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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1919)
MOT BIT DAILV EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1010 FOURTEEN PAOES ji r SOCIAL AND PERSONALS Mr. Thomas Thompson nnd Mrs. H. l. Burroughs are to be IMafaajafl tomorrow for a meeting f the Thurs day Afternoon club. Their guests will lw entertained ot the Thompson home and the subject fpf the day In Ameri-runlxation. Mi -a r,ld - lturchfield of Missoula Montana, arrived in Pendleton yester day to visit Mi Lola O'Neal and Mi Koi O'Neal. Mi BurchfitM nnd the 0Hetl girls, who are twin, attended school together In Missoula, Mr. Wilson MeXary of rendit ion in In tomn to attend the horse show nnd will remain for several weeks nt the Imperial hotel. Oregonian. lavender club members are to bo guest of Mrs. Tom Robertson at her home. Ill Madison street totijorrow afternoon. Th- home of Mrs. Anna Storie on Uiver Irlve, is to be tho scene tomor row of a nieeMna o tho Spiaxorlnk turn club It member being asked to . be her guest. In La Ci ramie today a host of Pen dleton women are guests at nn nil-day session of the Maccabee lodge, and after putting on team work In the i neighboring city are to Initiate a class, i the candidates being; Mrs. Nancy 'Smith, Mrs. May, Mrs. Wendt, Mr. Bksltl and Miss Hita Ferguson. Pen dleton officers are Mrs. M. A. Fergu MM, cmiuander ; Mrs. Mary Kirk pat- HOI'l-s 1 ISTA1KS APlWltr.I. SHOP Women's Suits at Half Price All Coats AT GREAT REDUCTIONS All Dresses (Both silk and wool) GREATLY REDUCED GEORGETTE WAISTS ranging in A AC price up to $7.50, now vt. u OVKR TAYLOR HARIVAnK CO. rick, lieutenant; Mr. Homer KNeh rocord krepor: Mr. Oe-orge (Daniel, flnnm-e sudltor; Mrs. Hurry McFHrlnml. niUHicliin; Mr. Jamrn Prtyne, mistress of arum; Mrs. HattiA Davis, chanlain; M ra . Martha Hassoll, past o.:nim:inilor ami Mrs. John Oreu Uch sergeant. Members of the lodKe vho planned the trip are Mrs. Dunham, Mrs.. Will Daniels, Mrs. Smith. Mrs. David Hott er, Mrs. Jesse McGce. Mia. Terry I Uuuser. Mrs. Prank lirown. Mrs. 1M ! ward- Stanslerry, Mrs. William Dale, ! Mrs. C. H. Conroy, Mrs. Tilda Walters. i Mrs. Hl.iom. Mrs. Jack IiedinK. Mrs. Theodore Herrier, Mrs. (. Bisslniror, Mrs. T. Bowman. Mrs. Kim Morton, j Mrs. C. M. Wright, Mrs. t O. BjrbM j and Mrs. M. A. PerRtison, inemtiors of I i the team and Mrs. Stephens and Mr. i Charles Daniels. Mr. nnd Mrs W. I,. Thompson, for ' nieriy of Pendleton, now of Portland. , were pilosis of Dr and Mrs. Otis H. 1 Wipht and Mr. nnd Mrs. Alma D. Katz I nt the first nlRht event of the horse show which concluded dedication day of the Pacific International Livestock Exposition In Portland yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. James Stnrgis of this city, were present at the show and were guests in Mrs. J. EL H.iyden's box. Is Yoin Complexion What it Should Be? vn tf r cmtJiam it tf and tall y i f it ki iit its taflfritk linti tarn r alert its natural, imiitk.r milk ie CTAD Oidric O 1-ZlJ. V Massiuje Vibrator ELECTRIC massage at noma will bring out your beauty. A few days' treatment will work won ders. Come in today. Fre demonstration all this week in our Toilet Goods Department. The STARj ELECTRIC MASSAGE VIBRATO sells for $5 complete. It's guaranteed to do all that aiy vihiator will do. iry ill PENDLETON DRUG CO. Tin: ri:ai.i, BTORS 5 compl ete Mrs. Paul DeFord and little daugh ter Jennette. of Portland, are guests at the home of Mrs. PeFord's parents Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Slehert. They ar rived yesterday enroute to Portland after a visit in Spokane nnd are to he here until after thanksgiving. ( . Mrs. Clyde K. Phillips returned i from Portland this morning after an i extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James MeCreath. Mrs. R. G. Buchanan and little , daughter. Elizabeth, have returned i from St. Anthony's hospital to the j Buchanan home at 423 Madison. NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON R! to arrange for the raisins: of funds to buy company ensiwiis ami flitKs: Com pany Nn. ) , Kichard Lawreiu l.loyd ne and Arthur Kudd; Cumpani- i, Bon Smith. Iti-w, McLean and Smith. Appointments for tho second company have not boon made ua yet. Mrs. F. E. Steuslnff left on Xo. 17 today for her home in Salem after a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Hoyal M. Sawtelie. Mrs. Steusloff is Mr. Sawtelle's aunt. Mrs. Ci. C. Creen left this morninff for Portland after being In Pendle ton as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Charles H. Carter- Manuel IVilro In From 1-Vlio. Manuel Pedro, of Echo, was in town today on a business trip. Will .ie Party. The freshman clasa of Pendleton hlsb school will give tho other class es of tho school a party next Saturday evening, in honor of the football team. llAor yu are "v-ide nwake as rr flM an owl" at niht, and can't "keep your eyes open" in the day time yo-4 tertainiy need SUITS 1-2 Price Every Fur 'Irininietl Suit in the shop nt one-half price. Navy, Trieottne. Poiret 'I'will and Serge Suits in Staple Styles, suitable 8 print w,,'u'- Frcm $17.75 to $45.00 COATS AT BIG REDUCTIONS $15.50 to $135.00 Heautit'ul assortment of Plush Coats, both short and lony;. Cloth eoats In the finest materials, plain and trimmed. DRESSES Velvet. Silk, Trieolette, Trico tine ami Serge. Most wonderful alues. All reduced. Now $18.50 to $67.50 The Thomas Shop Formerly Known as Th Pari Let A Greeting Card Carry Your Message Help make this Christmas the best the world has ever known. Send a Christmas Card to everyone of your friends. We will gladly help you. Come in and make your selections from our large and varied stock. Engraving or Printing Orders should be in early to insure getting them on time Stock Now On Display FRAZIER BOOK STORE LONG FACES "Cascarets" for Liver and Bowels bring back Smiles Turn the "kill-joys" out the head ache, biliousness, indigestion, the sick, sour stomach and misery-makiiiK gases turn them out tonight and k'-ep them out with Cascarets. Millious of men and women take a Cascaret now and then and never khow the misery caused by a lazy liver, clogged bowels, or an upset stomach. Don't put in another day of distress. ' Tet Xascarets cleanse your stomach: remove the sour, fermenting food ; take the excess bile from your lived land carry cut all the constipated waste matter and poison in the Jjowels. Then I you will feel great. A Cascaret tonight straightens you out by morning. They work while you sleep. Here for Conference Mrs. Jessie f. McComb. state leader of county agents, is in Pendleton to day for a conference with Mis Ella May Harmon, county demonstration agent. perfectly eliminated u luiju poi sons is r very com mon. ailment. i Lmm4im a Pills cor- 11 n ct it. Uml I. . A. f1. ', ,: rb So i r " . t ,r. K u..i. 10c . 25c. mm. liulv stiKk Man in own. M. J.. Jones, who ha rlM ptork in t he Tale region on Isolation r'l-eek for a number of yearn, waa a visitor to Pendleton today on business. Man lkM to Walla Wallu. Deputy Shfriff llenrKe IlmicK. or Walla Walla last evenlns came over for John Miller, local officials arrested out liutter Creek Tuesday for Ural. wlla. ire is dursM with steal- inK two rifles and other property from a rooming house in the larden City. t i NEGLECTED GOLDS ARE DANGEROUS! UllHIHIIJf M NM Ul 111!! ii II If I II If IlilltlflNfiiii illlll l!llirijlJ!NIIIIII(lUrillltHHni!lll!llllllII UlHUJUiL Umatilla Flour I & Grain Co. Mgr. Nico J. Blydenstein Town office Mill and Warehouses 220 E. Court St. 1300 West Alta g Phone 1014 Phone 351 s HAY, GRAIN, COW FEED, CHICK FEED, HOG FEED, SHORTS AND BRAN Retail and Wholesale WATCH THIS SPACE FOR BARGAINS! S3 Ground Bone, per 100 lbs Whole Oats, per 100 lbs $3.35 Eior Mash, per 100 lbs $4.25 Bran, per sack $1.00 Shorts, per sack $2.Rn Oil Meal, per 100 lbs $6.50 Beans, white, small, a sack $7.50 Boans. red, per sack $6.50 Mil If fed. sack $1-80 Scratchfood, per 100 lbs $5.00 Nkookum Pancake Flour, 4 lb. sack 50c ALL KINDS OF POULTRY SUPPLIES '"'" "' I ti'lM iMimiMNHim'IMI Ml I M I m I HmiiSrr llMlMil .rtlllkllLtf -I ...llill.....l.N.Hllll.iUl.ll .. Dr. King's New Discovery soon breaks a cold and checks a cough CHILLS fever sneezes and then a hard cold develops. Take a little Dr. King's New Discovery when the sniffles Bturt. It will soon check the cold, the cough-provoking throat-tickle. Lsed everywhere by people who know why it has been on the market for half a century. Believes cold, couph, grippe, croup. No disagreeable after-effects. AU druggists OK. and $1.20 a bottle. Give it u trial. Bowels Behind Schedule? Liver acting lazy? Bring them to time with Dr. King's New Life Pills. Gentle but sure-acting sys tem cleansers that are tonicky In action and pleasing in results, still 2oc. a bottle at. all drug stores. fulled by rx-alU of Timber Operator. W. C. Culder of liaker, prominent timber man and good roads enthusi ast, who has been in Pendleton on business, was called home today by the sudden death of Mr. Shelton, a timber operator. William BUkkely ;m South. William ISlakley. retired farmer, left today for l.os Angeles, Cal., where he will join Mrs. lilakely and Mrs. ML It Chessman, their daughter, for the winter. They will visit relatives in and near I.os Angeles for the winter and return in the spring .Mrs. Chess man going to Astoria to live. Ordering Basket IhiII Suits. Orders for basketball suits are be ing sent in from the high school by those Interested In the coming basket- ; ball season. According to the coach, j there is some promising material for a good team in the school and ull In- j dicatlons are that a successful season will be experienced. Con Dung Low Louies Place Fine home-made FISH NOODLES Chili Con Carne, Span ish style. Chop Suey, Chinese style. All kinds of Soup. Short Order Meals. Good Steaks. Lunches, Coffee, etc China Tea for Sale UNDER STATE HOTEL Cor. Webb and Cottonwood Bts. Pbon M7. Pendleton, Or. Want Cafeteria al High School. A cafeteria for the high school is advocated as the military drill period extends mo far into the noon hour that many of the boys are forced to go hungry if they have not brought their lunch. This Is especially true of those boys who have work to do at noon. Tho high school girls may serve lunches later In the winter to accom modate those who cannot go home to dinner. This plan Is only tentative so far. "When my son Charles w SboUl eight years of age he was subject to attacks of croup and I never felt safe .vithout a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house. That remedy when given according to the directions relieved him Immediately. I can not praise Chamberlain's Cough Remedy too highly." writes Mrs. Charles London. Clayville, N. Y. Woman to Woman. When a woman has been very much benefitted by a medlcino she can hard ly refrain from telling other women about it. Mrs. I. O. Kelt. Ilma. Ohio I writes "I have a very high opinion of 'chamberlain's Cough llemedy. My I mother had a severe bronchial cough I for months. After taking numerous Inoaurti medicines without relief she ! was finally cured by ChnmberliUi's I Cough I'.emedyy. I take pleasure In : recommending it." Chamberlain's Tablets People everywhere speak well of ' Chamberlain's Tablets. If you are ! troubled with indigestion or constipa tion give them a fair trial. You are cer- Blood Poisoning Hamlin's Wizard Oil a Safe First Aid Treatment How often lockjaw and blood poi soning result from the neglect of a slight scratch or little cutl Hamlin s Wizard Oil is a safe and effective first aid treatment. It is a powerful anti septic and should be applied imme diately to wounds of this kind to pre vent danger of infection. It is soothing and healing and qtiicfo It drives out pain and inflammation in cases of sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, bites and stings. Just as reliable, too, for stiff neck, sore feet, cold sores, canker sores, earache and toothache. Get it from druggists for 30 cents. If not satisfied return the bottle and get your money back. . , , , Ever constipated or have sick head line? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 30 tents. i-jiiaraniecu. v DON'T BlIEY YOUR MONEY In uKly Ran or electric fixtures hen you can have tho artiHtlo and ornamental Jut as welt. A visit here will show that tt cost no more to have nttrnctlve gaa or electric fixtures than It fines to buy the old clumsy and in it -tractive ones. Ours are an orna ment by day aa well as nlKht. They add tone to a room with out costing fOU an extra dollar, flee and Ixdlove, J. L. VAUGHAN Read the Want Ads. It Pays Ycu are indeed very fortunate if you like clever furniture, for this morning we received a shipment of long delayed REED ROCKERS Suil for South America. . I Mrs. Charles Quinney nnd Miss Fo- i phia Ipo sailed from New York for , South America today at 1 1 p. m. The trp i beinK made aboard the steam Up Vaunan, and the destination is Banoi Aires, where Mrs. Quinney; and Mitt 10 will visit at the home of Mrs. Quinney' sister. Later they win 1 go to JCngland and will return tc Pen dleton in a year. They expected to t sail from New York October 15, but j have been delayed fr a month. "POPULAH pck crritw AT, i. A Proparottorv. or" COMPOUND COPAIBA aid CUDEBS AT YOUR DftUCCIST Att for EX MAM? VM K votdSii-tt:Mf;cii rnneral HeM for Charlen .Tone. The funeral of Charles Jones, who w;if; found dead yesterday at Rieth trt.m tho fffrcts of asnhvxi.'ition in a refrigerator ear, was held today with Kev. J. B- Irrland officiating. Burial was made at Olney cemetf ry. Word from fttJal Mesaie M Fosdlck of Camp 1 1odgp, Ies Molnex Iowa, gave Cor- i oner J. T. Brown no Information as to th man's relatives. Miss Fosdtek jsaid that While Jones had made his home with her relatives nt Camp Durfjn. the did not know who his rel atives wi re. A letter from Miss Kos- , dick found In the clothes of the dead man was the only means of identify-! trig tho body. Will Haw Si-lMMl Srol. Several of the artists nt the high school are working on a design for a school seal. This seal is to appear on i the company ensigns of the military corps. The following commutes arc i Dr. C. H. DAY Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Wishes to announce the opening of offices in Rooms No. 23 and 25, Smith-Crawford Building, Pendleton, Oregon. They are in brown and ivcry, a beautiful gift and something that will mnkc any room pressed up in its r-ppea'.'-nc. REED FURNITURE is beyend a doubt the mcit economical in its first co.i, durability and tubstantialness. It always IcoUs g.-d at any ceascn cf the year. See these pretty rcckcrs before they are gone. The low price will make ycu a customer. w. Crawford Complete Home Furnisher 103 E. Court Phone. 49(i