-EastSr.COrejioniari) FOURTEEN PAGES FOURTEEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 9 TO 14 SHCTION TWO PAGES 9 TO 14 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 191D. CEN TiiALfA REDS TO I AT OEuEMBER TERM Motion for Change of Venue Will be Argued Friday; Two Courts to be in Session if Case Goes to Chehalis. CHKIIAI.IS. Wjuh., Nov. I'iiIpkh OtWgt I). AIjbI, JuiIkv nf (iruyi Harbor 0 unt, KninU it rhiinxi- of W Rll ti t ht 10 iiii iiiherH oi th- itutua trial Workei-B of the World Who arr In Jnll In (hla city ahwvad with firm dcrM murder for thr erltn "f klllli.K the four fx-wrvlco men whot i. oa". 'rnlhi Armlatlce day, November 11 their cuaea will bo act at till ttaaul Ml tlm doikel for Iho Detrnilor ti rin or th- I.ewla county auperior court. Which wua fixed tentatively yeatcrdny by W. A. lleyni Ida, Milxrior Judge of thla county. Th- he.irlili; on the mo-' Hon of ituli.h 8 Plaroa of Taeoma f" n chnnii of venue for the I. VV W. lulaonera will be iirmird In tbla city on Frldny of thla week. I When Attorney rierou moved tv dlaiiualUy Judke vv. a Raynolda frog, niiTlliii til,. i-u-.-H mm ri I the I W W Able wjih paatfrii another ciih- Iti'lijlla. The raai- wiin ii t ."-n led him. Attorneva any tluit .ludae I Abel will he the loKlral in.-u, I., try Itheae iiih n, M under the law when ll Judge la dbtquallfUd till i t I only 'the choice of one other Juduo before whom the. lama nmy be heard. A"dde from the I. W. W. caaeH the docket la one of the hcavleat in tha j hlatony of Lewis county. There are j nln t-tnin ciaea, the mo.l Import. int o, lb' so being the aarjond deirrea mur. dor I'l'.trjf" aviilnat Walter ''line, charged wit brourder of hi brother-in-law, Kirk Aaluiry, at Morton aom month iiho. In addition to the jrt:ite caeae tliere ure a number of civil aulta to he tried. : Should the I. W W. coaea be tried' hiye. Judge I(e nolda baa made ro v alon for two courta to alt at the name lime, the one fit the cnurthouae, the other at the fhehalla city hall. RAISE MOST PURE-BRED Forty of 68 Umatilla County Livestock Breeders Reside in That Locality According to j County Agent's Directory. Hopeful weta atill dream of brlna Intr In the new year In n patrol warron. yr.i,rrv sritvirii SANITATION The Pendleton Tradinp Co. wishes to extend to every home of Pendleton its wish for a cheer ful Thanksp-ivintr. We feel we have a great deal to he thankful for. With the world fast adjust ing itself to the new peace and the new condition of life Drought about by the war, our future looks bright. We want to thank our many patrons for the business you have given us in the past year and wish to assure you that our services are always at your demand. Pendleton Trading Co. "If if in the Market We Have It." Ilfrrnlxlon farmrr ra'e more pure bred livtBlfirk than do frmerx from nny ot her n"ct,'.n In the county, ac cording to h directory of os I'matii'a county livestock breetlrrn. Jut com piled by Fred Be nnlon. eounty alien t rort) f tho breeder. fto Herinitji. is ti.Hr addrewne. 1-Vlh.wln i the directory: short Horn DrogdoW F. T. ird. I'llot Kock. Mole ItroH., llkiah. (ton I trtin . ITklah. XV. I.. Itavbnrn, Venton. M t. Ilea uchit nip, 1'mapine. Fain farp., Freev;iter. Fred O. U'IImoii. Pilot Hock. ftlftrlas N'elsnn. Pilot Hock. W. A. tlltllam. Pilot ROOk. Dr. ( W. IjiKcen, Pendleton. St iitkIh and Whitman. I'endleton. .?c-rc IfHNlcrs Henry M. Hom merer, Hermlfiton. C. Paker, Hermlatnn. A. Wairti'-w. Hermlstnn. James S'oit, HermiKton. G. A. ('re.fy, HermlKton. -'praKtie. f lormlftnn, K. Kp nt er. HcrmiMon K. Hennel, HermlKton. BoiMOl, Hermiston. J;i ek n. Hermiston. Kit III van. HermuMon. ITinkle, Hermbtton. PhllUpH. HermiMton. Myern Her in 1st n. Fra n k XV h i i if a m a n . He r ni 1st on J. h. Hold, BttrmlaHon. K. P. Dtdd, Hermslton. TnOffiaa Campbell. II rmlMt' n. J. W Cm mpl-ell, Hermlston. Honry Ott, H'-rmlnton. Wm. Itohertu, HrinlMton. .Tor ler Hermtfton. .AnoM H ihmann, Hermlstnn. WalUUM Soec-r. Hennl8tt:n. A. A. Btsby. FrcPwa'rr, :Get this straight'' cays the Good Judg-i , The tobacco that tfives you the most lastiajf chew is the kind that saves you money. Yoa don't have to take so many fresh che3. TIrj rich tobacco taste stay right with, k. Thai's why you take a smaller chew. EAL OBACCO CHEV but up in turn ttylet KIG:"f CL'T is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco tm: 77 GREAT SALT LAKE IS SALTIEST SINCE 1909 i rr 11 1 1 A. XV i M. T. P. R. RAW l.AKK CITY. 1'tah. NOT. 26 Jreat Salt Lake is naUier now than nt a:i- ilme Hince i:o:, but a good rain will freshen it again, .according to J. Cecil Al ter, government mctoroloBU-t. "The lev! of thf lake Ih now lower than It h;is been nlnce Jan nary 1",. ISO' p.i'd Alter today. The ahyol'ite aiiount of salt in the Ink-1 nrolablv does not vary appreciably, and has not varied Fince It was first se.n b' white men, but since the amount of water varies with evaporation and preripltntlon. the relative relative salinity increases as the level falls." Alter afd th lov stace of the !al e usually occurs in January when the feeder streams are frozen at their s-uirce a,nd that thf hit h p'.ipe usually recurs laf- In Jone. shortly lifter the safOn of herivlvt jreeipita t ion. ard a'tr the jieriod iff rapidly melting snow. OFFICIALS ATTACKED Ml Be Hi If your Thanksgiving Dinner is ordered here FRESH PICKED TURKEYS LARGE ROASTING CHICKENS MATCHLESS MINCE MEAT. LARGE NEW YORK COUNTS OYSTERS SAUER KRAUT Phone 187 AND ORDER YOUR TURKEY NOW L BERT? NARK FT K. K. Pean pre '-water. R. O. Sa under. Fr'"wat'r. W XV Phllllppe. Frewater. T. K. Alexander. Free'ater. Autjust Pelse. HerniUtnn. Hols- ne treIers Hi-nr.v Pr indie. He must on. t.lH'rnv Iireile. C. C. M ot it, Hermlston. prouder tlrnp-hlrt Hkmpton jf Outltfordi Kho. lltffllK. Jltn H-sHns ftnnflel l. C IT. Pnlnster, Hold mart. -lee HreMlei- I una"s. rr(-ire H(it, Herinistton. C. C Mis'-n. Herm'ston. Con. Ftrohm. HTmlston. C. P. Adam. Hermtston. Pftlaod ( hi nit G. M. Jfeks'in, Hermit on. if. f. t 'I' nws. Hermiston. pl-k CohBTfi. Hermfston. M"t n T:ithew, Herm'ston. vy"n rni"", Hrrnilnton.. II' id. HrTmlf-ton. v Sooimrer HerTniston. rtenn. T-reewater.. Kirk Frewnter. Pan !ster. HOidltiaA. . I. C. "Oi'fl Hrtnlston. ,T M ttfrln. Ti'eth. Poultry FreVofs S. ('. Milto I ertrhorn. W. A. F-rd. Fnmtllln. i;eMrn Fhh in-. J. M Morris. ti, K'eth. C0-Fns PROTFST RIIUNn FOR FRFF Fl FCTRICHY AND PORCH LIGHTING W. K. Y PA I.nWIX, Kan.. Nov. 25. porch ItnOoniQf n this colloffe town neemed j f'ntimed today -t-r rather tonleht. I T1aler unlvrsitv co-eds had nothing ' t- M.y on the subject this mornlne, xcfvt tn prdVt a nev ( unci! will bo at tht- next elecHon. Te tronblf siart'l when citlf npojlnien votd ye' on a ilan to f'Tnish fre. tIrtMtv to resident-1 for iioreh llcht r'dvidetl the propertv owners allow ed the Htfbt to burn all nlfhl every nivht. The rident .is to! stand the expense of wirina-. . Tho city fathers adopted the plan "ith the Idea f making every Paldwln reft J "wht wa". Ini1Icnt!ons to av ,nr tirt rslfleni have trenralT skon 'avor with the idogan 'a liiiht n every porch.' " IHTHAflTS FJHF SOUP P'T IF UM'ON I ARFL IS . NOT ON FALSE GRINDERS SPECIAL FOR YOU REST OF WEEK ONLY Extra Fine Quality Potatoes $3.25 A SACK This means money in your pocket. The first of the month is almost here stnrt the new month off right, open an account here. Despain & Lee Phone 445 209 E. Court ryrucrq arm WAS BUSY EXPL A'MS "TO PR'Vrrq AS HE PAYS $10 FINE T"llM.. '-v, N-v The .. nnihir "e" i under th1 bnn it T,, j, . nnd vc'iv men who de-'e to gooon w'th tilr wooha't f v -n., do th.-'r hnwlnt outside r, ,t". ' !ps rneeMIv r thev hap ! '-., v .vMnA qio"n-ed hefor I t fthoill 1 ? fcITU," sab1 " O ht oM wrth 'he tirf". TT'.rtfrn PY IIMIOM l-'v Y'"K v. SI yom 11 Ise tceh economica'1 v and be c.are- ful of their w pnr and tear." Th' nmmfna' was Nuted to New VcrV's tothless hundreds by Lionel Lfltod d irM -.irr of the Dental Work j ri1 l?n!nn, who nays the citv will face I -i falM teeth fa mine n nliess it can Iffi' o ihi- nfHflctal grinders aende to j ho union demands rIiief ainontr re J atb ;f the union is that th- union lbel o put upon every set. BISMAHK. NOT. 26. Whether an effort to impH h thre state officlabt tw'c elected to ofice with the indorse ment of the Nonpartisan leaRuo but n w at enmity with the leaders of the farmers party will be made durins he extraordinary session of the North Dakota legislature, opening today, ifl a matter of specu lation. Thf lei;iiat'ire will he Nonpartisan In majority. The offic'als who may he attached are : William I-ji nger. at b rney general ; Thomas Hall... secretary- of state; and Karl Kositzky. state auditor. 'r Opposition between those thre offi cials and leaders of the league, grow ing for sometime, eulmlnated last month when I-anfer ami Hall, as Ji , majrity of the state banking board, closed t he Scandinavia n American State hank f Farco. N. P., against ! the vote of the guvernor, third mem- her of the bhard. I The Itank carried paper for the lea- ; g'.te and allied organizations and was held by the hanking1 board to he in- j solvent because of alleged excessive , loans and farmers' post d;itd checks , as collateral. Th Nonpartisans de- j el a red this move was an attempt Cfi ; tucyik the league financially. Tn the North "TVikota supreme cntrt the bank j was dei lare l solvent and returned to : the directors. fc Matter to cone before the pedal sess'on are: the federal Kuffrair" amendment : aid f"r f,i rmers in lt'tth strleVen portions of the state, r rid , frtelPtate carrying out the industrial pro Tram inaugurated by the farmers' legislature last January. SWITCH OFF! Put aiJe the Salts, Oil, Calomel, or P:"s arid take "Cascarets." Are you keeping your bowels, .liver, and stomach clt an. pure, and fresh with Caecarets, or merely trnSppfni v few davs with St i to tens and otheri W1W seek to I's'jJillsh peace in the coal minimi ,p.t.y- W(p no Qp prosecuted if the rp.l th B ordinary speed limit. them into anion every tew da Snlts. Cathartic Pills. Oil. or Purga t Wot ere? Btop Irivinu a bowel v.-nsh-(!ay. I.ei Caacaretii gently Tieanse and rcirilatc the stoma' h, rcmo-e Ihe sour and fer niontin food and foul gaBea, take the exoeaa blla fr mthe liver - and carry out of the colon and bowels all the constipate;! waste matter and polsoilt so you ran strniuhter. Up. Cascarets tonight will make "pu fee! great by morrilitff. T'ney wrk while you sleep never gripe. sirken. or cans nnv inc nver.ience, an.I coat so Prtle too. HOUSE WIRING VACUUM CLEANERS b t aP-T saving today ''pi!?. Initial paynt'Di lltl brlo(S you tha Thor It 1- like a lint deposit in a savings bank. Subsequent payments only add to your savings account, tor not a ling-ie wash day can go by without the Thar bring ing an actual saving. ' Clothes last six times as iong when you e a The Thor hat no belts to break and alia Or catch. The Thor Is sell-cleaaable. Thr atalog c'ira'nates all over loading dangr-. Yob can do big washinz 'a aa Lour with h Thor. Why Not Now ? Would you go bmu:U to .he tallow andle or al oil lamp? tit oouree yon wtuhln't. Why then do yon aottfll do your washing In tho dd way. Tlii rub, rub. rub la wearing out your olotlics and your v.if's tM-nltb. Washltu; Ik a woman's ha rdi-st work, and if you :ri her a TltOIl BLEX7TRIO WASHIXt; MACHDfE, you bare done mmeM toward your and lier luippinesft in the homo. Arc yoa iroing to lei tho matter of a few dollars -t.ui l in the way? This wonderful mac-bine nooii pays hir i:-' If. Conic in and let us tell you how ca-y it will be for you to get one, I At us give you a free demonstration. Call cr phone lo:t7. Chas Milne 108 East Alia St. Opposite Alia Theater Klct-tiical (.oorls of All kirn!-, nml Contrai-tin? WASHING MACHINES ELECTRIC FARM PLANTS DR. J. EDWIN SHARP Dental X-Ray by Appointment Gyal Articulated D,nture Inland Empire Bank It Ida. Office Phone 830. Hon e Phone 79 CECIL COSPER PCKLIC ACCOCNTAJTf tNOOMK TAX ADV'ISKM Srnitb-CrawtorrJ Bids Gttpoaita Piidlewn Hotau Phone 1036 DOWNEY'S MARKET We are thankful for your business we appreciate your former patronajre and cordially solicit a continuance. PHONE 600 iMmtn 'ren. phlpvard woriT w hurt t1"1 wMn'tl " m ,..P shhtholttnT nln in nalelan , TU mnm hf firm rJm;e sine" the rfHtnvnrd fnp-pii ' t'l nrn wan atteokad bj union ayaipathliara. p EGYPTIAN PFI FfiATinw ASKS FDR rRFFOOM FPOfvl BRITISH YOKE PAR TS. NoV. ?ff. h" KRvntfan dlemtion here t nday bwuad n utata moot appaalfns bo i 'resident Wtlaon t o remove Britlall domtnl n ProvH HuM'tian aftmlra. BftTPl is determ'n ed not o accept hot protectorate, the staateiadUL tie.Jaje.J. j THE POST WAR is the most sensational low pear puller or. tho market and the rear end has been made strong enough to stand the strain. t.et us show you what it will do. Soe us tor bargains in used cars. Neil & Barker Co. MAXWELL DEALERS jngjrt six The 1920 Elgins are Now Here THE ELGIN SIX HAS EVERY QUALIFICATION OF A TWO THOUSAND DOLLAR CAR. FOR A PRICE THATS RIGHT. CALL OR PHONE FOR DEMONSTRATION BLUE MOUNTAIN MOTORS CO. INC. El GIN WESTCOTT HARROUN 101 ater Stfeet Phone 780