fl TEN PAGES TEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 10 SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 10 SIX PENCE EACH FOR EGGS IS SAMPLE OF BERMUDA'S H. C. 0. L. Mid-Atlantic British Colony Has URGED ON CITY BY man Mitchell, from Mr. w. 0. Wll KliiHim ir lliilluy'B Uny, H-rinu(l;i, un num. The Inland Ih dependent for it in. .ii ami moHt other oommodltleas up- i the etntes nnd funudu but In the! punt two monlhH only un occaaionul I fowl or pig-, kspt by tho f lii the colony, hue been offered to moot the demand for frenri meal. No uteuinrr for five track prc- km tne eenaini to iirmimiu of; foodstuff! of even mall, TciurlM lra- j el. which line been the Inland colom 'n ' kTeat attraction ftf wlnli.ru I.,... i McS3tlp-p tn MflVnr Vnno-Vinn Tv. no, tcw.,,1. lur. c I -j 1.1. V .". "" " " cicdu mcni jaujpujy UHU onio oil nun nfiLtton ny tne MiuniMhlp Produces Little Food; Crimp SlM ! DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1919. FUEL CONSERVATION SEEK SUFFRAGE FUNDS hlL'h mice Put in Famed Tourist Trade. h',s ,wlw ,,B hfl u in the statea owlntr to tho liuiWIIty of the colony j to produce larKe variety of staple. KtcKH at D to 90 cents a dozen In I 'Mr"' Wllkln"n is a native OrKo Pendletnn and tl a dozen In San " "' f"r nuuiy rear resided KranclHco are cheap comi.ared with "' x","rl;l- ' known also In Pan. eludes List of Simple Rule: on Waste Designed for Ust in Every Locality. Do not watc n wanted mi hot water. Every Kal ina mo much wanted the price of nix pence, or fi centn. . . ,,monf " have made, Turn off radiator,. In all room not earn, wnieh. they brine the producer ' '"r more man two in actual dm and thiu conserve heal In H.rmndu. Hananan, which Krow nnd fuel. in tniM subtropical colony of flreat Britain In mid-Atlantic, Mil for five centM a pound. Not only nrn all food prices ex ceptionally high since tho war. The recent strlkn of InnKithornmen In N. m Vork has rendered the Island colony's meat nupply almost nil. according to letter received thero by II. Sher- DELEGATES "BOLT" AT ' . ' I ADntl ennrrnriiAe 'rh LHoun uuivrtntivui: , ., tllate pr-'perly, but do not -waste NhW TORK, Nov. 26 Japan., workers' deloKatea to the International labor conference "bolted" today de nouncing; the Japanese govcrnm. nt dtlagata and rhnrirlnic them with bad faith and deliberate falsify. QrAi.frY BintVICE SANITATION The Pendleton Trading Co. wishes to extend to every home of Pendleton its wish for a cheer ful Thanksgiving. We feel we have a great deal to be thankful for. With the world fast adjust ing itself to the new peace and the new condition of life brought about by the war, our future looks bright. We want to thank our many patrons for the business you have given us in the past year and wish to assure you that our services are always at your demand. Pendleton Trading Co. "If it' in the Market We Have It." ltd some of the meonure iirw.il by the railroad administration j a a means of combutttm? the coal Mtortaf Mayor J. I Vaughan wn Ipiven the message today and was re j ii".-'ed tj nsk Pendleton people ti and In conserving coal. Those In charg- of offices, depart Mont stores, churches, theatres, apart nient houses and residences are urger1 to make every attempt to conserve fuel and the rules were designed for "e In every locality. The message from the railroad says also that Off dais hope the rules will he so constru ed as to In no way cause suffering or hardship, but that the people will make every effort to meet the short age with reasonable economy of fuel Local dealers are also requesting conservation. POUR YOUTHS STAGE HOLD UP ON CAR LINF 3500 Miles Guaranteed Timt'.H wtiAt h mrwiM to rv.Ty Qataa iinir-soie mrr. After tho (r-al is with from your M .tn iut on this new trend with tho uftmc .ii. int. kkmkmiiki; i: bbl i:ii:hai, ti iiks also Gertson & Marty Phone 505 639 Cottonwood St Four bMfami youth, none of hum appnrod to hp more thnn 1 T ! : year of ajTP. held j the Carvnr raii r ad autoMohlh at r point two mlln; :i't r ,i iivankif yostord.iy nc'rnlnt: Mid relieved the conductor, O. M ; rnhle, and the two pasHenfjfr of I ft fi ". In sllwr. ffnp of the nasen- 'rs was H. Q, Oetz of roquf11e, wh' I was hi rout tn ( mrhamaw utatlon to s;i wiin ri:n,v'n inr i na n ksu i 'in v. ! The other was K. Frankenhauser of I Portland. Tho youth hud piled hrush nnd i h.vivv vtiekg upon the rails in ; ileep it of tlie roud nenr a heavily wooded 'octlop, and when the drivor Ptopped rl ;ir thr track three of thr loys niped Crotn t he hrush and mm- r nnded CaWe to "stick "em up," Thfv I ''ned up the two pnspeneen nnd ' niade a hurried search of their cloth- I in. 1ioap Itovolvor-t Carried. Two of the hoys were equipped f wttll chap nickel-platrd revctvers ! nnd wore whie handkerchiefs- a I M-n!1! The third, who WM unnrmed t fl unmasked, senrched the pasen fern and motorman as the armed I 'ouths held the victim nt hay. Tho ho v r were ra n k amateurs n t the husincKs sc Id thr passeiicers. as ' they nia d. AO attempt to th'rouchly MBMLroll the men. They toy wh-it sil ver wa fonno wlthnit ntten tin to locnte hill c;ies or purses. Aft. r comrdetinar the rohhery the hn-H jumped from the car and .rram hied Tip a stvep hank alone the rirht I'.wnv. After the train had procecd i ii for a fhort distance the bora re turned to the railroad track and walk ed into MUwiuklo, where all trace of them was lost. Although fQUT of the youngster ventured for'h on the escnpad. hut t hrce of them actually took part in holding up the passenger?. Th i fourth believed tn liave oal h's nerve at the crucial- moment, as he ri -Mined his compainoni after the rohhery had een conipleted. A lomi-dLst.-ine call was receive1 hv Sheriff Hurlhurt nearlv an hour tif the roh'-er had occured, and Deptitv Sheriffs Schirmer, Hnrlhnrt ' lm-niin iisop. Kenoan ano wr-x ford hurried to the ncene In nn nnt'1 mot(Ie The- traced the vouths fron point of the robbery into ifltwmti kte, where It is believed they hoard'" an elctric train hark to Portland. Ii is bel.e-ed the youths from the 's helieed the youths live in the vicln (tv of (he robbery ns they spomot' thoroughly familiar with all QOfidt- j tlona and the s.-hodute of the train. Safe Deposit Boxes Wo wlsli to call your attention to the advantage of our modem fire ami burglar pitHtf vetllta In whh'h we linve safe dexsit 1mxc.s of various sizes for rent. Kvery iMrson li.uin IxvmN. deiNln, stocks or tiiiylliiu of Inrfre value in Hinall hulk, should place them in snfo koepliur. Il4xes may he routed in the names of one or more persons. We would lo phvtsiMl to have you en II and In spect our equipment. Inland Empire Bank The bonk of community interests. Capital !-. .000. on 01 i n nn Ann iini:r-rons. J. W. Mnlonrj. I'res. W. M. illnkrler O. K. Wj.ii. .. . f. Cash'r . W. lint I rl,.i.,l I. Talus ' J- Tlor II... s II. II. Krrrt S.'l.nrlfrr HmuI I'rin Krank irltia 1 101 01 BAUBM, Nov. 27. Percy A. Cup per, stnto engineer. who roturno) Tuesday from Salt Iike City, where he attended tho western states recla- ma t ion con ference as one of 12 delr - gates f rom Orrunii, was named a in em her of t he MteCtltlWQ committee of the conference, consist inc of one member from each of the I" reclama tion states, to work for a $2r.O nun, One a ppropri it ion for reclamat ion work. A mooting of the committee was held immediately following a d.iourn ment of the conference to outline plans for carryinn on a campaign. The committee will meet in Washington. I. CL, early in May. to follow their ITotrrnrn, into conuress. A fund of approxiinntelv $4',nrto Is to reissued with which to carry on the fiqht for the fund. Oiccon's quo ta heliiLT l.toun to he secured hy popu lar subscription. Movins pictures de picting tho development of the re claimed areas will he shown In east ern stages to educate people of that section into a sentiment favorahle to WARlflNro?J Funds to further their campaign for ratifica tion of the suffrage amendment are Bought by these officers of the National Woman's party. They are left to right (top), Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont, Mrs. Abby Scott Baker, Washington; Mrs. Genevieve Al len, Snn Francisco (bottom); Mrs. Clara Snell Wolfe, Tex., Mrs. Lawrence h-ewls, Philadelphia, Mrs. Keiaon Whittemore. Detroit, and Agnc Morey, Brookline, Mass.' GETTING ADEPT AT IT PHILADELPHIA. Prom.l tlon lawbreakers are Retting more adept at the art of constructing tills for their "moonshiue." Here Is a group taken in a raid roj by revenue offlicers, showing marked improvement over ino crude affairs first made. HOUSE WIRING VACUUM CLEANERS b I APJT saving today rptF. initial ptymrni tht brlofi you ika Thor I like fini deposit io savlnfi bank. Subscqurnl piymemt only add to your laving account, lor nol a tingle wash day can go by without the Thor bring ing an actual saving. mm Clothes Ia.it six times as long when you s m a MO? The Tbor has no bUs lo break and slip er catch. The Thor la seK-cleaoable. 1 Thr atalos: c'im'nalci all over loading danrr- Yoe can da blr I J washing ? an Lour wilb !he Thor. .1 Why Not Now ? Uonid yon go back i ll. ,allow ,,andP or m, oll Of course you wouldn't. Why tlu n do you gcUII do your washing in tlx- old way. This rub, rub rub Is wearing out your clothes ami your wife health. Washing k a woman's hanlivit work, and If you get her a THOR FLECTUIC WASHING MACHIN E, y Have done much toward you, ami her luipplness in the home. Aif- you going to let tlie mater or a few dollars stand In the way? This wonderful machine won pays hr Itseif. (Mote in and let us tell ou how ..sy it will be for you get . Ix-t us give you a free deinon4ration. Call er phone 1037. Chas Milne 108 Ka Alt. St. Opposite Alt. Theater ra.M-trtcal Goods of AU Kinds, and Contractina; WASHING MACHINES ELECTRIC FARM PLANTS CECIL COSPER Pf I5l.it At'COl .T.Ai r DTOOME TAX sHVIHtH Bmltb-Crawtord Bid. Oppoaite Pendleton Hotej Phone 101 0aPL lfcli W jjEPrV ' f , Dental X-Ray by .. ppointment rwWT ' WJIIft- aaaaMaaaaaaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaai Articulated D.nti;ra. hmm ' ttaBS9KBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa imana empire runt mdg. aSft'V ""jA.k-SSSKBKt Office Phone 3 30. tTnrr- rK ... I My idea of a three ; course breakfast is 1 w. are thankful yo, 8 three dishes of I I 1 If fl solicit a continuance. 1 3 I j -by ' J I '' PHONE600 I aaaaiaBaWasaaaKOaaaanjMMMM iiT'niufajigjlJ "aaaa I," ' - . . 1 ' - i ;THE POST WAR is the most sensational low gear puller on the market and the rear end has bee:i made strong enough to stand the strain. Let us show you what it will do. Bee us for bargains in used cars. Neil & Barker Co. MAXWELL DEALERS S1X The 1920 Elgins are Now Here THE ELGIN SIX HAS EVERY QUALIFICATION OF A TWO THOUSAND DOLLAR CAR Vr a PRICE THAT'S RIGHT. CALLOR PHONE ?OR DEMONSTRATION rMUINt FOR BLUE MOUNTAIN MOTORS CO. INC. 10! WaterEiet-WESTCOTT-HARR7h Phone 780 ward the hir reclamation and Irrita tion program.