I faob row DHL fcAsJt oRisaomJIK, pfcm.jsr6a. uukuon Monday, deokmber i, iuii. fin Piait i, las. V AN nTOKPKNDBNT NE ewbV uMlsTicI Dally a Seml-WVlr. KAT OllKOO.VIAN PUBUSHINQ CO. ' PAPER. BUllSo'uirTIOV HATES (IN ADVANCE) on year, by mall.. ...15.00 . M.mm , farad at the nnatnffli at l'i.nrti. DhiIv, mix months bv mail on. Oregon. as aeeond-claaa mail "ally, three montha by mail mat tar. , Dally, one month by mall .t ins . ; Dally, one year by carrier .RS ONE RALE IN OTHER CITIES. Dally, alx montha by carrier J.7J ' Imperial Hotel News Stand. Portland Daily, three months by carrier 1.9a; T .. 1 1 . - ..,... : ON F1I.K AT a "L. " J:. . .1 Chicaso Buicau, vu9 Security Build- aml-Waaklr! six montha.'bv mai'i s ml-Weekly, four months by mall .50 jl AN OVERSEAS DIARY NOTK - At tin' romiext of ninny of his fiiomlH Hcv. J. M. Corneltaon hu consonte,! to tlu- ouhllontlon nf a- ;tnu-t from the diary lit' kept while luting iih u V M. i". A. soctclary l tin' w .u tone of l-Yanoo. Tho follow- Is hia fii-st contribution: Ins TVaahlnjfton. D O leenth Stre L N. W. Bureau 01 Four- . Telephone nil- rxcxE i n AT T1IKY UK 1 Mi: T.IK 1-7. The UBcle thnt they named me like Sues nia t hina Btanps for me. And his sIslBupi from Hindustan; An.1 the T-n?l off of tea. Jane and I like Uncle Jim. tirowintf up has not hurt him: Molh.v'n Dad are fine, but they Cant' remember how to play. And they both look stern and scold As people do when they are old. I'ncies arc. as Jane, too sees. The nicest part of families: PARLOR BOLSHEVISTS. 01 HE community which is free of I. W. W. and r1irpr-r-.ir-rir.rt radicals can congratulate itself these days. But before extending itself congratulations, that community mitrht well look a second and a third time for evidences of bolshevism or whatever one is of a mind to term this radical growth. Bol shevists are not all of the red-flag waving type, nor do they all carry bombs behind their shaggy beards and end their names in "zky." Parlor bolshevists are among us in almost as great number as the direct-actionists. They wear good clothes and speak good English. But their philosophy, which they are ever seek ing to preach, is as red as that of their unwashed, unshaven brethren. Their propaganda is, if anything, more insidious than that of their co-workers. They work slyly and spread dissen sion by their illogical, but carefully planned, propoganda. Los Angeless and several other large cities have already made inroads on this latest type of bolshevist. JHe is of the type who knows that Americans are naturally tolerant of new ideas, particularly those which deal with the extension of democracy, and often finds a ready listener. People are already beginning j.o realize, however, that bolshevism is the antithesis of democ racy. Democracy in America means freedom of individual en terprise, limited only by the personal and property rights of others. Bolshevism means the overthrow of that kind of de mocracy by violent means and substitution for it of a system under which all property shall be owned and used for the bene fit of a single class. The parlor bolshevist is seeking to lay the foundation for this overthrow of our institutions. He is the enemy within our walls and must be watched for with diligence. There is no place in our society for him. CAN OUR SHIPS COMPETE? Thursla. Ausust 1. ISIS This is Aiisnst. This Is also mid Atlantic, it has been an ideal day and very nice and .oid. We located the "loose screw" in the moie machine so It unit aciinu uji and we hoped for better re sults which wo sot untight. 1 (Ma Just wondering if the movie machine iiuwlcni would not account for ninny of the erratic atid ferakish actions of us mortals, but I didn't any anything to .Mr. Barry about it lest he begin to iook tor my loose screw." It is now 10:30 p. ni. and our show. The l'endleton Hound-Up Lart "or Buk, went off in fine shape. The ....I re. jeeis went inrougri in ono hour and a. half with jiist one break. I All seemed to enjoy it very much. I explained to the audience where the ! film came from and how I enmo by j It. They clapped their applause and appreciation for such a town. me uaie, .ugust l, stared nt mm me menu card tonight nnd I suppose the llound-Up film too got In tta call,' -and I thought of homo and Oregon. Though in mid-ocean I was thinking If i were home today. Gyp oos. aim inreo "somebodies" and 1 would be getting our flivver ready and making plans to go to the mountains for huckleberries. Foolish to think in.u in mill-ocean, one says. But you can t separate the human mind and soul from its virginity und past. Xo matter how strong a desire you have to prepare a now mission or how high or pure your motives arc in the new work, you will go back nnd live over in those soenes nnd places nnd asso ciations. Well did Kipling say iiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiHi iiiiiliu CAFATERIA Coed Cooking Apples, per box $1.00 Extra Fancy Rome Beauty Apples, per box $4.00 Extra Fancy Winesap Apples, per box $4.25 Fancy Pippin Apples, per box $2.50 Fancy Jonathan Apples, per box $3.00 Apples in Sacks (2 boxes to sack) per sack $3.00 Real home cooked food generous portions, cooked in a sanitary kitchen and served to you sanitary. 11 to 1:30 5 to 7:30 & E i i r E S Grocery Department Two Phones 526 THE JOLLY INN M Unduimauh st. Owns "' E E Main Si ri vt I jilrniKV Ti j j f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 i . 1 1 1 j 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 r i t 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! i 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a t "Try as be mav. From his firs Bht- be. Oh. was there ever aailnr fr,.,. , .. H otua some wliere m ar no man breaks wholly love, no matter who Four into a buttered baking dish and cook 30 minutes in a moderate oven. Servo .at once. The food value of this dish, made with the above quatHteg, is almost ex actly the same as that of n pound of beef of uverae composition and a pound of potatoes combined. MO( I online. I at that, Wichita got more advertising throughout the country by It than she would have done had he given his ad dress as scheduled." "Mnyhe So'' smarted the pessimist, "but it didn't advertise Wichita much as a health resort did It'.'" Wichita Karle. - f We Are Busy Thut did not Hit they en they "Mn must kf-ep touch with thins UStHl tO U9e To earn their living; oven whe are i"r-e. An so come back, upon the least ex cuse Same as the sailor settled by the sea. "Ho knows hes' never gnlnp on a cruise because hes done and linished with the sea. But still he likes to feel it's there to use If he should need it. as it used to be. "Parsons in pulpits, taxpayers In pow King on your thrones, vuu know as well ah me. We've only one virginity to lose And where we lost it, there our hearts will be." Aor did I tell Mr. Berry that such thouRhts were running1 rampant in my mina ana soul lest he think I was get ting homesick and I am not. It is just the other way around. If I did not have a home and native land, "Iand of the free and home of the brave," I would not be on this mission to do my "bit." 1 cup of boiled rice, 2 tablespoons milk, 4 eggs, 1 cup of grated ChtQMi 1-2 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of some commercial meat sauce, or sim ilar flavoring1. Heat tho rice In the milk, add the other ingredients, anil cook slowly un til iho cheese is melted. Serve on crackers or toast. The food value is not far from that of a "pound of beef of average compo position. Corn and Cheese Souffle. 1 tablespoon of butter, 1 tublespoon of chopped green pepper, 3-4 cuif of flour, 2 cups of milk. 1 cup of chopped corn, 1 cup of grated cheese, 3 eggs, 1-2 teaspoon of salt. Melt the butter and cook the pop per thoroughly In it. Mako a sauce out of the flour, milk and cheese; add tho corn, cheese, yolks and seasoning; cut and fold in the whites beaten stiff ly; turn into a moderate oven 30 minutes. Made with skimmed milk and with out butter this dish has a food value slightly in excess of a pound of beef and a pound nf potatoes. RIGHT OUT TRY IT! 5 2 IS But Not Too Buy to Take on More Work WE KNOW That when it comes to overhauling or tuning up vour car we can deliver the good WE KNOW That you will he thoroughly pleased with the performance of vour ear after it leaves our shop. WE KNOW That there are many cars here thnt are being neglected that are wearing needlessly for want of being overhauled at the proper time. Don't wait too long. LET US DO IT NOW i I Some l'olks Jnt Won't lip Satisfied 'Well," said the ry the President g uptiniist. "I'm it sick here, bnt Don't Suffer: Instantly ReJUPTe Acn Ing Museles, Xervix nnd Joints With "St. daiubs liniment." What's rheumatism ? Pain onlv! Stop drusririmr! Not one case in fifty reuires internal treatment, nub the misery rifrht airey! Apply anoth- Ins, penetrating "St. Jacobs Liniment directly upon the "tender spot" an relief conies instant ly. "St. Jacobs Liniment" is a harmless rheunmtlatn and sciatica relief which never disap points and can not burn or discolor the skin. Limber up! Get n small trial bottle from your druggist, nnd in Just a mo ment you'll be free from rheumatic nnd sciatica pain, soreness, stiffness and swelling. Don't suffer! "t. Jacobs Liniment" hasre!leved millions of rheumatism sufferers in the last half century' nnd is Just as good for sciatica, neuralgbi, lumbaffo. back ache, sprains and swellings. AN English ship owner who has made a careful investiga tion in this country has gone home and reported that Eng land need not fear American competition on the ocean. When rates decline until our ships are operated at a loss, Eng lish ships will be making good profits, as our operating ex pense is two and a half to three and a half times the expense of an English ship. His strongest indictment is that our 'navigation laws are diametically opposed to sane administration of shipping." Our laws are based upon a system of regulating every detail re cessful of modern maritime nations, leaves all details to the engineers shows the greatest difference. This is because our supervision of one branch of government. Wages of seamen and firemen are practically identical for British and American ships. The American ship, however, must carry, because of law, much larger crews. This is not due to inefficiency, but to regulation by those whose knowledge of maritime matters is limited. The scale of pay for officers and claim of the miners, which, of course, is denied by their em maritime law requires American citizens to man our ships. The Englishman is confident that within 10 years we will give it up, but he has rendered us a great service by pointing out the real trouble. If we revise our navigation laws so as to give the American ship owner a fair chance, and sell our war built ships to American owners at the market price, the Ameri can business man can compete with the world. COAL OPERATORS' PROFITS. Lettuce for sandwichess should be thoroughly washed und oflly the small leaves selected. Varnish shelves and the inside of pantry drawers after cleajiing. They will clean easier. Grease can be removed from wall paper by rubbing with flannel mois tened with alcohol. , When a flower vase is too deep, twist some paper in a loose roll and stuff in the bottom. Add a cupful of vinegar to water, in which colored clothes are washed. This prevents running. To test the heat of an oven, put a bit of white puper Into it. If too hot, tho paper will blacken. Cold water, ,a tablespoonful of am monia and soap will take out machine grease where other emans would not answer on account of colors' running, etc. Chccso Fondue. 6 ounces of cheese ( 1 1-2 cups of cheese grated fine or cut into small pieces). 1 1-2 cups soft, stale bread crumbs. 4 eggs, 1 cup hot water, 1-2 teaspoon-salt. Mix the water, bread crumbs, .salt I and cheese; add the yolks, thoroughly beaten ;into this mixture cut and fold the whites of eggs, beaten until stiff. IMF Quality Goes Gear Through On talking to Dort owners you will find that they not only speak enthusiastically regarding the economy of the Dort in gaso line, oil, and tires, and the ease with which it rides, but they refer repeatedly to the advantages that accrue to them as a result of the remarkable simplicity and accessi bility of Dort construction. ONE'S ENOUGH HE question to be settled at the coal conference in Wash 'fll ington is how the wages of miners may be increased, as it is plain they should be, without adding the amount to the price paid for fuel by consumers. To compel the operators to absorb this new cost would hardly be considered just, unless there is proof that their profits are extortionate. Such is the claim of the miners, ;) which, of course, is denied by their employers. At this point former Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo ap pears as a voluntary and extremely helpful witness. In a tele-! gram to Fuel Administrator Garfield, Mr. McAdoo says that in- j come-tax returns for 1917 showed that "many mine-owners made shocking and indefensible profits on bituminous coal;"; that before deduction of excess-profit taxes "these returns! showed earnings on capital stock ranging from 15 to 2000 per pent," and that "earnings of 100 to 300 per cent on capital! Stock were not uncommon." Urging a close examination of these returns for last year, he believes they will prove that the : operators can and should pay living wages without change in, the fixed price of their product. Such testimony cannot be ignored. If corroborated, it must convict the mine-owners not only of outrageous profiteering but of inhumanity. They have underpaid their labor and they have overcharged the public. Furthermore, they have put their labor in wrong and then have appealed to a plundered public to make the odious cause of monopoly its own. There i be something meaner than that but we do not know where lpok for it. New York World. mm dJ Jewett & Dimick Day Phone 486 5 (J ajn gf. NiKht phono 344-It 4 f Watch this For ? Friday's Issue SOL BAUM Sporting Goods Store Guns, Sweaters, Leather Vests, at prices that are right Hotel Pendleton Bldg. i There is only one place 5 for that deliciou t ! CHOCOLATE ! J ICE CREAM j If KOEPPEN'S 8 ThaIruK Stora That Serves d K Toil H..i 2 PRICKS: Touring Car, $995; Pnadster, t933; f a.iui San, $1331; r-ouraaaaon Coup., $1333. P. O. B. Fmotory. Wirm WhtaU anrf Spare Tir Extra Western Auto Co. Garage Phone 530. Paint Shop Phone (J33 D O R.T MOT OR. CAR. COMPANY Con Dung Low Louies Place Fine home-made FISH NOODLES Chili Con Carne, Span ish style. Chop Suey, Chinese style. All kinds of Soup. Short Order Meals. Good Steaks. Lunches, Coffee, etc. China Tea for Sale UNDER STATE HOTEL Cor. Webb and Cottonwood Sta. I'hone ItT. Pandlaton, Ora. LOS ANGELES No need of buying a doren ejtgs one's enough if It's the kind Colleen Moon, ft show nh bare. It's an oxtrlcn egx. weighs 4 pounds anil is auoiieh for. eight persona. DONT BURY YOUR MONEY In HRly Ban or eloctrla flxturM whn yon can have the art.Btlo and ornrinwntal Just rm well. A Visit hfre will dhow thftt it coU no more to have attractive Kan or electric fixtures than it does to buy the old clumsy and if. at tractive one. Ours are an orna ment by day as well ns nlicht. They add tone to a room with out continir you an extra dollar. Bee and believe. J. L. VAUGHAN VALUES No car has greater value built into it than a HAYNES This car is built up to a standard and not down to a price. No car in its class will give greater service for the money, Umatilla Auto Co. 809 Garden Street Phone 417