i TEN I'AGKS HO. N'INR DAIL ABT ORBOomAII. iTOIDiJKTOr. OtMOl.. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1010. WANT ADS. CLASSIFIED Notices, Business Opportunities Locals, Lost, Found, For Rent, Etc. Classified for Easy Reference WANTED Continued WANTED Olrl far Kt-ncral house- WASi AU COLUMN AND CLAISIKIUD Dim mill Counting tlx ordinary words to Hi- Una and charged by th lint. Want ada and locala. Haifa frt I I ... . First Insertion, per line 10c Each add. Insertion, per line.... 6c One weak (nix Insertions), each Inaertlon. per line 6c I mo. each Insertion, per line.. 4c 1 month . i, niriii i. each inmr- tlon, per line .. 3e 12-month contract, each In- 1 i i ii. in par Una 20 No ada taken for leaa than 2 i. ii. i UinUnum charge .. 2Sc Ada taken over tha telephone only from blast Ortironlan tub a. i.Ii. i- and thoae ifatad In tha Telephone Directory. Copy muat be In our office not later than 1:30 o'clock day of publication. NOTICES Continued FOR SALE FOR SALE Continued work. I C36-J. Inquire 614 Lewis or Phon Foil IALE-condltlon. Knit BALE iiKlnly washing- machine, terms. Phone t'HB-lt. used electric 1 Btorle. IC' UKonable I LEASE -700 acre wnm land, rant .Kit Chandler excellent 1 u.''nrll,'r.d,fld,"re'-1 2t3, a"fnn ln Price 11150.00. Sturgl. ! " ' '"1 ""S ''"''. .!' BEAUTY SHOP roil HALE Short and bran, the old BE BEAUTIFIED at Mlaa Robb'a fuahluned kind, none better. Uma tilla Pluur and Grain Co. 1100 W. Alta. I'hone 311. ' anon. Judd Bide. Phone 10E0. will lense C years nnU p. m. WANTED 4 or 6 room furnished houso no children. Phone 1022. HANDY BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF PENDLETON AND VICINITY Thin nirprtnrv In cum i n 1 1 v himly for th lbl' Iiiuki' rnn who repr5nt tna following varioua lines, stand ready to give you prompt and efficient acrvlce. niil.nf.lfiwn rw.il. r who DI1V WHIll. All are reltabJ , reaponamia ou.ns nnma and aldrca of ri ctm rn WANTED FOR SALE A few fine young- cock erels. Rhode j: laud Reds. Phone 10FS. WANTED 4 or S room furnished houae I'hone 1028. WANTED Position on country news paper by amliitlou: young woman. Borne experience. Wrlto Frieda Gnu tile. It. F. D., Btanflild, Ore. FOR BALE basement, Holey St. V ANTED Good clean ran at The Bast Oregonlan of floe. Modern 0 room house, garage. Inquire 1004 IIOI'KE PAINTEIl Wants work In BUMNE4S8 OIIIL desires room and meal at evening In private home Phone &43. ' MISCELLANEOUS country. Adlr-j-iM "K" ' NEW TODAY j FOR SALE Modern oungalow with , WANTED-Furntahed house for wl f.V."nd nd UB,"nSi ter months. Ceo. C. HIH-Pho, this office. WARD PHOTOS for Xmas. take you In your home. We will Plant Phone - 2 l - It i 10F2. FOR RALE Standard sewing ma chine, chairs and tables. Mrs. Jesse ' Falling, Falling Bldg. Ml ICntaiil To anyone finding a house or apart ment with modern conveniences that can be rented Phono &39-J. WANTED Three millwrights. Will -Phone ' 'D SHIELD GLASS Put la while you wait. B. L Burroughs, Cor ner Webb and College. ANNOUNCEMENT ATTORNEYS FLORIST I HAVE MOVED my office In the FEE FEE, Attorneys at Law. Belts Bldg., from Rooms 9-10-11 to fices in Despaln Building. rooms 7-3-9. Turn to the left, D. N. Reber, eye, ear. nose and throat ape-claist. R. I. KEATOR, Attorney at Law. BOin 24, Knilth-Crawford Blulding. Of- POTTED PLANTS, out flowers, palms and ferns; funeral wreaths, deelg-aav tit. Hooker, 1 "lori.it, ill Main M. FARM LOANS AUTO TOPS a A. Lowell, attorney and counsel- gcoW 4k DAYTON. 117 Ernst Court lor at law. Ofllce in Despaln man. IF YOU NEED a New Top or Cur tains for your oar. Has Oadwa, tOl E. Court a A. NEWBERRT, Attorney at Law. Bmlth-Crawford. Blulding. PETERSON, B1BHOP CLARK, at torneys at Law. Rooms t and 4. Real Estate, Fire Insurance, us about a loan- West Alta street. JEWELER AND OPTICIAN WIUAMErRANScdfi AUTO TIRE SERVICE FOM KENT - -Furnished 3 room auurtment. No children, 501 Water. FOR RENT Nicely rurnlshrd sleep ing rooms 604 Thompson Bt. 100 ACRES 80 cultlrated, balance timber-pasture. Adapted to stock, grain, hay. Good soil. Natural drain age, spring water. Horses, machlnary, tools 1-2 of crop. Building Macadam P road to Eugene, 9 miles. $8000 cash. Federal loan 14000. A. BalL Route 8. i WANTED Eugene, Ore. pay li.no per hour and railroad fare. Valo Milling and Elevator Com pany. Vale, Oregon. ! DILEK8M AKING Remodeling. Apt. jWHEN IN TROUBLE call our Service 4, Hamilton Court. Phone 244-R. WANTED Pasture for ahout :ifl head of horses. Phone 316-W or Address IInx 17, Pendleton. HEMSTITCHING at tha Singer shop. Mall orders promptly attended to. I Car. Wa go anywhere, any time. Blmpson Tire Service Co., Phona (El. IU-:.MSTITCHING-Ralph Hassell Phono 3S6-M. -Mall orders Mrs -Laatz, Apt., 13 AUTO TIRES Miss Sewing !y the day. Hatfield. Phone G99. Can PENNSYLVANIA vertown qprds. Vacuum Cup. Wallace Bros. Bil- ARCHITECT Full SALE r, room hou 020 Willow St. noulre FORD Tires nearly new, speedome ' SALESMEN Economy lines of oal ter. foot throttle, shock absorbers, I enders, leather goods and bank new top, new paint, tools, etc. Very supplies, good commissions: exclusive reasonable If taken within few days. ' contract and territory; entablishe.: WANTED Position until after holi days. Salesman or Office. Phone Itanklti 740-J. . ' Ask for Frentzel. Phone j Motor Inn parage. 41. care house. Economy Iowa City, Iowa. Advertising Co., FOR CHIMNEY SWEEP, Phone Irr. ing Snyder. STOLEN Near the Sam Bitner place. - RAYMOND W HATCH Architect. Ford touring car. License No. 565 Phona 711, Booms I and t. Do- six volt battery and spot light. No tire on rear wheel. Finder notify ' Cosy Billiard Parlors. Reward. SHEEP FERTILIZER for sale. 10 years old no straw. Call evenings after six. Phone 308-J. AUTO TRANSFER FOR QUICK SERVICE, sat JAMES B. FERRY, Attorn,y at La.. I!?0 I Office over Taylor Hardware Com- j renaifum. -U i v-s. 'pany. RALET 4b RALET, Attornsys at J0B RINTING nanUdTn? " Anima National f?E1BAML E.pTTm Bank Building. aOm. I.ooso Loaf Bill. Ommar- FRED E. SCHMIDT. Attorney at dal Forma, Dodgers, Placards. ao. Law. Room 14, fmlth-Crawford I printed to your order. Bast Oltajrat Bldg. Ian Offleo. R. M. TURNER, Attorney at Lsrw. . aanrjV Rooms 7. 8. . Despaln building. LAUWUnl BICYCLE RlEPfrRTNil EVERT arud. IunrtKl'TlTtWaPllV: -c- - . -. -, ., . , . - There's an agent in your tarwsv AUTO Tires Vulcanised, bicycles and Troy Tsamwlry. 0 Garden St. ' supplies. Savage tires, key fitting. P.ndl.ton Cycl. Co., Ml E. Court. LUBRICATING OILS m BLACKSMITHING MONOIjrlUaad OrasuomTLn Notice is hereby tivm (hat Ii.- ''nuniy r-ourt of fmatilla r-ounty. State of tJOiBTiesa. Pnone si. ureaeani riregon. u-ltl meet on Thursday, the 1'Jth day of December. 1919. at the Court j store. Residence, Phone 1041. . . , Mouse in rendleton. Oregon, when :inil wh.T. any taxuaver shall he heard for House and lot, close ln, f or acalnst the proposed tax levy for the. nsuing year, as per the following j iruui onw a M ulinp vlarktml th ing, Horseehoeinc our Specialty. Ra- "aue ana jut ouj. r. w. pair auto springs, wheels, all sixes. Notion Pendleton chapter No. zli Royal Arch. Masons will meet tonight for work. S. II. FOIISHAW, II. P. TE.UHKRS of both grade and high srhools will find It to their advantage to inquire regarding a proposal we have to make that will enable them to materially in crease their inromea. pleasant, dlg nilied, educational work. No personal solicitation required. Wrlto . Pacific I u n shin Institute 06 Panama Bldg. Portland,, Ore. IN POUND. The following described animal has been taken up by the marshal of the City of Pendleton, to-wlt: 1 hay mare, shout 4 years old, blase face, white spot on end of nose, weight about 1000 lbs , branded D. R. on left shoulder. If said animal Is not claimed by the owners or those entitled to Its possession, costs and expenses paid and taken away within ten day from tha data hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m. of the 2nd day of December. 1919, the said animal will be sold to the highest bidder, at public suction, for t-, . , , o , T 1 .'li nALir, ii.u .ii., i mi, oim hi. -ojJ,, - i $."1." Ht air furnuce, oak floors, , runiy furt garage all modern and up to date 1 Salary County Judge . . I t bed rooms, spur,, for 3 more If need- ! (T,wlnu0(u.nisrt''nmm,"""ner''' dlm ed. I'hone 576. noon and I p. ah. i -, -r ; - court , Sherltra Office FOR SALE- 1917 Studeoaker "I.'' STi'ry on''lieDutv .... Salary two PipuUfn, each stationery and Poatuc. c.ll. ' ting Taxes. Etc. . Clerk's Office Salary Clerk Salary Deputy rltenographer ue, oraers uirice order "nop. ..ouonwooa si. Treasurer's Office , Salary Treasurer Foil SALE House and five lots, . Coroner - $6500. 13500 cash and terms. Hot School Superintendent water heating plant-finished floors, AV,"..ur",P0fflce" 2 fire places, 5 bed rooms, garage, i Salary Assessor Thl. . n Phnn. r.7S noon 'V l.-puty i 1 . Fruit Inspector $ and 6 p. m. Court House 1 IJsll INVESTMENT -$1900 house, furnl- Care of Poor Hess receipts turn, and lot; rents for 125.00 ,?nu ''""r h'r ' 'month. Phone C76. noon and 6 P m. p indigent Soid'lers Widow's Pension , IrOR SALE ALL kinds of Insurance, luvenile curt good tires and In good condition; one 1916 Ren, K good tires, new top. n-wly painted and In good condition; 'ine 90-overland. newly painted, good ondition, good tires; one 1918 Ford, newly painted, rubbers good, nrni- strong starter. Seo Honghind at Paint Salary lie 11.200.00 5.00 2.500.00 l.sno.on 1.560.00 1.000.00 2.130.00 2.000.00 1.620.00 1.140.00 l.SOO.00 1. 620.00 1.500.00 1.620.00 1 3,000.00 1 AUTO REPAIRING 7.000.00 : PERKINS A BEMENT, Automobile l.ooo.oo Repairing. Ford, Chevrolet, Stude 10'550 00 j baker or any make of car. Service i car at any time. 630 Cottonwood. Phone 203. FIRST CLASS Blacksmith lng of every description. You can do better here. A. P. Burgta. 607-1 Clay St. ' dealers. Eastern Oregon Wa Sullivan Eastam Oregon Representative, LEGAL BLANKS BATTERIES LEGAL BLANKS of every description Blank Deeds, Leases, Writs, Bill of sssaa sow aaas j sales, Vontracts, Subpoenas. Affidavits recharged. Complaints Summons, etc., for sals at 5.300.00 AUTO WRECKING BATTERIES rer aired or new and rental batteries. Electric ! East Oregonlan Office Service Station. Cor Garden and Court - ' GOODYEAR TTRE SERVICE Good year tires and tubes. Monogram oils j Court ! and greases Bently & Rinehart, Alta and Garden streets. PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND ORXD BATTERIES guaranteed for It months. W. E. Chase Co., Ill Telephone 269. Pendleton. MONUMENTS 500.00 4.250.00 6,000.00 ! CHIROPRACTOR J. H. Estes, 614 Main St., Phone 104. aler of Weights .V Meavur BH hool l.i hrary lUlnatllla county Library TOOLS FOR SALE Full kit of car- w.,,., Master p.-t,t..r tools. Keen-Cutter Miter Box. ! Health Officer brand new. Lester Browo, General j jtJ, ewmwo ! Tax i. i : Co. Agt. and Home FOR SALE Bulck six touring car.. A.i I ' . 1 1 , -i kmmt rnv.T, and ex- cash, at the City Pound. In said City ,ra Ure T & p Motor Co phone 46 of Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and expenses of making sale. Dated this 20th day of November, ltl. AL ROBEPTS. City Marshal "22 Cottonwood. FOR SALE Several nl pieces of residence. property. Also aero tracts Wm. Morrison. I'hone 1003. 200.00 i District No. 17 4.000.00 i District No. 20 1,700.001 District No. 21 District No. It. 8. 000. 00 District No. 25 150.00 District No. 26- 1,500.00 I District No. 28 4.8IHI.OO District No. 2f 400.00 District No. 30 475.00 District No. 33 District No. :ll 7 sou. 00 ' District No. 39 3.200.00 District No. 45 4 50.00 District No. 46 490.OO District No. 49 1 500.00 1 District No. 58 JOO.OO District No. 5S i District No. 53 4.750 00 District No 60 6.000.00 District No. 64 75.00O.OO i District No. 69 . 692.10 685.29 277.25 477.S2I 283.14 5.926.83 2.167.47 11,500.00 ' 957.49 400.00 AUTO PAINTING IT U2TN, WITH YEARS of expert- Court; Phone 104S3 ence. Motor Inn arage. 7ZZ cotton- DR. LENA A. BOONE, Chiropractor. office over Cash Market, lit X. wood. Ward A. Hoagland, Prop. AUCTIONEER COL. W, F. YONHKA Auctioneer, Call at Sturgls & Storle's Implement 378.29 eo., for sale dates. 34.iioo.00 District WILL EXCHANGE nicely furnished i five room modern apartment for animals ,, Address "T" this office. IN POUND. The following described have been taken no bv the marshal of the City of Pendleton ,to-wlt: FOR SALE Modern eight 1 bay mare mule coming two years house hot water heat, four Distric t No. 10 ti ll 13.. 15... DOINGS OF THE DUFFS TOM AIMS MORE TO THE POINT TT 'levied the follow-in room District No. lota, .District No. l,i -si,. f, i .ih an,, - . t .,,. as- .District .-o. " - ' - ' - gsrage. ZZD jane ssi. rsuiissou. District No. no brand. 'dress S. S. Buttler, Spokane, 801 W. I Distrirt Mo. 1 b ark year Ing mare-colt, white t-.... 4, yisirict ao spot on forehead, no brand. 1 black mare, branded J. V. on left shoulder, weight 1000. 1 suckling colt, black. If said animals ure not claimed by the owners of those entitled to their poscRsion, costs and expenses paid and taken away within ten days from the date hereto, then at 1 o'clock p. m. of the 3rd day of December, 1919 the said animals will be sold to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, at the CltV Pound, In said City of Pendleton, the proceeds of suoh sale to bo applied to the payment of suoh costs and expenses of making sale. Dated this Jlsl day of November, 1119. AL ROBERTS. City Marshal. Dcuion tratlon AH. -lit Registration and Election County schools High School Fund I toads and nrldeca 116.39100 District N .Miscellaneous 2.000.00 1 District No, Market Itoada 49.000.00 District No. Retire Honda first year 105.000.00 District No. Interest on Bond Issue 40.425.00 ; District No. Int. on Warrants, lat, 2nd and ; District No. 3rd year 3.000.00 District No. Estimated receipts from District No. sources other than direct tax 12,000.00 District No. Estimated balance on hand. 1 District No. January I. 1920 1.000.00 District No. The following School Districts have , Dislri. K tsx: , District N a.ziui.un District No. 531.93 District No. 7.498.00 ri.-lrict No. . :2; ir District No 2.33335 District No. 353.65. Dated ,1,1 3i2.00, 1919. 11 81 15 11 7 92 91 98 9 100 108 110 111 112 114 in; 117 18th R. ' day of . BROWN . . 3.102 .95 2.305.00 897.58 683.75 1 125.79 j 350.19 1 .... 1.594. 5 ' 814.63; 510.00 ! 444.00' .... 1.267.00 1 ... 13.000.00 i 672.811 j 135.67 I . 1C.631.60 i . . 990 00 . 466.00 . 1.040.79 224.18 ! . 1.870.40 1 .. 1.021.00 I .. 1.159.72 1 . 3.211.53 ... 1.090.39 1 486.96 .. 4.725.70 500.00 772.3.-. 3.973.63 I November. ! Clerk. I DR. LOR ETTA H. 8TARBA -10 Pe-ebler Bldg. I to 11 a rn : 1:10 to 5 p. m.; other hours by ap pointment; phones if. 683, Res. 1169. CONTRACTORS & BUILD ERS PARKER & BANFIELD, Designing. Engineering. Constructing! 10 years experience in concrete and brick con struction; Colombia bldg. Portland, Or AUTO ELECTRIC WORK VUTO Electric Work of all kinds: Magneto, starter. Ignition, ate, El- -L" " "-"-' dr. THOMAS OHMART, Taylor TB REPAIR anything electrical on Hard word. Bldg., Pendleton, Ore,, an automobile. W. E. Chase Co. Phoue 507. DENTIST L MONTERASTELLL Marble mat Qranit works; write or arrmlsTO tea Interview for prices, styles, etc PIANO TUNING Let me take care of your piano bi the year. Tuning, regulating and re pairing. Uprights, Grand and Players I Phone 645-W. B. A. McDonald. m - Painting and Paper Hanging PAINTS Wall Paper pTcture "Frama ing. L. McMre, .the Practical Paint Man. Lowe Bros., Paints. J. W. JACKSON, General Contractus Painting, panerinK and lslsiiinliilial one quick, neat aJ cheap, tit CsUs, :d. Phone 1014. ATTORNEYS DRAYMEN CALL PEN LAND Bros. Transfer van BYNON i BYNON Attorneys at Uw. move your household goods. We 16-16-17 Belts building, "over Bond 1" P o' " i0 J? a oc"m- Bros. Telephone 164. THE HOUSE FAINTEB WENDT Tintlrtg, Paper Hailij Ksttmatea Pnrn isbed Phone 1114 Shop 120 Aura St, POULTRY SUPPLIES try hauling. Telephone 131. ENGRAVED CARDS JEORQH W. COUTT8, Attorney at 1 Law, Room 17, Schmidt Mock. . - 7rrT' " 1 VTSITINO CARDS Weddlts, An- CARTER SMYTHB, Attorneys at nouncemenU, Invitations, many de- Law. Office In rear of American signs and styles to select from. National Bank Blulding. sale at East Orecontan Office. :iIICK FOOD. Bot-tch food. bone, shell, grit, corn, oats, rolled, barley, Umatilla Flour at Grain Oa. PLUMBING AND HEATING For! BY ALLMAN IN lt)lTND. The following described animals have been taken up by the marshal erf the City of Pendelton, to-wi.: One bay mare, ten years old. weight 1200, branded 0 H connected ,ofi left shoulder, l.-irge scar on left stifle. One colt, coming yearling (bay.) If said animals are not claimed by the owners or those entitled to their possession, cost and expenes paid and taken away within ten days from the da'e hereto, then at 2 o'clock P m. on the 5h day of December. 1919, the said animals will be sold to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, at the City Pound, In said City of Pendleton, the proceeds of such sole to be upplicd to the payment of stich costs and expensea of making sale. Dated this 24th day of Novemhei . 1919. AL ROBERTS. City Marshal. LOST AND FOUND" I.OBT No 120 Ansco camera from Ford car In front of 129 Iwls St. Reward. Notify Allen-Knight Co. Phone 400. i j 4 Pilot Rock Pendleton Auto Stage Leaves Pilot Rook at 8 a. m. Leaves Pendleton at 10:30 a. m. Leaves Pilot Rock at 1 p. m. Leaves Pendleton at 4 p. m. FANCHO STUBBLEFIELD, Prop. 4 TIME CARD. Weston-Pendleton Auto Stage. Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:30 a- m. and 12 46 p. m, I eaves Athena for Pendleton at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 8:20 a. m. and 1:10 p. m. r.vs Pendleton (Allen-Knight Co. Store) for Weston at 10:00 a a m and 4 D. m. H RATING plants,, sheet m-tal work, pipe fitting, general plumbing sap plies P. Ph Pbetpsy 817 E. qonrt. RADIATOR REPAIRING VLTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta street. All makes of adlators repaired. Work C. Blasberg. Prop. UVB your Radiator repaired by a, : expert. i norougn aausracuon an teed. D. D. Phelps, 317 B. Court. Hermiston-PetraJeton Auto Staure O. H. McPHERRIN, Prop. Leaves Hermiston, 8 a, m. 1 f t . w " Leave9 Pendleton, St. George Hotel. 4 p. m. i Fare: Echo. 11.00; Stanfleld, 11.26; Hermiston, 11.76. I After a girl gets to be about so old Special trips by request. . A. R. ROBERTS, Prop. .she tries to forget that she once want- i ed to marry a poet. FOR RENT APTS. AND ROOMS ALTA FURNISHED APT. Hamilton FOR RENT -Furnished room, close In. 4 15 '.nrrield. Phone 24S-X1. FOlt RENT -Sleeping room for gen tleman Phone 336-11. 516 Ann St. FOR RENT 6 room house, provid ing I can sell my furniture, fruit nnd fuel id renterCall nt 1314 Court. - -- -m.- , ll ; .,, I ; pi p&EJ 1 1 I WHERE ctal , wjsjj ' As you will have a fire in the kitchen atove most of the day this kind of weather, it would be a good time to bake some of our HUBBARD OR SWEET POTATO SQUASH This is the kind that has that good, sweet nutty flavor. We have just the size for a small family. 4c POUND COUNTRY LARD Bring in your pail and we will give you some of the best lard you ever had in your kitchen. 35c POUND The Dean Tatom Co. REAL ESTATE UMATILLA County wheat or alfalfa lands, Pendleton property. anches, grazing lands, w. H- I RESTAURANT THE QUELLE. A good place to eat, - RUGS fBW and attractive rugs made front your old Ingrain and Bruseei ear K pets by the Walla Walla Fluff R Co., -.332 Walla Walla Avn Wi K Walla, Wash. Phono l77. SUITS TO MEASURE U EMIL BECK, the tailor. Hotel p dleton. Bids. Phone 110S SECOND HAN D DEALERS S V. STROBLB, dealer In new and sae m ond baud goods. Cash paid fee A second hand gooda Cheapest plaeo 2 o buy household goods, in r Court. Phono 1T1W. SHJETJMjmjW0 (ja m iiuiaAaciavai cuu, a jnc a.4j wvrat) MB ' rhlmnaV tnni nitfom akrwl I spKfa i'troufrhs. auto bod'.ae, 728 Cottonwool I TAXI SERVICE Meat Dept. Phone 8G Grocery Dept. Phone t88 when TOU NEED a taxi or to urine) caic, call ..ocuecKc. nm ew K where, anytime; all new taxis; 4S4; stand 111 Main St- TAILORS 5 LiNEKjTt iSTXTTaS - aiiBJTHioriw: raicUJi nr. USEDCARS :USW1J c sain una A a ins Pondl 'mi Motor salsa Cea, V '. ttouwoud Water Bts., I houo 114, 3nnWMW(aWWa. tfk. V's,-'aa.'4VavU: