PAGK E1UHT DA1LV BAST OUKGONlAN, PKNDLKTON, OUKGOtf. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 1010 TWELVE PAGES r Vlt ti M MONOAY i hi: m im tii niKir A iitcnr of trtMnondntiK dfttmsj ii1 tajSaaar im tht In whirh two men rn- . In It M cl;;!,. nn Ihr flour -tf lh M-fun in Mmirlt Xrm-ur'i lmvi PitrMinunt-Artcruft special ilc- Uire "Thf W hit.' li.Mtin. wt ... a dlHpla ed hi t hr Arndt Thaatrv n XI ftunrffetv .nil Monday. Thb I wOd by Now York rrltlcs to l the most thrlllm nml ni ! m . n vi "Thr While ll..:uhei" h adapted . from th Drury i melodrama, ln MfWrtlv, thf title . , v front the Bood lurk flower of the Beaten H if h land 1 !. hlt ht'uthrr. Yrt Scotland I .Hmt aacikf roand lor but a sajrl and h mlti' r part ol the melodrama. Tlx nccta. r.iitri around the raoovary of h tuarrtKe record from the hulk of I daatray4 I, rathl "The Whits ltenther.' The lug tcene of the mclo d in mil lakes place at the bottom of Iht saa, arhara the hem and the vil lain. In the weird fSMtotttas of deep Sa dtvafa, ftshi to the denth. Tints the thrtlllni " riton of "The W hit.' Ilealhet hils the bottom of the an for Its h.w U wound. For thoe wncs M r. T""rnenr empl. ed t he nan sot ' invent in Of the Williamson (brothers, who.- snhsea nhotoeraidiy datdcaa mad,- posstbls the vtsoaUamttotl i'f bnder the water scenes. Much of the atone canteri In London, revolving bat Iraan the f uncial district and the slums. In the icm's "'on rhane" Mr. Tourneiir anwinyad thounapdn of pla em. The White, Hettthvr" has a c.M ln olndlns 11. EC. Herbert, little nVn Alex under, the child who m mod in "The Tumi of the lioad and "Heart- Of the World"; Ralph Qraaaa, Mai-el Ballln Jack Gilbert and BpOOtlaffOOdV AUken. IpAHTIMK MNDAY Al MONDAY , TKIt'MlMI llll l l l RA3fl lauvhter thai ittajtsf rii hold pa iff 1 tdaot troubles t hut are ludjeroa lit the. exrvrna, und novelties t ill in can't rest "Trying to del MonsV the new I'ii ramouiil - Mur Si-uuett lonieily iimes to town today where it will hi ko.mi at the Alta theatre. 'harley Murray Im the fhlof Hfctftjt not I liii- t limtmh it won Id be hard to - find mora aMo secondH thah t'ha'r Iftte Atnic'i i, llarrii i Itammond and K alia Padha, nlh of whom have fine i-i l. s in the picture and Mr. Sennett super iwd and got the last on'nce of conwdy Into It. ('hurley flirts with a Klrl. hU wife finds It out and yun can (piaMt the 1 test. lint MOW comes Kail a I'ash the bbr burly Unite of a brother wf Wlfey with a ni'ivkry and other petn. j The trouble that fojloWH would make a J maequed of comedy lachrymoaa by ennipat'ison. ITV St ! MONOVY Arcade Sunday and Monday Children 10c Adults 25c illllllllllillllllllinilllllllllllMllllllinillllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIMIIMIIIIIIIIIHU. PASTIME I Sunday and Monday Children 5c Adults 20c Mary Pickford IN 46 RAGS" A PARAMOUNT PICTURE By Ed'th Barncrd Delano Directed by James Kirkwood E When he first saw her she was fighting- like a little j wildcat. Me loved her then and there for her "spunk," even though she was bul an animated bundle of rags. S Then he lost her, he thought forever. Years later he stepped through the doorwrfy of his own B palatial Eastern home and there, arrayed in the most fashionable creations of the Fifth avenue modistes he saw Mary Ptcltford the popular motion picture star, has attained most of her past screen triumphs elad in rnc?. It is therefore of odd interest t hat this photoplay should he entitled "lla." and that it should he presented at the Paattme Theatre next Sunday and Monday. Thii unusual story waa written by iQdtth Barnard Delano, and the scen ario h:is been aft eonatructed as to iro vidi M iss Pickford with a eharacter izatlon that afford all her amufln:ly Versatile powers of unique character portrayal anipW scope for expression. In interpret Ins- this. Miss Pickford lmi'alhds hr histrionic achievement In "The Pawn -.f a Tomorrow." The Hit nations in the production alternate const a nth" he t ween the pathetic and the happy, the sympathetic and the eray, and in all those dtOOdfl Miss Pickford is cnualllv affective. The ton. hes i f comedy that hrinr a hppy snille. and the touches of tender pathofl that bHnii the irresistlhlo tear ica'n assert her mastery over the ele ments i f drs ma and comedy Whtch IhK- gifted tr has so consistently evidence. 1 in the past. There jjrc many settincs in the pro I'rrt'i.n tn;t deserve ftnecjal commen dation, and the transition of Rags" from her apjUalld and sordid envtbrp- P M l IXH rKlKRrK Til RIVKS OS XI Minis ealth a thoroui of . ment to n atmoaohare r ItlXUry 's accomplished ii ly rontneinc manner. The story of "Ha us" is tlnnal interest and the star is r nhiy aupported hy competent plavers. her h-adimr man belnT shall ICeTWn the f;imo s dir Other. in h" "- af Jn-aph Mj and Joseph T MacDonald. Pauline Frederick In "The Woman ' n the Index' Is presented by Gnld wvn at the Alta Theatre. hevinntnK Bund iv. Audiences are promised tin end of suspense, thrills ami Mr sur prises. Sylvia Martin la a poor irl who Ik driven from home hy the (reed a nd heat tlessness of her father. Fainting in a doorway, she Is pitied hv a paser hy ; ma n who carries her Into a warm room. It Ih the rendezvous of a band of crooks of Which he Is the leader. In time Sylvi;- marries him, 'cnorant of his status ll accident she learns the truth vhen she over Hfnr ihf crooks discussing a ful "Jolt. At thi juncture the police enter and BylvUVs husband shoots himself. She is accused M his murder and is held as an accessory in the rob bery. Kvetit uillv she Is freed and sub sequent event.- hrlnjf about her mar riao to n man who has no knowledge of her past. Sylvia herself finds her name and the ( rime tot which she was accused, in the police records. She is "the woman on the index." She ImaRincff she is lot when the detective who arrested her turns Up as her husband's friend. He is now chief of the Secret, Service. From t-his point the drama hi tints o a climax no one could have anticipated. r.T TOlY Now don't Ue TOO sure. You may be wrong. It cer- s tainlv is worth while to come and find out. Coming, aren't S yju? ADDED ATTRACTION Burton Holmes Travelogue Ttfifliiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiftiiitiiiiiivitititiiiiiiiittiiittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirtiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit jiiiiitFi MANY o ri Tips iv I "IV I " SKWI TT PAffcPE I Fun Galore and Good i va arcs Tryitis to Gxi Alomr." MAKE PERSONAL APPEAL PAUIS. Nov. 2i. Should democrats, and republicans In the United States! : senate fn !1 to reach a compromise syraament for accptunre of the peaee ) I treaty with the league of nations be lli fore t ha reopen late pt oengruaa, Pre- Clemcneeau may go to Ameriea ke a direit appeal to th people tlfloatlon of the pact. ALTA TODAY CHILDREN 10c ADULTS 35c "Uspd for a cat spar Kb. or w ii ier in ma Within hew 6t bcailtiful irirln, frr rn I! j MAU RICE TdttRNEUI Presents THE GREAT DRURY LANE MELODRAMATIC SJCCCSS "im WHITE HEATHER You will gisp at the (lare-(kvi!try of the men who t'iRht to the death on the ocean floor, eight fathoms down. You will be spellbound at the sheer beauty of tire scene. The sublime love that leads a woman and a man up to the smashing denouement will hold you so enthralled that Come to see "The White Heather!" There never was another picture like it! Adjectives cannot describe it! You must see it to believe that such a picture is possible! Ii apeolal Hi-ntnm-nn'iit thto uiMts i" ;i hocww In "The White Heather" nv produced by tht uiw or the Wlllhmaon Bab uiiirliK I'iiIk anil pull tltod lvcntlottA I'"' only MUM l. uhich Nttch mWlersea Boeitea nil' nsMle poMlble. PATHE NEWS The World News in Pictures. Th PR1ZMA Catalina Islands i Beauty Spot of the Pacific. This Shipper Saved $8.14 on 2 Steers by aMpptns to the KtoeJt Y.-mi.-. Hr offered n li. rm- -! -kits at home, hiit nl ripped t r them here.. He rticelvcd h.-. mi. Unit, alter deSbelihK fof Hhrmkoge ami expennex of nhlppinit, he xit more tor th shipped and had 2 ntcem U ri heskle. We nn iln a iiiiii Ii for ro. Send for our Weekli Market i tter and I'lan ol ODtimranit) Shipping. Spokane Union Stockyards Itov SI8S SPOKANE, I . s. . THE WONDERFUL CHINESE ROOTS berba and barks preparation which are superior than nil other medicines UOd are efficacious cures for diseases nf stomach, kidney, luna;, nervousness, rheumatism find many other diseases which cannot be mentioned. I'rloe par package,, one dollar and fifty cents. It Is a treatment for two weeks. Post laid. Write for free symptom blank. DR. K. J. YORK MED. CO. T. O. Box 05 3 ! So. 1 2 N. 7th St., Walla Walla, Wanh. Alta Children 10c Sunday and Monday Adults 35c PAULINE FREDERICK Jh r in. Coldujyn Vichtrm IS -Till-: WOMAN ON Tin; INOI nra ARCADE H. B. Warner IN J : : Mack Sennell Comedy TRYING tO GET ALONG Charles Murray, Harriet-Hammond. VAUDEVILLE TRIXIE TAYLOR The Girl With the Curls. ADAMS & BIRKEMO Comedy Novel ly. "The Man who Turned White" "BRINGS HIGHEST TRIBUTE FROM CRITICS" "BEST EVER SHOWN ON BROADWAY" "THE MAN WHO TURNED WHITE" IS "WHAT EVERY WOMAN WANTS" BRAY CARTOON BRAY PICTOGRAPH BBfdKaHS .Hr?Z. aaraBsTaVBaasV VbmBbkbV HstaflBsBaSHaa ma fVmucI Go'.iiwyii PAULINE FREDERICK TheMmiaUi . On the Index tit (ilium TrimbU 'BmJlty and Oeortjc 7?tMiAnc? Jirtcled hj J&fart Henlty Men My Love and Men Mm Hale But She Had Faith Forever' KJNOGRAMS Late News PARAMOUNT MAGAZINE A Very Interesting Picture Vaudeville IRMA & RAMOLA Singing and Piano NESBIT AND KING Colored Comedy Talking, Singing and Dancing