moe srx DAILY EAST OREGON! AN. PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1019. TEN PAGES .- 1,1 - . . . SOCIAL AND PERSONALS (1-: ' , I ..Hw",."1'.'.r'.j'''.,n"; Mlf " J"htK PIMM for .no hundred were laid ,o the attractive room with a smaller - '" f'ni .-TTinn. wno were In Kn- Mil for Howootulnt hi UntVttwKy ehr saathemum decked I si "TTKuri, returnee lo lYntilctoir tins in br club room of the I in stiitur- m embers of the Civic club s.-cs at a 1 o'clock luncheon Ms fmn: throughout the rt'Mtlcnts and secretaries of IVndlotnn clubs and a u tl women who were wel- the civic organization. A is stationed on either sido of th one hi fnff motif M is Civic t I'M prominent collenc, which wn deslK nated by a pennant. Pcslde.i the i ,i 'If and high school tMQhVMI who are mrmlH'i s of the club, other guests 1 who enjoyed the affair were wtes and I husbands of the teachers. Itefresh ments suggestive of the Thanksgiving season formed a climax for the affair. -- - Mrs. Nan Dunning and daughter. Miss Ka !tmnhiK. are registered at Hot Pen (He ton today. K. C. Ml I CM is in the city from Walla clusters of ; Wajli today on business. hr saut hennnns as part of the in their appointment. K. T. Wade, president of the tub presided, and a delightful totuded musical ting talks. Mrs. piano solo: numbers Gilbert W. and Mrs. contributed a short ;nin soiiks. Harold .1. I In an Interesting way ttb ti'om a businessman's HOPF-S l P8TAIRS APPAREL SHOP Our Great Sale Women's Suits, Coats and Dresses Continues "CUSTOMERS who look and go out TO COMPARE VALUES RETURN TO THIS "UPSTAIRS SHOP" AND MAKE THEIR SE LECTION, FREELY DECLARING THAT THE VALUES WE OFFER ARE DECIDED LY SUPERIOR YOU CAN ALWAYS "DO BETTER" BY TRADING HERE. INVESTIGATE! OVIIR TAY1.0R HARDWARE CO. and Inter Phelps rave S. H. Korsh.i group of ohn Warner talk. 1 on the Civic I standpoint. A stiest from eaeh town was called t upon Informally to tell of civic activl ties and the responses showed an In I terestinR work being accomplished in dividually or through such organiza tions as the W. C T. l, in the absence 11. K. Btowoina is In the city today from Portland. 1.. C. ltothrock. formerly of Pendle ton. now of I,oh Angeles, Is in the clt for a short visit. Oareneo arson is In the city from Harmtaton today. Most Phenomenal Bargains One Big Lot of Suits at 1-2 Price NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON 1 1 ibs. Mix Charles Marsh was responsible i for the planning and management in the serving of Saturday's luncheon. Danecs of the 1319-20 season will be inaugurated at the Cold Sprinss hall , Saturday evening. November It, The I hall is II miles north of Pendleton. Neighbors of Wooderaft are antici pating an affair slheduled for tumor- i row evening when a lodge session at 7.30 o'Uock will foiowed by an evening- (irriniuinc Poth events are to be held In Eagle-Woodman hall and I all members are asked to be present. Clarence Cole I Ixpcttetl. Clarenee H. Cole, son of Mr. and I Mrs. C. H. Cole, Is expected home the last of this week. He has just eom- j plat4d liis seeond nuvy enlistment and j has been aboard the C. S. S. Pehlo, as I machinist mate and chief machinist mate. Surprising Mrs. Charles Till lis Sat urday afternoon, a group of friends motored to her country home on Mc- ; Kay ceek to spend several informal hours. About a dozen folk formed the party at the bidding of Mrs. Charles Heard and Mrs. James Bates, who had j prepared a dainty luncheon to bescrv ed late in the afternoon. Mrs. K. Hofer left this morning for I her home in Salem after a visit in Pendleton at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Byron. Mrs. Hofer is Mrs. Bynon's mother. Miss Trma Scharpf left this morn t ing for her home in Portland after being a guest in Pendleton at the home of her brother, 1... C. Scarpf. W hitman Mun to Conduct Ettffttfth, W. It. Davis, head of the EnRlish department in Whitman college, was obtained today to teach the high school English work during the three days of the county teacher' institute. He comes with liig ti recommendations. RcpubUcans Had BanQuet. A banquet by prominent republi cans of Cmatilla county was held at the Hotel Pendleton Sat unlay even ing, there being a number present from over the county as well as Pen dleton. It is understood that the gathering was a meeting of the county central committee. Elks lloiuls Are Ready. It was announced today that the Elks building bonds are now to be had at the three local banks. Members who have subscribed for the bonds are asked to make payments at the banks and to obtain the bonds after pay ments have been completed. Mrs. TL E. Farnsworth, formerly of this city, now of Seattle, is a Pendle ton visitor at the home of her mother. Mrs- M. M. YVyrick. Christmas IS STARING YOU RIGHT IN THE FACE Do you realize the fact that transportation facilities are crippled and factories are unable to supply the de mands in almost all lines. Hence we advise vou to do vour XMAS SHOPPING NOW. We are displaying a line of leather goods this week at very attractive prices and you will do well to take advan take of our present offerings. Ladies' Strap Purses $2.00 to $20.00 Leather Correspondence Sets $2.50 to $25.00 Leather Toilet Cases, gents $4.00 to $25.00 Leather Toilet Cases, ladies $5.00 to $25.00 Ladies' Hand Bags $3.50 to $20.00 Leather Black Kodak Albums $2.00 to $10.00 Music Rolls, etc.. priced to sell. BUY THEM NOW or you may not get them. The Pendleton Drug Co. The Rexall Store An "indoor class meet." full of all the events of a regular field meet, proved a unique form of entertain ment at a meeting of the Teachers' Fun Club In the library club rooms Saturday night. Each represented a Bowler Returns to Work. James It. Howler, teller at the PI rat National flank, who was injured on Armistice 1 ay when an auto struck his leg, returned to work today bul was unable to take care of his win dow, as usual. He is able to walk with the aid of a cane but cannot yet stand on his injured leg. MB EVER! COAT, DRESS, BLOUSE, SKIRT, PETTICOAT, SWEATER AND SCARF GREATLY REDUCED. FOX AND LYNX SCARFS AT REDUCED PRICES. COMPARISON INVITED. The Thomas Shop E "BAYER ON INE "Bayer Cross" on Aspirin like "Sterling" on Silver. Umatilla Flour & Grain Co. Mgr. Nico J. BIyden&tein Town office Mill and Warehouses 220 E. Court St. 1300 West Alta Phone 1014 Phone 351 HAY, GRAIN, COW FEED, CHICK FEED, HOG FEED, SHORTS AND BRAN Retail and Wholesale "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." Marked with the safety "Bayer Cross," can be taken without fear because you are setting the true, world-famous Aspi rin, prescribed by physicians for over 18 years. Always buy an unbroken package of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which con tains proper directions to safely re- I Heve Cold, Headache, Toothache. Earachf. Neuralgia, Lumbago. Rheu matism. Xeutris, Joint Pains, and 1'ain generally. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost but a few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer" packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufac ture of Monoacctlcacidester of Salicy licacid. SfOPlCKECZlf Penetrating, Antiseptic Zemo Will Help You . Never mind how often you have tried and failed, yon can stopburning, itching eczema quickly by applying Zemo fiucished byanydruggistfor35c. Extra large bottle, $1.00. Healing begins the moment Zemo is app'ied. In a short time usually every trace of eczema, tetter, pimple3, rash blackheads and similar skin diseases will be removed. For clearing the skin and making it vigorousiyhealthy.alwaysuseZemo the penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It is not agreasy salveanditd;snotitain.Vhen ethers fail it is the one dependable treatment for skintroublesof all kinds. The E. W. RoceCo.. Cleveland. O. Mail With Tour Pints Tnken. Harry Altig. charged with illegal possession of liquor, was arrested last night by Chief of Police Roberts and is in the city jail. He will be turned over to the county for trial. Altig had four pplnts of raisin moonshine whis ky. Charges that he had been dispos ing of the liquor are being investigat ed by the police. i ton 13 and Yalo 6. The final score in the Syracuse Colgate game stood, Syracuse 13, Col gate 7. No Cure For The "Flu 99 O'Harra Will Admitted. The will of the late J. M. O'Harra, Weston pioneer, was filed with Coun ty Clerk R, T. Brown today. He leaves his entire estate to his wife, Mrs. Mary E: O'Harra. for use during her lifetime, after which the estate shall be divided equally between bis nine ions and daughters. Two sons. 1-ester J. and Walter G. O'Harra, are named executors. WOMAN" wants work by day or hour. Address Box 183. Notier to the public I wish to announce that I have sold my entire dairy outfit to Homer E. Tilly who will conduct the business same as under former management. W. F. EEL IS Although th'.j dreaded disease ravaged the country last year yet a euro ; has really not been found for it, and medical authorities say another ' if ! deinic will occur. We urge everybody, the minute you feel a cold coming on, hava fevi or chills, dull aches or constipation, to take a THOHO, CIjEAXSLNU PUP urxim tiAA.vnvt;. Bathe your feet in hot salt water, take a good big cup of IIOIiIiISTtaV& ROCKY MOUNTAIN TKA (warm), and go to bod for the night chance I are you wll lfeel fine the next morning and it won't be so easy for th j "Flu" or Grippe to got you. j Buy a package today, have it In tho house and use it at the very first warning. Mothers should closely watch tho children and treat them wlth j out delay. Tallman & Co. Uulie Heck with Comiiur West. Itube cek with. Pendleton musi olon. Is playing at the i'alace Music Hiill in "hlcai?o, on the Orpheum cir cuit. He will go to Cincinnati for an engagement and will return later Chicago for a return appearance. He plans to come west and will be Portland and Seattle in January. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Beck with of this city. KrehhicI With Ixxlgc Agents. Homer ("'. Krehblel, well known in local I automobile circles as manager for the Pendleton Auto Sales Co., has decided to remain with the new Dodg agents, the Kills-Schiller Co., located in the office of the Tri S-tate Termlna Co. Mr. Krehbipl will tie a salesmai for the neiv company and specialize in Dodge service. He has been a Dode aent for a number of years and is widely acquainted in this territory. FRENCH VOTE SUPPORTS m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHHi ANSCO CAMERAS PARIS, Xov. 1 7. Sweeping repud -latlon of the socialists characterized France's parliamentary elections Sat urday. While the complete result will not be known for some time indica tions are that coalition repubiean par ies won in a smashing victory. The campaign centered largely on Vindication of the war policies of Premier Ck-menceau and his actions In the peace conference. The social ists, who opposed many of his meas ures made a strenuous campaign to defeat his supporters. PARIS Xov. 17. ttcturns show that radicals lost 1 7 seats, socialists I'i and the conweravtives two in the elections h re Saturday. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR BARGAINS! H Speedex Films YALE; SCORE 13 10 6 Whole Oats, per 100 lbs Kgg Muh, per 100 lbs Bran, per sack Shorts, per suck mm Ground Bone, per 100 lbs Oil Meal, per 100 lbs $3.35 $4.00 ..$1.00 ...$2.35 ...$5.00 $6.00 Beans, while small, a sack $7.50 Iflllfeed, Rack $1.75 Beans, red, per sack $6.00 Scratch Feed. 100 pounds $4.75 All kinds of Poultry Supplies. '!!!!! 1 Do"" t lot another Bummer go by without an Ansco. It wll! 3 add more to the pleasum of ! your outing than anything else Z H ' ' winter and long afterwards B S : S f - caJl ltvo over again with p' rea those good sum- S H mer days. Let us show you the Z X Ansco Una. 1 1 Tallman & Co. Leading Dmgglift. UHJJUlliJUIIllUIIUIIIIIIIUllJllUJIUUU? NEW HAVEN, Nov. 17. Princton fJr:w the first blood In the first ouar j tcr of tha game here Saturday when Ktmbling kicked a field goal from the H't yard line. The first pe riod ended with Princeton 3, Yale 0. Karly in the second rjuarter Braden kicked goal from the 25 yard line and the score stood. Vale 3, Princeton 3. Braden repeated soon afterward from the 14 yard line, swinging the ncore to Yale 6 and Princeton 3. . Murray scored a field goal at 35 yards, tying the score at 8 to 6. Princton later scored a touch down MM ((inverted. The (InulH to Prince- IN OUR STORE TODAY IS THE LARGEST DISPLAY OF Beautiful Rugs ever shown in Eastern Oregon rugs of any size rugs of any pattern rugs of one design or several of the same design. Here you will find your favorite pattern in any size. From such a vast lot to select from your shopping trip will end here. We can fit any room and at a moderate price, as we offer such values as 9x12 AXMINSTER RUGS FROM $47.50 UP. Winter months are at hand. Now is the one time of the year to put down new Congoleum. Your kitchen or bathroom can be made to look as neat and pretty as the living room if the right kind of flooring is used. Here you will have no trouble in choosing. We have all kinds from 75c sq. yard up. W. C. Gra wtord 103 E. Court Complete Home Furnisher Phone 496