MOE SIX DAILY EAST OREOONIAK, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1919. TWELVE PAGES - SOCIAL AND PERSONALS Mtwi Gatharlna rfcnt0 brtara t.i Th who tn a Rrnriuat of rn liihli ,r WaltPi p Atni.nii.tHi .it a .lit Ton high, school anil populnr in o atniplr WMdlMft thl mornliit a thrriul circlo?, wrj. active tn Honor ptaotpal rictor. with the . Al- tiuunl work IttiRl the war. Mr. Ar frrt IxMkwootl, paniot- ol tin- I'hunh i mmtrout 1 a local contractor and is fr the Redeemer, officiating. The a mtmbfr of the firm of Holts and bride wan rnarnittiR in Mill of UtVUMj Anoint rout. After n nhort honeymoon purine velvet, and ftlH VON I irffi m Portland the couple will make their of tirtrte roM'H. The only Bursts prcs- j home In Pendleton. Mil "t the wedding were Mr. ami Mrs. W. P. Daniel, parent of the bride. Mrs. K. J. Murphy returned today psi lifts aimkix shop Our Great Sale Women's Suits, Coats and Dresses Continues "CUSTOMERS who look and go out TO COMPARE VALUES RETURN TO THIS "UPSTAIRS SHOP" AND MAKE THEIR SE LECTION, FREELY DECLARING THAT THE VALUES WE OFFER ARE DECIDED LY SUPERIOR. YOU CAN ALWAYS "DO BETTER" BY TRADING HERE. INVESTIGATE! OVI1R TAYLOR HARDWARE CO. from KuRene, where she wax the guest of her daughter, Ml km Jane Murphy, and her son. Thomas Murphy, who are students at the fniversity of Oregon She waa in Kugene for the Homecom ing celebration last Satin day. Mis Murphy and brother will be in Pen dleton for the Thanksgiving holidays. M rs. A. M . Winn va a h ost ess at a dinner given on Sunday in honor ol her sister, Mrs. K. P. McLean, who is a visitor from Alnerta, t'auada, at tin Winn home. Ilcaidcs the hostess and the honor guests, those present were Mr. and Mis, K. K. King and family. Mrs. It. H. Decker, and Francis Mc lenn. son of Mrs. McLean. An old fashioned basket social is being planned by the Wenaha Camp fire 1 i iris for Friday evening. The af fair is to take place in the basement reception rooms of the Methodist church and in keeping with Its Infor mal sppirit, a welcome is extended to everyone to share the event. Inaugurating the 1919-20 series of Kill Kare Kill I dances, its one hun dred mem hers will meet In Kagle Woodmen hall Thursday evening. The club is urbanized for the year in the same way it has enjoyed previous seasons, a committee of hostesses sponsoring each affair. For Thurs day's event Mrs. CI. . LaPow, Mrs. L A. MoClintock, Mrs. P. T. Hales, Mrs. T. IT. Temple, Mrs. H. K. (Jreen, Mrs. J. F.. Allen, Mrs. L. L. Rogers, Mrs. Charles Orncllch and Mrs. Alfred K oh p pen will be hostesses. As for merly, the club will begin Its evening of dancing at S o'clock adjourning for a liaht supper at 11. affair is for tho members of the guild nd their friends. Mm. Henry Schwa ra Is chairman of the commit tee on arrangements. A IMOtal meetiuK of Pmutilla rtiap- ter X A. Ft., is called for tomorrow tvenlnt t 7:30 o'clock at the home of i Mm, s A. Lowell, the members being J asked to meet with the state regent. Jacob Theobald Senior. Is tn the city from t'lovoluml. Mr. and Mrs. L Samuel Street, of Portland, are in Pendleton today. Mrs. Oeorge I-i Fontaine Is regis ter! at Hotel Pendleton today from .iv tise. i I Albert Itenslnger Is here today from Chicago. NOTHING LESS THAN TAX HATK MIST iti:v H THlftWUM MOXM (Continued from page 1.) "Jolly Neighbors" are guests today of Mrs. Charles C.ruelirh. the club 'members having met to enjoy one of its informal afternoons at cnris. Dr. and Mrs. McXar.v are spendinu a week in Portland. Mrs. Frederick K- Judd was hostess for an afternoon at cards yesterday, her guests being members of the Du plcate Whist club. Tht Catholic Ladies' Guild will hold i a card party and social on Wednes day at 8 p. tn. at the K. of C. hall. The MR. OR MRS. DYSPEPTIC for Hid the commissi 60 lms agreed. Despite Inersased salaries and psnasa, the county districts will havs to le content with the MM 175. 0U as In 1919. will Itettra Road Bonds. The first series of road bonds war rants, 1105,000, will he retired during 19S0 and that Item enters the budget. The 111 21 Mid 19-'-' Increments ure ul io issued as warrant! and will have to he taken care of next year. To nay lateral on them. $.1,000 has been entered In the budget. Interest for 1910 on the entire Issue of $715,000 road bonds now outstand ing will cost the county 140,425, the bn.lft't shows. As the bonds are re tired, the Interest will grow less each year. The 6 per cent limitation on in , -reuses will make the county's portion of the state tax J144.4SO next year as compared with fltf.lll.tO this year, the commissioners estimate. This can not be stated with assurance, however, as the stale tax commission fixes the amount to be raised by each county. The figure given is the maximum al lowed by law. The county carries its general fund and road fund as one, so the increases and decreases In items listed previ ously are Included in the 5207.708. maximum allowed under the law. These funds totaled 5195.9111. 07 this year. One of the apportionments of this fund includes 589.315 for general purposes as opposed to 570,260 for 1919. Salary Increases a Factor. snlmv increases in nearly every county office during the present year mu. it necessary for the following in- nrenaea in the budget next year: Sheriffs office 5 Clerk's office Recorder's office Treasurer's office Assessor's office Care of poor Jail Juvenile court Remarkable ! COATS $15.50, $17.50, $19.50 and up to $135.00 600 500 200 200 650 1,000 100 125 Willow's pensions 1,200 County library Watermaster Scalp bounty County agent and home dem. Klections For The Kiddies We have just reecived a large assortment of dolls and Teddy Bears. Better make your selection early as dolls will be very scarce and hard to get. Our Teddy Bears come in all sizes and prices. Just the article to please the little ones. Doll priced at $2.25 Teddy Bears at $2.50 to $4.50 THOMPSONS' DRUG STORE Get rid of Indigestion and Stomach Worries with "Pape's Diapepsin" "Really does" out weak, disordered stomachs In order "really does" over come indigestion, dyspepsia, gas. heartburn and sourness due to acid fermentation that Just that makes Pape's Diapepsin the largest selling stomach antacid and regulator in the world. If what you eat ferments and turns sour, yotl belch gas and eructate undigested food or water; head is dizzy and aches; breath foul; tongue coated, remember the moment "Pape's Dia pepsin" comes in contact with the stomach an such distress vanishes. It's truly astonishing almost marvelous, and the joy is Its harmlessness. A box of Pape's Diapepsin tablets costs so little at drug stores too. Jump from Bed in Morning and Drink Hot Water Telia why everyone should drink hot water each morning before breakfast. Ml' 200 200 2,2.10 6.000 All at Greatly Reduced Prices. Short Plush Coats, Long Plush Co.ats, and a tremendous assortment of Long Cloth Coats. All sizes from 15 to 55. Beautiful Dresses GREATLY REDUCED Just opened, some remarkable Tricotine Dresses. Beaded and Em broided Models. Made to sell from $55 to $69.50. SPECIALLY PRICED, $35.00 AND $45.00 Other Wool Dresses from $18.50 to $32.50 Dresses of Velvet,, Georgette and Silk in the latest models, all spe cially priced. COMPARE OUR SUITS Priced $22.50 to $67 50 Some at 1-2 Price The Thomas Shop Umatilla Flour & Grain Co. Mgr. Nico J. Blydenstein Town office Mill and Warehouses 220 E. Court St. 1300 West Alta Phone 1014 Phone 351 HAY, GRAIN, COW FEED, CHICK FEED, HOG FEED, SHORTS AND BRAN Retail and Wholesale WATCH THIS SPACE FOR BARGAINS I Ground Bone, per 100 lbs Whole Oats, per 100 lbs $3.35 Egg Mash, per 100 lbs $4.25 Bran, per sack $1.0(1 Shorts, per sa-k .$2.ftn Oil Meal, per 100 lbs $6.50 Beans, white, small, a sack $7.50 Beano, red. per sack $6.50 Ifillfeed, sck $1.80 Scratchfood, per 100 lbs $5.00 Skookum Pancake Flour. 4 lb. sack SOc ALL KINDS OF POULTRY SUPPLIES To see the healthy bloom In youi . face, to see your skin get clearer ana clearer, to wake up without a naed ache, hackache. coated tongue or a nasty breath, In fact to feel your best, day in and day out, Just try inside bathing every morning for a week. Before breakfast each day drink a glass of real hot water with a tea spoonful of limestone phosphate in It as a harmless means of washing from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the previous day's indigestible waste, sour bile and toxins, thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary canal before putting more food Into the stomach. The action of hot water and limestone phosphate on an empty stomach Is wonderfully in vigorating. It cleans out all of the sour fermentations, gases and acidity and gives one a fine apetlte for break fast. A quarter pound of limestone phos phate will cost very little at the drug store, hut is sufficient to demonstrate that those who are subject to consti pation, bilious attacks, acid stomach. rheumatic twinges or whose skin is sallow or pallid, that one week of In side bathing will have them looking and feeling better every way. Total $13,055 iVriBin other fixed levies must be taken care of by the county, in addi tion to those mentioned. For school libraries. $So0 is to be raised, counting 10 cents for each child of school age in the ruunlv. There is 11 500 ror in- i digent soldiers, required by state law. j In order to take care of all the in- creases which the voters and the H. C. j i. nave nlaced unon the county. ; a tax of approximately 13 mills is pre-'i dieted by Judge Marsh. The county j has been able. In the past, to meei us j obligations with 7.5 mills, but with circumstances altered, the next year will see the millage considerably , higher. Kqtialization HriiiRs Grief. Equalization of town property with 1 county property on the tax roll is partly at fault for the lowering of the total assessed valuation in ine fuum. Instead of raising rural values to meet city values, the city values were low ered. Public utilities arc entitled to the same ratio for assessed valuation as is private property, so the 50 per cent valuation appears likely. Asses ors and commissioners from all over Oregon are meeting at present with th stnte tax commission to adjust their difficulties. The phenomenal rise In land values all over the coun try Is at bottom responsible for the troubles which have come to more than one assessor and county com mission. The Cummins bill would have forc ed those in charge of the railroad under federal control to seek appro val of the various state railroad com missions In matters affecting inter state traffic. The president during the war had the same power over In terstate and intrastate rates. The bill's provision returning the power of rate review to state commissions caus ed the president's veto. He said he had no objection to restoring prewar ormeru to the interstate commission. The veto also spoke of the short time remaining for federal control, indicat ing th.. uresident has not changed his mind about turning back tho roads January 1. Up and Pendleton. The officer will visit Portland Nov. 24 and 25 and Mr. Nelson plans to meet him there at that time. A I-gal Turn The following is told of a late rail way magnate and a prominent Phila delphia lawyer. Said the magnate to the lawyer; "I want you to show that this law is unconstitutional. Do you think you can manage it?" "Kasily," answered the lawyer. "Well, go ahead and get familiar wlili the case." "I'm already at home in It. I know my ground perfectly. It's the same law you had mc prove was con stitutional two years ago." Ijncas ter News Journal. Many Things of Interest are to be seen at SIX NUSES DEAD HEADACHE GONE! NO PAIN OR NEURALGIA Bl.'FFAIO. Nov. 18. Seven per sons were killed here today when a New York Central passenger train struck an automobile at a grade crossing. Six of the victims were nurses. Imn'l Suffer. a 10 Cent Parkage r. .lame' feadatie Powders and Mop BnMH r Neuralgia ln. When your head aches you simply must have relief or you will go wild It's needless to suffer when you can take a remedy like Dr. James' Heart ache Powders and relieve the pain and neuralgia at once. Send someone lo the drug store now for a dime pack age of nr. James' Headache Powders. Don't suffer. In a few moments you will feel fine headache gone no more neuralgia pain. COMMANDER BLACKBURN U.S. N., RECALLS ROUND-UP VISIT AND PLANS RETURN Commander J. H. Blackburn, naval officer well known here, writes that he plans a visit to Pendleton shortly after the first of next year. He Is now stationed In San Francisco as deputy Inspector of recruiting for the I west coast. During the war ne was j chief navieatlng officer of the trans j port Leviathan, largest ship afloat. Commander Blackburn was a mem I ber of Queen Muriel's staff when she was Tloond-TTn queen and sent, mm Davjd II. Nelson his regards to the former queen. He mentioned In his letter having seen the picture of Sher iff Til Tavlor on horseba'-k and that It recalled memories of the Bound- CRAWFORD'S FURNITURE STORE THIS BIG HOME FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT HAS ANTICIPATED YOUR EVERY WANT AND IS PREPARED TO FURNISH YOUR ENTIRE HOUSE FROM BASEMENT TO GARRET. ALWAYS COME HERE BEFORE YOU DECIDE FINAL LY ON YOUR NEW FURNISHINGS. Library Tables $14.50 AND UP In a large selection of sizes and styles in oak. Our collection is so large that you can find here just what you want at from $14.50 AND UP Axminster Rugs 9X12 $47.50 AND UP Many patteens to select from. We anticipated the rug shortage and bought heavily just before they were off the market. Our present showing surpasses any in the Northwest. 9x12 eizes priced as low as $47.50 Floor Coverings Great rolls of Print and Inland Lin oleum in moBt any patern imaginable. CONGOLEUM COVERING Per Yard 75c and up Stradivara Phonographs are now here to gladden the hearts of those who appreciate its superior tone qualities. THE FIRST FOR A YEAR This shipment is the first we have been able to secure for a whole year on account of the heavy demand and have been forced to refuse many orders on this account. Select your Stradivara now while you are sure of getting one. The Stradivara is known for its tone the world over. It plays all records and .reproduces the voice and other sounds more perfectly than any other phonograph. W. G. Crawtord 103 E. Court Complete Home Furnisher Phone 496