PAGE BldHT DAILY EAST OREOONIAN. PENDLETON. GKEOGV. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1910. TWELVE PAGES lllnlilllllllljy Ml i i -- a,m - Hi 5 The greatest Thanksgiving day in the nation's history is almost here. Thanksgiving day will bring the first great h oinecoming the first family reunion fn thous ands of homes all over the nation. Boys and girls by the thousands are coming b ack home to celebrate the big national feast. So many were away last Thanksgiving in the s ervice but now all are home and mother will want her table to look its hest and the feast to be perfe ct. The stores whose ads appear below w ill help t o make the big day a decided success with their quality of goods and right prices. I v K flit " v ; MP A i llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllillllllltllllllllllllllllllllll', MAKE IT A GOOD ONE. Eat Your THANKSGIVING DINNER I At THE QUELLE I CAFE. ST TurUe with all the trim- E mings; home made pie. IwH Btc .1 tist the kind of a E 'J 11 dinner mother i.scd la E 3 - M turkey doesp t satisfy, s try some nice chicken, a s nice j-itey steak or roat. E We cati-r to particular pi ople. E viMiMiiiiiniiiuHiiiiiiifMii:iin::iiuiuiuniuniiKiiimimiiiHiiiiuiiim iiifiiiiiiiiiiiifiiitiiiiiitiiifttiuiiKi ifiiiriiifiEfiiffniiniifiiiirniiiiinii; GRACE YOUR DINING ROOM I ON THANKSGIVING DAY There's plenty of time, come in tomorrow E I and we'll have a new suite in your dining E E room before Thanl; ;: morn What's E your choice, mahogany, oak oi walnut? 3 The price wish to pay. lUlllilillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH.: vol- wn.i, ENjai Yiint THANKSGIVING DAY Mure if-fthe "Trimming" OOHM from The Charles Co. E i'or deeeert try ttie 3 famous Hazel wooit S ice crcan;. a box of s our fancy candy for E the ladles and ctf&rd tor the nu n. ZZ A good dinner is E easily spoiled by a 5 poor "follower." E Make sure it is good. oider from here. S I'hone 7 715 Main St. E Tiini 1 1 1 1 m r n ii u i m i m uri ii n I ii ti 1 1 1 ibi n i n nt n 11 itn i inu i iiim m n m in "IIIIIIIHHIMIimillHIIIIIIIIirtllMH IHIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIMIML: MATCH THE HOLIDAY CHEER 1 WITH YOUR CLOTHES E Another festal ev-nt Is Christmas. On that day folks S E lke in look their bent. niscriminatitig dressers men who like tli- iliin :s you M ki will wear hand tailored clothes. E Will you? E -j AVOID IHsaitoINTMFNTS E Get out of the eleventh hour rush. If you come now, we ZL ran promise positively to have your suit or overcoat ready E rs i'or you by Christmsfa Zi llllil i . C. CRAWFORD t'omplitr Qoine Furuiaber Huh 4e io:t !:. Court E JfHMIiMWIIIIIIUmtlHHItUlllinillMIIIIIIHIUillinilMIIIUIIIIIIIIHIIIII 5 Hotf-I Pendleton Hid!.-. Phone 1008 g fllllllllffflllllf(l(aiil(alailffj(ffaaf1 ?)IIIIIIIIIIIHI!!Milllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllll VVI-; EXTEND A nnunAi, INVITATION to TOO I TO COME AN D ENJOY A REAL HOME 1'OOKKH ! a Thanksgiving Dinner BUCH AS MOTHER ONLY CAN' MAKE. Ti l:- KKY. DIUBSSINO, CRANBERRIES, OOOD HOME MADE I'lES. CAKES AND AM. THAT MAKKK A REAL DEU- 1 CIOI S PINNER. I The Jolly Inn Hdtcl St. fifMirK E Main strt't Ilittranee. piitiMittiHminniiMMfiitiiiiiiimiiHiiitHiiiiiiiiiiitittMMiuiiftmfffl GETTING READY for THANKSGIVING ? llinillllllHimfmiimnHMIHMHIrtHIHmMUHIHIHHinnHHi int. GIVE SOMETHING USEFIL FOR I CHRISTMAS PRESENTS We have a complete lino nf I iiih-Ii oeltleH and Art Goddift. A wide Mrlection to choose from, inont any article afiij all in eh-vn fle.sinH. Here yon will find Nomethlni; excluMlvi", Hoinethiim uweful aa well as ornamental. May We NtittKi'st Some- tiling? Now Is the time to drejw up for the holidays Oet your new Winter hat while the reduction offer Ih on. dllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM!: I GUT FLOWERS I VIOLETS. HKY.S.TIIi:Mr.MS, CARNATIONS, HOSES. TABLE FERNS, lll.OOMINi. I'I,ATS .lust raeolvcd a InrKc slilpmrnt nf njp, HYC'INTH, N.n isiss AND KAFFIOMHL 111 I BS. G. W. HOOKER, Florist 52: Mailt St. Phone ,-,22 Store op'ii Ehranliun, Mail grdera kIv-h prAd aiO'iitinn. E iiiiimiiiMiiiiiiuiiiiiiuHiiiuiimiNiiniHiiiii uiiiiihiiimiiI iiii 11 iHiwiiiiMHHuiiiiiiniiiiiiNliiHiniiuiiiii Hitntifiig A Christmas Gift That Money 1 Cannot Buy f E If lcelc-MH in its value to the fortunate recipient, yet E E within the reach of all (fivers such iu. the photo- E graph. On account of our care In the details of S : poring1. flnlHhing and mounting our Htudio ha an enviahle reputation for ;nperiolty E throughout the country. Z E DO NOT IM 'f OFF YOI K ORDKB BUT ATTEND TO IT .NOW. E Bowman Studio 1 The Smart Shop 1 EXCLUSIVE MII.I.IM ItV B M"'" sirc t Pbgoe -loi I ,Tt 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iiiililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiilli IMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Thanksgiving Day is a Failure Without I Plenty of Good HOLIDAY CANDIES We huve the largtst Btork or tresh home, mu'le cancllcs In Ilie city In either bulk or box candy that Ih cheap In pr ice and extra eooil In quality. THE WISTARIA n:ti Main street ,.,,,. 9)IHHIIIIIIIII,1lIUIIIIIMIIIlIHIUIIUUIIIIIIM IHIIIHIWUHNHli llrtIHIIttHlHIIIIHIIHIIHIIIIIHHIHnHHHIIMllllnIHlfillHlH Try njoa droMe4 Turkay, oo,.. luick .,1 Chleken fro in thla markal DOWNEY'S MARKET Phone mm 'lionf IMW rflllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIli; r TT I lllllllimWIIIIIMllliMIWIIIItissjuiijmi f n WM" nnnnm :iui Main strei t