East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 01, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    V ? If v JT '
- J, - 4 c3trs JU t
"Wily evening edition . JC51 r"" Sw
The KAKt ' r'anlan In Kftstrra Or-
i - l ' 1 ' ' rifwupnpT and aa a
h. Ulna force giva to tha advertisers
ovr twlcs the gmtranted paid clreti
t .t..n In Pendleton and i'matilla coun
i or any oth'r newspaper.
N.lhilMl- of (-,,.. , ,,,., i ,,, Hului'tiuy'a
IIiIh ii ii,,! i,, . ...
n Ui Audit uru of Circulation.. I
VOL. 31
NO. 4900
Although Inevitable Ultimately,
of Authorities,
Armed Action Now Scorns
Except for Ordnance, Border
Forces are Skeletonized; Not
Over 3000 Men Remain at
. . Fort Bliss, Cavalry Cut Down
KB paso, Tex., Dae. l. intcrven
lion in Mexico now appears far off al
though li In Inevitable ultimately, ac
cording to authorities hero Unlay.
While the JcnkliiM and Wallace
Oajfaa have rendered the diplomatic
situation Him, American military
men mid ruhld Interventionists admit
for the first time wince the Pershing
expedition started after Villa that the
American army la riot prepared for
the job In Mexico.
Bxeept fey ordnance, r,f which the re
Is enough along the holder to supply
five diviHionM, the army la not pre
pared . Not over 1000 men ure at
Fort Bliss. Regular Cavalrv compan
ies arc down to Bl nien. Infantry and
other units hue boon Hinillurly skein.
tOnlatd by demobilization wince the
T1UUCja on. oiidatc.
KB paso. Paft I. Concentration or
i 'aiiun.iHta troops along tin northern
border of Mexico Is reported here to
day. The largest mobilization In at .
"Jlnnga, oppoHite the I'resblio. Tex,
where relnforreinenta of 1 Ann nun
buve arrived since the Jenkins affair
grew n il leal.
In the l-'uerte Valley ami ut N'fcVaJo
and Senora. ahti-American Mexican
federal Indians have tcplaccd (lie Va
ouia friendly to the 1'nited Stales. The
Juarez garrison, suspected of lacklhx L
ymimlh with the farfanxlnf a cans
haa been rapiaeed with Ibyallata.
i.itth- Blgialflcaoce.
American military (ntaHtgenc offl
com who broughl theae rei-orta at
tuch no apedal Mle-nlflraiw e to tb
muHtiliiK of CarraiislHta troops, how
LAwTOK. Midi., Doc i , police
loda nre seeking Mrs. fjiBtof Tabor
and her sun, Walter, last reported to
be "aoniewhere in Oregon," following
the finding of the body of Mias Maml
Tahor In n trunk In the baaement of
the Tabor h"ine here. Police any tho
body has evidently been in the trunk
for three .wars. Miss Tabor, a grad
uate of the I'niverslly of Michigan,
and a teacher of la nguagcH, disap
peared about three eara iiro.
I'oltre say that fallowing her disap
pearance, Walter Tabor said she died
on a ranch out west, where she had
gone for her health. Authorities say
She hail a sweetheart In-re at the
time of her disappearance. Kxami-
natlon of the body disclosed
thai she wag a bmit t" bp
mother. She was 4H years
the fact
come a
Silver thaw at several points in
I'matilla eounty Saturday hlgfht and
Sunday play d .havoc with tilepbone
systems and the power line from Wei
la Walla bid spared the West i in t'ni
on wlri'H, All gay Hunda and jiarl of
toduy Pendleton wag Isolated from the
01 it side WOlid by telephone but was
able to keep In telegraphic communi
cation In all direct Ions.
Stanfield's telephone System at '
O'olOOk Sunday night hud bill one polo
standing. I.oeal servlee there was vir
tually ll'O pgr cent out. Rcho had a
number of poles broken by the weigh!
of the Ice and was also badl demoral
ized. Weston had several cross aim-
broken and wires wattl down in vart
oiih places! Mm on reported 2 1 bro
ken telephone pides.
Walla Walla Mgg badly hit by till
storm of sleet and treea as large In di
ameter as a man's body were broken.
Wires ail over that town oaitu down
with frequency and telephone and
power systems were badly disrupted.
Pendleton Kerb I ifffcajta.
F't-ndleton was Spared t be silver
thaw but not the effects. Between I
o'clock Sunday morning and 11 o'clock
power was off. . The morning newspa
per was prinieu oy connecting a gaao-
line engine to the press. Other places
lacked light and power OWlhg In the
breaking of trees all annK the Walla
us Mooney and
c. 1
tho district attorne)
casess have been pending1 three and a half years. The indict
ments charged murder in connection with the preparedness pa
rade bombing here.
Judge Ward criticized the district attorney's office for it
failure to act and said the case against Mrs. Mooney, which
conies up tomorrow, will he dismissed unless the state is ready
to proceed. Mooney's atorney protested against dismissal of
the cases, declaring Mooney wanted them brought to trial.
Fourteen mei
I mechanical
hi irfi;()iiiaii,
reased scale
, roprceepyUng the au
di partniont of the
wt'i'r pigged tipon ;t 1 1
'f pay. 'ffoottve today.
new stale rcpn-scnts a substantial
for all the lueii itffeefed and, bv
.contract with the local typographical
union. Is to remain In effect through
j out the year 1920.
i Buring the present year printers.
j pressuuoi and I heir helpers In Pen
dleton have been paid slightly 1'-hs
than in the majoritv of Oregon towns
having dally newspapers. The new
Kali brings their pay nenrer the lcel
which other towns are now paying
I heir mechanical forces.
U cll-Puhf Men liriieient.
Realising that the cost of living la!
steadily increasing, the Kast Orego- j
nian has willingly signed the new i
contract at thla time In appreciation '
of t he work Its force produces. The
management believer that a well-paid
man in t he heal producer and that I
first class producers are necessary to
maintain the standard of ggogflenee
which the East oregonlan strives to
The higher wage scale, together
with the rapidly mounting cost of
print paper and alt materials connect
ed with the production of a newspa
per, make necessary alight increases
In the advertising rates of the Kast
rcgonian. also effective today. Even
at the new rate, llm Bad Ol agi Hill 111
iharue is lower than that of 17 dallies
in II egon, outside of Oli land, while
I Only aix cbarg ia ir inch than are M full time adult ranplexea on th
'ba n HiIk papaftj These latter are In j Salary liat and 26 pari time worl:er ,
Mai-Kr eitb-H than tVnJblon. w hfve who iTtcbiih- coiintir.v rnrrenporidi nta In
their field admits 'If i Kroater clreu-
bt t ion and, contention tl" proportion- '
Fourteen matters f !egila
inltted in the state organization o
A Rierlcan Legion win be eoneM
tonight by Pendleton Post in itH i
tar aHonthly meeting at I o'eloc
the assembly room of the count
M ar . The judicia r COtnmittes
last week to dtgeat tneat matters
will present them, with recompie
tionS) to the meeting
Be vi
ms of imp'
irta ti"
us welt as rc
'rts o
t he recent national convention, prob 1
ably will come before the meeting.
The membership of the local post hei
been swelled considerably since tho
A 1 in 1st ice Day d cm oust rat Inn against
the soldiers at Gentvalia and pros
pecta for s flourishing orgee teat lob
here up' much brighter. Sreviee men
whether members or rtol are welcome
. attend this evening and apply for
membership if Utiai desire.
I Walla river, the ROUroe or thw felly"
lOWer Again la I e( ntug light
I went OUt for a short time, due to ibcii
i ' roubles between Pasco and Wall
Walla No wires were broken hen
I I he Pacific Power gj I agbt Com; a n
j reported today'.
Telephone communication Wltmi
the ctty was uninterrupted but runt
and long distance lines were wtthou
sceptlon hampered. Maniigcr J. A
J Murray wont lo StanfleM today to pei
sMtally supervise the rccon tructln
! of tinea t give temporary s rvlce, ti
Western I id on wires this Moon wet
rpeh to Portland. Walla Wa'ta an
I .a (Irande ami no troubles are and
clpatccl. .
Baker cut Off.
BAKKK. Dec, I. Bakei Wtul ci
I off from telephone eommunicatioi
with Malheur, Canyon Clt'y and Port
Hand Saturday night and Stindav by 1
snowstorm t hat dost ro ed telepbon
lines. One hue to Portland w as I;
operation Sunda bid service Ws
pooi-. The other line was out entirel
between I .a Grande ami Pendletot
Aei 01 ding to the local manager, a'
ftnea w.11 be restored by tonight. Snea
fell to the depth of lour im lies In lin
ker n nd was ri'iimlcil 11s dceo as five
(inches al tanyon 'tt yestrday. in
Co mountains the fall WaS much
h avier.
All Indictments uKuin.st Thorn
fJillinKH were dismissed today betausi
was nut ready to prosecute. T
i.dy iour cost of proddctfun.
tliur;ui(4-e ( tfYMllottoa.
J RoadJUSl ine'it of advertising rutes Is
marje, hove.r with full guarantee of
I eiretiiation. Th- Kast (Ueonian hits
a larger pro rata circulation to pop
j illation t ban any newp;i per in the
1 northwest, as li proved by its '17 net
E average paid copies for the six months
lending September in a city whose
estimated population is soon.
The guarantee of circulation is
given hy 'he Audit BufeaU of I'ir' ula
! tlons. a service founded ly the Xa
UOnaj Ad . iti isers of A on -rica to in
siir t heir getting the circulation for
which they pay. This service ma kiv.
a check of the Baal OraeoalAn'a cir
colatlon records twice annually, in as
thorough a manner us the state and
federal Imnk eaamlnersr audit bank
All ricwjmapcrs in Portland, as well
;is (Mi leading d.ul, in ;tH f -re-gnn's
irrportant cities, are audited by
the A. P. C At lean one daily In vir
n ..
al! the larger Dragon cities Is
B. G. paper and the Kast Ore
gon ia tl is 1 'f ndh ton's representat i e.
Pandl TotaU glSS a Day,
What all increase in wage scale, and
the patraabOadlng readjustment of ad
vertising rates, portends, can be un
iaratood when the payroll and force
of this newspaper la made known.
During th year 1 1 1 . the averaae
monthly pa: roll of the Boat Orego-
nian has Poen filflfi, or more than I
rill Tor -each working day. The
everv town tn I'matflla COtintv. and
city route ( arriers.
UXixN, Dec. i. Tim prlnee of
Wales arrived hero today from Ports-I
nioinb wh re he landed after coirjdet- j
iiiU his Voyage fr6w New York.
..." Incbea oi snow.
The snow reading in Pendleton is
6 inches today. The maximum fern-eratun-
is S2 with a mlnbnVm of 29.
u- report Is from Major Lee Moor
ouse.. weather: observer.
Blipe Ant-. l.-s.
Vllla'a rishi hiiii'l
man, iw not deitd nccordim; to lut
''porm hut In avalllnr hi fute by
ourtmurtlHl hro. villa ronal4en
Anitnh'M ho strong a Mupport tliat lhi
people .,r this city iroald not he ur
priHcd lo him duh Ihroush the
main street at the hiad of hl ham
nd dellvpr his aide from confine
Highway Contractors Bring
News of Spread of Bolshevik
Propaganda at Camp; Pen
dleton Police on Lookput.
alleged l. v. w
pra, who have been workin
as t.-am-
Stera on the on the state highway be
tween liieth and Bcho. were discharg
ed this mdrnlnc after i. w. w. litera-
iro bad been
discovi rod
known lo hi
in their
K. C. Amann, and Mr. Clifton both
Of Clifton. Applegate and Toole, con.
tractors, who are employed In Che
Estate highway work, brought the news
to Pendleton toduy and nKlfled Chief
Al Cob. i ts to be on the watch for the
men. chief Roberta says that Pen
dleton is ready to deal with the
"wohblitV and that no 1. W. W. ac
llvltlea will be tolerated.
! S.W.K.M. I
I Service conn
R"n Alegai a
eo. i. Th- Btaia PuUfc
nsKK.n too'uy .leclared tha !
iv talopnona rattw In Ora 1
i annminfcd that sub.tl- '
ratea are effective. Practically
SVeT' exchaniTH in f Jrenon i& affected
by the decision.
The Pacific Telephone and Tele-j
graph "omanv was ordeFed lo credit!
to Ita vubcribera all chorgea abov
the new rates, since the Burleson
charges became effective on May 1,
; lam.
Bates for business telephones Which
were in effect before Burleson raised
( t he rates, are virtually restored. New
rates for residential Tnos are slightly
j higher than the ones which were abro
gated by tiie Burleson rates.
ICi-sidemial Kate- Pised
j ftjThe resid ntial T-1one chaTffes for
Pendleton, as fixed by the commission
.li-- aa foloWS: ne-pai I y. $2.25 per
month; two-party. $2 per month; four
party $1.75 per month.
I Changes in residential phone rates
in Pendleton represent decreases of IS
and 50 tents ft mont h. accord mg to
the local office of the Pacific Tele
phone and Telegraph Company. -One-oariv
lines in Pendleton oot $2.75. two
pa rty lines now cost $2.25 ami four
party lines $2, under the present toll
Bills Being Held Up,
Bills for December phone rent.
Which are ordinarily sent out from
Portland In advance of the first of the
month, bae not yet been received by
the local office, it was said this after
noon. While the local exchange has
not been notified of any action by the
commission, ii is surmised here that
(Continued on pnge G.)
Reported Release of Consular Agent From Puebla Jail Heard in
El Paso But Not Credited: Alleged Mexico City Answer
Will Reveal Threats Made by Prisoner Himself.
Walla Walla. Pendleton and Ba
ker Councils Confer Degrees
After Morning Mass; Promi
nent Speakers Present.
One of the biggest events in the hls
j tory of Pendleton Council 1 673,
I KnighLs of Columbus, oceured yester-
day when a clajw of 3? candidates
from Several Ka.stcrn Oregon towns
took the exrnpllf ication of the first.
second and third degrees of the order.
The candidates initiated were
(Thomas DIneen. Frank Smith. A. Mc-
J Cabe, Jim Dnyle, John Mulligan and
Kugene Newman, all of Condon: Frank
V. Carelle, John J. Curtiss, R. D.
Bradshaw, and Fred Dixon, all of
I I'matilla: F. A. Boumagoux, A. H.
1 htloer, J. Dindanio, V. Rtroble, A. W.
Kleer, John McLeod, M. Donahue,
Charks Meurer. W. K. it'Bourke, M.
Doyle and W. V. Pedro, all of Pendle
ton; Thomas Brady, M. M. Joa'piim.
I and A. M. Joanuim, both of Echo;
j John Kilkenn , Jr., of Heppner.
; Ralph Jackson, of Lexingf-n. Victor
j Bracher. of Pilot Hock. W. T. Roberts
f BTermlSton and Kugene Doherty, of I
lene. One man from the state of ;
Washington. Karf C. Amann, of Spo
kane, was Initiated also.
Aiicnd Haas l Morning
The candidate, with local members
and visiting knights, met at the K. of j
C hall at S:3 a. m., marching from
! there to St. Mary's Catholic church.
I where they attended high mass. Fath
t Van Bnomlssen officiated. St
' f irv's choir gave special music undo
,l ;. , r.t ,.. folItrtr AfTir
services the candidates had luncheon
at Hohbachs grill, P. J. Heater being
In charge Of the arrangements.
The exemplification of the three
4cejc.es t"(k place in the Odd Fellows
hall at 1:30 p. m. The first degree
was put on by the Walla Walla coun
cil; the second by the Pendleton
council and the third by Baker coun
cil, under the supervision of Frank J.
I-onergan of Portland, state deputy
of the order. Mr. Bonergan is a bro
ther of I. P. A. Bonergan of this city.
Bencjwc. fa vercd
Culminating the ceremonies1 of the
day. a banquet for 200 was served at
7 p. ni. under the direction of the
Catholic Ladles Build. During the
dtn it-; music by three piece orches
tra. With Mrs. Bert McDonald at the
Diana. Bert McDonald, violin, and LO
Mol'tor, cello, was a feature. The
hall was attractively decorated ia pat
riotic colors, and cut flowers and
greenery through the courtesy of s. H.
Forshaw. b-cal florist.
A social hour followed the banquet.
ilh vocal and instrumental music by
Miss Laura CahUI, soloist. Mrs. Alma
!ranelli and F.uaene Molitor. A
rendition of "O'brlen Is Booking for
land, wort
much en-
A. V. Smith Speaks
A. A Smith, of Baker, district dep
uty of the order, gave an address in
"The attitude American Should
Take During the Industrial Crisis."
tPmnk !.oii"rciin recalled the history
Of the Knights "f C-dumbus !OTge, and
outlined the educational program
which the order intends to carry out
i "or the development of the rising gen-
oration and for immigrants for the I
j betterment of American citizenship
: Father Van Hoomissen In his talk ex-
plained that the principles which!
I guide ih lodge nre derived from the;
doctrine of Christ and from the con-
1 dilution of the United States.
Henry Taylor. prominent local
li dgeman who was an Invited guest j
I - . lolb on the
a 1 111 miniHC( -
snirit of f raturnal charity.
that n spirit of co-operation ahoeW
' animate all fraternal organizations
1 '-Vaneis A. McMcnnamln. prominent
' 'leppner attorney, acted as toast mas
r t r the evening.
',. r'latl I'pri'rp started today at
1 Vrob- ton b irh school. Brls teams
gad th- floor the first hour and the
Freeh man and npr tearas played 5 to
The laanui v - ; -ernate in irac
Hmea, thereby uiving all players an
RUUaJ chance.
At 7 g Ttieedavy SVawlWg a general
practice Will be held. The first team
will be Chnaeh. aftr the hoIidas and
ocotal tk to thi coach, a heav y s. he. I
o!e w.i; irobabB he arranged, "We
I hav- Mfne splendid material for a
1 a Inntng baaketaadu team," he said, in
j a basketball talk g the b" of the
4hish s-hool this morning;
WAHHINOTON, Dee. 1. Declaring
i ita belief that the prejury charge
against him Is unfounded, the 1'nltcd
Htatea has reiterated ita demand that
'Mexico immediately release from prl
aon Counsular Agent Jenkins, it Is of
; flcfatly announced here today. The
'. reiterated demand eras made In tb
American reply to the Mexican refusal
to release Jenkins. It ia assumed It
has already reached the Mexican for
eign office, as It waa sent Sunday.
The note characterized as "mere
excuses" Mexico's reasons for not re
leasing Jenkin. Secretary Lansing's
communication to Carranza brushes
aside the Mexican reply to the first
note, saving "The Cnited Rtatea Is not
to be driven Into defense of its request
for the releaae of Conaular Agent
Jenkins. It is for Mexico to show
cause for hla detention, not for the
United State to plead for his libera
tion. To Forward KUdcnre
M KXIO 1 CITY. Dec. 1. Evidence
tedding to show that American Con
sular Agent Jenkins is guilty of per
jury in connection with his recent kid
napping will be forwarded to the
Cnited State immediately. It was offi
cially stated here today. It Ls alleged
that evidence will also show that Jen
kins was guilty of threatening the
lives of workers if they revealed he
had a coo fere nee with bandit leadera
previous to his abduction by them.
Release Reported
ISO, Dec. t. -A report that
' 'onsular Agent Jenkins has been re
leased from Puebla Jail has been given
currency here today by Mexican Con
sul Oarcia, and Vice Consal Sandoval
hut It not vouched for by them. They
said they heard it in Jitarea. and trac
ed it 10 a Chihuahua CHy newspaper,
but nre unable to confirm It. The re
port is not believed at army head
quarters here.
Warning of a clean-up of undesir
able moral characters was issued by
hief of Police Roberts today, follow
ing a weekend of activity in rounding
up several couples on disorderly con
duct charges. As a result of the cam
petgrn, the city coffers were swelled
$-00 this morning:
J. E. Waldon, who gives his home
as Yakima : M Las Marion Martin, of
Thermopotta, Wyoming, and A. Ar
thur, of Portland, wefe arrested Sun
day morning together in a room on
Cottonwood street. They were charg
(d with disorderly conduct under the
Immoral acts ami practices ordinance
and each put up J5t bail for appear
and' In court this morning. None ap
peared and their bail was declared for
felted. It is understood that they left
The house in which they were found
has been under police surveillance for
some time and the chief of police said
that complaint would be hedged
against its owners as soon as City At
torney James A. Fee returns from
L W Be Bedeau and John J. Bent
lex pa nl fines of $2." each in police
court this morning on charges of dis
orderly ceomluct. According- to the
hief's story the mn had an alterca-
ver a woman Thursday tiiuht but
were not arrested until Saturday.
Three young women, of the alleged
parasitic type, wore accosted by the
chief Saturday with Instructlona to
mend their ways or depart from Pen
dleton. Two are known to have left,
the chief reports, while investigation
was being made today regarding the
movements of the third. These es s.
he sabl are only the forerunners of
several likely tn come to light.
BOY lit N Tl B
! I l ITS SI .
BTl.ANP. Dae 1 . -Oeorge ir-
ban, B yt-ars dd, f 7Ji north Sml'b
: venue, accidentally shot himself in
the right arm while bunting duck-
n Columbia shaigh esterday. IB
WU tuken to St. Vincent's hoaplt'
. it ntcht. The boat had bst a gfeat
qitmtlly of blood and adM weak. IBs
onditton was serious.
m mm