Section Two Pages 7 to 10 Section Two Pages 7 to 1 8 'East (QreAonian) DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1919. E ON STRIKE AS SOON AS HINES ANSWERS Form One, of 14 Unions Threat, ening Walkout; Two Million eMn Involved; Fund Being Ammassed is huge. WASHINGTON-. Nov. 8. President Sheppurd nt thi! Order of Hallway conductors, said ho will order a ref erendum vote Immediately upon re ceipt of Hall Director Mines' answer to domunds of conductors for waKO Increases. Tho conductors' union Is one of H railroad unions mem bers are threatening" to strike unless their demands are met. The strike of railroad workers might involve two million men. fund of a million and a half, accord. inif to President Lee. "We havo about 1 a. in 11 million." .-heppard said. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Kn Klneors and the Brotherhood of Fire men eneii me understood to have a fund Kteuter thun tho trulnmens. Hlnes Is expected to (five his answer to the conductor anil railway train men early this week. It is assumed nis reply will bo indlcatlvo of nines' altitude towards the demands of u!l railroad unions which, Sheppurd says, .ire aetliiK In concert. LITTLE HONOR GUEST OF JACK 0' LANTERN TEACHERS' INSTITUTE TO CLAIM! UNUSUAL CORPS OF SPEAKERS 1 s DO IT ELECTRICALLY Boy Companion Heroically Tries to Smother Flames and is Injured; Another Victim in Serious Condition. I "ma til la County 1Vin-!.ers' InMUuto 'IiirhiK I ho final wc k in NuvcmlM-r, will have u program of spojiktrH nev-j pr ifforo equalled, In the opinion of ; VV. W. Green counts' tfCliool Huperln-; tndtnt. Ck)ucatorfl from all over the! North wet havo uccept?:! Invitations ; to lecture and Instruct during the in-! Htitute. ii wum nhe who planned much of tin m present pjrima o- arorki now in une Mra. Margaret in Oregon j VohI, lnntru tor in ,A BOY'S MURDER TRIAL I'OHTLAM), Nov. riurncH from a lighted JafK o'lantern OStchifig upon a gaUsy fairy costuino worn hy llyear old Alary Krwin Iluynen. daughter of Mr. and Mm. John K. MayneH, of 8; West Nineteenth street, at a hallow een party F rid ay ninrht were repon If. p. Barrow, diroctor sniith-HuKhcf Industrial worli Oregon Agricultural college, ; it the founder, of the couraei of the in the English and jrommer at the Chone Hsn. normal K'-nooi, ih oonsiaerea one of the ablest teachi r of I hese R iUbjectS in the normal SObOOlS of the K WSMe She 'Will have ehS re of in- 0 nrucuon in inewe muojccls aunn? un Institute. MAltSHKM-:iJ. Nov. 3. Tho jurv in the case of Harold Howell, "U'lo fi,r the child's death Haturday. WO nam. on boy charged with the (Hr playmate and conHtant conipan i murder of Lillian I-outholtl on .July Oaraldtns Ive, daughter of Mr J 7 . recorded a disagreement aftr l. 'miti Mrs Chirk. lv nf (he RLallA. llUT OUt nSarlV In hnlim. nnrt Iha .,..! nmrl iinurlmnnl. uti. ui.i-lnnJ- Ktrlko funds, which' haba bfiSnT must he tried again, possihiy t this burned about tho bady at the aanu IncreaHed yearly by nenrlv all r term of the court. The defendant ' time. In in a precarious condition ami -u uiiiuim, ii"w iuiui iniiiionn. u no Hiioweu no emotion when the jury Brotherhood of Trainmen alono has a ported. fear in felt for her recovery. QUALITY SKHVIC'K SWITATIOV BARGAINS at the Trading Co. A new shipment of apples, Rome Beauties, Wine Saps and Red Cheek Pippins, at $1.50 per box. A nice lot of Kraut Cabbage at 4c per pound. Sweet Potato Squash 3c per pound. Watch our ad for real bargains. Pendleton Trading Co. "If it's in the Market We Have IL" There is oiuy one place d for that dcliciuu f CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM KOEPPEN'S The Drue Store That Serves ! CITV MARKET 109 West Webb Phone 703 Make Your Credit an Asset. USE IT. You Beat. ; n,n j IlIoutH: 9 a. m. to 1!; 1 to 5 p. m. M rhono 607 I DR. THOMAS C. 0MART DENTIST 743 Main Stroot. Over tlie Hub rondlcton, Oregon A Good Stock of Coal in our Bins ROCK SPRINGS and UTAH Conditions of transpor tation and a strong pro bability of strikes make it advisable for you to buy now. B. L Burroughs, Inc. PHONE 5 Cor. Webb and College GREET THS SHOT CHOtCESTWfcBTS HAVE WON THEM FAME-, Introducing MR. "HAPPY PARTY" Mr. Party, whose first name is Happy, has put us on the honor roll. He says that he's going- to keep talking about our meats because they please him so. Much obliged. Mr. Happy Party. Watch for Mr. Happy Party. LIBERTY! IARKET ,739 MAIN, PHONE 187, Mary wa tho Riiest of honor Friday nlffttl at a party at th home of Mr? Month, a neighbor living on th" sum bJooki who had risked a n urn her of tnt for n frolic. Mary and Ger.ildim who Im 11 years of age. and six other little ,Tirls wore fulry OOfftUUlM they had used In an entertainment last Hrln. About S:l the children. MUSb with a jack o'lantern, were marr-hintf about the room when Mry, apparently U Med before an open door. A draft sucked her lif?ht mallne dresM into the Hauie and the rhild wan afire hnme- Hatel''. tlf-raldine, who mti next Ir. line, I'onld not avoid the blaze and the in f la nirna hie material in which they .vero ch)thed burned ax torches. Thdr hair and v-ry bit of clothing t he trlrls w'rc, wit h the except h n of stockinKH and Hlippcrs. was burned. Cfllltl KusIkw into Yard. Ceraldt-ie. In fricht. rushed into the yard. The fin mes were appar- I nt Iv blown behind her and she suf fered lean serious burns. other hand, was taken In charge hy Kuests. A small boy, one of her play mate, endeavored to stifle the burning garments by throwing a grass rug ftbotlt the child but they continued the hlze and the youngster's handn were badly burned. Tho physical ftducatl life, dally becoming nior will be handled by James . physical direct. r at the On ' cultural college. Mr. ArbuiJ I mi ato -will Icture and Instruct In th y Mr. Green to be a lemdi r In thli field u.'id fels fortunate ir; abtainlng Mm. Of Stephen Ptnrnee, piesidf nt of I y coached the wrestling sqtrad at r Whitman collefe, Walla Walla, hon- 1 vallis and went from there three r ore'F throti-,hou4 the northwnt as an ; ajo to Lincoln High sehoo, Seattle educator of note. Is on, the program as physical director. The tTnlvcreaf for the in!-t;t!it. He will deliver at . of Washington recognized his ah lit" If iwt one lecture. j nnd contracted for his servU-es a Itoth Surf-rlrit'-ndrnt of Publir In- physcnl drector for Iwo'vfarn. IWorv Htructlon J. Vcl-ermin, i mouth ' rrego Wll attend t taUver afdr Ch urchlll and .T. H. Ident of the Mon itate Norma I School, entire Imtltuto ano Ma May Smith, primary Ira'nlna; teacher at the nir- rnal s'h'-ol at Monmouth, will Instruct !n primary nieth ds for the institute. , war wa.s over, Arhuthrmt served al as a y M.C.A. drector. Re returned to O.A.C. this fall at a greatly Increas ed sa lary. All the sehonls throughout I'rnatill.i county will be closed durine; the wek of Thankstriving, during which time the Institute will Is? held. HELP DISTRIBUTE SEEDS Congressman fttek Kin not t has re-'pie.-ted the Kast oregonian to as st him in making diati ibution of the veg--table seeds alloted to his district, i xt spring. The department of agriculture, has, he writes, allotted to each member of r ngress a number of packages suffi cient to give a package to only one Mary, on the! t,f'rson in MtOh eight or ten in his litr:ct. This causes him to he partic-; tlarly desirous thai what seds he has tv.nlable should get Into the hand of1 thoe constituents who most desire j them! nnd can use them to the best, advantage. He states that he believes this can be dune better through the pa- j Tjrs in his district than In any other j i COAL IN TRANSIT IS ' SEIZED BY RAILROAD AND HELD AT BAKER I. chioau' cigar store, formerly the til Handera A Burroughs store, chang ed ownership Saturday. Frank Origgs recently In the grocery business, tak ing over the establishment. Walter Lehman, who operated the store since "--' las summer. Is expected to re turn to the employ of H. W. Collins, . ocie he was a grain buyer before en tering business for himself. Mr. Crigus sold his grocery store on Court treet a month ago to Dei-pain & f et. He is no newcomer in the cigar business, having had 6 years previous experience, 4 of them In the store which he now owns. Mr. Griggs plana several minor Improvements In the ptore. Uibabrta eureka" tiiv lx"-t that )iiur Your Ix -t Mend Is an Hit rl liratrr. Take ofT tliat colli t'llill hi dolna it i l-lrlall.v. Pot the -i k room, tin- bath, thr lo,l rtxmi, or fclllllH ou i-h to hui. more beat. A new elilnwi n is just tn. RTe an- Hdlng a lot or nen i loric KiKMl.-i. Washing Ma chlnea, Vecmnn Cietmm, Grills, Irons. Percolator. Toasters ami a lot morn. Our stM k is all net and on gel only money ran bur. We claillv Kin- Mm a free demtmetrnUoii on WashlnK Ma cllfnea or Vacuum f Icancrs. t all (r phone 1037 ami re will ar nuage Tor that demonstration. We do House Wiring and electrical . -ontranim: of all kinds. e do all kinds of r-pair work. Ix-t OS do your next Job. We parry a kmI stuck of l.anii Globes, siiade and Fixtures. IXECTBIt M. OMH.HTOR Chas Milne 108 Kast Alta St. OpiKwite Alta Theatre a...,,,., ? Annou ncement will be made j through the columns of this paper ; when the seeds arrive, probably soon lfter the first of the coming year. Will SK?ak on the lnh uoition. S. J. speak lid, i.f UeKast, Ireland, will "Homo Rule In Ireland If there were .nfl other fools in the wonJd we would tm more dissatifficd with ourselves than ever. An Irishman's Standpoint." at the Arcade Theatre on Monday during the I noon hour for the benefit of business and professional people of Pendleton, j DR. J. EDWIN SHARP Denial X-Hay by Appointment Gysl Articulated Dentures. Inland Empire Bank Bldg. Office Phone 330. Home Phone 74 CECIL COSPER PrilI.IC AOCOCJfTAMT tXCOME TAX ADVISEB Smith-Crawford Bldg. lpoeite Pendleton Hotel Phone 10J0 I HAKKII. Ntiv. I. Instructions have been received at he local .-W. R. & ; N. office to hold coal in transit on the .-W. U. & X. lines at Haker. The I Instructions came from W. Hollons, I division superintendent at Ii (irande, with Information that Htker is to be i a concentration center whence all rall j rid coal will be distributed. The order wn effective at 't o'cloSk Saturday afternoon, when all deliver ies ceased. Two cars of coal were re ceived here just before the time limit and saved Maker from an Immediate famine. Two more were en rouie here from. Ogden, but were approprl lated hy the railroad. AT HOME IN STANFIELD Ma never asks what 111 have for breakfast she just gives me PostToasties She knows what I like PHONE 600 (Kns't Oregonian special. ) W'KSTI.AND. Nov. I. William Hajrgman. brother of Misn HafiV man, principal of the Wentland choM returned tn her home1 in Btandeid Prj day morn Ins. He haa been away fotn llome tlie two pears, and was In active Kervice at tho time nf the linn hptlce, helng stationed at Vetdun at that time. He weam three mall .stars. Indlt atlnc aervtee In three bat tleH. Th last few mnnths of his stay overseas he pent -with the army of occupation. He received his dtaoharge at Preeldlo, California. l:. I. Canfleld and his son. Larry, Oanfleld are at Taklma, Mr. Can field belnl called there to attend the fun eral uf hish brother-in-law, Mr. Mc Hllan, who was killed by a train last week. Kd ltienman, well known here. Is seriously ill at. the hlapltal in Tilt. Dal lea. Mr and Mr. Oelmar lVrkins of fjartton, Ore., vlalted at the beme of lames Ware last week. He runs n lalr- farm nnd attended the Hoe and And Dairy shew at Harm let oft while here. Mr. nnd Mrs. C H Sliaw. who have been vlsltlna at Okanotlah. WaaVL. have returned to their home. Uttla Helen Connor of BtanCleM, rlated the westlaud achool Thursday. Prior Shaw lias leased the Hum felt place, known as the M, Teel desert Claim, for a number of years and will take possession at inee. Dirk Shaw shot a deer while on his hnntlna" irip to the mountain lust week. Mr. ami Mrs. Pel Shllts have Bone to the mountains where they will re main tot some time. f. K. Huff Is working his teams on the Western Land ditrh near Keho. The aehool children were hosts to their parents and other (rnests Bat low'een. They rendered a short. In formal prosrnm after which littht re fleshiuonts were served. Miss Jennie Shaw Is at The Dalles with her sister, Mr iM Hunman. an ha made of Itatftan CnrW fcgaw araj Saatt Zd I We are busy but not too busy to take care of your busi r.ess this month and in a man ner that will please you very much. Open an account at this market and be sure of the very best at reasonable prices. Use your credit this month for a trial. See the big difference in convenience, and it doesn't cost a bit more. DOWNEY'S MARKET J The Post-War ZmaxWell is a greater Maxwell HERE IS THE PROOF .'Or JQUrm mWO the'iv wji- out .Mawvtl in ewi 1000 onrK. I'our jwm&n mgo tboM mi one Mxwoll In ttvery 500 ar. Tint-' ycr 000 ON re VMJM MR Iell ill rei 2(M OOm. Twt M"B tint- on-- Mautll la OVCT) IH riii-. Today there is one in every 16 cars. WHY? The ration is looking at economy more than ever. Maxwell Trucks arc always a larrain. Neil & Barker Co. MAXWELL DEALERS rhone ISO Riverside Victory Scout READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY CALL FOR DEMONSTRATION in Motors Co., Inc. 101 Water Stfeet El GIN WESTCOTT HARROUN Phone 780 I