East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 12, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    PAGE THfcZl
1 iMiwiiiiiNHmimiimiiiiiiiniiiHiiuillilim
Now Window I- Complied.
front. Tin Improve merits consist of
New windows huvo been completed lai-ffe aide wIimJowh, with u lurye is-
ut the ThomuR shop, Mid Imvw t-huiiK-
etl the entire nppouran of the slum
lit nil window In i h front.
The "Bayer Cross" means gen
uine Aspirin prescribed
for 18 years.
Aspirin created a Helmut Ion when
In trod ueed by Huyer over mjflxUH D
yours afco. I'livHltiuns at once prov
ed itH wonderful efficient y in the re
lief of pain. The 011 p trie, world -fa -moiiH
.Aspirin, In "Hayer Tailt'i of
Aspirin" in wifely taken by millions
for oldH, Headache, Itheuma I ism.
NeurulKla. Keurache, Toothache. Nen
ralfrlu, Aching Joints, Neuritis, and
Iain jrenerally.
Be sure the "Hayer Cross' which is
the mark of true ' Hayer Table tfl of
Aspirin," is on each genuine package
and each genuine tablet.
HoxeH of 1 2 tablets cost but a few
oent and contain proper directions.
1 h ui-KistH alno '-'it larger "Bftyftl "
pu K j i : - Aspirin is the trade mark
of Huyer M ami furl ure of Mono;wl i -curldestcr
of BaJIsVUcaoid.
I'arcH I'ost Kervl? KMcnds.
1 'a reel post put kages can now bo
nent from this country to Hohemla,
Silesia, Slovakia and other far east
ern countrleH, according to announce
ment made by the postofflce depart
ment. Parcel pont package can also
he lint to (iermnny, via New York.
-L. ,,-.Ju. M3
ranjfiMj to eneouraKe a larne attend-1 5
arice. A 1'ennunt will be given to thnl
room Hecurlnjf the moat votes from W
thoHe present.
Use the
Tutor i i to m i- Is
Hrouke 1 i li moii , teller at tho Amerl- 2
euri National Hunk. wfiM eonflnefl to
bli home today aiol his pliice w;i ta
ken hy J, It,. Willie.
ArnilMi.v ay Yields One Drunk.
Hill KdwardH. drunk, waH Ihe only
victim of the Armlntlro Day celebra
te n to Kel more than enough. He
pleaded guilty In police court this
morning and wa Riven a fine of $10
or five day. He wbh unable to pny
the fine and was remanded to Ul6
I custody of the marHhiil.
Hound-1 p Mcetlufl in Two Wecktf.
The annual raeetinv or ih ''-"k
holders of the Pendleton Round-Up,1-;
scheduled for Inst night, was ptt-
j'onfii null win he n it Tuesday nignt
November 25.
Ians for Kabblt Campaign.
i n. Iv. Jamison, of the V. S. Hiologl- j
leal Purvey, ami Fred Ilonnlnn, county
j agricultural agent, are In Hermlnton
! today makhiK arrangements for the
rabbit drive which will be held In this
1 county Mid Morrow county 'with the
co-operation of Morrow county far
mers and farmers of this county.
I Watson R'turns
C. V. Wawon, of the 1". R nlologi
cal Kurvey office, returned today from
an extensive field trip to fionthern
Idaho, He reports that the survey
trappers are doing good work.
Meeting of Parent -Tear In i
A meeting of the Purent-Tenchnrs
Circle of the Hawthorne School will
be held Friday afternoon nt 2:30 In
the Hnwthorne Tiuildlng. A program
has been prepared a nd a eon test u r-
Xcw MfUwrlgtri on Job.
Joe Hanir U of Montreal, who Is to
he one of the chief millwrights at the
new Collins Flour Mill, arrived todav
from Canada and will begin work as
Hoon as Installation of machinery is
ioiloii6i i6iioiioi loi foi loi ioi-
Dead or Alive
All the Fat, Firtt Claas Poultry That You Can
Bring Us.
We Are Paying 25c per lb., Live weight, for Young,
Fat Turkeys.
An Easy Place to Unload
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
Have you your "1920 Button?"
TOI IOI 101 101 101 101 TOI 101 -101- 01
"See Me Before
The Fire"
If ymi wi.sli to ninki- n ciil'k salo t yimr property,
u fll pay ymi to list it with us. w- have arrange
wilt whervby we run wii property n easy terms
to tin- barer nmi get tu- tmMi for lira srJIer. Wf an-
m'IIIiik property on tills plan to parties that couldn't
buy otlirrwlsr.
Insurance, Loans,
Real Estate, Grain
721 Main
Hot Tamales
Grocery Department
Two Phones 526
fttfaft Smil- To ii-tnitslMi. i
UUm Fioreni-o R. Rmtlf-y, county S
hf-alth nnrsp. l"ft today f"r Hrmtoton E
where nhe will remain fat B week.S
Sho will make examinations ,,f Her- S
muftorv firhool hildren, ns a pari of 2
the county health work. '
RctnriM I'rom SrI-. S
Orvitle Hybee, who has heen In tho j S
Brvloa M a metnr of Ihe I'nltedi
StMteM N'jivy, h:iK returned to Pett4llo-3
ton. purtng pnrt of thn duration of i S
his wrviee ho was HtntU-ned nt Xor- S
fork, Vtrctnla. H in ifee son .f Mr. jj
BfUl Mis. C. O, Hybeo, of this rlty. IS
KcttuiiK BkXMH ("alifornln. 1
famed H. SturttiH returned homo 3
thi.H morning from a 10-day business S
trip to California. H paid a business jff
to the main factory of t)if Holt Mann-
fTOturinir Co, at Stockton, where the J
Holt caterpillars are made. He also 33
spent a nhort time in San Francisco. (32
fj& finors IM Poof; 1 ' noil Sr0.
fVtek Andrrw, jjroprictor of the pool jS
hall al Rieth p leaded Suilty in jus-'S
tic cOU,rt today to a charjre of allow- S
Inic a minor to play pool In a public j 3
place. H was fined ISO and costs b5
Justice of J'e:ic. Jo H. Parkes. The (33
charire aeaiiis OaorflNl Vfcshaa, for the 3
ame offenne. will be dropped. !
Motor Bqoad to l Is
A business and social meeting will j2
be held at the hih school auditorium 8
Vrtday avanlnc Nov. 14, for the hiuh s
school Parent-Teachers Circle. A S
proftTam is prepared and rcfrchmentt
will t.e served. The Motor Spuad will Ig
meet tf&0fl VFO ao desire at the cor- 32
ner f.f Main and Webb btreets in front S
of the Hok i s Oaorsa. IS
win Attend Convention at Salem.
t7. K. Cranston, secretary of the
I Pendleton Commercial Association. Is
n mem c the speakers on the program
I for the semi-annual nieftinc of the
BecretaHei to be held in Salem Nov.
17 and 18. He will speak on "Cham
ber of Commerce Committees.". Mr.
Cranston will leave for the meet Injr
Saturday nlcht and be In Salem Mon-
y and Tuesday for the sessions.
.1 111 Bowler itowicii Over.
Jim Howler, who came home un
scratched after service in France ns
a member of the l4Gth Field Artillery,
was Injured yesterday when struck by
! an a utomottilo cuniuijr down C'Mirt
street. The accident occured while
the A r mist ice pay traffic was heav
iest. Mr. Howler's injuries aro not
serious and he expects to return soon
to his duties at the First National
Suit Modes for
Early Winter
The present assemblage of suits for Fall
answer all questions on the matter of
fashions for Autumn and Early Winter.
From this assortment shall be known
the features that povern style, the length
of the suit coats, the pockets which are
made so many different ways, ripple or
plain backs and so on.
Among the plain tailored models, of
worsted checks, tinseltone. heather mix
tures, chevrons and trjeotme.
of duvetyn, peachbloom velour, duvet de
laine and silvertone.
Prices are very moderate $45 and more.
10 inches wide, of a wonderful quality and finish.
A very popular silk for dresses this season. Offered
in ail the wanted fall shades. Use our tharmeuse for
that dress. The yard $4.00 up
The new thing, Pearl Head Necklaces, in short
strand and long ones finest Quality filled beads,
.$1.00 and $1.50.
Make a dress of this fine quality Silk Toplin be
cause it wears well, looks good and comes in all the
wanted shades. 39 inches wide and it takes about 5
yards to a dress. '
Plisse Crepe of best quality for underwear and
night gowns. Offered in blue, yellow and white.
50c lo $8.50 Yard
Now is your opportunity to buy a skirt off one of these
good looking plaids, offered in many patterns and colors.
See them next time vou're down town.
For all kinds of new ideas and things suitable for
Xmas Gifts.
There are lots of pretty things to make up and lots of
things already made up.
All kinds Fancy Work.
All kinds Needlework.
Be sure and go to this department and look around,
because there are lots of suggestions on display.
Good quality knit gloves and mittens. Keep your hands
warm by wearing our gloves. Al sizes and colors.
Children's Gloves 25c to 50c
Women's Gloves 50c to $1.00
$1.15 and $1.25
Thrse Fabric Gloves for women are the finest you ever
saw. They look like leather and wear like leather.
Comes in white, black, brown and gray.
All sizes in stock. Buy a pair and try them.
NEW PURSES AND BAGS $1.00 to $25.00
Now just came in, new purses and bags of leather,
silk and velvet, and made right up to the minute. Of
fered in many colors.
You'll like the splendid values, attractive style,
full and accurate size and careful workmanship. All
sizes and prices.
is up stairs to the right of the Ready-to-Wear Dept.
Visit this section often as there are new things com
ing in daily. If you're thinking of "making up"
things for Xmas, birthday gifts, .etc., come up and
look over what we have. You'll see lots of things
you'll like.
Package Goods 35c to $3.50.
Open Stock Embroidery Work 35c to $3.00.
Crochet Threads Bacilla, boil proof 15c.
Embroidery Threads all colors.
Yarns All kinds and nearly all colors.
Curtain Nets and Scrims 25c to $1.50.
Curtain and Draperv Cretonne 25c to $1.50.
Curtain Madras $1.25 to $4.00.
Printed Marquisette 50c to 75c.
And many other interesting things too numerous
to place in this ad. Come in and see them.
for women and children. Right now is a good time
to wear woolen hosiery. Keep your feet warm.
Tlain woolen and heather mixture for women. Rib
bed hosiery for children.
Women's Hosiery 85c to $2.00
Children's Hosiery 50c to 95c
tlllllllllEIIIillHZNIMIIIIflllllllf nillHIIilllllllllillllllEIMJIIUIUIIIIIIIIIUJIlIlItllliilU
GHrifl Porn in Booth Officers.
Tho Oirls Forum of PomlUton hiffb
schoni. elected temporary officers this
i innrnintf and named a committee to
I tj r.- ft :l constitution and by-laws. The
jeluh Is to he purely social and plan"
i monthly meeting's. Todav'g m w the
first Bteetlnff. The officers chosen
! were: Vasht i Rosklns, president :
! Caroline SWmider, vieo president ;
Mary Chlsholtn secretary and treas
; urer.
For Luncheon
h X. L. Tamales, 3 cans for 50c
Libby's Mexican Style Tamales, 3 cans for 50c
Taylor's Boneless Tamales, 3 cans for 50c
Gebhardt's Chili Con Carne, per can 25c
yan Camp's Pork and Beans, No. 1 cans 15c
Van Camp's Chile Con Came, 3 cans for 50c
Hal Corhy t.oahi2;.
EEtJ Corby, who has heen In Ten
dleton since 1907. will leave on Satur-
m day for Unite. Montana, where hp will
act as talesman ntut mannm r ior ens
("lamer Shoe Store of Ihflt city. Mr.
Corhy has for the pSS five yesjffl heen
employed In the shoe department of
A leXS ndt-r's. He returned recentlv
from service In the United BtatSS rtavy
where he was Chief Electrician, radio,
?' Is a 'Mother of Mrs. U O. Fruzioi
of this city.
I'm 101 al of Mrs Mt'Atei. I Users' association, have heen api-.,!; s
The funeral of the late Mrs, Frm-' ed hy Governor Hen Y. OlCott to
eat McAtee, aped CO, will be held to-i form a part of the personnel of the I
morrow morning at 10 from St- delegation from Oregon which will
Mary's Catholic Church, of which Mn, attend the irrigation and land con
McAtee was a member. Kev Father ; ference to he held in Salt Lake. I'ath.
Van Hoomisson will officiate. Mrs. November :'l and 22. The call for the I
McAteo was a colored woman ;nd was conference was issued by D. W. Davis, i
well known ns "Aunt Fanny." BbO governor of Idaho,
was highly respected In Tendleton,
"Take it from Me"
says the Gocd Judge
where she has lived for 3'
daughter Miss Ida McAt
nfc KeeffB with Iron concern.
k Keefe. formerly a ureil Known
Rth lere. Is IfOW holding responsible
dtlon w'th tne Bonair UOSl A: iron
at Lvles. Tenn.. according to a
ittr fenm him rri'plvril tOdS V by
TttotQai pita fleraM. Kefe left hers
aNmt fonr vesrs ago after having
served as principal of the Weston
achooi nod secretary of the cominer
eini essjoelaHen. He repnrts that he
Is doing wen nd rlsh to he remem
bered to h's old frlendB.
rasxmi ifls TiiinK vr Deawn Isiesr.
r-tiipio-rrs In the rear sleener en
No. 10 TlieadSj' mnrnine tlnoicht the
War had boen rcvinted Instead of Its
''elm- the antversary of the end of
host IH t lea. Tin y were all awakened
and told to iret ilreed st about
o'eloeV, ns th result of Ihelr enr he
dftrhd hv r"nnlng ovor a derail
sw'fo on th. Ksmeta skWhs?, Th
eorh fea so far off tho rrsrfc thit th"
ifiQrtnr-.rn -f,"0 i bilged to dreS I"
has, he iav eetarh nnd make the trip
tr Pnndleton n tho ehnlrs. Th"
slepsr wss hound for PpoV:ine and
ef have been placed on No. S OOl
oi" here.
Pitw if to Biologists.
The negative Of S photograph of the
only wolverine ever known to have
been IttDed in this section of the coun
try was presented to the lT. S. hiolog-!
leal survey today by Major Moor- ;
house. He bus been searching for the;
negative for several months in order to
prove to the survey that such an ani-
They are mal was once killed in this county.
daughters about 20 years ago on Weston moun-
Wotverfnea ire thought to roam
ther west than the Rooklea and
ttsaatina nnon) Men Appointed. fa exi edlngly rare In this district.
J. T. Hinkle of Hermiston. njttorney (The one killed on the mountain was
for the Umatlfl-' River Irrigation lea- mounted hjr J. '. Tallman and clasnrih
gue, and J. F. MrXaught. of Her mis- fU'd hy the curator of the Bmithaon
ton, president of the 1'matilla Water Institution from the photograph.
Twin- Are Idem fieI.
Inquiries as to the identity of the
twins In "A f-iOtna nee of Pendleton"
havo been so numerous that, for the
benefit of those interested, thIr
names :tro lioinc printed.
Adeline and MstUda Buohl,
if Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ituchl.
Visc tobacco chewers long
since got over the big-chew
idea. A little chew of this
real quality tobacco gives
them better satisfaction
and they find their chew
ing costs even less.
With this class of tobacco,
you don't need a fresh
chew so often and you find
you're saving part of your
tobacco money.
put up in two styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
By Taking Vinol
It creates a hearty appetite, aids digestion, creates
thousands of new red blood corpuscles, the glow
of health replaces pallid cheeks, anaemia disappears
and strength and vigor returns.
These IVrvi. It
West Chester, Pa. "My Mood
wis so poor that I ha.l skin eruptio:;
an 1 was w.-ak. nervous anil coulj not
6'ep. My r.i t!ier wantoJ rau to try
Vinol. It purified nnd enriched r:iy
Llool, (rave me a Rood amx tito. my
n ?rvousnes9 liaa Rone, un.1 it lias built
up my whole sy.,t, m. I can sur ly
recomme:i.l it to others who need a
pnoj triooi ionic." Mrs. Kdwin S.
i "I TO fered from
nervous, run-down condition r.! no
ppetite. I keep house ar.d live on a
iurni tobad to kt . p alxtut n y work
as 1 hne five in the family. My
It men led Vinol as tho
hi s t m I r n y condition. It
h;i5ri.. i in h tite, and I
sleep In tt. r ieei strer.per in
-v ry " Mrs. J. IIlkman
For all rnnHifn. n-rroiis. lna.ml Fnnlilliin'.,.r.k wn..n. o.rrwnrfcJ
letlr old poenla ami Mlkaf. fcifdrwa, thar 1. no nu.fUv lo... i.
Your money will b returned if Vinol fails
A Dinner at
Jolly's Inn
and cu' l be surprised how moderately priced
the well-choren menus are.
An ideal place fcr your parties and banquets
A place you will meet your friend.
Extra l ine music, all the latest hits. Dancing
frcm 9 to 12 p. m. r
DINNER SERVED 1 1 TO 1 :30 AND 5 TO 7:30
5 East .nent Hotel St. George
Ma n Street Entrance
71 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 . i . 1 1 i . i 1 1 1 ti i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii i . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 1 nil