TEN PAOES DAILY EAST ORBQONIAlf. PENDLETON, OREOOIf, MONDAY. DECEMBER 1. 1010 PAOE THREE News of Pendleton I U-turns (mm Horn City. DutWTtf ;Hs t'lu-i-k for lm. Hfrt Huntley, of thi Northern I.im OohiM-ty, wlium- unto wim hiirnil (irnln A Warehouse Co., returned t li I k In it Meld on Krlday nlKlit, wad alven mornlnit from a week-end nip to n eheek for the full amount of hl In I'ortland. laurance today, the Iohh IuivIiik been - adJUHlefl Hnnduy In record ttm iH III Ml- ill. il Mm. H. A. llnrlehorn, formerly nn Inntructor In mualc In Pendleton and choir leader for tho ItajitlHt church. In renldlnir In Albertlea. Minnesota, at the home of her parent. Mal.i Trip to il .n.l. Harry I,, llanflelil. of Parker linufleld, cmtractora, left for I'orlland last nlKht on biiHlneMH connected with the construction of tho new Blk'a tem plo here. Patrolman Soil lii'imi I Herneant William A. Myers, son of Patrolman Charlcn Myers, left Sun day for Fort Oeonre Wrlaht, Spokane, where he la atalnned. He wna here on leave over tho Thanksgiving holiday. He ia returning to tho fort by way of Portlund and Tacoma. J. I. 1-nncli Hero. J. l-'ri'tii ti. I'i'Minlnent stockman of (lurdane, la In tle city today. Mr. Krench aaya that tlurdane haa been ixperlenc'liiK a. tine cold weather and thai the anow biLa been heavy, for ao early In the year. Is iM-mniixtruiiiu: llour. Kthel A. Murdock la demonstrating Olympic flour at Oray'a grocery. The emonatratlon la free and ahowa the ae of the flour In bread, cakea, etc. IHI I4i Haw IM-ilay. The ahow window of the Delta con fectionery atora i beina aatendad in order to permit more apace for a hol iday, dlapluy. The space will be de foted to the alumina of Christmas land. olimibla To Ilium Mooilinr. (Trad liennhm, county agriculture ttnt, will K' to Columbia tnduy to meet with the farmera or that aectiotl and make definite iirranKcments for the holding of demonatratlona which will be of Intereat to farmera. Mayor ami Attorney Ut Portlnml. Mayor John U Vatighnn and City Attorney Jamea A. Fee left on No. 21 last nlKbt for Portland where thla aft ernoon they nre representing Pendle ton Intereala In tho division of the re wards posted for capture and convic tion of the slayers of Oeorge K. 1'cr ingcr and J. N'. Hurgcs.s. They are vested with the power to represent all thoae men who subarrlbed the $7011(1 raised here a week auo Saturday. Milton to Vole on 11011111111;. A pei la I election for the purpoae of amending Milton's city charter and voting 116,906 In bonda to retire out standing warrants and pay for the clty'a street Improvement program will be held In the city council rhuin-bera. V'nllier IMc In Nebraska. Mra. Kva Wlnsler received word Sunday of the death of her father, o. H. K verl y, at hla home in Ilershey. A'ebraaka. on Saturday night. .Mr. Kverly was s; years of age anil death waa due to ailments Incident to old age. Mi funeral will be held In Her-ahey. Hank Issues I'aniplilct. The I'nited Statea Ulologlcal Sur vey baa received a copy of a pamphlet issued by the First National Hank of Band, to aid farmers In the extermina tion of Jnrk isbblt The folder con talna four rabbit poison recipe. R. A. Ward, of the aurvey, la responalble for each formula. 101101101101101 101 101 101 101 101 A Supposition IK J and k dland A Resolve Perhaps you are fairly well pleased, where you have been trading. Probably you have dealt with the firm for several years, know all the salesmen, and feel right at home, and in fact you always drop in this particular place every time you are down town. But a I ter all, you aren't entirely saisfied with the place any more. It isn't like it used to be. The quality isn't as good, the fresh fruits and vegetables aren't as fresh, the meats not as ten der or the phone service not so good. The sales men not so pleasant and efficient and therefore you have resolved to try some other place by giving them at least a part of your business this month. AS A GROWING, PROGRESSIVE, TABLE SUPPLY FIRM, WE ASK YOU TO CON SIDER US IN MAKING YOUR SELECTION. We consider our rapidly growing business over a period of several years as a real good rec ommendation for us. Such a growth over so long a period would be impossible, we believe, unless we were satisfying the consuming public. Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. Fine Groceries and Meats Phones 101. (Private exchange connecting both departments.) Si i mii eiiiii Mn'r Money, The Haturdtiy Afternoon Club Weston recently netted 'Uh fr MUM at a market. The money will u UMed to provide equipment for th enmit l unit V kitchen nf Ihn rlibminn. nlty Hull at Weton. MIhh Ella May i f Harmon, county demonstration aif'-nt, visited the club on Haturdny and nays that Weston women are making i-x-r-ent proKiesN. Mill ;ctn Govftsnwui Contract The Pendleii-n Holler Mill today received notice that a government or der for 6oao barrel of Mralxht flour had been awarded them for the month ;f Decern her. The prlre Ih $9.6 5 a barrel. The mill ha been grinding government flour ever alnce Septem ber 1. one month's contract, according to W. Hchwartzenberg, having been for SO 00 barrel?. School ; -iinn-il Tills Monitog. Following an entire week of vaca Hon, occasioned by Teat hert' Institute I and T)iankgiving, the ntudentH of i Tend let on high school went back to ! the cIuxh room refreshed in mind and body today. The Christmas holiduys I come In a little over three weeks and most of tho instructors have their work outlined and posted for that POlipda Drill Hour (.lien to Athletics The drill period this morning was given to a talk to the Hoys' Cadet ! Cors by Commandant Karl K. Flel j schman. Military affairs, the Athletic I Circus and athletics were under dis I cuasion. He stated that considering the Thanksgiving scores of some of the : recent opponents of Pendleton in toot ball, that the showing which the local leant made during the past MMOfl was I not as bad as Is seemed. He is opto- inistic f'-r the next season. Brother H visiter V. I- Diownlow, president of the Acu A.rualt Corporation, Is a visitor at tho homo of his brother, Charles MrownlOW, of thU city. Mr. Drown toy Wan boTa last summer and It was llie lirai lime in 20 years that the In other.! ball met. The local man was at tl.at Una surprised to see upon tilt ua:ui which surrounded airplane ap paitus the name of his brother and say.-i that imlerctly, it was an airplane that broiiKht news of his brother. will Give Examination. The United Slates Civil Service Com mission announces that a first rade, or clerical, examination wtU be held in this city on February 7, 1920, to fill j va oa n otag M they may cc u r in f i rs t grade, or clerical positions In the Cus , toms. Internal He venue, and other i branches of the Federal Service. Ap plication blank and pamphlet of lnfor 1 niation may te ohtalned from the lO 1 cal s i-retary, board of Civil Service Kxa miners, at the poal office in t his I city, or from the Secretary. 11th IT. S. I Civil Service District, 303 Post Office 1 liluldinc, Seattle, Washington. ioiioi 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 1 Dewey Gervala Pioniinent nt O, A. C. Dewey Oervais, Pendleton boy who Is attending O. Q. Cm ia proving prom inent in college affairs. He has been elected treasurer of the freshmav I class and "skipper" for "Semper Ki j delis," an organization of O. A. C. men who saw service in the United States Marines. He Was etiosen as a delegate from the student body to at tend the National students Conven tion which will be held In Dee Moines. Iowa. This convention is considered one of great importance and will be n factor in combatting Holshevism and other evils of the present day. lb-sides his activity in student affairs Gervals is one of the Instructors In the military courses given at th fopjtu. It Me Before The Fire" If you irlab to nrnkr a quick sale of your property, It Mill imijt t Ht I' w"1' Wr l,BV'' arraiiiw IIMUU Wbarebll We ran aeO property oil cay ti-rms o the linyor Md K'l H" ali for tin- srlliT. Wc arc M'llillK PWPfKy oil tills plnn to pill lies that couldn't buy otherwise. JOE KERLEY Insurance, Loans, Real Estate, Grain 721 Main Pendleton One Ounoe Kills Hahblt.s. One ounce of strychnine, mixed with alflafa hay and placed in wheat fields and In the runways leading to the fields' by Franck C. Parks, farmer of Hermlston. killed 100 rabits recent ly. The poison was put out as an ex periment, as the usual system Is to put out 1 he poison when the snow is on 1 he ground, so tha t t he rabbits will eat the posoned alfalfa H hen green food is covered by snow. Bo success ful was the experiment that farmers will put out the poison by February 1. even though the snow has not fallen. Fred Bennion, county aRiicnlture agent, says that the farmers are hop bur thai the snow will be on the I it round by that time, however, r.a It (would probably make the poisoning lampaign more effective. This DMHct UnhN. The Oregon. W:shinetnn and Tdahc district of the United States Biological Survey, which has headquarters in Pendleton, leads all districts in the United States In the average number of coyotes and bobcates exterminated. Stanley Jewett, head of the district, announced today that the number of coyotes and bobcats killed sliding July, August and September in his dis trict' totalled 1,166. This number Is the work of only 55 trappers. The furs arc sold and the money sent to the United States treasury. In Octo ber, November and December the fut Is most valuable, because the cold weather makes the fur of the animab lonicer and thicker. No so many ani mals are trapped, however. In these mouths as In July, August and Sep tember, which :iro considered the best month for results, states Mr. Jewett Q IJJ;I 7 V SERVICE PENDLETON'S LEADING STORE 5riop k 'It This Is the Store With the Christmas Spirit We are fully prepared to fill all your practical X mas gift needs better and can offer you just what you want. Every counter is piled up with Xmas goods and our assortments make it easy for you to de cide. Ask us questions, we re at your service. How to be Sure of Value in the Clothes You Buy. Clothing is scarce. You've heard that. But make no mis take, the scarcity exists only in good clothing. There is plenty of inferior stuff on the market selling at high prices. That's why you should be especially careful in your clothes-buying this fall and winter. You're doubly protected in the clothes you buy here. We sell Kuppenheimer Clothes. You know their national reputa tion for quality and all-around goodness. We guarantee your complete satisfaction. The House of Kuppenheimer guarantees it, too. Despite conditions, Kuppenheimer Clothes never have and never will vary in quality the same high standard always. We consider ourselves fortunate indeed to 'be able to offer such a complete showing of K uppenheimer Clothes. Some mighty good values, especially, at $40 and others $35 to $75. laasn i 1' iprl: 4 4 I 43 m Ss Coryncbt 1919 The Houm J Kuppcsbbau TRAVELING GOODS- l 1 Ah WHY NOT A BELBER WARDROBE TRUNK For her Xmas Gift? $40.00 to $110.00 What would give her more pleasure than a beauti ful Belber wardrobe trunk? There can be no gift more acceptable. It is a keepsake worth the keep ing something to be used and admired for prac tically a life time. In its convenient drawers there is ample room for linen and lingerie, while a roomy wardrobe in its splendid hangers provide a safe, neat place for gowns and other things. Come in and see our complete line of Belber trunks, bags and suit cases. We have many pleasing styles. LUNCH SETS $10.00 to $16.50 . All line double damask luncheon sets. Hem stitched hems and offered in sizes 36x36, 45x45 and 54x54 in cloths with six 15x15 napkins. Offered in many beautiful pat terns and designs. We Call Special Attention to a Display of FANCY WORK In our Art Dept. Come in and have a look. They probably will suggest something for you to make up as Xmas gifts. GIFT HANDKERCHIEFS DAINTY AND PRACTI CAL FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS. The one gift one cannot have too many of and fa vored also because of ease with which they can be sent, of special mention are: Plain Hemmed, Em broidered Edges, Maderia Edges, Colored Border, Colored Embroidered Designs, Plain White Design, of all linen and the finest quality Swiss, Luzerne handkerchief fabrics. LACES FOR COL LARS $1.25 to $2.50 Such high grade laces as Venice, Carrickma cross, Filet, Point Ven ice, Cut Laces and Art Antique. Comes in vari ous widths, specially for collars and suff sets, white and ecrue. Gift Handkerchiefs are priced 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00. $1.50. GIFT HANDKERCHIEFS FOR CHILDREN 10c, 15c, 25c A big lot gift handkerchiefs for children. A host of all kinds with printed and embroidered animals and figures in the corner, also some box goods. CHRISTMAS BOXES AND TYING RIBBONS Christmas boxes in all the various sizes 5c to 50c. Christmas Ribbons by the spool and roll 10c to 20c. BED SPREADS $4 00 TO $15 ()0 Big shipment of new bed spreads. Full double bed size and twin beds, of crochet and satin Mar seilles. Finest quality and finish. Plain hemmed and cut corner of beautiful satin floral patterns and designs. Offered in white and colors of pink, blue and yellow. Select one of these now for that Xmas gift.' $2.50 $5.95 SATINS Give her a satin dress for street or evening wear for Xmas. Such satins as De Luxe. Imperial, Mole Skin. Charmeuse and Duchess. Offered in a wide range of colors. Positively the best of quality, fin ish and for wear. Make your selections now. - - --y - .... If.