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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1919)
1 TEN PAGES QreAonian) TEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 10 section two PAGES 7 TO 10 I DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1919 U ( 2cnd. SEMI-WEEKLY MkaaW SBBBSSSI I 1 . , , i.-.. ,,. VJlXl llft-ir.-WikiT FIGHTING ATHLETES OF KiiIiiimI tlvv miiiIh ami Fllllluic'k Tlli-I- ' Hf m wii)i four humIkIii baoki imi- tared the Bean' line for tlie marker, il Fiiull. klokiMl Koal. CALIFORNIA BY 7 TO 0 MATY IS LOOKED FOR BY SENATOR M'NARY Washington Eleven Scores Lone Touchdown From Southern ubatahtiaj nn on pura Team ; Oregon Trounces Multnomah on Turkey Day. PrevIittiH to Unit Avontf 'lurliiK tho entire, f tret IKilr. mul for the remain-1 iler at the buttle, neither team wa able to Hi'irc. California's efton tol lil-rc ih" Brack Waehlnaton line were without avail, unci a Ilka f.ito I OVortOOk their Htork of IrlrkH, al- ! though Bala, oimbla and Murray of Orcgonian Believes MoFe Than oie iimniing L4-.1IH miii.-ivi-IimI -trvt-iul and ! Hfiuli'iiilMK runa. Two Thirds Want Treaty and That Separate Peace Would be Misfortune. 1 The (etne developed largely i r f mnitlne dual, with Make of the mirth ImlilfPK ha edae In yardaere. "ine name M'iih playeil on ii rielil mir. i SAI.KM. Vni' H A n, I... 1 MBATTUB. Nov. It. ttleven flKht-! ''' w ' zy "hi!., tin- Let ween iiii..nentH anil advocated of i lnK iilhlelva cif the Hurt hlanil earned n' ,h"w ha hroujrht the paaCO treaty ami the League of a iieciive vtetory from California on ' WK,,'r to the tp anii Hue minute -iftei tfatloaa covenant win he reached Denny ftoM TtlUnaiay ami 7 to 0 tell.-.'1 y ra"ed the men nf the nppoa- after iiinareHs nmvenee and the numerical raault Fi.ilune, hark-j ,,,nm" rcaemhled 22 niaminnnth the pact will he panne. 1 loma tlma In ed by atellar fimlhall, hrnnuht the lime ' ' Deoeniher, in the opinion nf (JnltOO touehdown when the thrui Quarter wax " , Statea Senator Charlee 1. McNary, whi. J 1? nilmiteH miI ami IK. 000 si wit were changed at that ItiHtant l number nf cl ring; maniacs Ilnel llluke punted fr tnldf teld tl the Mhailnw nf the eouthcrn Kual poata, California fiinibleil. Smith nf Wash liiKtnn reOOVared and then, frum the l-yard line the attaik began. Butlei PORTLAND, tin !. Three fo&la I ret urned thin ilty Wednenday. Sen- their annual I'laxh here. It wan a well played, clean mime but only a email crowd wan on hnnd. Ql'AMTV SFTRVKI: KNITTIO.V Ilka fr. the field and a touchdown, all ".Nr-v w" ""'"rt .""TV hrrr' contributed bv Tiiii item, nc th,i T" r", " n'"i""MI "' Untvendty -t n,, ,t , , , - rletory "" r'fm ' ,p ,r-"y nyer Mi.ltnnnmh rh.b y,terday In . M"rP. W"-thinlH nf. the mem- ae "ti in ini' wnBic DMirv tow crniu mtiftd, Senator Hc&nty hu in an I InttfThrw htr today, with !iich rwr I VeitlOlUi a. will rnmv from fUo!f'n All efotlbtol lind ''COnifOVAtVereM IkbOUl lh- nii-anini? nf th covenant of th' 1 vajpic of Nations. I.eainu' M I ' pTl mh'ii t Snntor MrNary said that h Km- I of no mom her of the nenat who wihj to commit tho I'nitod Htntor tfi oounw of attkm In ilatlon nf th ' onHtllntfon, thorofuro the bitter flaht on ArtUlf X, Ho -;il thht ho, per Honally, i tronnIy OppOMd to th" Hondins' of AnifTiran troopp to an"thr nation without tho authority of con- llleTeMt iitid irould hold f out for a ro.-rpr- vation prantlriR the LaafOO Of Naton j the r:Rht ti direct troop of one nation to another. i L7tilrjfj compromise on VM treat- l. reached noon after the nmvonlne nf pcneroMI, Senator M Narv pttfd(ctod a . separnto treaty with Ciermany will he 1'ir.oiWmted. ThU Is to be regretted. Elderly People Have A Daily Health Problem i Stomach muscles and digestive organs slow to act as age advances keaee- ay MOST people find thr yfr ilipplng by without realizing il, until suddenly confronted with the (act that they can no longer digest everything they would like to eat. It then becomes thrir daily task to avoid what they know to hr chronic constipation. When exerciw and light diet fail h will be necessary to resort to aitificial meant. Strong physics and cathartics, however, are not ad visable for elderly people. They act too powerfully and a feeling of weakness results. What i needed is a laxative containing effective but mild properties. This ts best found in Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin which is a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin. It act, gently and with. . ,rge ftmiiy m4Dy ro&nthli t u , out griping, and used a few days will train tiUst worthy preparation, tht digestive organs to do their work natui- rally again without other aid. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin has been on the market since 1692 and was the private formula of Dr. W. B. Caldwell, who is himself past 80 years of age and still active in his profeuton. It can be bought at any drug store for 50c and $1 a bottle, the latter containing enough to last In spite of the fact that Dr. CaUrceU's Syrvp Pepsin is the largest telling ttqmid laraiwe in the world, tht re being over 6 million bottles sold fd.i yemr, many who need its benefits ha: e not yet ued it. I you have not, send jour name and mddress for a tee trial bottie to Dr. IV. B. Coid-uell. $11 Jl'uhington St., Monti cello, Illinois. 0 HOUSE WIRING VACUUM CLEANERS b i a rT SAVING TODAY rpn2 Initial payment that hrloga you the Thor it !i'e a first deposit in a savings bank. Subsequent payments only add to your saving account, tor not single wa h day can go by without the Thor bring ing an actual saving. Clothes last six times as long w ti it you use a Phone 445 If you do not wish to come down town to do your shopping now as winter has set in, just phone your wants to us and we will give you our assurance that your orders will be taken care of as well as if you were here to make your own choice. ALL NAMED SULLIVAN ARE BAILED OUT FOR DRUM STICK JUBILEE SKATTT.K, N'-v. 2. Thanks giving fn nil It 'lory tll on th clan of Sullivan thin morning at the oily police ftatPm. A red-faced eooit-haturd Irish man, lutr-hinir a rU nf bills in hit light hand. Stepped up to the JAZZING IN KILTIES NOT THE THING; NOBLE MAN WOULD HAVE IT 'KILT- ALL CUTS IN CLEAN AND WHOLESOME MEATS EXERYTHING IN FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES. Pendleton Trading Co. "If it's in the Market We Have It." I he said. 1 socopta i light f if Kiirh nn event occurs, as ho the LOSJTUe f Nations In th an experiment that should bi given a trytnit. 1 ; i set -t - it emery ; ions. The tiature of the private eonfer- i' h had with President WilKon on the eve of the battlS oer the cov enant which incited much COmtBOIIt hrt -mh' nt the .tate. was not dlvnlg- n.l l.i- ihi, Sanafiw furlhar IheaM t hi president explained the L.ea'J'ic of Na MoiT idea. "The treaty as it stands will never he accepted," Senator McXary declar ed. "AlthOVCh Ktrtmgl; vouched for nv the pren!dent, it is imhigiion ti " Heciuse it is so susceptible tfl iMerpretations. The Tniterf State ni'.iat know where ItNtands at nil t imes." desk serg r'lalmed : "My n& and I w;i n fn jail by ThiK is no in jail." Desk S'1 herran porl rests. He fin it's wind' w ind Warren the book 3f I nd thr Soil! vans a nd Thomas 1 11 freely . A MR.HAPPy PARTY NUTRICIOUS MEATS WILL MAKE YOU GLAD-f THBYLL CHEER YOU UP WHEN YOU ARE SAO This is the butcher shop of Rood cheer. Hap piness flourishes on carefully selected, well cooked meats. Are you a good cook? You are? Well you'll find meats here worthy of your skill. Watch for Mr. Happy Party. AND BRING US YOUR TURKEYS, HEAVY HENS, ETC. WE PAY YOU HIGH EST CASH PRICES. i LIBERTYi MARKET Sfe --Ci MAIN PHONE 187, W. W. PAROLED IF r.ter. Paddy charge-1 w'lh Imbibing of the hrew that cheers on Thnnksgiving eve. "Torn em l"se," said Srllivan and slapped down Jt' f"r each. When the hewild'red trio of Sullivan was lr,fiueht from the cold cement tank ahnve and fac ed ttesjf henefact 'r. Taddy Sulll ohjected. !Tys got 10 cents " he said, "and I enn't have a swell Thnnl-s-L'iing on that.' ' Never mind.' soother the Sul livan w iih th" money. "I've got plenty.' And the four Sullivans left the station headed f- r a turkey-serving enfe. VBBRDBE3K, 8eoUand., Nov. i. HighlamI leUSlea may have their flint?, but "Jazzing" inn't suited to a kilt. The Marquis of Aberdeen has been appaalios; to the Riris here not to be led Into the 'perneecious'' dances Which hold sway in Iondon town. He deplort.s .that form of dancing and is out for the continuation of tho good old hi clan' fling. with Its crossed swords, bare knees, sporrar .complete. "lton't take my word for jleOrd Aberdeen. "Take the any wise mother or good doctor about the modern dance. They will say it is unsuitable, undesirable, unbecoming and ungraceful. I hope if it shows its ugly face in Aberdeen it will be tumped out.1' The bielan' lassies replied. "Och hai !" and evinced a marked prefer ence for the bare-kneed fling to the bare-faced "Jazz." So everything in Aberdeen's "a lcht the nno," and Harry Louder won't knead to seek other inspiration or his songs. d ki word The Thor hat no belts to break sad ilfp r cxtch. The Thor Is sclf-cleanable. Thr ifilog eliminates all over loading Jang'-. You can dq a big washing to Lour with 'he Tbor. Why Not Now ? Would ion K iuu:U In the lullow rand Ir or rani oil lamp? or conrae yom wouldn't. Why then do yon anil d your washing in ihe old mv. Tills ruli. rul. rnli la eraaenaj oui tatw etotlies and your mrllr'm h.ulili. ifaahlnf Is a n-aanan'a hardeel wofk, nmi ir yon net Iht n Tllon FXBTTRIC IV ASHING MAOMtMB, you have done much inward vnf and her hanplneee in ifeej hone. Are ii KOinj; u lei Ibc matter or a rew dollars gtand in tlx- way? Thi uondorful nim-tiinr hui hij. H.r it--lt. pome in nud l-t us trll you licm ra-y il will lx- Tor ou to t- one. Iai ii- ii- roa a free deiiioutrnt ion. Cull or phone IO:;T. Chas Milne IDS Baal Alia St. OprKsile Mm Tliraier l l.firieul ;o.,d- or All Kinds, ami Ooattrncttna; WASHING MACHINES ELECTRIC FARM PLANTS DR. J. EDWIN SHARP Dental X-Ray by Appoltitmant Gyal Articulated Dvnturea. Inland Empire Hank Bide. Office Phone 330. Horre Phone 794 CECIL COSPER PUBLIC A CCO UN TAJVI LVOO.ME TAX .MiVlstM 8mith-Craword Bid. Opposite i'eudieton Hotaj Phone 103S After poeketinir his fee the con stat illations of the minister officiating I at a wadding are genuine. Jack Proal is pucfa a lucky dog-! The pretty girls he seeks; And there is never any stir. No one rails out. "How dare you. sir?" When In- st:.rU fcrtswlniv -d iit I TIMeAMi K, or., Nov. ; of the ir, r. v. w. who were I in in Tillamook county plead Hnd after Judge Bagley had cioaal) Questioned them he found that I h nen bad pnl rerentl" taken card.- It) the I. V. v . . ha d never at tended n meat in g f that organ laation snd ha been t"Id they could not obtain WOTS without a i ard. Hurry Ashmure sentenced to th pen I ten tSary for in yaatw and fined 100; was paroled ''ii condition of fOOd behavior and paying 100; JaRte O'Xeill, sentenced to five yearn and I'iRed $K0i, was paroled on paying SS0 Ale Simon. Hans Scholler and A lev I. a i sen. sentenced to one year In the penitentiary and $1000 fine Sach, were pari led on pay inn $ 1 ft' Th" last three men are aliens. Judge Bagley will hold court re cember s to try the other cases. HBSFNCE OF U. S. OFFICII F CAUSES BERLIN CONFUSION 11Y d pn Ami 'SIMl an :ll ident. Amer in Most Popular Cbm Flhkes Always crisp Always fresh Always f lavory and Ready to Eat PostToasties WE Would welcome your account here. We apreciate trial orders, cash or cred it accounts. We offer you in return good, fresh sta ple and fancy groceries. We assure you that our prices are fair. We guarantee you complete satisfaction in service, and with courteous treatment. We can think of no better plan for you than to give us a trial next month. Despair & Lee Phone 445 209 E, Court is causing it durable embs rraawient. The Spanish enil;issv represent in- American Intereats can sometimes heli tlie traveller but more often not. It has toft much business tv handh And red tape unwinds slowly In Qer man y. As a result of this situation. AgnOT leans coming here are ctvnpLt ni :i ronsiderably over tlie situation. BUigiand and France a re llberall: represented on mtasfOns here. Amer ica has none. And. its interests hav to be ronserved mainly by the Amer lean legations in tlie Hague and Co penbatrVn. TVS standard Am- ririn sail "is reaohed town re- entty expectingj pans ports here. They were penniletw bnt expected a lift here. They couldn'l get a pasaport Hgbt awas maybe bj waiting long) enough they might havt had one through the Rpanleh cmbaa h trotallv they passed the border .some hom "on t heir own." It can fcM ili it s . I i . And. at the same time an American business man arrived in with a per fectly cood pa, t' -t found he needed to travel to Caecho-fflovakts to cam plate an Important deal. OouM lo- gel bis pass amended hare? No, he had to travel to CopenHMSan and run i-isK of lossing hts business deal through Ihe delay. Those are only sample eases. Haih . Amerieans With difflculttee ns bad or worse titan those above cited are here, and find that tlie ! S A. i-n't aM6ng those preaent. They naj ItwhouM be. THE POST WAR is the most sensational low gear puller on the market and the rear end has been made strong enough to stand the strain. Lei US show you what it will do. ee us for bargains in used cars. Neil & Barker Co. MAXWELL DEALERS W 1 mmm 1 IIIMBMHWsga I DOWNEY'S MAP KPT I I. In winter meat helps to keep us warm. The more we eat tin- better the quality should be U. S. inspected assures you of the best. PHONE 600 BBaBsSsflBREaafgeS m BaaamaBBMBMmmaMmmMMiBMimBBMBBmBMMMjmnmMmMmimmmomMMmMMM SIX The 1920 Elgins are Now Here THE ELGIN SIX HAS EVERY QUALIFICATION OF A TWO THOUSAND DOLLAR CAR FOR A PRICE THAT'S RIGHT. CALL OR PHONE FOR DEMONSTRATION BLUE MOUNTAIN MOTORS CO. INC. El9,N WESTCOTT HARROUN 101 Water Stfert Phone 780 It H hard to down an upright citizen.