DAIT.V EAST OWrTsOKIA f"m.MW oPFfinn WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 19, 1919. PAOE FOURTEEN WANT FOURTEEN PAGES ADS, CLASSIFIED Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, For Rent, Etc. Classified for Easy Reference ; t ! m MISCELLANEOUS WARD PHOTOS for Xma. take you In your home. want aii column and CLASSIKIUIJ DlDlDCTORY Count tng tlx ordinary word to the lino and chargud by the lino. Want ada and locals, Ilfttm ft r I lilt'. Flrat lnncrtlon, per line 10c Kach add. Insertion, per line ... &c One week (alx Inaertluna), each Inst-rtlun. per line Bo 1 mo. each Insertion, per lino. Ic 1 month contract, each Inser tion, per line 3c 11-month contract, each In sertion, ber line Jc No ftl taken for less than 2 tines. Minimum chariro 25c Ails ! ft ken over the telephone only from East Oreronlan aub scrlhcr and thorn lutt1 in the Telephone Directory. Cofty must he In our office not later than 1:30 o'clock day of publication. NRW TODAY Each new advurtlsemnnt will e run under "New Today for Ihe first insertion only. During eibHequeiit lnertlnn of the ad ft will apiteur under Its proper tleeslflcation. . FOR SALE FOR SALE Continued TOR SA 1.10 ALL kind of Insurance. J. li I'M" , 814 Main Hi., I 'lions 104. FORD Tires nearly new. spcedomc tcr, foot throttle, shock absorber. V.'.ND SHIELD GLASS Put In while you wmt. B. L. Burroughs, Cor-! ner Wbb a-nd College. I ...... , . t, ITT t T"T 7.. im ncw to'' ncw Paint, tools, etc. Very FOR SALE hhorls and bran, the old P,.,.i,i .b7 ,.,. ....... fashioned Kind, none batter. Uma tilla Flour and Uraln. Co. 1300 W Alta. I'hone 3C 1. rOR HAI.H a few fine young cock erels. Rhode Island Reds. Phone 10F5. FOR SALE Ford roustabout, 1915, food rubbers. Make an offer and Ak for Frcntzel. Phono Motor Inn Garage. FOR QUICK SERVICE, see Hud Cornfield. Phone r.2, Crescent Cigar Store. Res. phono 1046. HANDY BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF PENDLETON AND VICINITY This Directory Is cspcrlallly hsevly for liio out-of-town reader who nm want tlie nm ami add sponsible buwlueHe men who represent the following: parlous line. an aww . . . ocro who eland ready to give jou prompt and efficient scmrtoa. WANTED WOMAN wants work by day or hour. Address Box 183. HEMSTITCHING at the Singer shop. Mall orders promptly attended to. PSYClfO.METP.IST Office hours 1-8. 403 E. Alta St.. upstairs. EXPERIENCED ranch cook (man) drive It away. Telephone Garage, op- wishes situation on ranch. Must poslte court house. (have a home for winter. Inquire De- z t mott'a Cigar Store. HI Mr Mm cm Tiiiiiuii nui ro It h HEMSTITCH 1NG Ralph Hassell I'hone 3KS-M. -Mall orders Mrs. -Laatz, Apt., 13 FOR CHIMNEY SWEEP, I'hone Irv ing Snyder. ANNOUNCEMENT ATTORNEYS I HAVE MOVED my office in the FES FEE. Attorneys at Law. Belli Bldg.. from Rooms 8-10-11 to! flees In Despaln Building. rooms 7-8-9. Turn to the left, D. N. Iteber, eye, ear. nose and throat spe-cia'st. Of- B. L KEATOR, Attorney at Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford Blinding. FLORIST POTTED PLANTS, cut flowers, palms and ferns; funeral wreathe, design Geo. Hooker, (lot-tut, S2J Main Ht FARM LOANS AUTO TOPS a A. Lowell, lor at law. attorney and counsel- SNOW A DAYTON, 117 Eaat Court St. Office In Doapaln Bldg. one ar-e of ground and plant. Phone 221-R. pumping V ANTED Good clean rags East Oresonlan office. at The c. A VFU'HKnRY AttnrnPT at I.ff. IF YOU NEED a New Top or Cur- rr.wfor,i m,.irtin. tains for your ee-r. Re Oadwa, 101 Real Loans. Estate, Fire Insurance Farm See us bout a loan. FOR SALE Modern eight room i WANTED Sten. and office asst. In houee hot water heat, four lots, i quire "G" this office. garage. 125 Jane St. Pendleton. Ad FOR RENT E. Court PETERSON, torneys at APTS. AND ROOMS ALTA APTfl. dress 8. 8. Iluttler. Klernan Ave. Spokane, 804 W. WANTED Woman to do small washings for ladles. Room 24, Golden Rule Hotel. J NEW TODAY In the pouring rain Remington 1'Mr WETI'Roof shells shoot Just as well no swollen bodies or softened crimps. FOR RALE Standard eewlng ma chine, chairs and tables. Mrs. Jesse Falling, Failing Bldg. 200 ACRES sll lUlttvated, tialance timber-pasture. Adapted to stock, grain, nay. Good soil. Natural drain-I age. spring water. Horses, machinery, tools 1-2 of crop. Building Macadam ' road to Buffene, 9 miles. $8000 cash. ' Federal loan $4000. A. Ball, Route 3. j i Eugene. Ore. WANTED Work In garage by ex perienced young man. Repairing or. driving car. Phone 272-R. WANTED Furnished house for win ter months. Geo. C. Hill Phone I0F2. WANTED Glr! for general house housework. In small fnniily. no chil dren, no washing reference preferred Phone 26S-J. Inquire 1-1 rferson FURNISHED APT. Hamilton Court. AUTO TOPS and shoe reralrtng. Ill gmlth-Crawford building. rvesi Alia street. BISHOP A CLARK, at- Law. Rooms 3 and 4. JEWELER AND OPTICIAN i - AUTO TIRE SERVICE FOR RENT Room for one or two desirable young men. 713 Matlock. FOR RENT Sleeping room for gen tleman I'hone 33D-H. 615 Ann St. FOR RENT 1 outside room bachelor. Inquire 719 Garden. for LOST Four month old yellow puppy with black face. Knows his name "Hex". Phono 722-W, or return to 803 Lewis St. FOR SALE New seven room houee with two lots, on one of best cornars on north side. Price $1,000 with furnl ture. Call cot. (runt St. WANTED Work on r:in-h for win ter experienced bUM), crtn furnish references. 613 W. Bluff. BEAUTY SHOP BE BEAUTIFIED at Mlew Robb'e hop. Judd Bldg. Phone 10(0. IN POUND. JAMES B. PERRY. Attorney at Law Of.'lce over Taylor Hardware Com pany. WHEN IN TROUBLE call our Service " Car. We go anywhere, any time. RALEY St RA LEY, Attorneys gt Blmpson Tire Service Co., Phone 61. Law- Office In American National iletTer WILLIAM i;. HANSCOM Jewelers-Opticians Pendleton. Oregon, JOB PRINTING AUTO TIRES HEADS, Envelope Bill Heads, loose Leaf Bills, Commer cial Forme, Dodgers, Placards, etc PENNSYLVANIA vertown Cords. Vacuum Cup, Wallace Bros. Bll- I'Dt'li L- cTI.TTVt IMiirnnV at Lass. ' Room J. Mmltli-Crawford Printed to your order. Baa Oregon. Bldg. ARCHITECT I R. M. TURNER, Attorney at Law. Rooms 7. 8. 9. Despaln building. RAYMOND Phone 768 spaln Bldg. W HATCH Architect. Rooms I and t. Da- BICYCLE REPAIRING tan Office. LAUNDRY AUTO Tires Vulcanised, bicycles supplies, Savage tires, key fitting. Pendleton Cycle Co., 228 E. Court EVERY article Laundered perfectly. There's an agent In your town. and Troy Laundry, 08 Garden St. AUTO TRANSFER BLACKSMITHING FOR RBJNT Furnished room In. Phone 349-R. Close I FOR SALE 1918 Chevrolet. , ($6.00. MAN AND WIFE ranch. Inquire ('.olden Rule Hotel want work on .Mr. GcodnottKh, Inquire at T. & 8. Motor 'Cottonwood street. Co., 722 - WA NTED Girl for general work. Inquire 514 Iewis 5?6-J. house- Phont NOTICES Mftlee to itom.M p titofmakton TUv poiitpOIId nnnual nifpilnjr of the atorkhoIdcTH of the Northwttttcrn Front Irr Exhibition Anoclat1nn will be held upon TUfcMfcJ, November SMh. Ht 7:30 p. m. In the office of the secretary of the I'endleton Commrr. elal Club In the Kk' Huildln. T I) TATLOB, I'rePldont Ct H. marsh, icieUry. hrai l Mrrnlnir la far tlip ennient of frm work, i Some of our ItirfctMl Spokane flnnnrlnl InHtlttitlofiH nro controlled by tnriti who rim !t their money UM wheat. Your opportunity tod.iy Is am great. Thla in nno of our lcnt offerlnire: 800 acroa. 100 mlle from Spokane, rood wheat producing aoctlon. seven mile from ainall town; near State road: nil In cultivation; hnw all btB farmetl with n trm-tor; 400 acres, cood clpan summer-fallow In fall whont, ordinary set of building: Rood well; all crop, combined harvester and some other machinery no at $42.nnn on eny terms. Owner Will contract l9?n crop at $12.ftflf, if you are not Interested In this you don I want to buy land. J. F. DKAKY COMPANY 417-41R Hyde Building. Washington. TOCTUI FOR Full kit of car penter tools. Keen-Cutter Miter Box, brand new. Iester Brown, (jeneral Delivery, City. LtPP&Bal FOR BALE at $1.50 per lack. Bring your Hacks. located 2 miles west of Freewafcr. John Mc Ewen, Freewater, Ore. WANTED Throe millwrights. Will ow 1 mt I rr, 1 AA nar h.ns a.l rollr,a 1 BUY bald faCe hOrSC, 2 fare. Vale Milling and Elevator Com pany, Vale, Oregon. The following described animals ; have been taken up by the marshal of the City of Fendelton, to-wit: t flaati vo'irllnv : '. Pmilfl bar ovoi U left stifle. Cornfield Phone 61 Cr.nt Cigar j ng. Horseshoeing our Specialty, Be ,-l ...... rll,.,, hnr. Ttranrt har ,' store. Jtesiocnce, rnone LUBRICATING OILS FOR QUICK SERVICB, Bod THE BOWMAN SHOP, lacksmith- 1 104 6. EX P B 1 1 1 E Nf E I KT i: N" n ( ; R A I 'll E R , desires position. Have references. Address Box 14I. Weston, Oregon. Edit SALE-510-J. Four milch cows. Phone JViR SAI-B Nice e room house. hasement, lawns, garage. loot Haley St. FOR SALE ForO touring, late model, 4" new tires. 2 good extra. Walt Freeman. O. K. I'.arher Shop. Ifotloe to the PabUc I wish to announce that I have sold possession my entire dairy outfit to Homer E. Tilly who will conduct the business same as under former management. W. F. BUAB FOR I A I. re condition. &8torie. 1918 Chandler excellent Price 11250.00. Sturgls ..a LOST AjymFOU ND LOST No 120 Ansco camera from Ford car In front of 12It Iewls St, Reward. Notify Allen-Knight Co. Phone 400. FoR SALE house on 24S-.f. -Well liulldt North Side. eight-room Telephone 14 LOST Retween Pendleton and Echo. Indian pack containing service ring and other articles, finder return to East Oresonlan. J5.00 reward. hite hind fe-t, r. years old. LP right shoulder. 1 Gray, 4 year old. Brand, slssors eight, left shoulder. 1 gray horse, G years old. Brand Bar over V. right shoulder. 1 While" mare about 10 years old. Brand O on left shoulder. If said animals are not claimed by the owners or those entitled to their cost and expenes paid and taken away within ten days from the date hereto, then at 2 o'clock p. m. on the 23rd day of November, 1919, the said animals will be sold to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, at the City Pound, in said City of Tendlcton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and expenses of making this 12th day of November. 1919. AL ROBERTS, City Marshal. 'pair auto springs, wheels, all sizes. AUTO REPAIRING Notice ! B3ka Pendleton Lodge No. 2. B. P. o. Klks. will meet in regular session Thursday evening. Nov. 20th. Initia tion and refreshments. Several im portant matters to come before the meeting. All brother Elks are urged to be in attendance. By order of the Exalted Ruler. T!I"S. FITZ HERALD, Sec. UK BUILT AND REFINISHED CARS at prices yon will like. All ears overhauled completely, .upholstering" Spokane. Bn(1 ,0pH reflnlshed and repaired, first class paint jobs. 1 I I-nte model Hudson Super-Six. L.ile model 4 p:issenner. Premier. Series 9-B. 4 passenger Franklin. Ijite model. 7 passenger Bulck. Ijite model r, passenger Velle. Prices are reasonable and terms are very attractive under our new financ ing plan. Eastern Oregon Motor Co. ' POUND r, miles N-W of Pendleton, Cord tire 34 by 41-2. Owner can have same by calling at Marty & Gert ' sons and paying charges. SALESMEN Economy lines of cal enders, leather goods and bank j supplies, good commissions: exclusive contract and territory: established house. Economy Advertising Co., Iowa City, Iowa. I SHEEP FE UTILIZER for sale. 10 years old no straw. Call evenings : after six. Phone 306-J. I 1 Here's a short sermon for misers: "Shrouds have no pockets." FIRST CLASS Blacksmithlng of every description. Ten can do better here. A. P. Hnrgin. 607-9 Clay St PERKINS & BE ME NT, Automobile Repairing. Ford, Chevrolet, Stude baker or any make of car. Service car at any time. 630 Cottonwocd. Phone 203. BATTERIES AUTO WRECKING GOODTEAR TIRE SERVICE Good year tires and tubes, Monogram oils and greases Bently & Rlr.ehart, Alta and Garden streets. BATTERIES re; aired or recharged. new and rental batteries. Electric Service Station. Cor Garden and Court PHILADELPHIA DUMON'D GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for 18 months. W. E. Chase Co.. J20 B. Court, Telephone 269, Pendleton, MONOGRAM Oils and Greases, all dealers. Eastern Oregon Warehouse Matlock and Alta Sta. F. O. Sullivan E&etixn Oregon Representative. LEGAL BLANKS AUTO PAINTING BT M2TN WITH YEARS of ence. Motor Inn arage, 722 Cotton wood. Ward A. Hoagland, Prop. AUCTIONEER llcrmlston-Pcndlcton Auto singe Leaves Hermiston 8 a. m. Leaves Pendleton. St. George j Hotel. 4 p. m. Fare: Echo, 81.00; Stanfleld, II. II: Hermiston. $1 76. Special trips by request. A. R. ROBERTS, Prop. Trrc nAftn. Weston-Pendleton Auto Stage. Lenves Weston for Pendleton at 7:30 a. m. end 12 45 P- m. I eaves Athena for Pendleton at 8:00 a. ra. and 1:00 p. m. BTNON & BTNON Attorneys at law. COL. W. F. TONHKA Auctioneer, Call at Sturgls & Storie's Implement Co., for sale dates. ' AUTO ELECTRIC WORK j VUTO Electric Work of all kinds: I Magneto, starter, Ignition, etc., El jectric Bervlf Station, Main & Water. i TB REPAIR anything electrical on an tutcmobile. W. E. Chaee Co. LEGAL BLANKS of every description Blank Deeds, Leases, Write, Bill of sales. Vontracts, Subpoenas. Affidavit Complaints Summons, etc., for sals at East ore-gonlan Office. MONUMENTS Grnnit worics; write or arraitf fat Interview for prices, stylet, etc , , L S, , PIANO TUNING Let me take care of your piano b) the year. Tuning, regulating and re pairing. Uprights, Grand and Players Phone 645-W. B. A. McDonald. " Painting and Paper Hanging CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS Faints. Wall Paper, Picture rram. lng. L. J. McAtee, .the Practice Designing, Paint Man. Lows Bros., Paints. CHIROPRACTOR DR. LENA A. BOONE, Chiropractor. I office over Cash Market. 80 E. pert- i Court; Phone 1043. DR. LOR ETTA H. BTARBA 9-10 Peebler Bldg. S to 12 a. m.; 1:30 to 6 p. m.; other hours by ap pointment; phones t. 683, Res. 1169. PARKER & BANFIELD, Engineering. Constructing; 10 years -experience in concrete and brick con- J struction; Colombia bldg. Portland, Or DENTIST W. JACKSON, General Contractor Painting, papering and kataomlnlna one quick, nea; az.i cheap (II Ceu- vin. Phone 1034. DR THOilAS OH MART, Taylor Hardwares Bldg., Pendleton. Ore., Phone 607. ATTORNEYS DRAYMEN Leave dams for Pendleton at w i 8:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. Leaves Pend;ton (Allen-Knight Oo, Store) tor Weston at 10:00 j a. m. and 4 p. m. O. H. McPHERRIN, Prop. j 16-16-17 Belts building, over Bond Bros. Telephone 154. iBORGE W. COUTT8, Attorney at Law, Room 17, Schmidt bloc)'. CALL FEN LAND Bros. Transfer van to move your household goods. We also pack or store goods. We do coun try hauling. Telephone 339. ENGRAVED CARDS THE SOUSE PAINTEB WENDT Timing Paper Ransnnt Estimates, Furnished hone 1144 Shop 728 Cottonwool """POULTRY SUPPLIES CHICK FOOD. Scratch food. tomea bone, shell, grit, corn, oats, rolled barley, Vmatilla 1 lour & Grain Oo. There is oniy one place for that dcliciou DOINGS OF THE DUFFS WILBUR WAS GENEROUS ENOUGH BY ALLMAN 4 E i would vow iikc atuimg TTT I I You ftmat aomlniet . wf WrvB&;vM 'i mfau A tip? i-E Ave sowsthiv; T Two HOLE. PoTAToEa, ACVoOOWo" i f B( IS 1 L : I Fo The VAi-ree. -j-0 -the. ilu of fare TwsV IV Mm, y .EL ( aoL-p Pr WORTH Mtoli1M'lTlSH asC5 n Jr , TWO POUAR5 1 5 V .N v . SH ( tfh r-jj made glasses Is the poorest kind sfl I ' l WBBBfft ( , of economy. j tnfitl j I J H jBBr TJ If you rome here for your HR&3 ff I TTflHeH l glasses i,.nr even are thoroughly BD 7 I M3Sl9m V CARTER A SMTTHE. Law. Office In rear National Bank Fluldlng VISITING CARDS Weddln An- Attorneys at 1 nouncements, invitations, many de of American eigne and styles to select from For 'sale at East Orecontan Office Pilot Hock Pendleton Auto Stage Leaves Pilot Rook at 8 a. m. Leaves Pendleton at 10:30 a- m. Leaves Pilot Rock at 1 p. m. Leaves Pendleton at 4 p. m. FANCHO STUB BLEFI ELD, Prop. MBUjNDJJEATI NG HEATING plants,, sheet m. tal work Pipe fitting, general plumbing stro phes D. D. Phelps, 317 E. Court. RADIATOR REPAIRING i Notice of Payment of O ty of Pcndle- ton Improvement Bonds. Notice is hereby given tnat city OJ ILTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS Pendleton Improvement Bonds Nos. j 701 East Alta street. All make of 3 and 10. Series O; No. 26, Series Z; j adiators repaired. Work guaranteed No. 6, Series 1; No 1, series 17; will c. Blasberg, Prop. l ,j , i,,.,-.,..f tn "e paiu Hirau yiwHwuv. ii.u.iu. .w . undersigned at the American Na tional Bank. Pendleton. Umatilla County, Oregor. Interest on P.or.ds Nos. 9 and 10, . Series O, and Tnnd 1, Scries 17, cea I have a position open for a boy or j ses )-,or j uij. Interest on Bond No. :6, Series Z. and Bond No. 5, Series 1, ceases Dec. 8, 1919. Dated Nov. 14; 1919. LEE MOORHOVSE. City Treas. By H. W. Dickson, Deputy. Help Wanted. young man between fourteen and twenty years old. ROYAL M. SATTTELUl, The Jeweler. IAVE your Radiator repaired by oof expert. Thorough satisfaction guar anteed. D. D. Phelps, 817 E. Court REAL ESTATE '' UATLxiAoTinty-wlteaTrTfalVJ lands, Pendleton property, stock i anchea, grazing lands. W. H. Morrlaos RESTAURANT I 1 s I 1 APRICOTS in gallon cans. This is a good quality and well worth 80c tin. APPLES We have a shipment of Black Twigs. These are wrappecand packed and a good buy for $1.75 box PIMENTO CHEESE in ..tin, 15c TOMATO PASTE Suitable for spaghetti, sauces and soups, 20c tin TOMATO SAUCE, Spanish Style This is fresh, ripe tomatoes, concentrated with fresh peppers and salt. 10c tin THE Dean Tatom Co. THH QUELLE, a good place to eat RUGS sEW and attractive rugs made from your old ingrain and Bruseel car pets by the Walla Walla Fluff Rug Co.. 1S35 Walla Walla Ave.. Walla Walla. Wash. Phone 1677. SUITS TO MEASURE RMIL BECK, the tailor Hota' Psu dleton. Bldg. Phone 1108 SECOND HAND DEALERS 9 V STUObLsB. dealer In new und m 2 ori band roodi rash n&M fnt 5 second ff PtXDI.ETON SHEET METAL worke, A chimney topa, cittern, skyllghta S troughs, auto bod.ea, T Cottonwood. r, , hand gooda Cheapest place o buy household goods. 81) r Court Phone S71W. SHEET METAL WORKS Ment Dept. Phone St; Grocery Dept. Phone 6S8 TAXI SERVICE WHEN YOU NEED a taxi or touring cnr. call Goedeeke. We go any where, anytime: all new tajda: phone 464: stand 11 Main St TAILORS UMnlRRN A 4 HA.NSBK.N allor alterations: Til Main at USED CARS 1-SEH) CARS at genuine bargain prln ... f rimnon moiot saiea i;iv. . mVVaV.Ve - " ra