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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1919)
ram im FOURTEEN PAGES TEN PAGES I DAILY EAST OREOOH7AW, PBIfDIETOlf, OKE0OW. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1919. ARCADE Sunday and Monday WAIT FOR MOTION PICTURE NEWS What the Picture Theaters Have to Tell You. ALTA Theatre CONROY'S CASH GROCERY Adults 35c It Pay to Pay Cash at Conroy 7 oz. Crepe Toilet Paper, 4 rolls 25c Van Camps Pork and Beans -.. No. 2 tins, 5 for $1.00 Crisco 1 1.2 lb. 60c; 3 lb. $1.15; 6 lb. $2.30 Van Camp's Soups 2 can for 25c Preserves, 16 oz glass, Peach and Apricot jar 30c Olympic Pancage Flour, package 35c Gold Dust, large package 30c SPRING CLOTHES PINS 3 dozen 20c GUITTARD'S GROUND CHOCOLATE 1 lb. 40c; 3 lb. $1.10 BLANC HARD MILK 7 cans $1.00 AIMWDK TODAY I ( Eft M ti A S Si X Mil- A SOT KElt UCCBSM IV "Till-: lilOsT MAV "The TieM Man" 1m a typical Keirl- Rnn Htnry with .. Wilson In the' leading feminine role and a well-choa- tu supporting tnni. in thia picture I produced by J cHHf I). Hampton, from i the novel by Gnu 6 I. H. Iutz a nd directed by Thomas Heffron, Mr. I Kerrigan na Cyril Gordon, an agent for the Secre t Hervlce Department at ' Wahingtn, scores another suebfeaa, Kerrigan's popularity gained by hi f clever acting In "The Turn of a Ca' d' j and "A Mnn'H Man." will not suffer by the work he dncH In hlH latest pro duction "The I (est Man." The world j f-f com plicated and clever situation j Iresent splendid opportunities for Mr, Kerrigan to "open up," and show hiit ability. This he does in a mout "leasing manner as all who see him In "The Het Man" will attest. His superb acting ns Cyril Gordon is surpassed by any former effort. 'The Kent Man," will be shown Arcade Theatre today. It la one the newgl. W. Hodklnsnn releases. Children 10c Jesse L.LASKy Presents Ethel EES. MSB'. in Men, Women and Money in - JASTIMK TODAY Notice We can now make delivery on STARTING AND LIGHTING SYSTEMS FOR FORDS Ford's own make and does not take any power from the car. Simpson Auto Company Phone 408 E LCTHESR HKVIVK8 TICK SIIIM-MIF DANCE Pro- ".Votice Blilinmlf Tmnnni! hiMied by Law." This sign, or the spirit of thp vies . ;t !' It ronvpys, will tj" found in prac tically all diinclnir pLicen In the coun try, particularly In New York City. In other words, thlH alluring, if some what Inelegantly named dance in Which the footwork isn't necessary, Is barred by the authorities killed In fact, before som people had a chance j to see what it was like. But, "there Is hope," an a well ! known patent medicine man says In the third episode of the new TVthe j serial release, "The Great Oamb,'?," Anne Iuther. who is co-starred w:th Charles Hutchinson, shows that the hlmmlfl dance is done but not forgot ten. Anne, In the role of Nell, the crook twin sister of Aline Morton the heir ess, alpo played by Anne, is discover ed seated in the parlor of a country house. Time Is hanging heavy on her rinnds. and when Billy Moran, In the role of "The Hat," enters, she hur. ar. Idea. She starts tao phonograph with en exceedingly Jazz tune, mSVes back the furniture and shows "Ttie Mat." just how the shimmle donee should be done. ' The Rat" Is a poor pupil, however, or maybe he to watch teacher: anyway, Anne has to do It several times before he gets the step, or rather the shake. Everyone who has seen this famous dance, as well as everyone who har not. at least will have a chance to vle v It at Its best In "The Great Gamble," which will be lh"wn at the Pastime Theatre today. GRIFFITH 1 f Coming ALTA THEATRE THURSDAY ONLY Bob Finlay FAMOUS MACK SENNETT COMEDIAN AND The Famous Bathing Girls IN PERSON GIRLS, MUSIC, SONG AND EVERYTHING Ti....i.,..,,.i..i.IM...i.i . PRESENTS n Truetleart Susie The Story of a Plain Giri Afl ATCAFT Picture 4 Al.TA TODAY WW WW WW wwwwwwwww PICTURE TITLE THAT S STOKV F ITS OWN DOCTOR TELLS HOW TO DETECT HARMFUL EFFECTS OF TOBACCO unsophisticated girl of the Middle West who becomes Initiated Into the ways of the smart set and from then on Is a slave to that kind of life until she is finally awakened and finds that beneath the glitter and glamor of so ciety Ilea a dark current which sooner or later penetrates to the outer sur face and engulfs Its victims. With all her money gone, the hero ine performs honest labor to pay back her gambling debts and those oon Cted for gowns at Madame Ribout's. She awakens the love and admiration if Cleveland B chapui. a weftjttp Idler, who also starts in to make his life more useful by helping unfortu nate men and wi men. Miss Clayton Is afforded an excel- LOOK FOR THE FED HALL 1 TRADE MARK mjr Ja i Hreafms fe'nmunition Shooting Wm Take home ,ce Cream. 1! Delta fancy brick of v are put up in card board carton? and hour. HERE'S TEI.I l lliel Cterton'i New Plioioplay. "Men. 'ent opportunity to display her emo ln,o n.,,1 Monev" Is 4 jtional talents as the picture ahounds Drumatlc. SHI CO H 30 ItopS COUGHS kep tor or.. Hours: I a. m. to 1J: 1 to I p. m. Phone 50? DR. THOMAS C. OMART DENTIST 743 Main Street, Over ths Hub Pendleton. Oregon vith highly dramatic situations. TRY THESE SIMPLE TESTS New fork: Doctor Connor, formcr inorly of Johns Hopkins hospital, aays: M . til on wlin Ku.okt.'. rlitw ot anuir Incessantly and who are seemingly . .t . ; i suffering from progressive jru.. c all mania. ' ; '- of them I'l navor bltV been afflicted had it baon for the use of tobacco, and i.iuus! Mo.tld i oon get Well f t ! a qui '.,il stop the uaa of tobacco. The chief habit forming principle of tobac co 1m nicotine, n dafl ily potnon which. r mm! by the system slowly affects the Dflrraa, membrnniH, Ulltiei and vital organs of 0) body. Th hnrmru I a(fCt of tobacco varies nml dapandi on circutnatanoaa. one will be afflicted frith general d.'bt!itv. Other with catarrh of the throat, indigestion, constipation, extreme nervousness, sleeplessness, loss of memory, luck of will power, mental confusion, etc. oth ers may suffer from heart disease, bronchial trouble, hardening of the ar teries, tuberculosis, blindness or even cancer or the common affliction known as tobacco heart. If you use tobacco in any form you can easily detect the harmful effects by making the follow ing simple tests. Head aloud one full at a regular pace, then atop. If you ul tliul you are nut Of breath, your . art beat Is forceu. trembling or Ir- gular you may be a victim of func or organic heart trouble. If yo. . -el that you must amoke, chew 01 i ,jff to quiet your nerves, you are , .! to the tobacco habit, and are po Livaly poisoning yourself with tb i adly drug, nicotine. In either cas .. ou have Just two alternatives -keei -:i with the self-poisoning process ir respective of the dangers and Stiff tfl consequences, or give up the habil i,l escape the dangers. You can over- ,ie tile craving and stop the habit in v ry abort time by using the follow nexpensfvc formula. Co to any ir-iu. store and Ilk for Ntcotol tablets take one tablet after each meal, and in a comparatively short time you will have no desire for tobacco, the craving will have left you. With the nicotine poison out of your system your general . talth will quickly improve. Sot When asked about Nlcotol tab Ms one of our lending druggist said: "It Is trulv a wonderful remedy for the tobacco Habit; away ahead of anything we have ever sold before. e are au- t. , If in th ..niirtn nf thiiflKeil IV tile. Ill M II 11 I ai'T llr'TH lt TC- rendinK vour voice beconies muffl-d. Vund Ibe money to every dlaaatjafiad hoarse and Indistinct, and you miiHt customer, and we would not permit the frequentlv clear yortr throat, the use of our name unless the remedy chance are that vour throat Is affected nossessed unusual merit,' Ntcotol tah bv catarrh and it may be the begin- tela are sold in this city under nn Iron ning of more serious trouble. Next, in dad money-back guarantee by all Up? the morning before taking your usual to-date druggists, including I endb ton smoke, walk up three flights of stairs Drug? Co. and Koeppen Bros, One need not spend mmh time studying the motif of a motion picture story when it has a comprehensive 'itle. This is the case with "Men. Women and Money." Ethel Clayton s new Paramount starring vehicle, hich w II be displayed at the Alta i PcMre today The story concerns a young and Of Utmost Importance Pure, emulsified cod-liver oil is not medicine as many are prone to think of medicine. SCOTTS EMULSION is a form of growth-nourishment that is of utmost importance to many children. That most children relish and thrive on Score's is a "rrmsm accepted the world over. Gire Scott's to the children and wstch them grow strong! Scott & Bownc, Eloomficld. N.J. HEARST PURCHASES TWO WASHINGTON, Nov. 19. The Washington Times. purchased by Arthur BlifbsifM in li17 has been sold to William Randolph Hearst. Brisbane today announced. He said he also sold the Wisconsin News, published in Milwaukee, to Hearst. BOXERS TO ENTERTAIN PORTLAND SMOKERS pf)HTT,AN'T, Or , Nov. 19. Franc M ilone of Oakland and Joe Gormnn " Portland are two 1 25-poundors who vil furnish the feature attraction for h smoker of the Portland Hoxing OommisaiOQ here tonight. They are hookad for 1 n rounds, as are Muff Tronon of Portland and Pohby Ward f St. Paul The third big bout on the card will be between WeUlon ting of Portland nnd Joe Coffey of BanP ranclsco. Their milling Is sup posed to last eight rounds. 28 YEARS AGO 'From The TViilv East Oregenian Nov. 19. 1811.) t owe 1 1 Rogers and A. J Murphy, 51 Vrftdn were hare yesterday on their business Mary Lano J much enjoy- vny to Portland to t ni lege. The nvslcal nt Mr reotdanoa last night w ed. R. M. O'BHsn is h i Milton 's Making a cure a fruit cannery Ctaorge Barnhaii returned fv'm the Willamette Valley. C. B. Tsaac left last night for Cald well Idaho. L-ffort today The Dixie Flyer, made by the Kentucky Wagon Mfg. Co. The best car you can buy under $3000. We can show you. The Canal Comment. Tn nn infant school the teacher ! t hese the nvraele f the water betne turned t"o i the subject of the usual Bible lesson. In telling the story she occasionally i nsl ed a few Qjuaationa, One of them j was: When tne new wine was pruugm to the governor of the feast what did he A little girl, remembering Wharf she had heard, probably on some fes tive noeaaton, called out: "Here's lick !" Cleveland News-I-eader. T. & S. Motor Go. The treaty may be so worn out by the time it reaches the last ditch tb 't i b can not get across.- Indianapolis Ne. i ;"iria A T g" A T1? THURSDAY FRIDAY lIVriLJCrf SATURDAY Children, 10c Adults, 25c 9 GOOD PICTURES AR E AN ARCADE HABIT vs... illlilllllllllllllllllll mm mi- m :iii!iiui!iiiiiiiii;i The Westerners Is A story that ha" romance, love an ygr.timcnt. It is a story contain ing two wcnderlul children and th s gh iteit little bey fver . hewn on '.he screen. It hs a vivid, appeali n hi in Floy Stewart. It has a beautiful girl ctar in M'ldied Mann".--,. i has .1 thrilling and hand ;ct.c villian in Robert McKim. It h - wc iderful pnthos. Guy Price in ths !.C3 Angelas Her.-.'. J saj i he Werterrer3 throbs with thrills. I bel'cve it is a coupi : c !aps aher.d ol anything shewn in months. This story has few ccmpot il Fe.ther, mother, sister, brother, in fa . . the whole family, will like The Westerners. hiMiiiiMwiuiMiMiHMniniiMiiiiiu:inuiniuii!iiii:niiii!iiuiMiHi:ii:::iiiiiii!i:tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mill Thonc 10 722 Cottonwood