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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1919)
PA-11 Piffl TEN PA0E3 PAIL? ZA5T OREGOIiAI, PCRftl, OREOO. M6UDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1913 CONROY'S CASH GROCERY IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S FRESH SHIPMENT OF Crisco BOUGHT BEFORE THE RAISE 1 1-2 lb. 31b. 61b. Van Camps Pork and Beans, No. 2 tins, 5 for $1.00 Citrus, Gold Dust and Pearline, large package 30c - 60c $1.15 $2.30 E VVhat theHPicture-Theaters Have t o Tell You. AI.TA TOKAY. THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford car can well be called the "peoples car," because there are more than 3,000,000 of them in daily operation. That is ab6ut four to one of the nearest follower in the motor car industry. This would not lc so if the Ford car had not for sixteen years proven its superiority in service, in durability, and in the low cost for operation and maintenance; this would not bi so if the Ford car was not so easy to understand, so simple in construction that anybody and everybody can safely drive it. Let us have your order fur one now to avoid delay in delivery. SIMPSON AUTO CO. Cor. Water and Johnson. Phone 408 ROLE IN DAY DRKAMB MADGE ki:m:dvs bkst Mudftn Kennedy revel In comedy Kituiitlnnu U only Hhe run In her neuv Mt Clnhlwyn I'leture, "Otiy DrpaniN." by r'uHlno Hamilton, whleh romes to the Aim. Theatre, lieKlnnlyifr Sumluy. it tjaplota tlx" nf" t a country girl, rrlnirn . urban irnHKination arid wim drM mi have surroundad her with lilrlyland folk prlneoH, white ImlKhtH iid all. Mia la latar disillusioned hy a Heheem ! inu suitor, who tins srown weury of tUsVSltg hiw proposals Of marrlu.Re re jected with the reply that she 1b wait ing the whlto knight to claim her a" !hln prlneess nnd Ball with her to hi rustic across the sea. A while knight (iocs come to her, though her disap I miently learnB ho la an ordinary mor ! tor doing- the hiding of her dlsap I olnted Biiltor and that the castle thB I spurious knight takes her to la the . i.nvelted home of the BUtne scheming Individual. Primrose turns the taldeH on him at a banquet, for which he haa hired i a vampire to expose the knight. The' Tho dream girl's announcement that she will marry the man he has hired I in deceive her brings one comedy ltu iiitlon after another. Heatltlful Bet tings abound In "l)v Dreams, rang ing from nn expansive duck farm to 'I ciCienlar scenes nbonrd the galleon, which takes l'rlmrose to her fairy land. PASTIME Last Time Today Children, 5c Adults, 20c Mary Pickford 'it IN The Dawn of I Tomorrow '! One of Mary Best Be Sure and See It K BURTON. HOLMES TRAVELOGUE Alta today ry&nnedi) DAY DREAMS ay Cosmo Hamilton Directed by Carvnr G Oadyer- Tlte Ups and Downs of Cupid and Co. Incorporated have done. The Btory of tho photoplay is a delightful one and it wa written by H Alice Duer Miller, and pirtiiri.'-.l by 5 Clara Heranger. Ku'tene O'Brien heads a capable caat of Supporting players. m miutuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Hi.i.miiimmiiiiNmimmmimH iiiiiiiiiMH mm mmm mmmmmmm ARCADE Sunday and Monday I I'.VSTIMK Sl'NDAV ANI MONDAY nitAMA ok OmMHM IS MAItV 1'K'KTOnHS l'HOTOIM.AV OF SIA-MS CHILDREN, 10c ADULTS, 25c DON'T BURY YOUR MONEY In ugly gas or electric fixtures when you can have the artistic and ornamental Just as well. A visit here wfll show that It costa no more to have attractive gas or oloctrlo flat urea than It does to buy the old clumsy nnd Inat tractlve ones. Ours are an orna ment by day as well aa night. They add tone to a room with out coating you an extra dollar Bee and bolleva. J. L. VAUGHAN N. Berkeley C whA nmt T?fi Kt.itp tn mjinaff f - mcnt office is 8 Wlio ouit Real Estate to manage the U. S. Employ- 4 l. w. . AIU'AOH SI.MIAV AI MONDAY I nmuiiwiw i aiik OOOO COM' YOU HKT! Hut Star Darrn! Shmi Skill In "Come Out of the Klu-tien.'' a mothrlesa girl ookfd recelv from a I advice of Seattle KhIp. th onlv pr Although the rciiiirements of her role In "Come Out of the Kitchrn," 'her latest Paramount photoplay, I which will be displayed at the Ar Icnde Theatre Sunday, demands that ishe be Ignorant of the art of cooking. tfartruyuita Clark is a past mistress ! of the science of cuisine u all who I have enjojed collations prepared by her dainty hands have aul)Uintial reason t" know. Miss ''lark has a splendidly equlp ! pad klt( hen In her New York home end when she is busy with some gas tronomic thief d'oeuvre. It la highly ! Indiscreet to ask her to come out of the kitchen until her work In don, lint In 'Tome Out of the Kitchen." Miss "lark Is Been as an aristocratic Virginia girl who flnda It necessary to nsume the role of a cook, but while her accomplishments in that line are nil. fhe manages to win th Ion of a rich Northerner, which .af ter all. proved the best thing she could Read This If Youi Kidneys Need Help Men r.nd women past 30 yearn of age, and even younger, who work at confining. Indoor occupations are f uiccplible to weakened, inactive or hlugish kidneys that fail to properly ciean&e and purify the blood. Symp toms of di&eatcd kidneys arc pufti new under the eyei, sallow skin, floating specks, dry mouth, bilious ness, nervousness, backache, rheu matic pn:n, swollen or stiff joint?, sore muscles. Many bed-ridden sufferers owe their condition to their failure to toke heed of the first warn ing of kidney trouble. WANTS PEOPLE TO KNOW "I cannot cruise your kidnry pill enough (or th wonderful benefit I have derived dutr their use for such a short while. Please publish i statement as I want the pecpie of Rorkv Mount and everywhere, to know of Foley Kidney Pills." Mrs. A. G. Weil. R. F. D. 6. Bob 90, Rocky MouDt. N. C. Foley Kidney Pills in' iorate, ftrcn4then and heal in active, weak and diseased kidneys an J bladder. They help the kidneys in ibeir work of purifying the blood stream and casting out poisonous waste. Ciccn blood makes possible itocd cireutmon. brsltliy nerws, strcn, b.irk. clrsrhfsd, octivc brain, sound heart, patil (actciry - and aartect bralth. Tin. Ilswm of Tomorrow'' Kxcrts Pmscrful APIKllI upon All Audiences. Mary Pickford addH another strilt- ; i ing characterization to her notable 1 ' repertoire of screen successes In the : Paramount adulation of Frances ; i Hodgson I'nrnett'B great drama of ! optimism, "The Tiawn or a Tomor row." the world-famous story of a (young girl's unfaltering faith ond tri umphant ultimate reward which wl'.l be diBplaycd at the Pastime Theater !nt?vt Runday. ! In th!a celebrated play that glad j dened the hearts of so manv when Ipresented on the stage with Kleanor j i Rchson In the stellar roie and the screen version of which Will cheer as! I many thousands more. Mary Plcford ! i portrays the wlerd character of Glad.; beautiful ragged girl of the Tendon j i shims whose underlying optimism i land herolo courage, even starvation and deadlv peril. are unable to j ! quench. Tho delicacy of Mi's PlcK ford's portrayal and the threads of forceful symbolism woven about the drama are unforgettable. Marguerite Clark in Come Out of the Kitchen PATHE NEWS The World Before Your Eyes BRAY PICTOGRAPH BRAY CARTOON i flllllllllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll iiiiiiiiiiiiissssssissssiiiisiiiii mi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiT I CUPPINGS FROM COUNTY PAPERS SOLD BY t ill The Diagonal road, ne of the prin iol thr. ushfares lending into Her- hum tie n hiL'hWHV that ie a Joy to residents in the west id of the project and Columbia 11S ict, says the Herald. The county court has set aside nn pr:priat!on for graveling the Dia- nul from the city limits to Columbia hool. a distance of three mlbs. The iproprlaUon la said to he nround 000. Farmers are to do the grading eo of charge. The work will li ne under the direction of the coun- eneineer and county equipment mr. used. ty be The Indepentlcnt Phone Co. of Pilot Rock, has npplied to The Public Ser vice Comiiiiseion of Oregon for the privilege of Increasing Its rates. The company recites in Its application thnt the Increase In rates Is made necessary by the abnormal increase in the price of materials and labor. R. J. Hazen .who has had charge nf Maylr J. M. Kyle's packing house, nt Stanfleld. finished the packing Tuesday night. They hove three or four more carloads of apples to ship which will wind up this, a very suc cessful season. 0p to this time they have shipped seven carloads of apples. RTWHBRB ss w . r B Back in the Real Estate Business 8 . j S ... . i i : : Tr,;ilo fnunhi K no U M UtiMAWAM I 9 Farms and Pendleton Residence and Business f 1 1 DENTISTRY , K i Room 7, Temple Bldg. B property. 4 . VUtmv T72 st Office Up Stairs in Despain Block. t I The Wnrren Construction company has moved the highway grading crew to the upper end of Main street, the Atnena Press reports, and the grad ing Is being pushed toward Weston There remnlns an unfinished section of the highway between Athena and Adams. A quarter million dollar contract has been awarded by the state high way department to M. J. Conley and the Newport Construction-Co.. which covers the construction of 15 miles of the Columbia highway in Sherman county, front Pcschntes to John ray. The Newports have finished their con tract on the road ot Hermiston, the Herald reports, nnd are now assemb'. Ing equipment on cars to ship to the scene of the new operations by the company. Arrangements are being made for a big dame Thanksgiving night, to be given by the Kcho firemen. A number of new features are planned for this affair, one of which will be a floor committee of S. who guaran tee a good tlmo for nil strangers. Street paving proper was finished in Helix Friday, the Advocate says. There Is considerable clraning up yet to be done, and about Nov. 25. the improved slreets will be opened to tlaffic. About 1000 feet of sldewallt remains t.- be laid. Including the 500 feet which the council ordered built. A M E., Zion, the Haptist, the A.M.E. ehurches, and Wednesday' night the Baptist organized again, theee in turn or Jointly have tried to establish themselves with the lack of success indicated. It is simply another ex .. ... .i ..t tho nntstandf nrf sin of Christendom .exaggerated denomin nationallsm. Why should there be the slightest question In the matter? The fact that regular services were not being held: .. tt,u. nvtnU nlreadv serving this community, were constantly shifted from one store or workshop to anoth er precipitated this demand for a church. The colored people ought to unselfishly work together for their mu tual advance. We simply plead for a social and repclous center for nil the colored people of the city and liave no concern about their religlonus beliefs. Does it mean that these critics would have nor church if not their own. If there are ItO colored people In our city, one-third or , inenraipi children, may be interested in churcn life. Even then services will be pos sible only after eliminating rent, and by the sacrifices of a minister. Cut that support in twain and what have vou- With emphasis I restate. It means ONE church or NONE. The history of the case proves it. and the future will destructively make it ap parent. The disintegrntintr conception of the mirister frVjm Mortland Misquolif ies i.t . c.,.. mIumJ Vill'TH must be taught concerning a God nnd gospel t respectively with universal interests ! and universal application. For tho igced of our citizens the theology lm j piled by the "oil and water" sugges I tion must be discouraged. The sad thing about the colored slt ! nation in general Is the appalling div isions with its over-lapping inefficien cy and ungodly wastefulness in means and men. Every unbiased thinking man can perceive the Justice and need in the plea previously presented. Wisdom's way for our colored frlenda is to co-operate and a church serv ing them all will result. It. E. GORXALL. YOU NEED NOT SUFFER FROM CATARRH But You Must Drive It Out of Your Blood. Catarrh is annoyii.g enough when it chokes up your nostrils and air passages, causing difficult breathing and other discomforts. Keal danger comes when it reaches down into your lungs. This is why you should at once realize the importance of the prop er treatment, and stou no time 0t psrimtfng wi.h wortl less reme dies which touch only the surtace. To be rid of Catarrh, you muse drive the disease germs out of your blood. Splentiid results liave been re ported from the use of S. S. S.. which acts on the catarrli germs, in the blood. If you wish medical advice as Us the treatment of your own indi .' . , rite t . Clik-t Medical A i er '- Sssift Specific Co., At lanta. Ga. . OREGON Theatre :7 Blood Poisoning Hamlin's Wizard OH a Safe First Aid Treatment How often lockjaw and blood pot toning result from the neglect of a i slieht scratch or little cutl Hamlin s Wizard Oil is a safe and effective first ! aid treatment. It is a powerful anti- ; septic and should be applied imme- , diately to wounds of this kind to pre- j vent danger of infection. It is soothing and healing and quick ly drives out pain and inflammation in Caaei of sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, bites and stings. Just as reliable, too, ! for stiff neck, sore feet, cold sores, canker sores, earache and toothache. Get it from druggists for 30 cents. If not satisfied return the bottle and get your money back. r5ver constipated or have sick head b he? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant tunc yiust psssst m Guaranteed. ' OREGON THEATER f One Night Only TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 j Irving- Berlin's International Musical S Revue Watch Your Step In 3 acts ar:i ti- scenes of lavish in estiture Fri. Nov Welcome Return Visit of The Great American Comedy Success AVERY HOPWOOlfS GALE OF LAUGHTER I FMWARMEH I DIRECTION Of SELWYN &CO. SIX MONTHS 1 CHICAGO ONE YEAR NEW YORK k SURE-FIRE CURE FOR THE BLUES FILLED WITH GOLDEN LAUGHTER. THE PLAY THAT ROCKED PENDLETON WITH LAUGHTER. FROM THE PEOPLE Th Dixi.- Flyer made by the Kentucky Wagon Manufsu-turing Co is tho most comph'te ?iJnl car of the time. The s-imly car will the rough Come and see for yourself. Will let you take one home today. T. & S. Motor Go. 722 Cottonwood Phone 46 Tin- Oataaad Bttrnttr How atransTT tn M wnnai like ihtisc to my article nf WeetaMsyl To HU it i not a controversial mat ter. I wum ulicaklna: In behalf of our oitllr.. Colored jioimlatlon IM not for ay fttrtlonal gfWfsi Personally it is of little moment to mo what ilenominauoii ts ropresrntrl h IVnilleton. or t rilht tiny Intro-, ducrd nij own. MM .'act la. that the j ii Ai.r ntMi;i.i ri:ri,K A Riot of Color sytieoiuitioi. Ilatf StMB DtMMlMB IMMMIm sinr NMntan r.eaulirull) OUWNOd I lliini. f WHIAfi .1 .. OROHHBTRA :!ti iiwtivt; t.n;i t'OMI IH INS - sixt.l ll - DANCaSKS i-Klfi-s tl.oo. i..v. 9MM Seat sale. Thompson's lruu Store. . Satnrrlav Nov. . Mail wtteni now. Brilliant All-Star Cast Seat Salt' at Thompson Drug Store. Phono or call. $1.50, $1.00, 50c, plus war tax.