DAILY KABT 0REG0N1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1019. TKNtPAGES EAST OREGONtAN SPECIAL NEWS OF UMATILLA CO POLAND'S LEADERS PAUE K1URT LITERARY PROGRAM IS GIVEN BY STUDENTS to Mak' ...... Ijiwrvncr- A, lm. ' S.mih Th. HrvaklM Wara Itaah- f rrt Iflnh" I Th.- Han rtn.l William vjMurtet Krittlmjr ..r ih.- BefeeoJ isipor, Thp Kiliior I.lonrl 1-vroux ) iKum( ir.-v..nian sp.-. lal.i UVAFIKK, Soi :T. The lit. run .clriy praaantvd a aftlrndtd progrusn in Prldttj ttltriWM 1.1 ih.' hlh iclwxil. Hrni.lN ih. pupils preaanl about 31 ia 1 1 u were aiau th'i- to .ujoy th aftaraoon. Th- prog am wu a fwllnua. HJn- Dm Mediation When ihr the Pumpkin Knuv "Thunksni in Lt" Kvcilatlon "Damn Sunt Ix . i Utile J-to s. hool Fr.uit it on .! .Iainr lp to Albert Sturk Ivan Martin ..t Vllio ' . . Vila Ueroux lht "Revolved. T'lat rnmpul aory military trainliiK In th.- high achoola mould be a benefit lo the V'nlte.1 States. ' Affirmative Floyd Martin. Alio L'pornft. Knlph Jones. Negative Lucille Records. Keith fcthtnlel. Mary Hetk. Ttie JudK'es. who arare W W. Philip- . Mrs. c. C. I M .U, and Mrs. D. C. ftinderson decided for the afflrma- tlrve. Kaaao Iuet 'Reapers' Son" Delia Records, Dealtry Bean Recitation Uke His Mother lse.l Hon I ".Vineriva" Mi II. . It. icon has returned from I a Ihrof n-- k . icatU.lt with relatives a: I'olfa. Wash. Paul Caldwell imtmtKcr of the VH UaMM oIuik.t 1. umber C"... at l"ma pin. is heme attain afnfr spendins lw.. weeks at Salem and Corvallis. Whila in Salem Mr. Caldwell had his tonsils refoved. n last Monday. November 17, a Bab) Kirl was born to Mr. und Mrs. l.oy.l tlentry. who live northeast oC : I'mapine. Mii. 1. t' Sanderson of Kreewater, ' a week end visitor with her laughter. Mrs. U. K. Bean, this week. Kd Hoon was unfortunate lately In losint; a tl0t0 Liberty bond. Mr.! Hoon was uncertain whether it was (Oat on the road or swept into the fir.place In his home. In either case, it is an entire loss as it was nnrcKis- siered. although it bears his name. ' Miss Margaret Wilflcy left for a ' t with relatives in Portland on f Sunday awning after a pleasant visit with her uncle and aunt Mrs. A. A. ; Wllfley. at Vmaptne. Mrs. A. A. Wllfley and daughter, Kllyn. are spending Thanksgiving va- I rati, n with Mrs. Wilfley's daughter. Mr Ed Jones, of Walla Walla. 1 RM&CYZltSKl WARSAW Above is the latest picture of Premier Paderewski of 3 Poland, taken as he lelt tne t-ousn Mm or parliament: The speaker f tha seym is Adalbert Tra.-up-entakl (below). II sier? Just the thine! These dainty, crisp, delicately salted Snow Flakes. They are sold fresh everywhere in sealed packages. Ask your "roeer. i Don't ask for Crackers say Snow Flaks The Experienced Motorist Deliberated Chooses the Franklin Sedan for Every-Day-in-the-Year Motoring AND WHY? WHEN seeking a car that you intend to keep on the road twelve months of the year, hold these facts before you: The Franklin Sedan owr.er is an ex perienced motorist. He has had intimate knowledge of other fine cars. ' And based on that knowledge, he deliberately chooses the Franklin Sedan for all-year use. The reasons he tells us for this choice, are the reasons back of every sale we make of' a Franklin Sedan: It is lighter and more re tilient than the average fine touring car. These features make it practical for all kinds of touring anywhere and at any time. Takes Roads as They Come Its scientific light weight (every experienced motorist know Franklin scientific light weight) goes over rough roads with the ease, the free dom from shock and strain, that protects you and the car; makes kills with the same ability aa a touring csr; and give you a speed, for the day's run, that won't make you apologize for your cat. Touring Comfort Above the Ordinary la summer, for instance. wha touring is regarded as a pleuure in a touring car, it actually is a pleasure in the Franklin Sedan. You feel as fresh and cool at the end of the tour as at the start. The dust and dirt, the sun glare and sunburn, the rain and the storm are outside your car. The V-front, with four ad justabls sections, lets in what you tronf, and shuts out what you don 't want just like ven tilating your own home. If you are anxious to learn about a new touring comfort, come to our show rooms and examine this car. Pendleton Auto Co. Mr. and Mr. P. O. SnuiHlem re- 11 ci d. Tht dance lu the jturned Monday from Portland where enjoyed b all. tiwy pent the week enujoylnff the In- : , ternntional Livestock show. evening was FIRE DAMAGES PLAN? OF ATHENA ROAD GREW SUPREME COUNCIL WILL RECOGNIZE HUNGARY RULE nilMIIMIIMIIIMl!IM!IIMIMIMiniMnilllMniMIIIIIMMIinilll1liPMIIIIMIllllinillllMI!IUIIIIIIMIIIIhlllMlinMMHnilMIIIIIMII s i i Apartment Building f I FOR SALE I $235,000. 1 Buys one of the best apartment buildings in Portland, Orejron. . A five story concrete, Riod- I ern fire proof structure. Building covering 200x50 feet. In the heart of city of Portland. Has 104 apartments, elegantly furnished. Rent ing from ($23.50) to ($40.00 per month. Income $.,500 per month. Rent per year is (iU2,or)). This can easily he increased to (Sf,J,000), per year. This apartment was built four years a to, and has a waiting list of hundreds, asking fo 1 apartments. This is one of the best paying in vestments in real estate ever offered to the pub- lie of Pendleton, Oregon. Reason for selling, that the old folks want to retire. Oregon Business & Financial Agency 418 Morga. Building Portland, Oregon Sninmniinitwinmiiiiiiii HiiiuuniiiiiuuiiiiMiuiiui.'UMiitiiMiMHiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHniiuiiiiuiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiim MMMMSWMaMMaMaa,, , li IWBM SJ i PAKJ 2 h. -Sir George Oar! OLDS head nf lh.- allred commission in 1 1 n n- pury. today notified lr. Hiiui, new Hungarian premier, tha t the supremo Kast 'regonian Special. i council will recnjrnie Uis provisional ATHKNA, Nov. 27. The "Warren ffvrnment and ncaritlnte pence soon. Construction Co.'t plant was sliuht- Tnp natioanl assembly is constituted ly dnmaifed by fire Monday mornlnp. 'witn iX lsHl tmsed upon popti- The top part of the plant was homed lar 'Ifcthm. accordlns: to lidapest bo quite an extent. The road work ' mutches, i tyill only be delayed a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Powning nnd idntiRhters Ileb-n and Myrtle were visitors in Walla Walla Monday. Miss Dolly Itanlster was seriously injured Haturda' morninsr. She wtM COmIAIC to town horsebnok when she Wu struck by a pttfcffeMJ Wrrn O'n- .strnction fo. truck. The tUtmh on her lesr was torn open to the bone. She is ; verv ill nnd is improvinq- slowly. Miss Rnth Rati went to Milton Pnt- jurdny to vtoH at the H. McAlexander honie. Mrs. Krezer and Dcrsev wr ' visitors in Pendleton Saturday. Mrs. Cecil Curl and Miss Booth were in the oitv Friday from the Curl runch near Adnms. C VICR'SVAPORl "YOU.; BODYGUARD" - 30'. Head -r chest ore t . treated 'extern:ii:y" witli a m. i 5; 60TK20 COMB SAGE IN FADED OR GRAY HAIR If Mixed with Sulphur it Dark ens so Naturally Nobody can Tell. NOTICE I have moved my office buck to the American National Hank ltuildlutr. suite Phone 09. DALE ROTHWELL OgMtUMvcsSSI and optician. 1 in 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - i or.. 5 Here This Week i J Carload of Oaklands Will trade for good caiB if priced right. fc 5 'iranoinomer Kept her hair henuti fully darkened, clossy and attratlcv Wifh :i hroic .if C T., .. J t..i..i .... " 1 ' li a " heneiwf her hair took on that dull i .inie over rrmay 10 in i wi numr fa Terl or srri.nk, ,l Ol her datichter Mrs. A. Tl. Ipsdon. The members of the Parent Teach ers Association spent a delightful eo eial evening at the school house Fri day evenins. After a short business , i meeting the Kiicsts enjoyen a short uroeram and a liirht lunch was serv- . The hiph school bovs defeated the !eitchth erode hoys in the first football Same of the season. Excellent play in was shown by the bovs of both f t jlla The score was 12 to 6. , ... .-. f.rraH Miller left Sat- " i "t("w to snend their Thankf-flfv4- i .Lcatlon with relatives at ! Union. tr and Mrs. John Stanton and ' dauehter Miss Mildred left Saturday t mominiT for Spokane and Colfax (where they will visit relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Crabill of Hold man si sent Saturday and Sunday in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Oerald Gllpore Wft ?n from their OoM Springs ranch Sat urday. Mihs Kva Cars tent went to Walln j Wrilla Sumlny to spend the work with fee aunt Mrs. Prrtwood. Jim Taeuallen of Adams wis a visl ;tor In the city Saturday evening. MpM Helen Boyer of Adams will j spend her vacation at the C M. Eager ; j homo in this city. A large ' number of Athena people enjoyed the flights in the airplane : Sunday. 1j. X. TJeoallen of Adams was in the city Tuesday night. appearance, this simple mixture was applied with won derful efect. By asking at any drug store for "Wyeth-'a fiage and Sulphur Compound," you wll iget a large bot- f t his old -time recipe, improved bv the addirion of other lngTedientw. all read to use. at very little cost. This simple mlxtrere ran be depended upon to restore natural color and beautv to the hair. A well-known downtown druggist says everybody uses Wyeth's Saee and Sulphur Compound now ben ruse it darkens so naturally and, evenly that nobody can tel lit has been applied--: It's so easy to use, too. You Rimply dampen a cbmh or eoft hrush and drrvw it through your hair, taking one j strand at n time. By morning the j gray hair disappears: after anot her application or two. it is restored to its! natural color and looks glossy, soft, and betautlful. 1 Whitman IS 8 ;S For the lover of good candy. ;3 Called Samplers because in old- ,S e times samples showed the 5 be: t in needlework and design. 5 This modern Sampler shown g the beit in choccdate and con foction. We are headquarters 5 for the Sampler nnd the whole S Whitman line. S I Tallman Cj Co. Iiwullng Drnavta. r,llliiilllllllllllillHllllllllllllllHlllllllllir Is ! Have You Seen the &fie Most Beautiful Cur inlmeriat Umatilla Motor Sales Corporation O. E. HOLDMAN, Mgr. Paige and Oakland Cars Temporary quarters at 632 Cottonwood St. Prosperityand Plenty LAST MAN FROM ARMY AGAIN HOME AT HELIX Established 1907 mm. fFast regoniHP Bpecfl&J.) HELIX. Nov. 27. James Hriswold fs returned home from Kservice in the 1. S. Army. He Is the last of the bo'-s to return. Mrs. L D. Clark and two daughters are visiting in Dayton, Washington. Miss Iva McKinney Ih spending thi -..'rek with her parent in Weston. Mrs. Viola Dud lev is visiting her sister Mrs. Oeorge Piper. Mr. and 'Mrs. McBae and sou of i Pendleton visited at the Km nisi JSeuske ' home Tuesday. j Mies Irva Dale visited Miss Bess I T.ewi this week. . j Mrs. Knos Kads nnd daughter Cora of John Day were visiting at thei Clark home this week. Mrs. T. FT. Thornlev ha been ui with scarletina thp past week, hut is i recovering. lfifs FTiye JSerha who ha.s been visit- , ing Miss Alice Clark has returned to' i her home in Athena. Ed potts has purchased a new car. Mr. and Mrs. Art drover of Walla j W.'ill.i were Tuesday visitors at the D. ' Rendu II home. Mi Kthel Conneron I visiting at ( j the r;ar tt home. Claude Ilussell Ih back in Helix. He several months of fighting on the i French front. Mvrtle and Harvev Herman of Pen-j dleton ht viHltlng their afster Mn. . Jee Nelson. MM Or ire CHTrett wm0 a Sunday 'linner guest of Miss Alie Clark. j Pmf and Mrs, Howard Drew were I in Helix Sunday. The t urkey ahoot was .i rnreefw Tuesdn und was attend l y a large REPUBLIC Tires do last longer. They last longer because of the Prodium Process. - ( This Republic discovery tough ens the rubber. It strengthens it. It gives longer life and greater resistance to wear. That is why, in the end, Repub lic Tires give such universal economy and satisfaction. That is why they are good tires' for you to buy, Simpson Tire Service Co. L. A. Menton, Mgr. 223 E. Court St. ARE WITH US AGAIN THIS THANKSGIVING, 1919 There will be happy homes in Pendleton this day, as the feast of thanks is served round the family table we know, for we have furnished much of the good things to eat that will be spread before them. For this- much else we are Thankful Republic Tires With StA6GaRjj Studs You know, every day will be a little day of thnnksgiving to you if you buy the fine quality groceries at the most economical prices, at Lynde Bros. Grocery Phone 334 IF ITS GOOD TO EAT WE HAVE IT AND WILL GET IT TO YOU PROMPTLY Gasoline at our quick service pump at curb QUALITY, SERVICE AND PRICE ARE ALL RIGHT HERE. 309 West Webb Street