DAILY EAST OREGON 1AM, lVKNDLETON, OREOO. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 110 ,' "'''iimimiiimimmiiiHiimiiimiiiMiiiiiiiiniimniiMmiHtim imiiiitm . i r notos fl Contents Page from November Cosmopolitan AllMOUIK-cillcllls for tills tlugml m ill mu-t be ilwilniin the Knst OregoiiLiu ! n than I'Vitiny t-fniiiK in order to b m -uii-ii 01 publication on Saturday, FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS? SURE! Made At Ward's l-lrw riiHstiuii (Imnli Sunday. X'oveioher 1 ti irtK ln miasabarger, minister. 10. n. m 3lll10 school. Ft. H. IVHart. yupt. Jl s a. in., communion mid sermon, them, " "Our Qrmt Kxcmpkir." :8Q p, ,.. s young people's meting, lad t Mln gX1alp Eastrow. 7:10 p. m., sermon, g "The Bandbwha of tho Bible." Mrs. Mae HtiKai' will sins a solo at Sthe morninit worship, and Miss Vash ttti Hoaklna In tho evening. n aa E'lhem. "Semi Out Thy Light," bj Qou 8 nod. win bo rendered by the church Bjchoir also. A baptismal serviee, to giwhich the public is invited, will fol KilotV the sermon. OF COURSE! Cor. Alta and Main Sts. Telephone 679-J I Upstairs. I We TV-ill take you in your home. iiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiutiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiri Cliristain Beeaaec, Serkes are held on Sunday at 1 1 a. and S p. m. subeet of lesson ser mon. "Mortals and Immortals" A Wednesday evening meeting is held at 8 p. m. Sunday school is at l a n nv The reading room in the church cor- r of K. Webb and Johnson ore.ts is open dully from 1:30 until 5 p. m! CHALMERS "Hot Spot Sell! Methodise Robert Edward Oomal, pastor, nr. H. J. Talbott. president of the Kim ball School of Theology, will occupy the pulpit of the Methodisst church tomorrow morning and evening. Dr. Talbott is an attractive. informing pulpiteer a maker of preachers and the people of the city will do well to avail themselves of tho privilege of Inearing him at both these services. At (the morning service Miss Bell will be the soloist, and the uuartutte will ren- C der an anthem. In the evening there S will be a chorus choir led by Prof. C. S S. Cromer. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Classes g 'or all ages and everyone is thorough C ly welcome. g Epworth League convenes at 6:30. g These young peoples services are in g teresting and helpful. We urge your attendance, anticipating mutual spir g tual benefit. Why? BECAUSE THEY'RE DURABLE Do you know that a CHALMERS has been driven 1898 miles in twenty-four hours. This is farther and faster than anyone ever before or since traveled by land an a like period of time. . A six-cylinder motor with the smooth action of a twelve cylinder car. IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES IlniHJst Clmroh Rev. W. L Cox, Pastor, residence 515 Bush. Phone 1167. Sunday morning Sunday School, T. M. Rily. superintendent, 9:00. Preaching service, 11 a. m. Speaker, Dr. I. J. Held. Sunday night B. Y. P. U., Miss Clark, president. 6:30. Preaching service 7:30. Preacher, Dr. S. J. Reid. Good music, good singing, crowded house. Come early if you desire a comfortable seat. These two messages are the last of Dr. Reld's series. Church of the Xaaiareno V.. V. Buzbee, Pastor, r, 1 5 Main St. Civilization is passing through the most dramatic, the most momentous, the most stirring days since man came upon the earth. Never were world events so fraught with immense consequence to humanity. Ages hence men will study the characters, the moves and the deeds of the actors in this greatest drama of all time. The history written will be determined hy the individual actors on the great world stage. When you and I study history we praise the good E 'AXCiKUSTS AT CHURCH OF THE XAZARE.VE McLean &Snavely 1 Phone 222 Main St., Opposite Hotel Pendleton g Headquarters FOR Rim Services We have added to our stock a complete stock of RIMS AND RIM PARTS If you need a rim or rim part for any make of car we can fit you out. Make this your service station for RIMS, LUGS, BOLTS, ETC. We carry a stock of High Teat Gasoline for a quick start on your heavy duty engine, trac tors, stationary engines, etc Simpson Tire Service Company L. A. MENTON, Manager 0 Rev. FYed W. Kuffleld and Mrs. Suffleld of PlnttRburg. N. Y. who are conducting services In Pendleton this week. men and the good women of the past. Our pasterlty will do the same thing The best people Of history were men of God. If we are to be good and held In esten by future generations we must let Jesus rule our hearts. We are now conducting peelal meetings for your help and ours. Rev. f W. BuffMd and wje evanTelists. Meetings each evening next Week at 7:30. Everybody welcome. special music. Sunday school. 10 o'clock; Preach- in. 11 o'clock: Holiness meeting, 3 o'clock: Preaching, 7:30. Vld i Know All Men by These r't'fto I I ' 1 ' i Bg l I VOL LXVU NOVEMBER 1010 COSMOPOLITAN 7lmerica$ QredtestJPtagazine This: Month Cover: ' Idle'Moments Harrison Fisher The American Girl Meredith Nicholson The Voyages Ella Wheeler Wilcox Decoration by W. T. Benda Buddies John A. Moroso Illustrated by Edward L. Chase Kindred of the Dust Peter B. Kyne Illustrated by Dean Cornwell ' The Setret Springs' Harvey O'Higgins Photographic illustrations by Lr i .rcrf A Ililler Back Pay Fannie Hurst Illustrated by W. D. Stev ens The Water-Cross Jack Boyle Illustrated by Lee Conrey Thai Cirl Gouverneur Morris Illustrated by O. Betrick Nelson. The Stage To-day Photographs in Artgravure Why Do They Marry? Dana Gatlin Illustrated by Howard Chandler Christ) Uneasy Street Arthur Somers Roch Illustrated by James Montgomery Flagg .The Broken Flange Rupert Hughes Illustrated by Walt Louderbaclr. llesiing Around in Mc'co Rex Beach Illustrated with photographs The Crimson Tide Robert W. Chambers Illustrated by Grant T. Reynard .An Iskwao far Trfior James Oliver Curwood Illustrated by Paul liransom -ST. : THERE is just one magazine for which the American people have shown an overwhelming preference ; just one magazine that has almost a million and a quarter circulation at twenty-five cents a copy. It is, naturally, the magazine that gives the American public the best work of the greatest writers and artists in the best magazine that it is possible to produce. WHEN you buy this month's Cosmo politan, you will have in your hands the finest product of the art of magazine making. From the newest novel by Peter B. Kyne to the latest short story by Fannie Hurst, Cos mopolitan, page by page, easily maintains the high standard of editorial excellence that has given it the title, "America's Greatest Magazine." Indeed, Cosmopolitan is one of the few really geat, really important magazines in this country. To read Cosmopolitan each month is to keep abreast with the best literature' of our day literature that entertains and in spires by portraying human emotions against a background df the play of circumstances and the whims of Fate. If you are a regular reader of Cosmopoli tan, you had better hurry and-get your copy now today as it will not linger on the stands. If you are not a regular reader, begin now to enjoy the magazine that is ftiost typical of the fine taste and the high spirit of more than twelve hundred thousand Americans. And Cosmopolitan for a year, by the way, makes a most excellent Christmas gift. Your newsdealer will be glad to handle your maga zine Christmas gift list for you. And without extra charge, the publishers of Cosmopolitan will send the recipient of each gift subscription a handsome Xmas folder, decorated by W. T. Benda, to reach them on Christmas morning. "America's Greatest Magazine The November edition is 1,230,863 copies III'.ARKT'M 11 . UIM IK ON SALE IN IT.NnM.TON AT THE I'Ol, LOW ING PI,ACKR: fj. ;. lilUII It. B. E. IIAI'M, MOHMAVK li . 1 1 KTOIU:. THOMPSON niti ; co., a. i,. niM.AV, WfftCR mtos.. k. c. "haity" day.