
the express office for you. We shipped fine grift ap
ples for our patrons as far as Texas, New York, Chi
cago, and Southern California last holiday season and
all arrived in A-l condition.
Place your order with us. We have the fancy
apples and know how to wrap them for you.
"You Can Always Depend On Us."
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
Fine Groceries and Meats
Phones 101. (Private exchange connecting both
-101 M
, 0
Indian Woman's Bstate Appraised.
The entale loft by Mrs. Minnie Alin
thorn, wife of Albert Minthorn, prom
inent Indian, wax apparised today at
SI 983, In an Inventory filed by John
Crow, George A. Hartmau and George
H. McDonald.
No liiHtriictJoiiH Arrive
No orderM regarding refundH on
telephone rates hve been received fit
the local telephone office, accord 1uk
to J. A. Murray, manager. Word is
expected noon from the Portland of
fice. RefundH, it iv understood, would
date from May to the present time.
JHMtri.'t No. '1 DM Vacancy.
The school in district No. 2, Just
over the line from Walla Walla coun
ty, la without a teacher, it was an
nounced at the county Buperitnend
ent's office today. Kfforts are now be
ing made to obtain a teacher. It Is
a one-room school.
i llrown Named Administrator.
j J. T. Hrown was today appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of William
Quinn, deceased. The estate consists
of about SITT. worth of real property
! near Meacham and Karl Gillanders,
James Marple and Joe H. Parkes are
named appraisers.
County Court to MeW.
The county court will assemble to
morrow in its regular monthly nutt
ing to dispose of routine matters. One
of t he pieces of road business to bi
disposed of will be an opinion on the
Lynch gateway in the east end of the
county, to which objection has been
0 p.
Iu rent Teacher To Mvt.
The high school Parent-Teachers
will meet Friday evening a t
m. In the auditorium of the
county library. A well prepared pro
tram consisting of vocal music and a
dUaCUMtOfl led by Superintendent Fred
Austin will comprise the evenings en-
tci Lainmont.
fl,:'":. ' vi;. -! " l'I,.';-,,! Illllllllilllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Me Before
The Fire"
If nu wish to make a ipilek sale of your property.
It will pay you to list It with us. We hare arrange
ment whereby wc ran sell pmierty on easy terms
o I Im buyer and get the cash for the seller. We are
-Mini; property on tills plan to parlies that couldn't
buy otherwise.
I "See
j 721 Main
. t. ICuiCglxes tiConartL
chic Leonard, one of the Port
detectives who receives $250"
the capture of the
friend of
Chief of Police Roberts. The chief
was rejoicing today in his friend's
good fortune and declared his belief
that Leonard Is the man for net
sheriff of Multnomah county.
, i 1 1 assisting
Insurance, Loans,
Real Estate, Grain
Men to lletfr Judge IoweII.
Stephen A. Iwell has been obtain
ed as a speaker before the Men's Club
of the Church of the Redeemer, which
meets Friday evening at 7:30 at the
rectory on Johnson street. lie has
not annuonced his topic. Discussion,
along the lines of a foruln, will follow.
The club extends a cordial invitation
to all men interested, whether mem
bers of the church or not, to attend.
lintley Recall Old Duys.
Kvents of 30 years ago were recalled
I io jonn nancy. jr.,s mi mi yesternay
' through the visit here of Mrs. Kzra
Haird. of Payette Lakes, Idaho. Mrs.
Balrd is the widow of Ezra Baird, who
served several times as sheriff of Xez
Perce, county and was later U. S. mar
shal in Idaho. Mr. Halley was deputy
sheriff under Mr. Baird. Mr. Baird
was on her way from Southern Idaho
to Iewiston to spend tho winter and
was obliged to spend the day here
owing to delayed trains.
9 JScV
.loins Woolen Mill 1-Nree.
If. W. Shields, formerly with the
Northern Pacific railroad and the
Northern Kx press Co., here, returned
to Pendleton this week and has ac
cepted a position with the Pendleton
Woolen Mills. He expects to bring
Mrs. Shields anil two children here
about six weeks. Since leaving
) Pendleton five years ago Mr. Shields
I has been with the Adams Kx press. Co.,
In Pennsylvania and the Spokane,
Portland & Seattle railway nt Astoria
and Vancouver. Mrs. Shields is now
in Portland, with her small daughter
and son. the latter having arrived
Thanksgiving day.
i i ,it. j aaa.aw aav aa m ijp '
Q U Akin I 7 Y
Only 18 More Shopping Days till Christmas
My! think of it. Xmas will be here before you k now if. Come, bring' your gift list to this great
( hi istmais store and let us fill it for you. Our Christmas stocks are bigger and better than ever before,
and we dare say far exceeds any store in these parts. We are at your serice.
The Beauty of a New
Blouse Emphasizes
costume smartness
It may cost $6.95, or it may cost $35.00, it matters
not the price.
If it is of Georgette crepe correctly designed and
artistically trimmed then it is beautiful and these
Alexander's customers are admiring every day.
There are many new shades.
Table Linens
A pattern cloth or
lunch set, a beautiful as
sortment of finest qual
ity double damask with
satin floral effect and
conventional designs to
make the patterns in
round and square.
Pattern Cloths
$8.00 to $22.30
Napkins to Match
$10.00 to $22.50
Lunch Sets $10.00 to $16.50
We're offering a big lot to select from, such as Taf
feta, Satin, Duchess, Crepe de Chine, Channelise,
Georgette, Peau de Soie and the like. Come in, we
can tell vou how much.
are on display and for your inspection. Camisoles,
Boudoir Caps, Garters," Bags, Vanity Bags,' Slipper
Trees, Scarfs, Center Pieces, Pillows, etc. Come in
and look at them.
If you use it once you'll like it. Comes in three sizes,
for wool, cotton and silk. Ask to see it. We can teach
vou in 10 minutes how to use it. Found in ART DE
PARTMENT. Each $1.25
Visit this box of fine laces and get just what you
want to make up some of those Xmas gifts with.
Laces of all kinds and in several widths and only 5c
Uniting usefulness with luxury. Make your
Christmas selection now and have it laid aside.
Adorned with hand embroidery.
Women who are familiar with the way in which
Philippine underwear is fashioned are most enthusi
astic about this beautiful underwear on which so
much hard work is produced at such moderate
Note the careful way in which the stitching is
mads; the hours of hand work that have been put.
into them.
These will be most acceptable as gifts.
$5.50 10 $15.00
Yes, why not a silk umbrella? They make appro
priate as well as practical gifts. Our assortment
consists of black and colors, of purple, green, taupe,
brown, red, etc. Fancy ring handles, with trimmings
to match. Pick it out now and let us lay it aside.
75c to $25.00
These make excellent gifts for
Xmas. 1 ou 11 find the newest
styles in many colors, well made
and attractive. Leather purses
in the new danse shape and flat,
also velvet bags, in plain and em
broidered. VANITY BAGS
35c to $2.50
Those beautiful little- vanity
bags and cases that are made of
ribbon in the various dainty
shades, in many styles. Some
are to be carried with you and
some can be used on the dresses.
They include a powder puff of
good quality. Give some of these
for Xmas.
BEAD NECKLACES 50c to $5.00
Give her a string of beads for Xmas and make
your selection here because we're sure to have just
what you want. Blue beads, red beads, coral beads,
pearl beads, etc.
" S
Good Cooking Apples, per box $1.00
Extra Fancy Rome Beauty Apples, per box $4.00
Extra Fancy Winesap Apples, per box $4.25
Fancy Pippin Apples, per box $2.50
Fancy Jonathan Apples, per box $3.00
Apple in Sacks (2 boxes to sack) per sack $3.00
Grocery Department
Two Phones 526
Trap ThteVM Nuniorons.
Stealing; of ffo eminent traps is one
of the evils with which tho Vnitert
Slates Survey has to contend, says
Stanley Jewe.tt. of t he survey Office
here. He s&ye that a letter received
today from a trapper states thajl a
man attempted to sell stolen govern
ment traps at a seeoml hand store In
Kennewiek. Washington, and when the
dealer refused to buy them, the man
left them on the sidewalk. Although
t he penalty for stealing1 traps is $.,-
(100 or from one to five years in the
penitentiary, depredations have been
numerous, ami have been noted in the
Hermtston and irrtjcon districts, it i
hard to catch the thieves, says Mr.
Jewett. hut if one is proved puilty, he J
will he made an example. While the
loss of the traps and furs is deplored. S
the principle evil is that the trapper
becomes discouraged as he loses the
credit of having: trapped the animals.
A Durkee trapper recently declared he
would be forced to slop trapping un
less some attempt was made to catch
trap thieves.
llccker sent the flag In recognition of
the work of the grade In holding a
'constitutional convention" as a means
of studying the making of the consti
tution of the Tnited States.
and was
perated up
at the suggestion of Judge G. v
Bailey, first county Judge. The lati- 1
tnde of the city is 4.1 degrees ami 4-t Mo
uinutes north., longitude 1 1 S deirrcs
minutes west and the altitude X " 7 0 .
Man Is Injured.
Matt ChMiyan was Injured yesterday
when he was crushed by the falling
of a lumber wagon. He is employed
by the Tum-a-lum Lumber Co. and
the accident occured near Adams. He
was rushed to St. Anthony's hospital
Count s at
ttlia county,
tury old, ai
M Years Old.
as county seat of
is now over half
cording to Major
i cen-
I .e.
Mooi-house. locnl pioneer, who is re-I
Calling thai In November. ISfiS. this j
city was made the county seat. The'
name "rendleton." according to thei
Major, is In honor of Hon. Oeorge H. f
Pendleton, of Ohio, ami was chosen
Martin Jones 1
School of
l 'lac h Presented
A silk American Flag given to the
pupil of the eighth grade of the Lin
coln school by Mrs. Margaret EC. hack.
er of Portland president of the (leorpe
Wrighl Itellef Corps. was formally
presented today by Fred I. Austin.
eity scJiool superintendent . .Mrs.
Liberty Hall
to 4
'IVarhiiiK correel ballroom anl
ilancliiR. I miantnte satisra-tt
Imaiiaj ryi Ifi.oo. Private pc oisas if
to 9
l I Hill .mi I. ill I ii in i ii mil
Christmas Greeting Cards
Make a list of friends you wish to remem
ber. Christmas Cards cost so little and
mean so much that you cannot afford to
forget anyone. Come in and see our fine
large section of Cards, and pick out your
favorites while the choice is wide.