ncn rom 0AH.T BAST ORBQOWIAW. PBITOLETON, OREGON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1919. TWELVE PAGES l7Etjjfc)reAonian) Timely Furniture Suggestions For Your Approval Today we mention just a few articles that are att racticely priced for your approval. When you buy furniture here you can rest assured as to its QUALITY. The PRICE will also appeal. No matter what you may need in any department you'll find QUALITY coupled with MODERATE PRICE runs clear through. We especially call your attention to our K ITCH EN WARE SALE. Every article priced far below what you have been in the habit of paying. 41 INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Ub""p?L?T"y .nd Soml-Wpekly, atj BUBSCm PTION RATES AST 0ttS!a CO ' ADVANCE) .. insHr. one year, by mall Entered at the poatofrtre at Pendle- Pally, six months by mall t.n. Oregon. as arccnd-claaa mail Paily. three months by mail p' f Daily, one month by mall " ! Daily, one year by carrier ONE BALE IN OTHER CITIES. I Dally, six months by carrier Imperial Hotel News Stand, Portland Daily, three months by carrier... .5.0 . 2.50 .. 1.25 .60 . 7.50 . 3.75 . 1.95 ON FILE AT winy, one month, by carrier II ' ,,, , . , Semi-Weekly, one year, by mail"" 160 u. SOS Security Build-, Semi-Weekly, six months, by mall '.7S Chicago Burea Sanitary Couches and 1. Washington. D. C . Rure.u Km Spm'-Weekly. four months by mail .50 i-.-nin rareei. . w. Telephone j f 4 4 AX OtxD UOAD Yet within my heart strange murmurs woke, A warmth and tender glow Came mealing through my veins, I knew not why; I traveled once again a country road I used to know, And the memory brought a mist before my eye; 1 questioned what of self I'd left. As I had passed that way lln the time long-gone, forgotten In the years: What fertile seeds of sentiment to bloom in later day And fill my eyes with unaccustomed tears? Came then the thought of influence. That we're leaving everywhere That each one gives out as he is going bv A bit of self, though oft unknown, to blossom unaware Into flower that shall produce a smile or sigh; And although that road is altered, And by strangers marked and crossed I've a feeling that I left there, long ago. In the clover by the rail fence. In the thistledown, wind-tossed. Something from my heart that shall endure and grow. Grace E. Hall. . :! I i : : line it will pay you to all anil take Red Cntx W e have a large stook of Sanitary Coaches and Cuts We have gMae iii botti the drop side and regular. If jou need anything: in this look. You'll like the price. FELTED FLOSS MATTRESS Hullt for sleep. Mr, heavy, felted floss mattress with large, square biscuit tufts, roll edges, double stitched and covered with beautiful high grade art ticking. Bags and Suit cases The famous Roxylite Bags and Suit Cases. They are better than leather. Water proof and wear proof. These are wonderful values for the price asked. We also carry other bags, suit cases and trunks. Roxylite Bags and Suit $6.50 $8.50 BED DAVENPORTS . THE RAILROAD OUTLOOK JN notifying congress that the railroads would have to be returned to their owners December 31, Director Hines has practically forced the railroad situation into a new phase. There have been rumors for some time nast that irov- ernment operation might be extended a few months in order to afford time for congress to legislate. By informing congress that the roads will be returned, Mr. Hines has made necessary prompt action regarding the status of the lines, and in so doing nas practically deferred the discussion of the general railroad question until a later date. It would now seem that congress would have to lay aside the Cummins bill for the time being and enact some temporary legislation calculated to.provide for immediate necessities. Just how this will affect the prices of railroad shares remains to be seen, but its first influence has been favorable rather than otherwse. The railroad shares, as is well known, have not participated in the great advance of prices on the Exchange. Favorable legislation now may open the way to a moderate advance in values, while unsatisfactory legislation will hurt them, although of course not soseriously I as it would had they had an anticipaory rise of prices. It will I be some time, undoubtedly, before the railroad question as a I- .-M .-4. tin ,.1..,1 1 1 I nuvic u sausiaLioiJi,v iicaioi up unu mean v line more; or, What is nicer or I Kin her thnn a lUtl Davenport ? They are very useful wliere space in your hounc or apart ment is to be consider ed. They are very at tractive as well as use ful. They come in either Spanish leather ette or genuine leather. All attrac lively priced. CEDAR CHESTS Buy a real genuine Cedar Chest. 40 in. by 17 in. wide, just the thin,; in which to store your furs or other articles that are likely to become infested with moths. Make this store your headquarters for Christm as Shopping. There is nothing more acceptable for a Christmas Gift than a piece of "Furniture for the ho me. Jl Cruikshank & Hampton Successors to Ko ch Furniture Store QUALITY COUNTS REDUCTION PRICES on odds and ends of kitchen granite and aluminum wear, and odds and ends of other light hardware. These are being sold away below the ordinary price. uncertainty must exist. From Clews Financial Review. The I. W. W. have as much chance of putting over their program as they have of getting fat by eating dynamite. The leaders may be classed as criminally insane and those who are so foolish as to follow their lead are likely to pay heavily for their folly. The American people are in no mood to trifle with C such a gang of assassins. 5 B The establishment of that naval base at Astoria will be of 1 benefit to commercial shipping because of insuring full govern- ment support in keeping the river entrance dredged. Tongue if Point, the location recommended for the base is at the upper (f edge of Astoria. r atta T-vwd,Di:in tut uamt uno ,,r r i i flUjH L mm UHAWILCy HEARTS FLOWERS Regular Thanksgiving weather. VAUDEEVILL LATERESE Character Dancer. ALOHA DUO A Night in Hawaii I FROM THE PEOPLE Echo, Ore., Nov. 15. Editor Bast Oregonian. In regard to the statement In your paper as to my arrest, I will say there was never a warrant served on me and the trouble was caused by dealing with a dishonest business man of Prineville and the bank backing his word. JAY DB JOE. SHERIFF "RESIGNS" WHEN PAY FALLS OFF AND HE'S FORCED TO RUN ROAD GAYLORD, Mich., Nov. 15. Be cause with prohibition his fees are so small he had to run the road roller to make a living. Sheriff Hccox today resigned. $100 Reward, $100 Catarrh la a local disease greatly lnCu nced by constitutional conditions. It therefore i quires constitutional treat ment. HALL'S CATARRH MED1CI.NE la taken internally and acts th.'ougb the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys tem. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE destroys the foundation of the disease, elves the patient strength by improving the general health and assists nature In doing Its work. flOO.OO for any case cf Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE falls to cure. Drugffista TEc. Testimonials free. F. I. Cheney Co.. Toledo. Ohio. i Dr. C. H. DAY Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Wishes to announce the opening of offices in Rooms No. 23 and 25, Smith-Crawford Building, Pendleton. Oregon. ALTA Sunday and Monday fiMJv sfMN mrd MMm jf win 7 - ; t n -twwMmw viMijMM fftt, gay dtmM Omrm9 . " ' (5 CHILDREN 10c ADULTS 35c KIXQGRAMfi Glimpses i,t Ibe World Vaudeville MENKE SISTERS Clean, Classy Character Entertainers. LEWIS & BART Comedy Singing and Talking FOUR FACTORS OF CHARACTER IN THE NEW 1 9 2 0 HAYNE.S BEAUTY strength power comfort theac arc the four S factors essential to character in an automobile. If one factor is lacking, or if one or twr are slighted to secure the others, the results an incompleteness in service and satisfaction for the owner. These four factors of character are insisted upon by the engineers and designers of the new 1920 Haynes. The foil ununmn body, with its lustrous, lasting finish, its straight, graceful line, and the thoughtful incorporation of beautifications and converuenendT itletf harmoniously to the picture of car-beauty. The strength of the cSs and rfS general construction, and the dependable, velvety rer of thffou, Havn Xh"1"? te thC Cf0Tt fthe seatt d End buffed iL hho y affording Uavel-ease without weariness of body or mental strain. uPnoly. Buying a car today is not a haphazard 'experiment. It is an investment worthy of tl0n- YoU buy you 35 Haynes for 10" of service It wm dehver this service together with honest Mtisfection, became in rtarTaS fiJly blended the four factors of car-chacterwhich distinguhSw ioL Haynes wnth twenty-six years of character-buildine historv hchinH it omynea Deliveries are being made as rapidly as is consistent with our factory inspection rlTytdeld 10 PkC yOUr rdr tnfunSntS The Haynes Automobile Company, Kokomo, Indiana, U. S. A. 1920 "LIGHT SIX" Tonrinl Csr-7 Psissngn .... f2(SSf RoadlttfFour doors. 4 PaMngr . , 2681 . . Cloud Car, Ki!9tt Jsso vuMvuasatv ' I SUIIUfsr 4 0') Coff4 Tu tad Wuodn Whwli Sttndsml Eanipracnt 1M0 'XIGHT TWELVE" Open Caw$ ToflrinK Cup" Passenger A . stasias. Uautifutt, aiuuraad. will is km on r,aut,c " v..r ' riiHnsfT .... osdatsr Four doors, 4 Pssssassr . . . l-lossK cars Conn 4 Pssssagsr bsdsn 7 Pssssnssr Corf Tirss snd Fivs Wlr. WhmU jiinaim cquipmsai )4!0 i4on 42W r-i Umatilla" Auto 'J Co. 809 Garden Street j, Phone 417. I893-THE HAYNESIS AMERICA'S FIRST CAR-I9I9