PAGE FOTJS OHM EAST OEECONIAN, PEHDLETOS, OREGON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7. ldld. JBLVS L'AUkM re&oniari) AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Pnbllahrd Dally and Semi. Weekly, at I-endloton. Oregon, by tha AST OREUONTAN PUBLISHING CO. Entered at th ton, Oregon, i natter. SUBSCRIPTION RATI (IN ADVANCO) Dally, one year, by matt.. poatorrica at Pendle- aecond-claaa mall Senator Lodge is still trying to burke the treaty, and a packed committee on foreign relations is still assisting him. Even though three of the allies consented to the reservations that are now demanded, a new situation would be -IB oc .$ diplomati ON BALE IN OTHER crriBS. Imperial Hotel Nawa Stand, Portland ON PILE AT " created which might easily re ""Jea quire months to untangle - i B;the mean time the In United i Daily, six months by mall Daily, throe months by matl Dally, one month by nuill Daily, one year by carrier Drily, fix months by carrier Dally, three inontha by carrier, Dailv. nno mnntti h rrrlan a I - . " '".." ' OA., A ... ,,,1 ,3 1 1 A. i.J. rhleago Bureau, tot Rec.r.t Bull. EZSTZKI' . "y.. "i-;v i.o outtts, wmuu uB fce,a m ,i suilf - j -"- "vvaij, bia. luwuttiK, ui in n. : i . . a t ... . semi-weekir. four months by mail war, wnicn is evidently "j reiepb0t1r ..." .4' Lodge's purpose in thus per " . iJLi."1!1". . 1 ' JI.L .",.'' I'LTn . AT . i , u., , tions. New York World. The New Brunswick New Methods Better Tone Waehlntrtor. D. C taent'. Street. N. W. M Y 1 Allil 1:1:. Daat year November may have comp With skies as pray as those Ami roistering winds from every bough Have naught the leaves, the same as now, And left but Rhosts of trees. The leaves that made beneath our feet sie crisply shrill and sweet e one, but one refrain to day s Bone away: He's gone away! good eight-hour days six days a week on reconstruction legisla tion, the treatv, etc. AMENDMEENTS IN DISGUISE. A mi Ha H, Last year November may have had Skies just as payiy blue. nut now shall I remember, when ine days were all so different" Then My firmament was you: My world was rimmed by your embrace. My sun and moon and stars your face -Ml weathers were the same last year. When you were here! When Jeanne Aldfield Potter. I "lents that Signed AVING been beaten on I their program of am-' endments to the treatv: j of peace. Senator Lodge and i his associates on the foreign re- j lations commitee are now try- j ing to amend the treaty under the cover of reservations. When they vote for reserva- ! tions which must be accepted i by three of the allies before the resolution for ratification be comes effective they are in re ality voting for amendments. Three of the allies have no power to bind the other govern- the treaty. Two apartment house propo sitions now rest before the peo ple ot fenaieton. it appears that it will not be so much the case of "money talks" now as that "building talks." Where! there is so much smoke there is usually a fire. E, POLIJICIANISDEAD1 BERLIN, minority so from effects putation of several days, 7. Hugo Haase, loader, died today I operation for am He had been ill Very fr; to satisfy and they certainlv have nol RAILWAY LEEGISLATION WAITS. HE ears of are now betrinninir Vim lanjierly. endly was little Clara; and. her eregariousness. she do manded affectionate speech from all j and on every occasion. wnc evBuiu jit?r ui uromer jsen ; power to bind Germany. Twen- waa lndutrioualy engaged m endea- . . i . . , . ivoring: to solve some aritlietical prob- .ty-eight nations Signed this hems. After trying- to get his atten- ; treaty through their accredited 'tion SVeral times without receiving! I - nl'n.'dnf ofll-O.-- ?IT Otltr r -f It nwn ... . , i uiii t'IIien ii.pu uW.u ' c.?. -'iaiij mem to her father to stir Ben up. to have already ratified it. None ! "Bllt Ben is busy said dad. 1 . . 'T knnw hA Is" cttiA fl-ii-o "K..f o i iiiaiMeui ue- ' w.icc vi laaat he might have said: "Shut no" ring with mands that something be done the alies the authority to ac-1 about the railroads and be done quickly. Five months have elapsed since President Wilson convened congress in extra session to legislate for America's many reconstruc tion problems, yet congress has failed in almost every instance. As regarus the biggest of these problems so far has written "failure to enact" opposite each item on the long list. Railway legislation is about in this condition : The senate committee on interstate com merce has finally reported out the revised Cummins bill, but nothing will be done with it un til the opponents of the peace treaty and league of nations tire of obstruction and agree to vote on the question of raifica tion. The house committee on interstate and. foreign com-! merce is still awaiting the re report of the sub-committee ot five on the Esch bill. There is little prospect of the house's passing the measure before the adjournment scheduled for No-i vember 10. The Esch b.ill provides not for a wholly new arrangement but for amending the present laws to facilitate the return of I the rail properties and their , regulation by the government. WHAT DID ALBERT FIND? TT OMETIMES a popular 7 hero loses his reputation on closer acquaintance ; King Albert of Belgium is not ; in this class. On his departure from New York the World said : Kin; AXbtttVt reirrt't in leaving Ne w VorU la fully re-iIrocaied by the public. It was the, towns first in ii 1 1 1 iiMCir In s-Iiir royalty j face to face, and Ube occaWon was mutual!) Improviiur. Doubtless j no distingulslml visitor from Ru rope has ever left a more affree uIHe impression. New York et-MM-tcd to see a hero and saw a man as well of many engaging manly alii Unites, and it is a tri bute to KIhk Albert's personality that be leaves us with bis repu- I tation Kreater tlian less from the "close-up view. It would be interesting to know Albert's inward feelings regarding America as he found it. He had a high regard for the American soldier, no doubt of that; what did he think of the land where the doughboys came from? "Unfinished business" will be as far as the next congress can ever possibly get if the present congress adjourns now, as it proposes. Legislation now crying for attention is so varied and iU angles so numerous tHat a recess should be almost out of the question. Congress f wuJU well afford to put in some cept reservations in their name. Taking babies ment is a crying to places of amuse shame. IT PLEASED A QUEEN TO KISS HER The Brunswick's New Method of Reproduction assures tone hitherto impossible. And each record is played at it's best. Just a turn of the hand adapts the "Ultona" repro ducer to any make of record representing the proper diaphragm and needle; the precise pressure. No other phonograph offers the advantages of the Brunswick. Hear it before you buy. A demonstration will convince you why the Bruns wick is the superior phonograph. Special Offer $110.20 This Brunswick, with 12 double records, 24 selections (Make your own selections.) $9.00 CASH AND $9.00 MONTH All other models may be purchased on this basis, as we have only a limited number of these instruments on these terms. WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE SENORA VICTROLAS AND BRUNSWICKS Economy Drug Go. Hcte! St. George Bldg. Phone 711 t'lMiflaWH aTaTJValBR ft : juKTnHaTMTa ifl We qfl'er you big' reductions on Winter Millinery Commencing: Saturday November 8th Among the large selection you haye to choose from we are sKowing some of the loveliest in years. In past seasons there have always been num bers of hats that almost anyone could suggest improvements in, but this Winter every thing in the Smart Shop Millinery display seems to be perfect, from the smallest detail in designing to the last finishing motif. This reduction sale offers yoi, an opportunity to get the season's most popular and becoming millinery at a very low price. Our showing at such low prices is truly won derful. The materials are the finest, and the styles will please the most fastidious. Come in and see them. Make your selection early, they will not last long. The Smart Shop 822 Main St. Phone 401 PlaceYOUR Hootft Affinity. We read that a hen has adopted a ! litter of pigs. A possible explanation of this is the national intimacy be tween ham and eggs. Charlotte News. CQRUS WASHINGTON Pretty little Con.; Theresa Nolan sat by hei daddy. Congressman Jrhn I. Nolan, on the floor of the House when the king of the Belgians was received. In the gallery was Queen Elizabeth and the liUle girl waved her a merry greeting. Then, wonder of wonders, the queen asked to meet her, kissed Corlis on the cheek and told her it was she who brought the sunshine, when the found California was Corl's' bow; The Most HealtHf ul and Economical Drink INSTANT POSTUM MadeinamomeAt in the cup, and there'vno waste. It Satisfies nwi r "--t-t--t-"" ftjnriiftiTrTiiTTfr J KRYP70K f-f FAR VISION Without Lines in the Lens ma li? Jj Vice's SiHiLS 30 SSK COUGHS The Children Will Want It HEAD vision The satisfaction you feel when wearing these efficient bifoealn ih n ot marred by the thou gh t that an un.siyhtjy seam Ih spoil ing your appearance. There's not a line, seam or shoulder in KKYI'TOKS. SEE PAIiK KOTHWrXIi Optometrist A Optician Over Workingmen's Clothing Store. Phone 609. ORE THROAi or Tonsilitis, gargle with warm salt water than apply i UARI'"-5C. 60.: Dr. David Bennett Hill DENTISTRY X-ray Diagnosis. PenoUcton. Oregon Dr. Lynn K. 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