East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 28, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, SECTION TWO, Image 8

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Rum I re P'Mii.in Special
RTHO. Nov, M Mr and Mm. El
mcr Spike received a nn-waur on Tuck
kkJF evening stating th:tt their dangh
let, KIM KrancoK BMtte), who is attend
in . a. wm qtrtt in with dtph
therm. Mr. spikt- and
u fa ni 1 . t her Kim ilk Spik
Wednesday morning for
be with her during her illneas.
Joaeph fun ha attended the funeral
uf J. N. Burgees Pi ndh-ton WYdnes
day. .John Spencer of lint tor creek was
an Kcho visitor Wednesday.
Ernest ljiunlirv is spssnUng
Thanksgiving in Hood River at the
home of hi sister. Mm. Percy Kipper.
The Mtsscs Lola and Ruth Qobball
wi re l Vntl leton Visitor Wediuday.
Mian l.ela fushman left Wednesday
to upend Thanksgiving at her home
near IC.igene.
il Tuesday to spend their Thanksgiv
ing aiaitoii at their home in Port
land Mr Allen Is the contractor who
is building the addition to the Kcuo
Auto Co, arano, which In near com
Mrs. Will MoOarty and Mrs. Klia
hath M cOart y were In from their
In ones n H niter creek Tuesday.
Mis, Frank Waller and Miaa IJI
llan V;ttenhurger returned on train
No, 1 7 from Pendleton Wednesday
when- they spent the last three days
attending the teachers' institute.
Allen Thompson of llutter creek
Miss Spikes ., visitor in Kcho Thursday.
left early Tom Hoylen. Jr., was in from his
COrvallla to f-,r.,, on Buntf creek Thni-lnv
walked in on his. the occasion beitiK t Woot iiibh has charge of the hard
his twenty 'first birthday. t James j are store tint ing- his absence,
wen- pljo.il ami the trouts were set AT K. and t'lair Sturdtvant left the
up by Albert. All enjoyed the evening first of the week for Stanfleld to pur
very much. ... (chase feed for their slovk during the
Mrs. t'lyde Hulmlck and children winter
hn for ItrUige creek Tuesday for a ! The mall arrives early
weeh s wnn air. iieimicK, wno ""iush ami coach hav
is there looking after his cattle. (the road again.
Marion Martin who was taken to. T. I. Kirk, who has been working
eeK iiku ior ireauneni, me n anvu Construction
since the
been put on
4 Kast t trefoil ian Special. )
1KIAH. Nov. i' s. anias I'm hie Is
again covered with snow which began
falling Tuesday afternoon and is still
Kd N ill was In from his farm on failing at this writing. The weather
llutter creek Tuesday. has b. u fine for the last two weeks,
W. , lHnnis of liutier creek1, was but it looks now like winter had set in.
a business transactor in Echo Wcdnes- Albert I'etersou was treated to a
lay. real surprise party Saturday night.
H. Allen and son, I .eon Allen, left when about 20 of his young friends
One cannot
the value of
health as a
business . asset
food is a, splendid aid
in placing any, mans feet
on the health road .
Full erf nutriment ; de
licious, economical.
Theres a Reason 'for GrapeNuts
lad e by Host um Cereal Co. Battle Geek. Mich.
The Experienced Motorist Deliberate
Chocses the Franklin Sedan for Every-Day-in-the-Year
Motoring AND WHY?
WHEN seeking a car that you intend to keep on the road
twelve months of the year, hold these facts before you:
The Franklin Sedan owner is an ex
perienced motorist.
He has had intimate knowledge of
other fine cars.
1 And based on that knowledge, he
deliberately chooses the Franklin Sedan
tor all-year use.
Tbe reasons he tells us 'for
this choice, are the reasons
buck of every sale we make
of a Franklin Sedan:
It is lighter and more re
cilient than the average fine
touring car. These features
make it practical for all kind
of touring anywhere and at
any time.
Roads as
Its scientific light weight
(every experienced motorist
knows Franklin scientific
light weight) goes over rough
roads with the ease, the free
dom from shock and strain,
(hat protects you and the car;
makes bills with the same
ability as a touring car; and
Jives you a speed, for the
day's run, that won't make
you apologize for your cat.
Touring Comfort Above
tbe Ordinary
fn summer, for instance,
wh-.n touring is regarded as a
pleuure in a touring car, it
actually is a pleasure in the
Franklin Sedan. You feel as
fresh and cool at the end of
the tour as at the start. Tbe
dust and dirt, the sun glare
and sunburn, the rain and the
storm are outside your car.
The V-front, with four ad
justable sections, lets in what
you want, and shuts out what
you don 't want just like ven
tilating your own home.
If you are anxious to learn
about a new touring comfort,
come to our showrooms and
examine this car.
Pendleton Auto Co.
Established 1907
whs r. ..mi to bo suffering; from an
ubieeiui mi lit leg-, which the doctor
lunctHl. Since then he hun been do-
InK nicely an.l will be able to return
'home soon. Jlis father, Frank Martin
; who Is still In the hospital, will return
1 soon, also.
I John Carter of Long- Creek, wan a
: business visitor in town Friday nUtbt.
Mrs, Orln ;ibbs visited a few days
jut the Sturdevant ranch last week.
I The school children are enjoylne
th.ink.sKivlnn week vacation on ac
eount of th teachers' Institute which
is beinE held in Pendleton.
Miss .vita Hoylen. who h.m been
teachinir school in tho niackburn dis
trict, closed her school last Friday and
I left Sunday for her home near Pilot
I Hock.
Mr. Woods. raiiRer of Alba
. town Monday on business.
Miss Ha Sturjivant and Mrs.
Slaughter, teacher of the Ukian school
left Sunday for Pendleton to attend
the institute.
Walter Helmlck of Seppner, is visiting-
op Bridge creek with his brother
looking after his interests there.
Walter Allison, ranger returned
Monday from 11 trip to re'anion Mea
dows, where he found 16 inches of
Frank Chamberlta made a business
..... 10 it tne first of th
returned home Sunday,
was. In
, Walter Itlackhurn, who has been
resident of Camas Prairie for a num
ber of years, has sold his stock ranch
and the stock to Ixtwell Cang-er. Mr.
'"anger has also bought a part of K
K. Fahrenald-s ranch near Xvc where
he and Mrs. (lunger WB Intake their
future home.
Mrs. Urn Case and daughter left
Saturday for Dale to spend vacation
week wit Mr. ("use on the raich.
votwn was a visitor at
Kond ranch Tuesday on business.
The play siven Saturday night at the
'Monarch hall by the Pilot Kock high
school students, was greatly enjoyed
by a fun house and the voting people
deserve much credit, for each one act
ed their parts perfectly. Pearl White,
the little negro girl, was simply stunning1.
ltobert Bond returned
, night from Portland after
the stock show.
Kay Mceng
over Tuesday
9k. ,jrlvHsf
You Don't Have to
Question the Quality
The Government settled that
It sent millions of pounds of
GWftYflfttf Moomt. jiit arrived rron;
Shanghai. wantH to bssouto a New
York star, with hen little dog
"SmudKc" as Iibr opposite. Only
11. she has alraflay artyi-ared i:.
-i) it- leading plays.
By c. kl n. am at
Ratunla y
I'nited I'ress Statt Correspondent.)
HKIU.IN. Xov, -J. The first seeds
r national prohibition in (!ernian
'o new belief sown. Atneriru's ex
ample la htd up by many thinking
of Rridse creek was -ormars as one Cinmnv nneht t
for a load of Inmhor Pnllnw tvith r-au..Ai IsifnvlMilii
J. H. Wmsmw left the first of the liquor,
week for .Spokane on a vacation and And while Germany so far hasn't'
fin v campaign against alcohol such I
ns Kngland la now experiencing", there
to the troops "over there"
more than all other
brands combined.
Before the War and Now
Pape's Cold Compound" then
breaks up a cold in a
few hours
KKI-So. !CoV. 2S. Bobort llarr,
well - known c 'weenian vallry oggT.
and associate- jotrchased Senator F
ti. Biirnts' new shingle mill at Kalama
yesterda", and will take pssession at
once. Assyria ted with Mr. Ilarr ara
are distinct signs UmI the thoughtful 0nk Potter, who is interested with,
men oi th nation are neginmng t" h!m In the Castle Roch I-ogglng com
1 realise that ' schnapps" could disap- p.ln , lim a. L Tluland and E. G.
pear uom i erniany aiivaniagemsi . Kindorf of 1'1-lK. Pnek
standpoint of food conserva- j Thp ,Inrr shinple Company has been
1th and finances. incorporated with capital stock of
True, this th- ntOu g nkum in per-! $60,000. The officers are R. IT. Harr.
colating. nut. it is significant that re- president: K. ti. Kindorf. secretary,
centlv a ir'hibitim convention was I and i L. Bulfl nd. treasur.-r.
hld here. And just now in the magn- ! . ...
zinc "Die Olocke." a serimifl paper ,
dealing with social subjects, appears
n n article strongly urging the nation
Don't atay stuffed-up Quit Mowini, to oUT America's example,
and snuffling! A dose of "Pape'sCold ' "The proci-dureof the rich and
taken every two hours 'Powerful United States of America In
iMAlfv instituting prohibition. wrote Dr.
i C ompoimd
until three doses are- taken
SCHOOL i:;i ipmi:t PEtB
VIENNA. Nov. IS. The Austrian
government has decided to Issm
school equipment free this year to alt ,
jfrima r" MhooW.
I breaks up n severe cold and ends ill Krs Neumann, "which one here now
i gr ppe misery. ! no lonirer passes OVOB with a smile or ,
I The very first dose oppn.s your cloir- I a RH'P'1 .iok?. should Klve us food for t
j Bed-up nostrils and the air passages j thought"
of th head: utops nop hunnlni;; re-i Th we-war expenditure of Oer-
jl!eve- t;:- headache, dullness, fever- ! """V 'or beer, brrtndy and wine'
I iehneaa, .iec.ins, soreness and stiff- i an,"llnte 1 '" 3.r,lo.000,000 marks aj
: nt?p. t vear according to XeumUnn's fiRiires. j
"Pape's Cold Compound'' is the ' Tnis amntint has been altered by war- i
quickest, surest relief known and costs "m regulations reducing the eon
only a few cents at drug stores. j't ""'option of alcoholic beverages, but
! acts without assistance. tastes nice. I"" 'he licnior business. N'eumann j
.contains no (itiinine In.ti.it iibam .uWi tastes nuuiona ot c.-ntners u
Get into the habit of drinking a
glass of hot water before
crapes, fruit, prraln and potatoes which
I could be employed for nutrition pur
I poses."
He called on all political parties to
; make prohibition an issue inasmuch as
i this would relieve the food situation,
help Germany in paytntr her war
i debts and assist materially In recon
structing the country mentally. mOVftl
ly and physicallv. If mild beer were
Iermitted, he naid he believed a com
, plete prohibition on strong drinks
J would he overwhelm Inffly adopted.
"Such nrlnption," he concluded.
"would -show all the world that we do
not merely talk earnestly but can also
rict earnestly.'
Stay on the Job 1
While it Rains U
15 the best wet weather
protection cver made
of folks bathe Internally i
i now instead or rotMing their system
with drugs. "What's an inside bath"?
j you say. Well, It is guaranteed to
I perform miracles according to hot
water enthusiasts.
j There is vast numbers of men 'and I -i . :v-
: women who immediately upon arising ! NOTK At the request of many of
in the morning, drink a glass of i his friends Itev. J. M . Cofnellson has
hot water with a tf-aspoonufl of lime- consented to the publication of ex-
' il l
Ml) ; ml
W M Boston f I
--- -.1f-n mrr, I IM I j
rJS is just what you need, madam. Many
women who were troubled with indigestion, a
sallow, muddy skin, indicating biliousness and
habitual constipation, have been permanently cured
by the use of Chamberlain's Tablets. Before using
these tablets they felt miserable and despondent.
Now they are cheerful and happy and relish their
meals. Try them. They only cost a quarter. .
We Are Busy
stone phosphate In It. Thl is a very I tracts from the diary he kept while
exxcellent health measure. It is in- acting as a Y. M. C, A. secretary in
tended to flush the stomach, liver, kid- ! the WIr zne of Trance. The follow
neys and intestines of the previous is his first contribution:
day' waste, sour bile and indlKcsti
j ble material left over In the body
i which if not eliminated every day,
' become food for tho millions of bnc
! teria which Infest the bowels. the
' quick result is polsona and toxins
' which are then absorbed, bilious at
, ta ks. foul breath, bad taste, colds,
stomach trouble, kidney misery, totfp
ItessneM. impure blood an-l all sorts of
j ailments.
IVonle who fi.el uortd one dav and
i badly the next, bill who simply cnnjnf.
not net feeling right are irged to
obtain a quarter pound of limestone
phosphat--- at the drug store. This
( will cost very little hut is sufficient to
make anyone a real crank on the sub
ject fit internal sanitation.
Wed n esd a y , July 1 1, 1 9 1 S A n -nouncement
wrnt up today that all
were to sleep in their clothing. We
disobeyed somewhat, yet we put things
vf-ry handy, also flaah lights. Person
ally I haven't lost any sleep on nc
Counf of the "subs." Nor any meals
on account of seasickness. Have
been too busy to give either Item a
The fellows have given me a cog
nomen which certainly distinguishes i
from my ASJKXHate "Y" worker, so j
Say Cream Applied in Nostrils
Opens Air Passages Right Up.
Instant relief- no Wait ing. Your
clogged nostrils open right up; the air
pusasges of your head clear and you
can breathe freely. Ko more hawk
ing, snuffling. Moving, headache, dry
ness. .No struggling f..r breath at
niKht ; your cold or catarrh disappears.
Jet a small bottle of Kly's Cream
Halm front your drusffffet now. Apply
a little of this fragrant, antiseptic,
healing eream In your nOBtrlh), It pen
etrates through every air passage of
the hebid, soot hes the Inflamed or
swollen mucous membrane and relief
cnmci instantly.
It' just fine. Dbtl't stay stuffed-up
with a cold or nasty catarrh.
But Not Too Busy to Take on More Work
That when it comes to overhauling or tuning up
your car we can deliver the goods.
That you will be thoroughly pleased with the
performance" of your car after it leaves our shop.
That there are many cars here that are being
neglected that are wearing needlessly for
want of being overhauled at the proper time.
Don't wait too long.
1 Jewett & Dimick I
l Day rhono 486 . 546 Main St. NlBht p,,one 3"-R j
he need not look when the name is
called. Mr. Perry is 6 feet 2 Inches
tall and very slim. As I pass, they
call out. "Heh. Shorty, give me some
of that."
This afternoon It
snys Doctor Connor, formerly of Johns
Mop kins hospital. Thousands r men
surrerlnjr from fatal diseases would be
In perfect health today were it not for
was cloudy and I blt now b(.,or,. ,,to Iflt lt- lm
' rained in torrent, so it Is much cool-I pie process t,, rid yourself of the to-
v. i i i'T. The sea is verv smooth and we I P00 hibft tn any form. Just go to
Tobacco Habit
O angerous
nny up-to-date drug store and (ret some
I hee, grain
b a etc.
' an tie tttted
to KW up wire nitl on stock, gpectal wlrli
in . 'I l and Rpoel of viaxeri thread. J?f cents.
By MMlJ, i cents. Full rtlwt (Ml with
staine 'I he RrOWS MT'ii Ul ih- I "o.. IT( I'irst
Ml reet. I'-irf land. Oregon.
Head or chest
are best treated
"externally" with
""" ni.iKiriK mi ..i I NleOtfll UblU; th-m all illrfrti-l
6S.PTSM train. I fft fii hllnnry n thijiinil lo; th'- pcrnicfoiin habit iiufokly
itroverblJ hiar and ran harilly wait vnlh-. DritmsU rofund th- mon-
m . .. - n I T If thSy flUh B sure to refill l.'iriff
fnr oar time fnr mral. It was a flnennn- ntritla nno,in-m..rt by Dnc
ilinn-r wp witi nprvpil to.niKht. I nti)tiT Cunnor Bi.nn to uppo.-ir in tiiiii pn
It nil :irtir Mr. It. HoOVat own hoart P'-r. It ttl "l thr teqST' '"' BlcotlM
Ld -ho sovpel M ,h, cMsta Bfcu. SSSStS,? Jfi? feftlbtroJ i M
We gn throiiRh two reels of a mnv- he surprised at the result.
ie t'tniirht. Then the machine made
the pictures and actors perform as
j I hough they had a had case of Saint
! Vitus's dance. Not being able to lo
lemtfl the trouble In the dark we closed
the performance and made our "bow"
to the udience.
The only effective way to convince a
contra rv man thai he is wrong: Is to
agree with him.
Largest Used Car
Department in
-1916 Dodge Roadster, with new cord tires, a snap.
1917 Chevrolet, runs like new.
1916 Ford Roustabout, just overhauled, a bargain
1918 Dodge Touring at a bargain.
Series 8 Franklin at an attractive low figure.
Empire Touring Car. This is a real bargain.
Cadillac Bujr, new tiros and paint. '
Beck & Miller
rhonc 203
628 Cottonwood St.