aA015 KINS FOURTEEN PAOES DAILY EAST OKEOOHIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1919 I I 5? EAST OREGONIAN SPECIAL NEWS OF UMATILLA CO iiicmu. hrothar of Mra. Heath, rama from Combk Arkanaaa, Huturday to make thalr Roma la Orwrun for aom lliiif. Mr. Hi in ii : . ii -i In aolnlf to oc-nd FIRST W TO OREGON 3KsSaSrss (Kiiat urauonlan Hiir ltlfcTH N'o 16 H A, I dauftttcr Zalma, brothar Heath of UIHh. and Willi II !. MVinKar, 'i nttjl 'ion fori. Pea Tfeatn it 1. 1 j y k ijwniraton ivafa iiii'.i; vial to ra Sunday 'IkM. ( Uifi Iruhl ai.d BloUtSr return pom alilornla lum week. Htuth ;uil diiuKhtt'r, Zclma It Reaches You Fresh Vacuum Packed Remains Fresh Indefinitely Moat Economical Coffee PaaMa Ifiath, Mra. H. Landrun. Uulj Wraatler, Mr. W. H. Jlnrrlaon, Mra Frod Patera, were Pendleton vlnltor Mondu)'. Mr. and Mra. A. IS. Yodor un) OaiiKhter Mary are Mulling thla weel in AdttmN. Mr. and Mm. A. It. Hamilton nr. pending a ThunkaMivinir vaoattea till week with frlend In Corn all, V h lnaion. liofga nrftrta left Sunday niornlnV for a vllt In Tekoa. WnahlnifUm, with frlenda nnd relutlvea. rl Ruth Kill m viitinc with her ir-ifor In I'endleton. 1 She expepu to i turn to her home Sunday. William BUI a, who hua (old hla dairy JMlOw Hlelh, expect" to move to Itleth. Mra. A. It. IUkkh I. as been Ill ut the loma of her parent. Mr. and Mr John Heath, for a. week with thi qulriay. ' ''harlen (lordon of paadtatoi ttai fxitlnft her mother, Mr. I'al1 ' day. Mra. Ball returneit from Tacoma a few daya ago. Hhe brought her little grand daughter with her to atay. William Bimmona made a IjtialneaF trip to Pttot Hoek Monday. Mlaa Lillian Kngllah returned to work at the Kleth depot Monda rilKht. ) Mlaa Jean Clark waa a Hlelh vlalt or Haturday and Sunday. She wan vla I inar her brother. P, W. Clark i 'ri arang la now huay in Itleth 'he unoccupied box rara. Mrs. A. Marlln of La Grande, an I mall daughter and little aon were guesta of Mr. and Mra. I . Marlln thb week. They returned to La Grand Monday evening. Mra. Marlln took her aon Paul who haa been Btaying with hla unele, Iogan Martin. Mra E. M. Wood?! baa returned tr her old Job at the Kleth Hotel. (I H''S 1 Liberal 1 Education I WW LH W- Ail 1 -9trir- lii in kmm urn aw iu r.muin uunuuit Our Guarantee Your grocer will refund the full price you paid for M.J.B. Coffee, if it does not please your taste, no matter how much you have used out of the can. You Save More money when you buy M.J.B. Coffee in the 51b. Can Alto Packed in One and Three Pound Cans m real ) i tw-rS motored to AtiVnr t i' attend nc tmpn&an ! n fine time. A banque " he'-f. ham, chicken, sal i fcke and eofft. Thjnr m Adams were, F. M th Walton J. C Chernu harly P'irrh, Pre en'e ren. BultWlt Rl irhd, Karl Hush and San Jft. I b spending th' TV-it Inn wrr ! ! nt h - e fro- ctnn. Muddy v 'MPLEXION workfnir np th -to wmik, Tf th '.virn R will snon l d YOUR COMPLEXION is muddy. You look hag gard and yellow. Your eyes are losing ttcir lustre. The trouble is with your liver. Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will correct that. Then avoid meats, hot bread and hot cakes, take frequent baths and a long walk every day, and you will soon be as well and as beautiful as ever. Price 25 cents per bottle. b jiiiifiimniiiiim I Prtr T'-nVin nnd Miss Rit en umap of Tondlctnn were the pi 1 est . ' . t. "i-iv, c-nneer over Sunday DftTf nf M'nn was In Adam FondAV t.: attend the T. O. O. F- en- i"Tment nt A her a. Mr. T7 B'lieh nnd Mrs. riarV irn-' in Robert were In Pendleton Satur- Mi - '""rr -tnd rh!Mrn wfre In Pen 1 . n P.t:irdnv Mr c 1 Mr, T m'th n-' Mr. and V' H in ' H r in fl -ndle in Sf r ftttrt Mfm T.iiia 1 'en Mr. nnr 1 : IrV&lfan, wre in Pendlet'T iltd T-s ,T O K-ile nnd r . 1 innntr the Pondletop '' tixinh Of Tdaho, was In Adam rfi ' A r i.w's ard son of at.e thp auestf fit Mrs. path" Bid p'onthfr Mr. and ra T. T t le'-al'en this week. Xv ftnd At"s fmrl Simonton nnd itldrer nro v''tnir friends and rela- in Adams this week. Johfl T"er Inner of Oakdale, Wash... is RftlllnR on old friends in Adams Mdav. ,-r ,,t. frc. Tt. Klrhv nnd children pen llptc-n wre Adams visitors esdny. fi " nd AT-q a. K. foldOT nnd 1 r( 1 M Of P'eth are visitinc ftnds and rcftitVNi in Adams this TO MAKE AN EXCLUSIVE GIFT SEND H Mr Ii Our g rap 11 Pmrm!a were It1 isdav. ntshed fn n tn now haul from the immn- lOCO THREE MASKED MEN rcnr? ft ItWU nini imr. 1 inner You should arrange your tppofotmant early . if you expect us to do your photography It is none too early it takes lime to turn out work the WHEELER WAY Wheeler Studio 230 E. Alt. Phone 533 ! fa within qu&rta rs. .1 .1 samhUnf dnh hen- , Hr.Pd Up the rln er J Q LS01QB, an". ajaiUBLpw Pom estimate th jd ftftO Th ClObhOUxl few Mock? of pollec h.irf 'I"!n' flrl had i n sent down to tl i....k to fetch b rn.t cf water. Ill aod fftxUtV at the flaWtBK strni iparenUy ot in thOUf;bt " Wl'.at's the waiting: for?" saitl 1 ittes, wbo was watc'nsr- Punno " weurilv replied hnbb: Tups she hant seen a pailful ii i.v yet.' London Ttt-tUts. All It Ncolv 5 jajaiBMpMajiplwwia turnip mtM-d ratal, K.ta.toea and mo lassea. Crlmaonbeak Well, all 1 needa I a mn nortlon of meat to make it a goulasb tbeu, youkcrs Statesman. The object of Hearst's is to entertain and enlighten. Through all its entertainment, however, runs a certain serious purpose a definite mission. And that mission is to discuss, elucidate and solve the vital j questions of family and public life that peo-, pie everywhere are themselves considering. hfjy "And when I laughed at him, thi flew into a rage!" THE SMILE OF A SORCERER By ROBERT W. CHAMBERS Pat JJ, Ilrtlru'l for ftwembtr "The mad stallion swerved from the main trail . . 'I'll catch him and ride him till his heart breats!"! BETTER days By GOt VERNEUR MORRIS Page SO, H.aru't far Na-vembtt ALREADY at the very moment you read this a thousand particularly intelligent men and wpmen are asking newsdealers for Hearst's for November. Minute by minute and hour by hour all over the United States this will continue until 500,000 of the most progressive magazine readers have secured their copies. The others, disappointed, will have to wait or be satisfied with a lesser magazine. " ( YOU, perhaps, already have your November number. You have looked at the Table of Contents Ibanez, Maeterlinck, Conan Doyle, G. K. Chesterton. Or nearer home; Judge E. H. Gary, head of U. S. Steel, on "Something More Than the Pay Envelope." Or B. C. Forbes, K. C. B., Walt Mason, Dr. Frank Crane. Or you have, maybe, turned first to the Art Play Book Science of the Month. One thing is certain, you have noticed the real authority of Hearst's its splendid serious side. r-r v e-Jj "I saw Joe fall heavily. The sight maddened fne." An incident in the life-story of Marie Ganz "Into Anarchy and Out Again," WILD JOE AND I FIGHT THE POLICE By MARIE GANZ SS Hearit't for Ntrvar.MT BUT you say you buy a magazine for its fiction. Good! Here in Hearst's for No vember are stories by Robert W. Chambers, Richard Washburn Child, Arthur Somers Roche, and Bruno Lessing, Arthur Stringer, Edwin Bal mer and Gouverneur Morris. Besides these are three English writers, F. E. Baily, Derek Vane, E. Phillips Oppenheim as well as Maurice Level, the best of the modern French writers. All these and several others in selected stories stories that will make you think! yFrom the window above a light suddenly rested upon the face of the climbing thief a list crashed against Dick's forearm. THS CLOCK WITH GOLDEN HANDS By ARTHUR SOMERS ROCHE IF you don't particularly care for a magazine that will make you think if you are not inter ested in a magazine a bit beyond the ordinary you won't want Hearst's this month or any other. BUT, if you want the works of the world's great writers; if you want the words of the world's real leaders; if you want the thoughts of the world's great thinkers; don't fail to make sure each month, starting today with November, of getting your regular copy of Hearst's Magazine. L A. Magazine witha. Mission m. i.kiim.ws n.,n sioRi:. thumb-son U t.. r UAZll IS. R. E. KAl : IMtCG x.. A. I.. Dl.LAP, WHICH HR... I . C VlfrT DAY. lllUtbT S MUAZi.Nt; iS OS sAl.i MM I'ENDiarrON AT THE IXK.I.OW.