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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1919)
mm mm . I - 1 1 1 " DAILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION The i I-' "r. .i.nii la Raatsra Ore son's graateat nwapapr and a a m 1 1 In a i .r.--- arlvra tn tha advartlaera over twfr the gu t ran feed paid clreu- i it Ion In !vnll-!on and I'matllla coua ty of any newspaper. N,""""r 5 xi?5H? 3,011 Thin paper la a MM an J auilll. il S the Audit llureau of Oil emulations. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL 31 DAILY EAST ORKGONIAN, PENOLKTON. OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1919. NO 4897 1 irgjaSoiiipt) BIDS FOR ROAD WORK TO OPEN IN DAY OR TWO Contracts for Nearly $200,000 Worth of County Highways Construction to be Let Fol-j lowing Early Advertisement. SIX PROJECTS WILL BE UNDERWAY FOR WINTER DAD AT PULLMAN HAS L TWEN n "'JRTH CHILD Ti : u a HANKFUL FOR HERE IS TRUE THANKSGIVING SPIRIT PUU fff - j Mis. ll.JSv C.J Mr jf with .-I " ? Hatch e REV1J v'aHh., Mot. 27. ay today present- Miiir "Id husband J baby. It Is J v Fourth oil t Id. MM ADOPTED B' COUNCIL Havana to Helix Stretch Chief Among Highways to be Grad ed, Gravelled: Survey Done on Pilot Rock Road. City Fathers Vote 1920 Tax Levy by Dollars and Cents and Appropriate $500 for Conviction of Murderers. "Ida for nearly ;uo,OUO w.irth of limy .-oil w Hk will I,., ai'..: lte.iilrod hy lw to Mate It tn .budget fn dollar uii. I cents Inst .1.1 or in mills, tha otty OOUDCil hint night ad opted for the second llini' its hu.lir.-t for tin- com I UK year, for general purposes li... levy will Ih ... u. t . . .. .... .... . iu ,.t ,,,u, ween. T,,.,. fKri.M w,.r(. arrv t the ntra. ta v. lb I . Ifl aj tout, as law a)- i ousts of a mill levy for gen.n.1 pur . wa an In -. i ; .n the , x projects i poses an.l a 2 mill levy for afreet, nay lie can- I on. throm b. ut the! Ordinance repeal, ng the former tax w nter. I old tn.t u c. passed one week ago, and Chief .he l.'ultiMva to be submitting the Raw, had to ba pre-! r a led nr. I M.. .-. Pi.i in the Havana jscntud. Both passed unanimously. I to Ilexis root, 'j .1 ir'lc. Hie hon.l 1 An ordinance appropriating from ectlon last nln tr j r tided $90,000 ,th city treasury $Sui) aa a reward for I r thla Mii-cli, whb.h la considered j ' he person who cauae.i the capture on Important lateral connecting with 11,5,1 conviction of the murderers of the Oregon-Washington highway. J- -v "urK' ioi ami tleurge K. Parlnffer The 7.71 mile, between Sunnvside " 1 1 ' ' '" " '" passed iim.nlm l.nd Umaplne, leoently located hy the Mate highway commiaalon. la to he Im prove. I he irrntltiir n.,,1 VMw.llna Thlrt. -Five thouaand dolara la the ..'""; -l-;y !. for the reward. a it ' w.u v.ii lo the stute (fire marshal to visit P ndltton In the MaM ftttlM on un iiiMtMM'tlon tour. It In ex.'t'ttt'd that a rcim tit ntativc- from tli .t fiffw M il ..mill. aaaaaaM .. I.t. fca.. wiiff ii int.p nrc in iti ict m runirnn t )(. t)..TI ,,f j,, n't'vnr, in aTrercn rroni rnilton up ,m .. v .anH anj '-- agai j MEXICO'S REPLY REFUSES TO ! LIBERATE U.S. AGENT WHO IS HEED ON CONSPIRACY CHARGE Note Declares Case is in Hands of Local Authorities and Con stitution Forbids President's Interference; Next Step Will Probably be American Demand for Investigation. II Ul NDERTAKES 8 MILLION A granite canopy Is covering the world-famous boulder, "Plymouth Rock." The chair man of Plymouth. Mass., select men Is virtually the mayor of the town. new Disciplinary Barracks Will he Separate Institution; Out ranking Other Two Federal Military Prisons. MCXICO CITY. Snv. 27. The ' Mexlom foreign office handed tha j American amhnaay a note laat night de. Ir.rini; Mexico eannot cede to the requap f..r the releaae of Amerlean I Consular Agent Jenkina. imprlaoneni f..r allege. corulplracy with handlha wh.. recently kidnapped him. Tha note which ran a reply to the demand ' by the American atate department, de ciered the caae la In the handa of lo- caj aiithorltiea. and that the constitu tion forb:ds the prealdent to Interfere with affair of the various states.. Ic contended the t'nlted States demands hnve no basis In international law. The note said Jenkina will be well treated, and receive all attention dua to hi position. Hope la expressed that the atate department will auspen.l -Five thousand dolara la the ap propriation for thla road. Thi-ov iiv commit Four other projects, each of about three mtlea, will he Improved. Only ly. Till sum. together with tr.Mi rais ed by the eight ouncllmen, mayor the Little Walla Wnlla river havlnft i been designated for Improvement by County forces whlrh are now being aspobled In Pendleton. Two road In the west end are In the Mr. Hail.-y Imnrovemeet or'irram. One Is th pay htm h rigbtllii.- an.l building in the . .l iulp- OLD MAN WINTER WHETS APPETITES WITH CRISP SUNSHINE, BRIM OF PROMISE, ON 1619 DAY OF THANKS Quarantine Officer John H alley Jr. reported the elopement of one of his x patients who resided on Ra, THANKFUL WEATHER'S NOT ic- piu i-i, i in niiiii wi; j-' i : wh'-li nt yHtiTdii' rnotuiiiK to lHlt. h- HJ.hi. Mr Ih said ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION STILL MORE BELOW ZERO Dlaffunal road from Hormlaton t"Wrd lo bt n boh of tlu- nluilff of Vull.w Columbia, a fl latin CO of I hreo nillft ounty and Mr. Ilulk-y wond-t c.l ' and th oihor m from fftanflold hip w htJtllT ho Kliouid adviao the i;nviit Pialfo Oulrh, throe mOaA Tflf th'-- ml' ai'tlon from TTcl'x awt to n con p.. tion with tha C Jd sor.ffira-rvndla. rt .if.ti rmd U f flnol of th ttlx plaraa of r -id work. Siihovm rvmtIrto to laku the younr man Into rtiHtodv w)in lie arrit; at Die pan ntal flre aWt. The abwn'-e of a fctreel Vuht at the' corner of Kiil.-y an.l (Jarfi Il $trmtM for more than a month w.u alao re- nvasaw1 t.t- lr If.ll.w -i-i. : ffxrvVH h 'Ve hn eomnl. ffd on thr f ml!a Ih Jmm u The merlin,,' waa hrlaf und-the only other buhlneva , i,.i 0f act'uptinK the Novernh r aalary liat and ordering Home bills paid. 1 1-:N V Kit. Nov. 2 7 . The Hocky Mountain region is thank ful today the weather latt't far ther tmlow ze. -. f x below 1 Denver and 30 helow at Taler r i nfv.; are r firesentttt ive ternperaturea. Heavy snowfall i- quite k i ! i UlTDUg ho ut the Itorklea. Wyonilng" and 'Montana T'eivih-ti'ti-rih-t T.nrk hfifhwf v for 'hl'-h Toaan hmM han n!Trorrtnted. Should the hli'hwav an"lneer furniah the county with complete plana In (imp, thla r"nd wl'I he advertised for bt0 tm winter nlao. Oradlnv and irravelllna; nn I Ha Pry Creek ae- tlon of tlie Mfltn-VeKton portion of the nrecron-WMthlnKton hlKhwuy waa Dompletad Tnfjaday. The ?n mn and eoulpment eneeimned on !Drv Cri ek heran mo vine lo WaatOtl Ved'ie.lnv ;ml will ftnlh movlne to dav. On PYttfaV rnidlne work on bOib aMra of WaatOfl will he Btarted. The bulk of the work will he on tft north -enft ''ic of Waaton hut rleht ol wav from the WHncv plaec will he Worked over. Th crewa will he nt work on new location in tha Weaton vicinity ond there will n"t be any det ura. the conntv roadnin.ter anya. A rot k pfrinT wiil leave here tomor row to he adrled to the AVeatnn forces and Worh Will h" t ihed on the n"W pninta today weather. reported aul MEN WHITE SLAVE CHARGE ip.r PROSHRR, Wash., Nov. former service men last night kidnap ped Waller Mills. radical lecturer. Just hefore an advertised meetlnir. H' was driven rapidly to a point Ifi miles Itegular made-to-order Thanksgiv ing weather, clear and cold, and with that crisp tang that whets th appc : tite. Is old Man Winter's contribution to f'endlet..n's hoi day today. The winter sun shines on a city that lis truly thankful Whether It is ba. i cause of the bountiful harvest, or be- oauao ti e hoy in blue and drnh are tiotno after pnd:n last Tnanksgtv tna ovarsaas, p, ndtatoa show of rejololnit Beneath the hilarity that aCoompalned a turkey dinner, there is an undercurrent of deeper Joy and heartfelt thankfulness rnmi the peo pie of a nation hlessed .:nee more by peace. And because all happiness has its alloy, there is a thought for the ones who paid the price for that peace, and for whom the gold st!irs in the w- stand es a mute tesCmony. Churches where special Thanksgiv ing ST vices are l fne held are erowd cd With PendletOn people. Special mus;e and addresses mark the Services. MERCURY 6 ABOVE. RiVER HIGH BUT NO ONE GOES A-WADING I.KAVK.WV )IITH ICinKaR XV.v f7 i A new disciplinary barracks rebuilt ! I,:'l f"Pnt until the cae ia aettled. lo jby prison labor, forms an eight mil- "a,Iy- Jenkina must either be proved HOB dollar project for Leavenworth. ! 'mocent or guilty. Plans for it have been approved by j thfl War department and construction j To Ir-ituiml IVfail is now under way. With the single WASHINGTON. Not "T. Amerl exception of the cell house. every pa'a next step in the exchange of notes building comprising the present bar-j"i(h Mexico over the rie of Conaular racks will be razed. Aeent Jenkins. mprla ned at Puebla, Grouping all departments of the In- probably he demanded that the stitution under one roof, the single , arrana prvernment supply more building to be erected In sections by complete detsMs rf the charwea prison labor, involves a scheme of araln.t him and permit first hand In buflding to be stretched over a period vestigation hy an American repreaen r rroni six to eight years. On ac- ; tatlve. it in learned at the state depart- ount of fluctuating numbers of pris- ment today. t oners available, however, no accurte The Mexican fo this tfovern- estimate can be made of the date of ! nent note has not been received hut tae department offic'ala have been 'r formed it baa hen delivered to the American emhav. In Mexico City. IHircs fnvcMtiga.!inn completion. At present inmates of the barracks number about 1800. Itelic of Civil War Days. The I'nited Stale disciplinary bar racks is almost an institution of Civil war days. Some of the present build ings were erected between 1S65 and 1S77. Other additions were made as required when new branches necessi- , tated a broadening out of institution Rvevything for the ThaAkaarlirina day observance came high except the "uddmss. irjp rmoniaUr. Kvca tho river is ris- The new atructure will havn a Ing but hoiia went wading tody. it, maximum frontage of 668 feet, a Mtt-ti was th OOOleat Thanksgiving dav since ma"notn dPth of 2m feet and will SIMI f-- . , ... , . ). .toplu l kauUk. aa.- i. ii.irjr i'-i'it'i jjuuini; ajconoi in tne 3 ucifiiu mi me mmmm tubes and substituted mercury. With the exception of steel, materials Karly this morning1 the mercury of construction concrete. stone, stood just 6 degrees above zero.' At brick- will be made within the 10 O'clock it was It above and at noon birr;ck8. Hock quarries, lime kilns but 'i. The barometer, indicator of Rn1 Brtc plants are easily accessible, coming weather conditions was elng located on the Fort Leaven- allghtly above 31 inches, indicative of w,,rth rcservatiou, within a mile of the more cool weather. It may get cold Major Iee Moorhouse .local observer predicts. John Walker, an Indian, waived pre Ifiiiiuary hearing on a white mnWi olumre before l '. s. fjomin leaf oner B. A. NWherry this morning and hta h arlng was set for 9 o'clock Friday. Miss Keah Segers, also an Indian, was Ordered held as a witness. They de clared thu would require trial. The two were arrested in a local rooming house togi t bar nearly a week ao, Pbqpe detained Walker itna, were ...... r-aa, nr,( noultry dealers win. for the oast ertuilt hm ra t ...... . -. . i p ..r, ami Hwaawa mtim me i tatlve bird and all tho trl l walked to Khma, hired a car and was featei ? v streets and atOrea raon iii i rosser at u u clock rnmi- c rowded with holiday shoppers Inent oclaUata, armed with shitgun The Aaaoclated Chart lea, the Red met M'lls and escorted him to (.rnnge Croaa and the Salvation Armv have hall, three miles west of town. The not been idle, and report that 'in a meeting was held there, unmolested. hunt for the poor and needy In the First Meeting of Creditors Set. The first meeting of the creditors of Milton W. Smith, of Statifield, bana rui t, has been set for 10 o'clock on Monday. December 8. The meeting will be held in the offices of Thonius FIW OerwJd, referee In bankruptcv. in tl rit ill. city, they f.-imilies In parity Is genoial barracks. A farm colony, stone quarry, ma ehine shops, clothing shops and fac toriesadditions made since establish ment of the barracks are to be housed in the new building. Admin istration offices, guard quarters, hos pital, store rooms, factories and fa chine shops also will find a place un der the same room. Separate institution. Architectural plans call for a dis tinctive plainness. Inner courts are to he so arranged, however, that every room will have windows on the out side or on a court. A sufficient Dor- i According to unoffeclal reports, tha replv is a refusol of the American de ; ""-and for immediate releJase r.f Jen kins. It 's understood the govern . enl desires to have M. E. Manna of ! he American embassy in Mexico City, j go to P'iebla and personally review the entire matter, making a secret re j oort to the state department, which would be checked up with a detailed j report the Mexicans will be asked t I 'nrnish. Meanwhile It la auggeated his erovernment wMl a'lv Jenkina to take advntnee of t Mexican offer To oof him free on bail. Tf the Mexican report doea not agree with Hanna's or if the Mexicans re fuse to supply more detalla. the I'nited States may send a flat ultimatum to rarranza. ordering Jenkins' release. In the meantime howeve. it will be made clear .th;.t no dangerous crisis exists and that the entire situation la expected to be settled peacefully. ave found pr.ict Ically want. Pendleton's pros- Man of the new buildfna will he ereo they report. TO GET RICH GET THOROUGHBREDS IS TIP FROM STABLES Workttom Adams wna left off. rleht of wav nmainen oytm caino ,but k(.,., lhf. w1Rau Mnder BUiveil ronimls"loners Inat week. The onlyj'lunCc hi a rootningoue because of detour In the entire distance f rom t lt iiireatmed attack or neuralgia. : perdlelon In tho state line Is that fttaj The) came horoafroni ldunr. arm th west of Athena where he pavtngj According to WaUtera story to thej I police, the eoappe was at Graldendal, i Wash., last August for a time. He j took the woman from there to Idaho where they spent several weeks. In- vestigation proved, following their ar- j , Ival here, the police allege, that they were unmarried. The woman Is alleged by police to j have been one of the parties to the fracas tn the Arrngton house Monday ' night which started rumors of a wo- ; man being. Slashed with a razor. Her alleged companion in the afiair. W. it. Adams, is now serving a 1 1 day entente in the city jail. HOME FOR THANKSGIVING PENDLETON POST WILL Vendleton Tost. American Legion, will have Its regular monthly meeting next Monday evening. DaoatnHS 1, at 8 o'clock la the assembly room of the countv library. Several matters of legislation to come up were acted, up on last night by the Judicial commit -tee. , . The pout yesterdav received word that executive, committeemen of the Amerlean I.egioi. department of Ore gon will meet Saturday In Portland. A Ball was Issued Wednesday hy Wil liam Fnllett f Kusrne. slate com mand, r. on his return from the na tional convention in .ninnea......n. i..i..i,,..l stars to DC ihuie at meeting will be lo revise the state con- prls-ss 6sr. acres of excellent Wheal stttutlon to agree with tho national land, slates Maior K. U Swartaland constsilution of the American t-cglnn. er of the Umal Ilia Indian aeency . who of the officers Will Siao ...e ...-" .v.... i iibui ,o ,oe i.iii.i Chairman vee-cnairmno. a. ... and treasurer will also give Kight of the tracts are on the south '., military titles. sldp of the river, while the remaining U TRACTS OF INDIAN I LANDS WIL BE SOLD Sieved tracts of Indian hind will bd old tomorrow at the Indian agency to the Iho highest bidder. The land com' Nm m chatoJ' d ifcratar: way f Pendleton has no members on the three are on the north side. Sealed state cxi ruth e committee. bids villi be opened at the agenOV un til I p. m. The hinds will go to the highest bidder. IRL WIAIliD rCRUS) jjjl Tonight and - T7i" " FOR LADY NANCY ASTOR I.ONI.ON, Ni v. rT. Teady Nancy t r w''l fl ed to ber bobamrs former seat in the house of commons ' by n maimity of 4noft is the forecast of election experts today. i yooR av S- V ( THr ToRKtV i I ROAST IN ( NRW YORK. Nov. 27. Don't play the markets If you have ambitions for wealth. (Tet a good horse and wa ten yo u r bank ucco ant boom. This tip comea with a perusal of the season's record of Sir Parton star f the Commander J. K- L. Ross stable and the leading money winner ed to house one department, before the present building used by that de- j partmenl la torn down. The t'nlted States disciplinary bae I racks is a separate institution from th federal prison located here. The disciplinary barracks at Fort ' t .TI Veil i ill h iI Kv fnt- tha trirnnor nt three federal military prisons. u I'T tne season. ntranks the prison located on Gov- In hlr',",n starts the wonderful eminent Island New York and that '"'-"'ar old colt earned 89 '50. He it Atcatraa Island, California, started hv winning the Kentucky $30.- 908 derhy. He brought in 25 000 In Ihe Prp-iknes stakes then won the , t'eimont SII..tO stake and the wither., event. Sir Harton was bred hv John K. Madden. He made four starts aa a '"vw O'd but failed to show. Late , lat vear he -was purchased by Com mander itoaa for a reported price of ;r.nno. Th's vaar he wen eieht races, flnlsh- e 1 conH three time and third twice. Man o'War. the rUenn Riddle farm twa4ear Old. la second In aeaaon's wrewlnea with Jsi Then come Mi 1 Hatter with $5.4a0: Purehase. . 7in Varatloua S7.M0: and Be rrwa " "5. This aextet of stars ,won J3K.520. METEOR EXPLODES IN AIR, PUTS OUT EIGHTS CHICAGO, Nov. 27. Atmos pheric disturbances which caused wire trouble, put electric licht ;ind power plants out of commission, and smashed wind-ws in Michi gan and Indiana, last nicht was caused by a meteor which ex plr.el d the air. according to i weather burtu offio:als today. EDWARD E. KIDDLE. OF UNION COUNTY NAMED ON HIGHWAY COMMISSION. SUCCEEDING J. N. BURGESS SAl.KM. Nov. 2 7. Kdward K. Kid- enthusiast an.l took an active part In die of Island City, state senator from P"tine over the 11.500 000 road bond l nlon and Wallowa counties from l"u r""- y trnlon county. . . , , . I"rlng ihe recent war he was proml- 1913 to li has hcen named by reI1v identified with the Red Cross ..pernor lo succead tlie I ate J. end "'her patriotic drives. Kxeept for his Mr VMM in the upper house of the N I'urgcsa of Pen.llet.Mi as the east ern Oravon mam ber ..f tae state hinh- r.ite lealaiatw has has never before aray ceajnMtaasran ai r.ting to an- tel.! public office. nouneen.e-t Ihis a'ern.nm. Kiddle. It tr Kiddle'a appointment to tho Was si it.-d was n. a an applicant for hlghwav commission Is accepted with the pos-tion had not heen apprised of pamntata satisfaction by Former Com- Wi i rnart act nn at the time the mdaalonat v. I.. Thompson who la ai Intnyenl was given to the press, here for a few days from Portland. sod th r fore. h . t had im oppor- Mr Thompson Is we! bicnualnt-d with tanlty to eith.-r a . cpt or reject Ihe Ihe I nion countv spnolnt... and be. same The appointment is for the re- lleve. he la the man for the place, mamder ..f Pure- term, which will "He ia widelv knovn thro.ishntlt e pir.. Van h 31 ll! all Oreson and la frlendtv to the (one, Kiddle is prominently identified ro..i movement - Mr Thompson aaid with the milllna an .Nt.frk liulustriea ii, wilt hav Ik. u. . a . ... , ...... ......,. ne n is spent Ihe work the creat. r part of I s life. He has Oregon . Ions" bvcu r,i;iiut.l as a good roada after.' and will are that Kaatem program Is well looked