FOURTEEN PAGES PACK FOURTEEN DAILY EAST OFSOONIAN, PENDLETON. OREOOV THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1919. OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE IIIHIHUUII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIimilHIIIMIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIiy; Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll FT : ' -i .ii -t . I SS3 1 I Coffee Try our UMATILLA BLEND BULK COFFEE 50c Pound We also handle Chase & Sanborn, Diamond W., Hills Bros., M. J. B., Imperial, Royal Club (jray JQros. (j-rocery (jo. Two Phones, 28 QUALITY' 823 Main St Your Bank Affiliations VMMB are troublesome after-war times, with striken labor agitation-., flu. mating markets, and all that. The high ist of IUiiir is bothering the people. Workers with fixed alaties. f irvctl to keep up a cer tain :au !.ti l of living, are the wort off. HoweiU, there i. going to ! a tin niitg onuwhere, ami it HCCSJM tlw top i- alMiiit rvaehetl. l-Nw tlie preaeM it may no most sensible to hold steady. mM patirotie to he thrifty and industrious; and affiliations with a s-tronp. financial institution, like the American National wII serve you best what ever conte. , THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON "Strongest Rank in Kastera Oregon." I; 1 ' I sVn ! :-f t (iSi. JcKN HOWS TH I LJ LJg JJ . r . i - . ' ' i . - ' I! Of Interest to All Our Double Page Ad In This Issue J. C. Penney Co. Incorporated Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittitiiitiititiuiifiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiniiiiiitiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiuiiiia iiiiiiiiiiiiimitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiia R0YALTYIT0 WED Pendleton Market News The following prices are the prices $.19.50 and $61. Mill feed price is at oeing paid to producer by Pendleton business houses. Wherever retail Its.: JllllllllllllllllltllllllflMlllllIJIItllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllJIiillltllltlllll prices are given the fact will b c ally mentioned. Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, 75c. Hens, 16 to 20c, Spring chickens, 20c a pound. Country Ham, Etc Ham, best quality, 28c. Bacon best quality. 40c. Butter pat and Batter Butter, $1.15 a roll. Potatoes. New potatoes, 3c a pound. i The new 1920 model Velies will be on our floor tomorrow, November 14th. More new, up-to-date features than any car on the American market today. Eastern Oregon Motor Co. I Grain About Steady SI At Former Prices. SI Changes in coarse grain prices today 5?f are small and the market Is about E steady at former prices. Barley Is - quoted at $63, $65 and $66, oats at 1 $52, $53 and $53.50 and corn AFRAID TO EAT MEALS 'Pape's Diapepsin" is the best Antacid and Stomach Regulator known Near PosUiffice. CHEVROLET, VELIE, PEERLESS 5 When your meals don't fit and you S feel uncomfortable, when you belch sj eases, acids or raise sour, undigested S: food. When you feel lumps of indi St gestion pain, heartburn or headache 5 1 from acidity, just eat a tablet of S I harmless and reliable Tape's Diapep 5 sin and the stomach distress is gone. Si Millions r.f people know the masie S of Pape's Diapepsin as an antacid, j H They know that most indigestion and j 2 'disordered stomach are from acidity.; Sjxhe relief comes quickly, no disap- j S j pointment! Tape's Diapepsin helps j Si regulate your stomach so you can eat 5 1 favorite foods without fear and a box 2 of these world-famous stomach tab- j 3 I lets cost so little at drug stores. 1 Top Hogs nt S1Q..V) Cattle and shtl Steady. Tup hogs sold up to $16.50, a rise of 50c above the previous extreme fig ure, although the average good stuff was not moved above $16.25. Further advance in the price of hogs North Portland in the face of the i extreme weakness in the East, in dicates the shortage of stocks In the j h eal territory. Ol neral hog market range. Prims mixed J 16 00 16.50 Med um mixed 16.009 K. 00 Hough heavies 14.00014.50 Pigs 14.50 15.50 With only a nominal supply shown the market for ca'ttle was considered steady. General cattle range; Best steers $ .50(f?10.5A at Good to choice steers. . . . 9.00 ?i 9.50 Pair to good steers .... 7.00 8.00 'Common to good steers. 5.50 6.50 Choice cows and heifers 7.50 8.50 Good to choice cows, I ' heifers 7.00 7.50 7 Medium to good cows, I j heifers 6.00 7.00 Fair to medium cows, ' heifers 5.00 6.50 i Canners 4.75 5.75 f Bulls 5.00 7.0 $ halves ' Stockers and feeders ' Situation in the sheep and lamb 4 trade at North Portland was consid- 7 eied steady at unchanged prices. Run : in the alleys was small and prices j : were maintained for all offerings. General lamb and mutton range: Eastern lambs 11.00 12.00 Feeder lambs 8.00 9.00 Valley Iambs 10.50 11.00 Yearlings .. 8.00 9.00 No Saw Edges Do you gel hot under the collar because of that exasperating- "saw edge" or torn button hole? No Need of That Experience. Send your laundry here and your collars will be returned to you as immaculate as the driven snow and absolutely free from roughness. We Wash Everything But the Baby The Troy Laundry 610-12 Garden StPhone 179 Send it to the Laundry 1ND DUCHESS QCJHLOTIE Grand .Duchess Charlotte ot ixemDurg and rrm: Felix of irton-Parma. are to be wed vember 6. The fact that Prince Mx served In the Austrian y. In opposition to his broth 8lxtus and Xavicr, who ht with the Belgians, brought Iderable opposition to the rlage. 7.00f? 13.50 j'lay viait at the home of hor mothnr. 7.50(3 9.26.Mrs. F. B. Wocd. frill Harder and J:ick Cockburn of Milton, spent Sunday in the city. John Banister of Wpston. w;is :t vis itor in the city Monday. ATHENA SCHOOL IMS HOLIDAY ON TWO DAYS TiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiini Used Cars! DR. H. M. HANAVAN DENTISTRY Eoom 7, Temple Bldg. Phone 772 Bewtfderinft. "These short skirts fnre rather be wildering." "Yes. It isn't safe any more to of fer to take what you think is a little girl on your lap: Nashville Tenne-veean. 1 1916 Ford Roadster. 1 1918 Paige, 5 passenger, 6 cylinder, run 800 miles. 1 1917 Paige, 7 passenger, run 6000 miles. 2 Series 9 A Franklins. 1 Series 9 B Franklin. 1 Series 7 Franklin, new cord tires. 1 1 ton Republic Truck. 1 1 1-2 ton Republic Truck. 1 3 1-2 ton Duplex Truck. Pendleton Auto Co. Established 1907 Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee 'nronle and Nervous Diseases sos ntaeases of Women. X-Rsy attsfr -m Therapeutics. Temple Kids . Room 12, Pbooe ! Hours: 9 a. m. to 12; 1 Phone 607 to 5 p. m. DR. THOMAS C. 0MART DENTIST '43 Main Street. Over ths Hub Pendleton. Oregon fEist Oregonian Special.) ATHENA. Nov. 13. Mrs. H. O. Worthington was a visitor In the city I Monday. Mrs. Laiura Zerba took her mother, j Mrs. Bruco, to St. Anthony's Hospital i in Pendleton. Mrs. Bruce has been I 'in ill health for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Geary Taylor spent Sunday in Wall a Walla at the home of Mrs. Taylor's parents. Saturday afternoon Miss Coppock entertained her Sunday school class at her home. Light refreshments were served by the hostesS. assisted by Mrs. W. O. nead. Those present were: Ixiralne McLouth, Edna De Ereece, Phyllis Hodgen, Helen Hodgen, Io- prene Schubert, Muriel Carden, Vera Miller. Maxine Thompson, Itol Jbert. Ann Mi.sninger, Freida Hall, Doris Schubert. Mi home of Miss Bcnita Carden this week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hothrock are the parents of a nine pountfl hoy born Friday in Pendleton. The public school was closed Mon day. The teachers met in Pendleton Monday to discuss school plans and Tuesday was a legal holiday. School was resumed Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Norris of Wal Oh! "Wha t do they do to a woman in this country when she kills her hus band ?" asked the foreigner. "Oh," replied the American, "they sentence her to six weeks in vaude ville or a year in the movies." Cin cinnati Enquirer. The Pledge of Purity GOLDEN WEST THE BUTTER SUPREME SAY THE NAME TO YOUR GROCER URIC ACID IN MEAT CLOGS THE KIDNEYS r Tage a glass of Salts if your Back hurts of Bladder bothers. a If you must have your merit every JP rlav e;it It hut flush your kidneys with ted author- j A ! MONEY FOR YOU sajfs occasionally, says a n" itv nrVir. tr-llt: iic th.i mcit fnrnio iirlr Bermce Manns js visiting at the aci(Jr whion aImnBt paralyzes the kid neys in their efforts to exnel it from the hiood. Thev heeome siuegish annjKi "MiUon, (hen you ."iiffer with a dull ! K minprv in the kidney region, sharp j P "a'ns In the hnrV or sirk hendnch. f JP dizz'nesip. your tnni:ch snur, tongue 1 Sx ronted an'1 when the -went her n had you have rheumatic twiners. The I rtns ets r1ondV( full of sertimrnt, the : I rhnnnels often eet sor and irrltnted, j i:, u-niix. rriv.rl in th ThnruH,u 1 oMiglne you tn Reek miles tWO r three j evening for a short visit at the A. , times durimr the nleht. K.h.irf.rt nnrth r.f trt,n To neiitrsllze thHr irrtatinv nrlds.. Friends of Archie Mclntyre were HKRMAN CI.ACSSENICS HpedaJ Acnt INSURANCE all IDAHO STATE LIFE CO. An Old tJne Company that doss its business In the west. Claims paid on the day of ths fune ral. All assets, except V. 8. Qov't Bonds, are in western securities of , substantia! worth. Res. office 104 Jackson St., P.O. Ux 36. Phone 281-W surprised to hear of his marriage to M iss Edna Potts. The young people will make their home on the Mcln tyys farm west of town. Mrs. Kadtke and daughter, Kath leen accompanied by Mrs. Hadtke's mother. Mri rmfleld, spent Monday in Walla Walla. ' Miss Lin iv- y and Van Win kle of Weston, spent Sunday at the Oene Schrimpf house. Toby Brown Of Weston, was a vis itor in the city Saturday. Mrs. Steele r turned to her home ut Yakima Wednesday after a cleanse the kldnOVS and flush off t he bod V urlno'iq wTte eet four ounces nf .Tad Salt! from nnv phar macy heret lake a tableapnonfHl In a glass of writer before for a few days . III then art fine. rA and your kidnev This famous fnlt Is mads from the acid of HTBpss and lenion Jiilee. com bined with llthia, and has been ned 'or irenerstion lo fit'pn rtnrt stimnlste tbiB-g'sh IfMnp'., alW to neutralize the ac'ds in urine r It no longer Irri tate thi.s endine b'tdder wTkness. Jad Salts is Inexpensive- rmnnt In- (tire snd make a M"i'7htful effervrp ten, cent KthU-water drink. 1917-5 Passenger Studebaker In Splendid Condition only $650.00 Oregon Motor Garage BUICK HUDSON CADILLAC Distributors