DAILY EVENING EDITION ,Qre5onian DAILY EVENING EDITION 1 he Baal Orfgonlan I I : . f-rn Ors (.m (fi i . t -Ml newspapnr ana aa a X- llirur fore gives to thn adveftissre Hvrr twlrn thr guaranteed paid clreti Itttlon in fvndlefon snd I'nmtllla coun ty of any oth'r newspaper. East 2,953 il,'l?,."",;;ri,.1" ,r wait hs "' Au,Hl "I lieu ma COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER DAILY V SEMI-WEEKLY ii CITY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 31 DAILY EAST 0REG0N1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1919. NO 4898 FOR SHORTAGE WITH FIRST SNOW CAUSES ACUTE SUFFERING IN MIDDLE WEST US WANT HIGHER PAY BUT NOT BY UNIONISM Minimum Salary of $1080 for Qualified Elementary Work and $1200 in High Schools Asked by Teachers. RESOLUTIONS PASSED AT UMATILLA CO. INSTITUTE EASY MON Cite 50,000 Vacancies in Unit ed States, Employment of 120,000 Untrained, 20 Per cent Decrease in Teachers. Umatilla county leaehsrs wan! higher salaries, but they will not re sort to unionism to secure belter pay, according to resolutions passed by the teachers who assembled at the 1 'mat ilia i 'ounty Teachers Instil UtS which closed on Wednesday. A minimum salary of I logo per an- nuin for every l iniiLllla county ele mentary school tear her with normal school training of not less than two years beyond graduation from a four year high school, and minimum eat ary of SlSOg Tor every qualified high aohool laachOf wltli not lew than four ycara eollesjo or university training beyond graduation from a four-year Ifigh aohool were advocated. The react utloa ad orated furl her t hat t hi mux i uni m salaries I fixed ut 1Mhj and li'jriu respectm ly. Tl, teachers plodtfotf themselves to em ploy every honorable means In bring ing abOUl the Kal ary increases. Do N't Favor t alona. Affirming that touching should be classed uh a profession and not a trade, ami that a teacher In a public not n private employe, an arum, not an ur-: tlaan, the Institute decided that I be f-a hi-i-H nhotihl refrain from ufrilliu- lion with organized unions, a teach- O haid niilicr depend upon an en lightened put. Hi- oi''nln to obtain Just rtwrd fin their wtvu-iin, the tcMtlu. tlOria declare. Support wax pIcdK'd to thr National Kdueation As t!Slllll and the Oregon Tear hern Association In connection with the resolution asking for bettor salaries for I'matlHa oojunts teennera, the Institute went on record in favor of Increased com pen sat ton tor the atate superintendent-, t he Count) superintendent uud all teachera, rural, town ami city, in the etate. The touchers gicn tinned the OMatencc Of SO, 000 teacher-vacanc.es In the I lilted States, and the employ ment of 120,000 tnaxporlenood, un trained and Immature teachera d urine the current your. The resolutions railed attention alec in tin ifl per cant decree on In normal aohool enrollment during the pact three years, declaring poor salaries to be the dm net of the condition. The toachora rocommondod aleo that sc hool hoards Ik urged to idi ! teacheri in Pohruary or March for the ensuing aohool year, eo thai taachore he allowed tin days in whic h 1o lit. no epIanecH. The teacher urgi dletrtol ani horitirs retrain from Com petitive bidding for teachers who h.rve signed contracts for the enauinE ." iuoi ' t SJ U.S. NOTE WILL DEMAND MEXICO SUPPLYjJETAILS State Department to Dispatch New Communication Today Regarding Charges Against Consular Agent Jenkins. FINAL DECISION WILL AWAIT MORE EVIDENCE PASTOR JAILED SfUdy of Mexican Laws Causes Belief New Constitution Ren ders Arrest Illegal; Charges Not Consistent. , , , . . R5P ear oi H8 DRASTIC GOVERNMENT ACTION EXPECTED FOLLOWING BREAKING (IP OF CONFERENCE AND FAILURE TO AGREE ON MINER'S WAGE PROVERB OF PITH AND WISDOM FORGOTTEN BY YU LET IDE BUrERS N'BW FORK MiMi n.-. r. s Mar: .MII.-H Mmikt! Th.ifs n-hai sIipII b. btfore hf n, shi- is to get trom MMOO t,- M0.04S .nih for s plctura. ba fllni'Mi in the next thr.fl yoara. CALLED TO R .C. SERVICE WAHHtXtiTQS, Nov, McvkaiiM kUled Jamea Wallace, American, near inmpii o M'editcwla) . eecurdliui to a brief tii-patcfi recelrod by the Ntatc llopai linenl (In- all' i nooii. No detail wi n- loniaiiiitl. Thin maj make the efexfcaa agnation tenae. WASHINGTON. Nov. I'h. A new note demand In details or the charfea laaadnal Consular Agonl Jenklna, tin prteoned al Faebla will be aeni to t hi Mevh-an Rovernmetit today, it wa un nounood al tin thte department. The Stale depart men ( will demand evidence on which the Mexican ejov- i mm nt ha Jon- dials rcJou. i-xk-aii reply, :tatement.s tin t c haras thai tdlclal atatemonta, aa pt) tO the firrt am h demanded his Im- AecordlnR to tin i ha rge of falsi fylns t a charge of conni- vance with thr bandits wiio captured and held him for ransom- forms tin main j;i oundy for Jtn kins' (m prison nunL wsdi Details. The state, department adll obialn sal evidence the Mexican irovernmeol pos eeaei and make a thOrouadl In m sti Katlon before maJctns; its final decision and reply to Mexico. This may take m ciai dasav Bettered Uleeral, The State depaxtment Ih now siu.i;. -ini; atexlcan laern in belief thai tin I new Mexican constitution provide spectfioalls that caosa asjnlnsi torn grn I diplomats and cCnSulsr officers ;-r within kjrtadtetlun -f the Mexican feil- i i ' i i'ij hud a i 'Mic iiill eji i n ami , , rourvmtnuta men, who espoused till cause of I'Vtry war drive In the theaters, churches and other public M that' In an, bs vo boon oalleU into eer vice a fain for the comiiiK I ted Cross Cbristmas .eai campaign, shteb opens Docembef h The men will sgoal. be fom local sathertnga during the week bssjlnnlng Monday, in bahaif of the drive for funds with which to COmbal of t he minute men. today asked five of the old four-m in ut- peg It SIS to propare speeches t(. be daUvamd all n"Kt week. ThOSe who have act epted the rail are: QeoCajg A. Hariuiaii. ftphofl a. LoyroH, fee) W. Ell t nor, Ctev. Alfred I'ckwood and Jtev. i;dtert K. Qomall. The Rod fmss Chrlstttias seal cam paign In not n drive for funds in the Klrh i sense i( the word. The seals IXDIAXAPOLIfrUcbarSMI with n In. Ih. niiiiln to dpfraud. in booatlu a mythical evanjHra 1 .gMnnl.Hotl. IWV. 1 Mli U SaniJt-iH, father of six liiiliirc n in j;li nwaillna; triul. RED MEN GIVE THAMKS IN BIG BEEF BARBECUE AT TUTUILLA ON THURSDAY Rivalling; the White inan'R cele bration f Thanksgiving was a least at Tutullle chureh yesterday afternoon, when IT.". IndlanH dined at a heef barbecue given t the close f ThRiiksnivfnjj lervlces held by itev. k. j. (Vnin-r. Besides celebrating the day. the barbecue was In the nature of a farweU to Jt.hn Crow, prominent Indian who experts to leave the reservation. He provided the heef for the occasion. well as for other provisions. The ehUTch provided worth of fund, and a f tal of J?:, was reached after don&tlona from other ouroeg. Aocordlng to un old Indian ffam eustomt ouch guest took of t he savory heef and delicacies, for the home r at the tepee. IT Mli Christmas shopping ih per eeal thi w I edge d t o be a p ro i'M.ti .stores, Pendleton buim; in advance of "Ijo "iir Christmas VCrb of much pith and w people are willing to let the Vu'etlde season. Ninety per cent .f thi DjOCSBjIber K while of the ing Ik done in the last week before Christmas Christmas rush which im so often disastrous t and customer. "Kow that Thanksgiving la over." said the manager of the dry goods department In a local StoVe today, ' we expect the Christmas shopper to pi p Bp a Jittlw. aenerally when Thanksgiving is out of the way the shop per begins to realize that Christmas is, after all, only one month away. A realize that the best things are gone early in the West in Grip of Blizzard With East Threatened as Coal Op erators and Strikers' Dele gates Cease Negotiation. lerks, is done after ti" pi r cent of the holiday buy- This results in the pre- nerve of both blerk FEDERAL OPERATION NOT A CURE FOR DIFFICULTIES tht- More Legal Action Would Not Induce Return in Large Num bers: Criminal Suits May Yet be Instituted. few of the wtee om season, and In conscience, they purchasse hefor sy begins.- vlld holiday fren- "RED CHRiSTMAS" PLOTS FORECLOSURE IS ASKED UNDER GOVERNMENT EYE ON BIG FARM MORTGAGE WASHINGTON, NOV. 18. The gov ernment today started a campaign to frustrate "I ted 'hristmaj' plots of bolshevik in America. Pu hiic offi cia Is In many parts of the countrv have been warned t' scrutinize all CnrOS)aaaa pSssaaes iarefull. Acting with the department of justice and lepartmont officials five seme the the post office are taking ever' precaution to inter- t The mortgage In eept bomba that may he sent through ered Poceniher it, the mails with Christmas packages, note for $ lS.JiaT.SIi. given Secret servlee agents began to suspect Thompson, then cashier of the Com- weefcs ago that "reds" huped to stagJO niercial Zfatlonal Bank, by Henry tx- another d: namit- outrage dur ng the renzen and Mrs. Iertha Lorenzen. 1 holiday seaabn. Susplrton rias since fVnnln wheat lands were mortgaged heeunie a certainty in the minds of of- hi the deal. WHITE SLAVERY CHARGE fk hi la. CHIEF TAKES PEEP INTO MAN'S TWO SUITCASES CITY S100 RICHER TODAY t HItAGo. Nov. Jg. Hltuminnus coal consumers of the middtewest to day started tearing down the coal bin to use as fuel. With the first real snowstorm ol the year covering cen tral western states wit 1? a blanket, many reports have been received of persons raxing outhouses to use the lumber for wood. The snowstorm which covered the area from "anada to Arizona and from Chicago to the west slope of the Sierra Nevadas demoralized wire ser vice and tied up transportation. In Klectra. Texas, newspapers, bus iness u-nd public institutions are closed due to freezing weather and fuel short age. Suffering is intense with no re- ' lief in sight. WASHINGTON. Nov. 28. Hrasftc action by the government to get the coal running is today expected before the end of the week. With the west in the trip of ii blizzard which heirs tf ihat estate. .terms about to sweep the east, coal lUOStlon was deliv operators and represcntati res of the 1 !';, to secure a striking miners have broken up their joint conference, unable to agree on u wage increase. The cabinet will con sider the matter tomorrow. Federal operation of mines is unr possibility. ahXough thjg is o;:mJi r d unlikely. The government. It is em phasized, would face the same diffi culty in getting the miners to return to work that the operators are unable Foreclosure of a mortgage nearly 11 years old is sought in a suit filed today by Herman C. Uoseberg, in be half of himself and the estate of Clang?1 H. Kosesnberg. of which he is executor, against Herman Hoehlk, administrator of the estate of Henry Uoreasen. Mrs. Pert ha Ixrenzen and n December II, lnos. the note and mortgTge were sold to Xeagle Bros. Upon the death of his brother, full title in the deht was left to Frank I" overcome. More legaf action by the Neagie, He later transferred the debt government would not get the miners are universally used as a holiday Mick er on letters and Christ mns package. Funds from thi ir sale are used to com hat tuberculosis In Oragjoa. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS BY HUNDREDS ARE TO DIG COAL FOR KANSAS an 1 1 1 Jen kins ilie it. Ask tiCVy b Court. The provision of the maximum lev) by the COUnty court was recommend ed, and the elimination of the traditi onal roe of it, in order that the ex pense to the Individual teacher at tending 'lie annual Institute he de creased . The pSjSeaffg f the Smith Tower bill in congress, provpiing for the es tablishment of the pepartmenl of rel ocation, was advocated Tin tsachars aajpoasaad approval ot th work of the Parent-Teat ucr ASSO- eJatlon, the count y nurse, the county T I'KKA , I a ns.. Nov. 28. Several hundred volunteer coal diK-rs today responded to Governor Allen's aj.pe.il for men to mine coal In southeastern Kansas Alton declared the power ot the slate will he used to relieve the that r,M'1 famiii1 nd proteel the lives of those enaaeTOd m exocytlhg this effort, other offers if ssslsfjint n worn receiv ed today from students of Haskell In stil .j to t he en t Ire football squad of the Cnlversity or Kansas and IS0Q students of (he state agricultural schooli I ntOM QttSDh i linn. W ASH1 NGTON, Nov. 28. Mexico Should be given M hours tO release Consular A Rent Jenkins Senator Ashm.'.t, democrat. declared today. Should Mexico fall to complv the Am erican arfny should start Immediately for puebla uud reieaae htm. he added. As hurst rrttlclgcd the state deparl - nunt's handling of th atlbn. bout d over to the grand Jury of tho federal oousi on a white slave charge today a ft i- a hearing this morning h. fore Commissioner S. A. Newberry. Ieah Severs, of t he Mohawk reserva t Herman Roehlh and Claws H. Ro reaberg. Mr. Roaesnoerv became full owner by purchasing Mr. Roehlk's half interest. ntereet on the note and mortgage THREE SLAVERS BEGIN tlon in New Yolk, whs destined as a with ess. Rail for the man was fixed at Si - and $ftO0 for the woman. W. M. I V'terson, local attorney, ,;i r pea red in defense of the Indians, white s. F. M exit an sit u- face, doput ' Cnited States marshal. u pepared fr the federal government. The Indians will gOCOmparty Marshal Pace t" Portland tontghl and the hear ing will come before the grand jury In I ceniher. Watkefc' and the Indian woman were nrrestad here a week ago. Accortling to his story, the two were in. Golden la h Washinuton. for a time. going later to i in ho. up" n their arrival Kxamination of the contents of two s'i it cases carried yesterda Ity Frank Rradburn cost him $K"t in police jWas paid only to Iec. It, 1912. the court today and resulted in his also complaint alleges. Interest at 10 per being held for county officials In JfO" ' ' "( V" 'he entire principal is asked to res u in e in la rge n u m be rs, acco rd - to many officials. The attorney general is understood to ha t idence ujon which he can tase criminal suits against aevcrul feadera in the miners union. Governor Will Confer DBS MOINES. Nov. jS. A confer- niade by cal room- SAI km; Nov itch" Herms ENEMY WAR SHIPS ARE j they murdi : leorge K. s.-- 1 av'd Smith. nnd Jam Sale lit iiere totla from Port - ' egan serving their life than om ecij after the Claremonl tavern In which i t d .1. N. purgesa ami i errltujrer of I 'epdlaton. her. I slav Walker charge. was arrested Patti n licit giving with h Stark Pnttort. a white d yesjer 1 Thanks ami Mrs. ball on a rhnr; of liquor. The arrest chief A. A. Roberta in Ipg house. Whisky of sOm nnkmiwn Ingre dients was found in each suit case, the chief Said. Pradburn put up $10f for apS pa rah CO In police court and for feited hail today. A not her $ 1 00 was renuired by county officers and the die trht attorney Will file an information charslnp him with Illegal possession of liquor. The man la said to live in the Pilot Rock country. Hugvti Funeral I odd Todav. The funeral of the late Louis Ha "en. pioneer wheat farmer who died In Portland Monday from heart dlla t'on, was held this afternoon from the itorney's fees. mortgage and i etiuested, foreclosure ale under of the nitloa is First Presb; circle of frle ed. Thn In cemetery, w gan, pastor the serviced a n f Illegal possession I from 'bat date, together with $1,100 ence of governors of bituminous coal states will be held m Chicago Sunday t o discuss state operation of coat mines, "if there is no change In the Washington situation during the day." Governor Harding of Iowa, made this announcement today. Neoeaeattsa Protected WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. An nouncement of the next move of the government in the coal crisis may be delayed until tomorrow or perhaps T u esd ay. Fuel Administrator Oar ield is today getting the government's j plans. In sha pk He ret uses t intimate what action the government will take bayogsfl the following statement; "Production of basic necessities will he protected by the government. The government vc i II resent profiteering by operators r miners." PHOENIX, Arir.. Nov. 28. PI waters are receding here today after reaching the state capital grounds ami ot In r sections of the city, and Church. Mr. Heat a burled v. J. Fr.i church, c large ittend olney Mor-ictlng ma rooning and south reported b SO families of farmers east if town. Melted mountain blned with a "cloudburst" Irowe the salt, and Agua. f their hanks. No lives are have been hist hut prop- I 'A I US. N.o iouneii of the demonstration agent and the agiicul- decided that a (hire agent. ind commended the tut est of 1 'mat ilia legislators for tii support of progressive educatlo legislation. Xpprei falioii l-'prcsiil. Among the resolutions passed was one expressing appreciation of the work of W. W. Orcen. county school Superintendent. Pendleton's spirit of hospitality was also commended by the teachers, as was the service af forded b the high school cafeteria. A VOtS of thanks was extended to H.r j M i s. S. M. I-'orshaw and l he tllrl Glee Club for theit mush; to the Melhotllsl church for 1 he use of the a nil it or in in : to ' t he I let tnlston school band for its contribution to the pro gram; and to the local press for the interest shown In the cause of educa tion and In t he teaching profession, as evidenced bi the spate devoted to the publication Of the deliberations Of the teachers, and for co-operation In efforts for school betterment. The committee on resolutions was eniunoscd of F. c. i-'it.pat rtt k . Fred l. Austin A. I '. Voi Iker. A. Mrs. Last's Richardson. The supreme e conference has my wa i ships Shg II he destroyed except (hose to ntim-d t- oyer to Wanes anj3 Italy Un oompenaa j tion for I heir war losses. Thi council also discussed dlsttibu-j tlon f materials and docka be de li vereo i uerman? hs componsatli u for the sinking of the Intoned Qor man fleet atsjoapn Flow. It. noiificd Roniminirt that rd b the nptd haiub'd her November -i. must he given aloeV represent a I i v. -s In Bucharest not later th in le. em THEY FIND RELIEF AT LAST LOCAL K. OF P. CONFER DEGREE AT HERMISTON I-;. Yodel'. Thirty Knights of Pythias from Da mon l,oduc No. 4 . Pendleton last nh;ht paid On official Vtslt to Recla mation pedaTS N'o. in?. He mils tun. to confer the degree of knight ftpon a elssg in the srest nd town. The trip to and from Hamilston was mniie in six union. The parly h i t bet e (sts estOrday ;i fternoon and at 7 1 .1" sat down to ;i , a At n ni iiurilT lurhr'' iomo . ' I ' serru ai me. Uh I I ALIAlM rttnulHIVIC.nl I Hotel Oregon cafe After the ban-1 ip ipiet t he aasansblasTS took Up the rlt - ' HOMTC, Nov. The socialist ex- tia I work In the hall. The Herhttstng dgUttVe OOmmlttee today ordered so- kniuhts promised to attend the com- claltst members of 1 he t ha in her of de- mg district eonxention In Pendleton plltles to parti Cl patS in opening par in all their fmce and assured the lo- llament, according to the newspaper rtt men I hat the would furnish their Avantl. quota of pOffes f"i the scsskn SOCIALISTS ORDERED TO PARTICIPATE IN OPENING Jf - HITCHCOCK " ' Sg erty damage will he considerable. Damage Hoai jr. PHOENIX Ariz Nov. 2s. Damage amountmg to hundreds if thousands of dollars was done hy floods last night and today this vicinity. FIRST NUMBER OF LET "ER BUCK TELLS ELKS ABOUT HOME GOLFERS BRING PLAYER FROM LAND Of HEATHER Cotdes of the .first number f I et er Ruck a four price Rewey sheet ls !el hv Pendleton l.nlco No. 28, R. P. O. V. . are bein - maih d to all members f the order tooWv. . The paper will make nerioilleal gopara nce-t to es nouse ihe canve f the new Rika" tern n w arising toSFhrd its second : story. l et ".-r nuoJt Is a hricht little edition ''hie nc. of ih prorrress of the NilldqSa to date, t'ontrit'-it Eons to the 'niihpn fund are listed and breezy news notes of the oriler "'vo the tajane a n iinv touch. R. K. Chlouneik eom 1 M"1 the matter son V--,.-V!sed the oahltcatlon and Jwt'eS Thomas Fit ft-ersld, nrtmT? r -he 'rytTS l at ' tend In j( to lh miUna f the copies. HIGH C0??T " RPIMn BoDi COING UP I The ancient same of the highland Scots is once again belnx tatiRht mem here f the Pendleton Qolf Club by a prf, s.innal who. himself, first learn ed the game in the laud Of heather. ' J. fft rsou. a BToJjesslonjal if the old school anl a nolfer "f more than or dinary brillance, has arrived In Pen dleton to take the position left vacant six months ago by the resignation of George Eddy. M r ,Ieffo son came here from ta J a ffergo n Park mu n icl pal links in Seattle. With him is Mrs. Jefferson ml one child. At present they are domiciled at the Blob hoassg be- ause of the lack of keUjStnSj facilities In the city. The new prnfssstossai brings many trophies xith Msg, rosea recent among them the silver loving cup presented 1 v the ;.lfers Maxaslue for a tourna nTVnt plaed recently In Seattle. Mr. Jrffareon won from a field of 130 colfers. WeftHIXaTt N Hel: ve 1 at last m the peace treat? wrangle, ly -d-'rnmc it of '"oneiess. our reprseen natives have taen to golf fdr a changpe Here are SerfgtoVS Httchcck, New berry a id Hole, and Speaker toilette n the links. Mvtnje The high up. as well -Members ! t afedletSM 1 T mini- 1 W t - e ,-v'- hour Of 5' " in the visit will set srjre Is now ISO. in. mi hetwees t he 'SK ni hereafter, vou I Kick $i. IHE WFATHER FORECAST Tonight arid Saturday rain or snow, to nitcht warmer. 1