PAOEfnm TWELVE PAflEB TO FAOES DAIX? ttlf OIIOOltTJW, WWBtCTOf, 0f!OoB. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER lfl, CONROY'S CASH GROCERY It Pays to Pay Cash at Conroys- 7 oz. Crepe Toilet Paper, 4 roll 25c Van Camps Pork and Beans No. 2 tins, 5 for $1.00 Crisco 1 1-2 lb. 60c; 3 lb. $1.15; 6 lb. $2.30 Van Camp's Soups 2 cans for 25c Preserves, 16 oz glass, Peach and Apricot jar 30c Olympic Pancage Flour, package 35c Gold Dust, large package 30c SPRING CLOTHES PINS 3 dozen 20c GUITTARD'S GROUND CHOCOLATE 1 lb. 40c; 3 lb. $1.10 BLANCHARD MILK 7 cans $1.00 What the Picture Theateri 'Have to Tell You. ARCADE TODAY KBnmoAji txwusb another D0CE3BH IN "TOE HKST MAX" Notice We can now make delivery on STARTING AND LIGHTING SYSTEMS FOR FORDS Ford's own make and does power from the car. not take any Simpson Auto Company Phone 408 "Th Host Man" typical Krirl- Kfin Vtory with Lois WflHon in the lauding fi'inlnlnn role nnd n wll-ihoti-Hi Mtpportlng citst. In thin picture protlur -,) by Jean I). Hi.tnpton, from the noval ty flru L. H. Luti and directed y Thorium Hcffron, Mr. Kerrigan M CjTll Gordon, mi n front for the Socrot Korvlce Dopartmcnt at Wntiliigtiui, fOOrM another sjueoeMi Kt i i Jkhii'm pnpiilurlty gained by his OlVr acting In "The Turn of n Card' o ml "A Man' Man." will not suffer I j y the work h dOM I" hlH Int'-st prn ductlon "The Heat Man." Th world Of OOm 1 1 1 le a t oc 1 an J clever I t nail" prraont plMdfd opportunities for Mr. Kerrigan to "open, up." ami ahoiv hi ability. Thin he doea fn a moat l?!aaaing manner aa all who aaa him In '"The Baal Man" will attest. HIh pii perl) acting- an Cyril QOfdon la un KiirpaKHod by any former effort. "The ItJHt Man." will bo Hhown at Arcade Theatre today. n 1 f,ne of the new If. W. Hodklnaon roleaaes. PAHTIMK TODAY A X H B tiVTHKR ItlA'IVKS Tin; sniMAfii; DAXCJB "Notice Shlmmle Dancing Ir T'ro hlt'ited by I-aw." Thin algn. or the spirit of the mes unge It convoys, will be found In prac- tteatly all dancing pJftdM I tlic c nun try, particularly In New York City. In other wordf, this alluring. If an ma what InaKagantly named dame In which the footwork isn't necessary, is barred bv the authorities- killed lr i fact, before some people had a chancel to wen what It wan like. Rut, "there I hope," aa a well known patent medicine man mi vs. In the third epieode of the new Patba 1 serial release. "The reat Cln nible, l Anne Luther, who In co-starred -with; Charles Hutchinson, shows that the I Hhlmmlc dance is done but not forgot ten. Anne. In the role of Nell, the crook twin sister of Aline Morton the helr i ess, also played by Anne, Is dlsover ! ed seated in the parlor of a country ! house. Time In hanging heav hands and when Iillly Moran PASTIME TODAY Children 5c Adults 20c Serial Day Today William Duncan In the Startling Serial THE SMASHING BARRIERS The Plunge of Death A Play for Everybody Anna Luther IN The Pathe Seriel Supreme The Great Gamble THE CLOCK OF DOOM Thrills Suspense Sensations A COMEDY SCREAM Lions Specials Wild Animals and Pretty Girls ALTA Xheatre TODAY Children 10c Adults 35c JESSE L.LASKY Present Etnel MEN THEY PURSUE HER,, NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLD OR CATARRH Apply Cream in Nostrils To Open Up Air Passage. role of "The Hat." enters, she has an Idea. She starts the phonograph with an exceedingly Jazz tune, moves back the furniture and shows "The Rat," on her I Just how the shlmmie donee shouia In the I be clone. "The Rat" is a poor pupil, however, qr maybe he 111 es to watch I teacher: anyway, Anne lias to do It " " " ' I several times before he gets the step, I or rather the shake. Everyone who has seen this ramouf dance, as well as everyone who has not. at least will have a chance to vleie it at its best in "The i.reai uumu.. which will be shown ai erators conference here today. Wil son suggested that such a committee be composed of representatives of miners and operators from all coal fields. J "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE ' T i ,.. .. nilav. Your clogged noa- ' the afr passages of crjs iiliilllllllllllllllMUIIlMMIKIIIlllIitlllMMIHil 1 1 (J 1 1 1 i ! I M I It J M 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 U I U 1 1 1 1 1 1 M f S 1 1 i I Ah! What relief! I trils open right :p , your head are i-lear and you can , breathe freely. No more hawking, anufflfng, tnueotta discharge, headache dryness no Mt niggling for breath a.t j night, your cold or catarrh is glne. j Don't stay stuffed up! (set a small hmtle of Kly's Cream Halm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream In your nos ' trlls. let is penetrate through every air pn.SH.tge of the head; soothe and heal tiie swollen, Inflamed mucous mem brane, giving you instant relief. Kly's fream I ta 1m Is Just what every odd and catarrh sufferer has been seeking. It's Just splendid ALT A TODAY -he pastime Look at tongue ! Kemove pois ons from stomach, liver and bowels 3BL 5Bl k. dcuc nrrtcTC JUL. ULIUIJ wxwm IT WOMEN m and MONEY INTERNATIONAL NEWS Around the World in Pictures Vaudeville HENRY & BRADLEY Scotch American Entertainers ARTHUR ABBOTT A CO. "His Birthday," Their Comedy Gem THEY TRICK HER BSRXrS A PICTURE TITUS THAT XKIJA STOHV OF ITS OWN "Men. 4 Kthel Clayton's -w Photoplay, Woman nml lin y" Is Ira mailt. i Thin, Nervous People Need Birro-Piiospbate i New Sheet Music Player Rolls and Records Let us demonstrate our new hits nnd you can hear the latest und catchy music in Records, Sheet Music and Player Rolls. Piano tuning and repairing. Edison, Victor and Columbia Machines. Terms to suit. Warren 's Music House Pendleton, Oregon. Wpal:. thin paovl men or women ir; naarly anrayi nrvoui wraokai thuH rtntluMlvly proving Ihnt tlifn neas, weakness, rtehlllty and neurasthe nia are nlmoat Invariably tiny to nerve Htaryation. Vaad your nerval and all these symptoms due to nerve starva tion will disappear. One need not spend much time studying the motif of a motion picture atory when it has a comprehensive title This is the case with "Men, Women and Money." Kthel Clayton's new Paramount starrinc vehicle, which will he displayed at the Alta ! theatre today- The story concerns .1 young and unsophisticated (jlrl of the Middle West who becomes Initiated Into the ways of the smart set and from then on Is a slave to that kind of life until she is finally a-.vnkcued and finds that heneath the slitter and glamor of so ciety lies a dark current which sooner or later penetrates to the outer sur face and engulfs its victims. With all her money gone, the hero ine performs honest labor to pay back her rambling debts and those con tracted for Kcwns at Madame Kioout s. r Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Cbronlo and Nervous Diseases an Dl 1 tales of Women. X-Ravy SUeo- tro Therapeutlce. Temple BtdC Room U. Phone SIS utm win u 1 Happen i . s , . I Sj Kmln-nt specialists state that one of She awakens the love and admiration ; wealthy Idler, who also starts In to make his life more useful by helping, unfortu nate men and women. Miss Clayton is afforded an excel lent opportunity to display her emo tional talents as the picture abounds with highly dramatic situations. Phone 524. 1 the be.vt things for the nerves is an,nf Cleveland Buchanan, SS rlsta a Hitm-Phosphfttp, a fiv-graln E tablt Of which shutild be taken with Bjaaeli metl 1 -1 n k rsBttlna nerve huiltjer and not a stimulant or hnhit S forming druR, Hi tro-l'ho;ph n te rn be H (amfely tu n by the weak as t nnd most ST delicate sufferer, nnd tbfl results fol- Lowtnff its use are often simply aston S j i.hing. S Uy strenKtheninff the nerves, weak, BltlrM people reKaln energy and vigor; 5 thinness and anRularity prive way to Slplumpness nnd curves; sleep returns to 5;ithe sleepless; confidence and cheerful BtneM replace debility nnd gloom; dull a? ! wye become bright, and pale, sunken Bjcheeka regntn the pink glow of health. Sj OAITTION1 Hi tro-Phosphate, the use Bjof which is Inexpensive, also wonder SSjfullv promotes the assimilation of food, 52 st. much so, that ninny people report light in a row Accept "California'' fiyrup of Figs only look for the name California on! tho package, then you are sure your1 child Ls having the beet and most j harmless laxative or physic for the lit- j tie stomach, liver and bowels. Chil dren love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's does on each bot- j tie. Give it without fear. Mother! Tou must say "California." Dr. C. H. DAY Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Wishes to announce the opening of offices in Rooms No. 23 and 25, Smith-Crawford Building, Pendleton, Oregon. CATARRH DOES HARM iimimiiimiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii milium iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin nnA t riA. BO mucn so. mat innnj P--umo OZi) Main OU ji marked gains of weight In a few BE weeks. Those taking It who do not de sire to put on flesh, should use extra enre in avoiding fat-producing foods. IN FALL FROM HORSE (ICast Oreponlan Special-1 WESTIA N D, Nov, is. Vivian Na tlnn was seriously hun when she fell frum a horse which she and UlOlla Richards were riding. The horse j whirled, throwing the girls. Vivian fall on her head. recelv luK bad bruises j I about the face and head. Mie wa; rendered unconscious. Or. Dorn or i Rcho was called nnd after two hours j of effort the young lady returned to j consciousness but w-ns quite ill for a few days. Mrs. Lflren Kennison and Mr. ann j Mrs. Harry Dunn were visiting nt Westlnnd on Saturday. Little Mary Roddn lias been quite 111 with enlnrged grinds of the neck and is under the care of Dr. flalnscot of Hermiston. Mr. and Mrs. U. !. Shipley had as dinner iruests on Sunday, their daugh ter, Mrs. Hachel Connor, and hei Whether It Is of the Nose, Throat, or Other Orgam, Get Rid of It. Catarrh of the noae or throat when it becomes chronic weakens the deli cate lung tissues, deranges the diges tive organs, and may lead to con sumption. It impairs the taste, smell and hearing, and affects the voice. It is a constitutional disease and re quires a constitutional remedy. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla, which by purifying the blood removes the cause of the disease and gives per manent relief. This alterative and tonic medicine has proved entirely 1 satisfactory to thonsr.uds of families I DR. K in three generations. If there is biliousness or constipa- tion, take Hood s Pills, they are a j thorough cathartic, a gentle laxative. STo. II N. 7th St THE WONDERFUL CHINESE ROOTS herbs and barks preparation which arc superior than all other medicines and are efficacious cures for diseases of stomach, kidney, lung, nervousness, rheumatism and many other diseases which cannot be mentioned. Price per package, one dollar and fifty cents. It is a treatment for two weeks. I'ost paid. Write for free symptom blank. J. YORK MED. CO. P. O. Box 553 Walla Walla. Wash. The New Dixie Byer is one of UM most complete and all around satisfactory cars of UuPdiv It is a est thai will create a frvorabfe fepi JVIi,lkLJght' powerful ami with a low up-keep. ASK FOR DEMONSTRATION T. & S. Motor Go. rhone 4Q USES COMMON YELLOW MUSTARD FOR CHEST COLDS AND SORE THROAT BM nsjWmed siniic Homo ISenicdy I Mtneb 1'smI by lXx'Urx and Nurses for Inflammation. Congestion, actios, Tains ami SwoIliruEs. children of Stiinficld. I Mustard, resl yellow mustard, the Mrs M. M ll;al w ill isit her daugh- kind ran use at home. Is being used ter. Mrs. Vera Sweeney of Paaoo, this week. Mrs. rilcn Richards made a shop ping trip to Pendleton recently. JOIN! COMMITTEE IN COAL DISPUTE ASKED Aiftertcm and one box will do tho work of ((' mutnrd plasters and It cannot blifter tho tender rat skin. He try 'a Must arine la th original mustard preparation used to take the place of blistering mustard plasters and Is known among druggists as the quickest painkiller on earth. lZi i ' ,i ij ., . , , . T-egy s Ntuatarine in the house, for it l misery ami free mankind from agon . m n . .1 'and suffering is JfOOd for so many ailments that you "'u'reit'dTC" work It was ex- i Don't to use It for neuritis. . 'pect.." 'to do but It was i m , NnV'. sciatica. lnmbaBo Bout and bothersome and often blistered the rheuuiatu; pains and swell, nijs oplr still use vellow mustard when " iv. .,,7 . i Ket a cold in the cheat or have "train-, sore muscle., anff Baek and uris . hiiiil'iiKu ur rheumatic pains ; , . . and ellinirs I Meat eases pain ana iteBy s Miisur- ! Rut nowadays they buy this yellow Ine made of yellow mustard with other mustard in condensed form all ready I helpl ul Ingredients added. contains 1". A joint tor use for soinetbintr like HO cents a , more concentrated, non-bllaterinit heat nomnt settle- , 'ox i:nd find it mueli better, cheaper , than eim ne roooei in any not tne same WASHINGTON'. Nov . . . . . , .....a .lilt cleaner inn noii'inrn .in.-.i mom oi tne coal ieaiiiiiwi - Thl(1 , ,,n,v pinst ir.l preparation nraed by Secretary Wilson at the, efcieti a known tq mill tone as Beejy'i BttHHI ot the nimcrs and c-i'-Jil :jtariin.' is aula at urui; stores an o ei I sire. Ju trv th. n dai. a o-cent box you'll praise :ki'-s as toillb.ns are dolnK .Uvva)d in the Jviluer bua. Coming A vivid picturization of Stewart Edward White's famous novel The Westerners A true portrayal of America's most ro mantic period the pioneer days of the west. Love and romance flourished in times of danger ; and men rode and fought and risked their lives. Watch For the Date 722 Cottonwood