TEN PAGES PA OB BIX DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, , OREGON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1919. Social and Personal Hilt Judd, ho t attending ITnl vr.t of orcrnn, arrival thi morn In In npfnd ThnnknRlvInK at the h. tr-. f,f hiH wi t nta, Mr. and Mi . -'rITtcK E. Judd. 1 tp Jan Harphy "no" Tht'in.n Mini 'i Mudf-nt Mt tho fniraltj nf orefton, arrived this nioriiinir and will upend Thnnkalvinir at the hmc of thfir pairntB, Mr. and Mn. E. J. Mur Mh'. A gupfft 8t the h.nnt of Mr. and Mn A. I chirfr ll Mi QlaAya Smith of HiM.kun. who .s f-.inn-rly K l'n dlftun llhrartun. M (m Smith )s to re main nr the fi K end. Wtl.lt Mra. Hobart was sue- are laid for Mr. and Mm, A. T. New -OMafQ. In winning the ladies' trophy, autet, Mr. and Mra. o. B. Sparks, Mrs 1 . 1 1 ' r the tUMll Wt-nt to Jollyn Inn for J. N. lit-llnger. Jack HehnRer, of b MVral hours of dancing and supper anon. Mrs. Bill tinavuneh. Lewis tlna In ubwn'ano' of the seventh wedding vaneh of Yakima, Frank Sulberg of ii Mim iNaiy of Mr. and Mrs. Hester. Spokane. Mr. and Mm. H. L. Sparks. A f;.iur- of ihe aiipper party was the Mi Msjgarst Spark, Miss LaVH .-'l.nii; ..f hoi venison sandwiches. Ad- Sp'arks. Miss l.urUne. Orvtll Su.uk.. d I I fUWta ai the Inn were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur NewqUlst, Prucha and Mrs. I. U Kogers, Mr. and Mrs. NVwulst, illen NeWQUlst, Frank Xew i.ni TUlksSn, Ir. and Mrs. Floyd uutst, Mlsa Loulto Newqulst, Clifford Ci. ij- Mi ai d Mr ;. 1. Ui Dow, Newqmilst, Jerald Newqulst. Mr. and and Dr and Mrs. H J. Kavanaugh. Mr and Mr? W guentH at the horn r R j in id. I. ThomiK" of Mr. and Mis Daphna Swoarlnfcen Thf -spirt of ThankHsriving about maay a family hearth prevails today snd Kiih'iln re of an Informal na ture, usually encircling the board Where Old Man Turkey is the honor guest. Ont such event Is proving a Joy to a lar .tssemMaae of folk at the home .f Mr uid Mrs. O. I Sparks at Sparks arrived station, members of the A. T. Now- : are I r.. this mcrninB fr.-m Seattle to enu i8 f.imuv .;;,therinir there to wcl Thanksslv inc at the home of her t.onv homo Karl Newqulst who arriv- pTSjsHa, Mr. and Mr. N. D. Swearln- e) Saturday from 26 months service gen. Miss Sfrearlnsen Is attending in the United States navy..lx months I'niverjtv f Wa-hlnKton. . f which were spent in Ireland. " Only two member of the family Mrs. Uichard Simla and Mrs. Kay C were t-t present for the dinner today RMtMF w ere hostesses last nltht. for for which Mr. and Mrs. Sparks, son- the Kntre Nous club at the home of in-law and diuahter of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Si mis. The affair was the first New jui-t. are hosts. They are Miss evening meeting of the organization BUM Newquist. who has been in war and was for the pleasure of members work in Washington. D. C, and Mrs. of the club and their husbands. D. IY Albert Hoover of Boone, Colorado. Hobart won the men's prize for high Both are daughters. score after play at six tables of auction Plates at the Thanksgiving table Mm Carl Nowquut, Larvtn Newqulst, Mai l Wwquist Harold Newqulst, Mr. and Mr. Jack Spasms, Wesley Sparks, Robert Bparkg, Miss Kthel Sparks, Mr, ami Mis John M. Neal. Mrs. John Kk gers and Miss Kthel Newqulst of Pen dleton. . MlSS v'.wend'dvn Hoeer who Is at tending Cnlveraitt of Vishlngton, is a guest at the home of her parent. Mr. and Mrs. u f Rogers, during the ThanksgiviiiL' holidays. Mr. Roger motored, to Pco yesterday to meet Mis K gers "and the trip from that dt) to Pendleton waa made by auto. cngayi inent ut u smart u .1 for which her mother was hostess. Mi. and Mrs. William T. Oray off BemlUfj were In Salem for the wed ding and are the housegues: 1 of Mrs. (l.a shier. MIs.h Mary Chad wick, llei ' tl.iughter, Mrs. 'Curl Htelwer of Jefferson were aluo here a were AIij 11a spauldlng and MWh Irene Curtis who came ovet from the Oregon Agri cultural college to attend the wedding. Mr and Mrs. H. M. Cockburn. of Milton, were in the city yesterday. Mr. Cockburn was formerly county com missioner for this county. Mr. and Mrs. Wilt Ferguson of Athena, were hi the city yesterday. leon Cohen returned yesterday from Portland, where he hay been on a short business trip. Mr. and M i s. I amglas Anuerson. of Hepptu r. were Pendleton visitors yesterday. N I I m mm mm m . m m m m m n. I tin i in ill in minim i i I tit ItlUrlAo jnUf iir"11" wfiffl"1" Forroerlv Known at Th Pri RUSSIA LAST A WEEK iVORISSISK, South Bussfa, Nov. 7, When a housewife In south Bus- j g leay on a shopping trip she takes j l traveling bag uhuig, because to GROUP COMWiEMORATING RED CROSS WORK DURING FIGHTING IN FRANCE. A llolM I r.sTMKS GARMENT simp I 7f Beautiful New Blouses JUST RECEIVED some of Uk? Iandiomest. i.i. vl u vre Iwvo shown yet Uiis MMOSi gfeateVtala art heavy crepe W rhlnfi and (bseat of QcssP gctte Oepc BEXUXTff THEM NOW FOR GIFTS 3 SECOND FlOOIt TATXiOR iJVII.HIXfi I WE HAVE ARRANGED FOR Friday and Saturday SOME WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN Fine Tricotine and Serge Suits FROM $19. 75 TO $45.00 All sizez from 16 to 55 Every garment is rtaple and suitable for Spring Wear Beautiful Coats We have jut received some more wonderful new coats in full length and some short plush with fur collars. SPECIALLY PRICED $15.00 to $95.00 Just opened so'"e real smart afternoon dresses in -ilk, velvet and georgette, alto some beautiful navy tricotine in beaded and embroidered styles. W9 Dresses ALL SPECIALLY PRICED From $18.50 to $69.50 Our Fox and Lynx Scarfs ARE THE TALK OF THE CITY. SEE THEM i Comparison Invited with two exceptions, were of normal si.e. At birth Iavina Warren, for such was Mrs. Thumb's maiden name. 66 eventful years. During this time she traveled over the civilized world and had bjen Introduced to nearly This striking group by Onorio Ruotolo. Italian-American sculptor of w York City i commemorates the Work of the Red Cross in F"rance. Pho jraphic reproductions are being u sed during the drive In New Yorl-- for membership of 1.000.000. Ruotolo is the sculptor of the "l'rince of 8or ws" bust of Cardinal Mercler. FAMOUS DWARF, DIES ' : welched six pounds and at the age of -every crowned head and eminent per- :ir she uas of normal size. i son in every country sho' visited. I , The wedding of Miss Oertrude S2ast make an economical success of it she IflDDLsSBORO, Mums., Countess l'rlmo MaKri, THE PHONOGRAPH GUARANTEE BUY A Columbia Grafonola the family the whole year round. Frighten up your home with a Grafonola, Enjoy all the great musical artists In your home. TERMS IF DESIRED PLAYS ALL RECORDS GRAFCNOLAS, $25 and Up IUXT IIKKM v M.W RECORDS The first records by this won derful orEanization are now on ale let u JIay them for you. A28II On MM Streets of Cairo Aitl I Mj IJJil) Anns. A2HIS Till Me Why PrT. k ii own to the nd Hugh Kyle, a m of Mayor Jm may have to be gone a week and cover II w M Kyle of Btanffoldi took place at high a hundred miles of territory. geneiai puuuc h noon Wednetfday and was one of the Condition.- in a few or the larger Thumb, and one of the best-known notable weddings of the winter season cities which Denekln ha wrested from hlliputians in the world, died at her bccau.se both ... metul : the bolshevists are beconiimr fairly home Tuesday after a long illness. known faraU.es and are both popular atabilised but in hundreds of the She was 77 years of age and had trav- in the eoclfil set of Salem and Oregon' smaller rlllaJte the utmost economic eled around the world Agricultural coltagre where they have chaos prevail. Prices vary widely in different towns and the rouble never has been the same value In two ad joining village. So the thrifty house keeper, buying a week's supply of po tatoes or firewood, or seeking cloth for the children's clothes Journeys from town to town seeking the best bargains. The high cost of ItVtttS is just as much a burning quaation in south Russia as it is in America, but cost of Mrs. Thumb's first public appear ance was at the age ox i., unuer ine management of a cousin who operated a "floating palace of curiosities" on the Ohio and Mississippi river before the civil war. She met P. T. Rarnum In 1C2. Then IUmk h..r t- ut.,', r hi man. Its hlislneiw In the went agement It was a tour of triumph All aaseta except V. B. Government through the camps of the civil war Bonds, are In western securities of and In foreign capitals. Uubstantlal worth. Res, office J10 Mrs Thumb's pjullc career occupied Beauregard fit. P. O- Box 38. HERMAN CLAUSSENIUS Npec-tal Ageiil IHA1IO STATU I JFK INSCHACE TO. in van usnv vspfsay attended school. The wedding was a 1 Icharmlng service at the home of Mis ! Kast's parents. Mr. and Mrs, S. 8. j Fast 1320 Court street. Halem and about 50 relatives and intimate friends were bidden. id severa. jmeit under the management f th- late P. T. Harnum. Countess Magri was the daughter of James S. and Hulda Bump. Count MaKri. her husband, survive. E Robert Warren of CorvaJlt acted ! . ' ' ." .. pi i-i relijibie Lnformatioll on the wi i.. .... . commodltles is nt near,y n definite. Following the ceren,..,,, ; Bttmo cf all sorts are bandied aie wt-iKiiiiK inviiMrt.ii. - -.. , Mrs. Kyle is one of the most popular j members of the younger set and many delightful affairs have been given f r i er Blnce the announcement of her about. A traveler arrives In one town and announces that the price of pota toes is two roubles cheaper In the next Village. The economical housewives s.et out for the designated town. One of the world's most famous dwarfs, Mrs. Thumb measured only 32 ! Im hes in height. She weiKi.d only i , 2 J pounds. Born in TTddleboro, Mass.. about 1S44, she outlived all the. I pi iifaii Hal associates of her gener ation. Her fir.st husband., Oeneral Tom Thumb, has been dead for 30 j years. Her sister, also a dwarf, still .smaller, died 3h yearsr ago. . ine parents were oi jarge stature and numerous children born to them. Of RADIUM SILK 43814 Sweit and LjOW V2HI I FaK-hi- i TH0.MPS0NS' DRUG STORE Wmr WWJ!!" y' :Yr: ffr:l r'!- 25 Umatilla Flour & Grain Co. Mgr. Nico J. Blycfenstein T'.wn office SJ nd Warehouse? 220 F.. Tot.rt St. 1800 West Alta Phone 1014 Phone 351 HAY. GRAIN, COW FEED, CHICK FEED, HOG FEED, SHORTS AND ERAN Retail and Wholesale WATCH THIS SPACE ' n'f BARGAINS! Ground Bnn- per 100 ibs. Whole Osta, per 100 lbs Egg Mash, pi r 100 lbs r Mra'i. per sack Shorts, per sack Oil Meal. p r 100 lbs. . Beans, white. S!r.all, a sai Beans, red. per sack M:llfeed Back Scratchfood per 100 lt Skookun I' '''' ' '. sack ALL KINDS OF POULTRY SUPPLIES $3.35 $4.25 $1.03 $2.Kr $6.50 $7.50 $6.53 SI. SO $5.00 50c Oil UCKHECMT RIO. U.S. PAT. OFF. AMY SMOjE For the man who is on his feet all day a more comfortable shoe was never made. Hence the widespread popularity of the Buckhecht Army Shoe among business and professional men, sportsmen, outdoor work ers, miners, farmers, mechanics, etc. A good, practical Shoe for evtryday wear I Built for comfort and service built for you! Remember the came Buckhecht f stamped on every shoe for your protection. Get a pair today 1 FOR SALE B BOND IIIIOS. BLACK CUNMETAL, MAHOGANY CALF OR INDIAN TAN CALF We are unpacking today and displaying a momentous show ing of new, clever and exclusive Pictures BUCKINGHAM Manufacturer & HECHT San Francisco Ma aiatfrinl e.hoscr .'.r t h h r . rudium silk o a flu hatiEl' t from pale tauv to hii.i merlns gold. Tbe nkirl f nia-t-.' n boullant style, with Ure loKU at the hip graduating lo umalier olds hich merize In the el jl the skirt at the bottotj. iri taba of gold lare pep Iroiu be neath a olt cirOl M coral HIM . i boo it. Let A Greeting Card Carry Your Message Help make this Christmas the best the world has ever kTiown. Send a Christmas Card to everyone of your friends. We will gladly help you. Come in and make your selections from our large and varied stock. Engraving or Pr:ntins; Orders should be in early to insure getting them on time Stock Now On Display mm BOOK STOFii I 1 They are beauties, ideal from the decorative standpoint and as works of art. We would suggest that you make your selection real early Friday morning while the stock is complete and while you can get frames to harmonize with your woodwork. They are in all colors of painting and framing and in most any wanted size. The price is as moderate as you care to pay. W. C. Crawford