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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1919)
FOURTEEN PAGES facte wuswm DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREOON, THURSDA7, NOVEMBER 6, 1919. EAST OREGONIAN SPECIAL NEWS OF UMATILLA CO. EVICTED, CHICAGO BABY IS DYING ARMISTICE DAY TO BE OBSERVED BY CITIZENS vicinity lnci. October Z Is 4.11! ineli- (Kast Oroifonlftn Special. ) PILOT ROCK, Nov. G. At u meeting of the Commercial A tinn held Tuesday evening, M. I. Or ange, J. O. ItUHHell and Newt Koycr were appointed on a committee to ar range for a program for Armistice L)ay, Tuesday, November 11. to bo given in the I'llot Hock church at 2:00 ocloek in the afternoon. H. H. Hindernian and C. J. Miller were named at the Bame meeting to work with the city council toward im proving the streets of the town. The total rainfall reported for this A GOOD MEDICINE FOR LOSS OF APPETITE General debility and that tirtd feeling is Hood's Sarsaparilla. This highly concentrated, economical medicine is a great favorite in thou sands of homes. It is peculiarly suc cessful in purifying and revitalizing oacn morning the blood, promoting digestion, re- Mrs. Ward Stanley entertained Sat storing animation, and building up urday afternoon the following ladles the whole system. being present: Mrs. Merwin Gilbert, Get this dependnlile medicine to Mrs- B & Casteel. Mrs rfav and hMnn taJcimr it at once. If you need tt laxative take JIoo Pills. You will Hurely like them. A dancing party was given in arnes hail Krldny evening of last week in honor of Mr. and Mrs. c K. Knotts who aspect to leave noon for j their new home near Hnrmlston. A meeting of all the ladieH of the community -.vlll be held in the Oom inercial room Kriday evening, Nov. 7, for the purpose of orKanlzIng a woni ans civic club to work in connection with the commercial club. All ladies are urged to be present. MIhh Kiln. Mae Harmon, county demonstrator, ban promised to be present next Tues day uftcrnoon at the nursing club to j;ive the ladies further Ideas of work that may be taken up. At the Farm Bureau meeting held at tho church Tuesday evening, Mr. Uen nion, county agent, appointed differ ent ranchers to specialize and expert l ment in different linus as follows: A. 'J. GUI, wheat raising; Bruce Gilbert i and Harry Bchleglo, barley; Fred iKletcher and Frank T. Byrd, beef cat tle and sheep. I Mrs. C. H. Hooper or Pendleton, ha been visiting at the home of Mrs. J. W. Stevenson the past few days. i Morning electric light service was begun hero November 1. The lights on from five until about eight CHICAGO Little Billy O'Con nor, 14 months old, was 111 with; tuberculosis and bronchitis. But 1 that made no difference to a Chi cago landlord who wanted the flat la which the O'Connors lived va aated. He got an eviction order. Health authorities protested In vain. Bailiffs moved the O'Con nor family Into the street. Billy was hurried to a hospital, but the move made his condition worse and now Billy Is dying. THE evidence that Republic Tires do last longer is positive. Nate carefully the Staggard Treads on a set of used Republic Tires. You will see how remarkably free they are from the cuts and chips so ruinous to tires. This peculiar advantage is due to the Prodium Process of toughening the rubber. The Republic user has found a way of saving money which is also open to you: Simpson Tire Service Company ;. x. John- II. Hon.l. Mrs. C. J. Mil ler, Mrs. J.'nn Kirk Patrick and Mrs. W. illcr Smllh. Clever Hallowe'en Tomorrow Night OREGON Theatre Tf FrL Nov. Welcome Return Visit of America's Greatest Comedy Breaking Records Everywhere lhe(.o ladies. On Saturday Mrs. J. C, Dodson and on Drllieit left for tlieir old home at Miss Bdlth Wanna returned i i wallows, 're aim. day from ft short visit to Oretron City. j Mr ;in,, MrK n,nVard BVani and llev. und Mrs. jonn . " - familv moved this week to Kreewater. were dinner guests O. Russell Sunday. Mrs. W. H. Hlnkle. Mrs. A Bat... Mrs. IFX B. Behafer. I deeoratinns were used and a dulnty luneh served. j Wftnke returned Tues (ron City Mirk ford f Mr. and Mrs. J. j having rented their orchard raneti to L. A. Menton, Mgr. 223 E. Court St Orville Stewart of Kreewater. II. West- I j Pftal Caldwell, manager of tho v. Kirk Williams & Olincar Lumber Co., at uck I AVERY HOPWOOrS GALE OF LAUGHTER 5 1 PIRECTION Of SELViYN CfO. ONE YEAR NEW I YORK SIX MONTHS CHICAGO trick and U K. I toy were Pilot visitors to Pendleton Saturday. Missionary study classes were begun Sunday evening at the church to ron tlnuft for several weeks. The men s class, with Mr. Hlckford as teacher, are studying "Christian Amcricunizu- 'tion" and luter will take up "World Pacts and America's P.esponslbllity." The ladles class with Mrs. Hickford as teacher, are studying "The Crusade of Compassion." The young people with Miss Ulna Reeves as teacher, are Htudvlng "Ministers of Mercy." A 'week, from next Sunday it is planned to have a member of the ladles' class dress in full Hindu costume. This work is very Interesting and educa- Uonaly and a large attendance la hoped for in all the classes. Little Miss Norma Humphrey and Master Jack Duff celehruted their sixth birthdays Kriday afternoon, Oct. It, at thn home of Mrs. Krank Humphrey. The cement basement was darkened and fitted up with ghosts, goblins and Jack n'lanterns where the little ones enjoyed various games anil played to their hearts' con tent. Refreshments consisted of cake, Jello and whipped cream. Those pres ent were Jack. Ivan and Nina Duff. Patrick Cassids, Barbara. Irene and Jack Ktter. Pannie and Margaret 811 liland, Allan and Vernetia Planting. Thelma Rankin. Marjorie Whlltaker. Donald Uoyer. Hernlce Pasted, Mar garet Hemphill, Max Carnes. Sybil Grace Macomber, Ixiuise and Jack Miller. Douglas Chittenden, Clara and Josephine Schannep. Johnnie and Francis Gray, ltuth and Mary Tru man, Ixuiix Hutchinson, Ida IHrnan. , Deslie Pvcrett and Norma, Krma and Virginia Humphrey. A baby girl was born Sunday even ing. Nov. 2. to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hoylen, Jr.. at the home of Mrs. H. H. McReynolds. Mr.' and Mrs. Thos. JftqQftft and Mr. and Mrs. C J. Miller and children en poyed a delightful turkey dinner Sun day at the home of r. and Mrs. Carl Jensen. Mrs. Blokford suhstituted Monday and Tuesday for the primary room during Miss Wanko's absence. IJmapin. Is in Salem. Oregon, and is having his tonsils ron.ov.-d by elec tricity. His return home is looked for next week. On Kriday night a masquerade dance was given in the hall, but owing to wet weather was behind in the usual uttendunre at similar parties. Nn No vember 11, Armistice pay. another masquerade will bgivee . n masquerade will be given. "CHURCH IS ON FIRE!" "THE HELL IT IS!" IS REPLY OF ITS KEEPER TAPOMA, Wash., Nov. 6. "Here, wake up! Your church is on fire," cried Chief Carlson an he iounrtol with his f!stn upon the door of tlx caretaker's room of a little church at South Twenty-fifth and Taconia aven ue, early in the mornlnr. "Whutzseat ?' sleepily Inquired the caretaker. "Oct out of there. Your church I on fire," cried the chief. "The hell it is! excluimed the care taker. The dnmage til slight. "I'm qtltt sure the man was the janitor not the preacher," remarked Chief Carlson in telling of the experience. Republic Tires mtK STA6GARD Studs 'I've just been introduced f Prof. Smart. Such a charming man to talk to; he doesn't make one feet like a fool. In spits of his cleverness." "Ah, my. dear, hut that's because of hi clevt-rness." I Mother i Friend Expectant Mothers A Soothing Emollient M All Dratalsia Spaoal BnnHrt ca fclothcrhoa-' and Baby, Fn- BRAPtltl-D RFC.Ul-ATQW DO. Dli-T, 5-P. ATH-TK G READ THE WANT ADS Men 1 A SURE-FIRE CURE FOR I THE BLUES Vinol, our Cod liver and Iron Tonic, will restore your Vital ity and Working Strength. ! Filled With Golden ( Laughter - s I Brilliant New York I Cast Catherine Lexow Donald Call Amy Stephenson George Steacy Edgar Flavelle Elizabeth Erezim Harold A. Castle Thomas E. Daley 1 SEATS NOW SELLING FAST FOR THIS GUAR ANTEED ATTRACTION. Phone or Call Thompson Drug Co. Prices, plus war tax $1.50, $1.00, 50c. i R;ist Or'gonian Special.) UMAI'JNB, Nov. 6. On December 4th the ladies of the Presbyterian church of Tmaplne will hold their annual buzaar and dinner at the Orange hail. They have this year completed payments on the Manse in debtedness and the money secured this year will be aprpoprited toward the installation of a complete bath room at the Manse, including a sp tic Utnk. M:ui appropriate and use ful articles suitable for Christmas are being made ami will be sold on that date. The dinm r will consist of chick en pics, and other wholesome edibles for which the Hudson Bay ladies are fumous. This week Mrs. Jens Hhergeson is entertaining for the -'idics" Aid at n silver tea. I'ist wecii Mrs. (. V. Car penter was hostess at a simillar event. Mrs. H. H. Hucon is spending a va cation with relatives at Colfax. Wash. Hon. Lew Hodgen was visiting In this vicinity during tho past week with old friends. Mr. Hodgen who is engaged In extensive wheat farming near Athena, advised that his seeciinn;y operations were completed and with the abundance of moisture this year indications are very favorable for a 2 fine crop next season. The football game last Friday be tween Vincent hinh and Touchet high school was well played, both teams he Inur evenlv matched. The score ended 6 to 3 In favor of Touchet. A larfc;e number of Touchet high school stu dents accompanied their team and the game was well attended locally. Leo Iiirson, nn alfalfa farmer south of rmapine. has begun on tho erec tion of a silo on his ranch. A family by the name of Wilson of Yakima. Wstsh.. this last week pur chased the five ncro alfalfa tract owned hy Mrs. Andy Neterert. The place is located adjoining the ranch of W. W. Thilippi and is well improv ed. The "price approximated $4000. On Wednesday evening Mrs. Helen Severance ami M Iss Klizabeth Sever ance entertained at a dinner. The uucsts for the crrnmg were Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Thilippi, Mr. and Mrs. Kyle McDauiel. and the llev. and rs. 0 C. Pabbidge. On Thursday even ing the faculty of the school were en tertained at a similar function by Here is Proof: Manor Hill, Pa. "I was run down, weak, tired out and had no appetite. I am a farmer and could hardly keep go ing. Vinol built me up after everything else had failed. It gave me new blood and strength. It simply worked won ders for me just as a friend told me it would." Blouciie Wehu That is because Vinol contains Beef and Cod Liver Peptones, Wild Cherry, Iron and Hypophosphites, the veiy ele ments needed to restore the appetite, enrich the Wogd and create strength. NOTE : Your lewling druggist ha3 for many years specially recommeudod Vinol bocauso lio knows there is nothing better tbau this famous Cod Livorand Iron Tonic to emit, strength and build one up. Tho formula of Viuol is ou .Tory label. Your money back if it fails. Kofeppenl Urug store and !"rugf Eists Everywhere. Run Down f iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ANSCO CAMRAS Speedex Films Do" t let another Hummer go by without an Ansco. It win adrl more to the pleasur of your outing than anything else . wintec and long afterwards jroa can live over again with " p res those good sum mer days. Let us show you thf Anaco Una Taliman & Co. Lea. Kin Drucgtaa. THE FRANKLIN CAR GIVES HIGHEST TIRE ECONOMY WITH LOWEST TIRE INVESTMENT The tire economy of the Franklin Car is not only indicated by its figures of 12,500 miles, but is emphasized by the tire anxiety of owners of other cars carry ing from one to four spare tires. Franklin owners seldom carry a spare tire, and never have a heavy spare tire investment. They are free from tire anxiety as well as tire expense. Light weight and flexibility take the Franklin over the greatest distances with unbroken speed on all roads. This means longer life to tires no sudden starts and stops, with the inevitable grind and strain. The, tires on the Franklin Car are not pounded out suddenly, but wear out gradually. . All Franklin owners will tell you that they get a consistent, all-round econ omy of 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline 12,500 miles to the ret of tires. 50 per cent slower yearly depreciation We will be glad at any time to demonstrate the Franklin Car over any roads you name and to explain Direct Air Cooling and other Franklin differences which make for exceptional, year-round performance. PENDLETON AUTO CO. Established 1907 '.IlllllillUUUIIIilltlllUUIIIIUIIIUIIIIIIIt 2 a a.1 i