DAILY BAST OREOONIAW, PEWOlBTOH, OftlOAfc. SATTHRDAY, N0VBMB1R I. TWELVE PAOBS ST Kver Think That Some Day YOU might need credit? Some people go ;ilonjf paving cash for gro ceries for y.irs. Then all of a sudden the time conies when they need credit and they find it very hard to Ket, because they've always been classed as cah customers. any of our customers have That's why so rr charge accounts. Not to put rff up bills bin to cr.mmunit v. payments indefinitely or to run establish their credit in the hr) find ii mighty convenient not to be nh down for every little thine to be afraid won't leave the things unless he Rets his or oours.'. i-iiargc accounts constitute only one of the many services c extend to onr customers. We feel it U t i duty to study the market and test the food products as they are introduced. That's how we chose RY20X from a personal test! We found we u.-ed leas, that we could mix muffins the night before uul bake them the next day; In fact, we he economical and thoroughly dependable found RIK It r.YZi costs 4 tc per pi X Paklng Bok ? 1)909 women. Hook lVi-e With uind. and. by the way, have you a This book contains the best recipes 1 lb. I1VZOX linking Powder. Gray J$ros. (jrocery (Jo. 'QUALITY" Two Phones, 28 823 Main St. 1 s IvUTHUkSTS OF EVERETT TRUE 1 A BVM tJheiEeXKFtaT AT You tcca- m "t"o - COMPCAI N "Co t rKOfHISTCK VOO IXON'T KICK. CSH 5 ivOLC. THAT WAT. vP.CV TOUTS OF YCV. ' seRviS3 You 1?ihty Smb x nope tcxj kvjys er Tve sams tdea UNTtcoo snrraM up Your SPimb'U Are You a Producer? There arv two classes of workers: those who are an expense and those who make a profit. The last ones are THE PROOVCKRH. and such are seldom out or work and they are likely to get an interest in the firm or start for themselves latter on. Pro ducers arc tluisc who have a surplus, lie a producer, start a Savings Account now, syste maUicallv add your net earnings to it. fiver? dollar so deiKitcd will bring you nearer the goal. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON "The Strongest Bank In Eastern Oregon' I r Pendleton Market News uiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I The Coal and Steel I Strike The following- prices are the prices Sheep I. tin lair; being paid to producers by Pendleton Hog lemaitd Better. business houses. Wherever retail. There was a fair run of stuff in the prices are given the fact will be spe- ; sheep and lamb alleys for the day, but most of the stock came direct to killers who are buying direct In the country. Generally steady tone was indicated. General Iamb and mutton market I range: Best Mt. Adams lambs. . $1 1.00 m 1 1.50 Stackers and feeders. . 8.00 9.00 Yearlings ... 8.00 9.00 Wethers 7.50 8.50 Valley lambs , . 10.00 11.00 v hfle k;llers continue adverse to ' naying more money, the market for ; hogs continues to reflect strength. General hog market range: Prime mixed $1 3.50 14.00 : Medium mixed 13.00 13.50 j Smooth, heavy 12. 00 12.50 j Rough heavies 1 1 .00 1 1.50 Pips 12.00013.00 I General steady tone is indicated in j cattle with continued lock of quality I offerings. General cattle range: i Rest steers $ Good to choice steers . . i Medium to good steers, Pair to good steers . . . Com. to fair strs Choice cows & hfrs. . . Good to choice dn. . . . Medium to good Fair to medium fanners Bulls 6 .00 6.50 Best light CaV'A. 14.00 9 16 CC I c ally mentioned. Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, 70c. Hens, 16 to 20c. j Spring chickens, 20c a pound. Country Ham. Etc. Ham, best quality, 28c. Bacon best quality. 40c. Butter rat and Butter Butter fat, 68e f. o. b. Pendleton. Butter, $1.15 a roll. Potatoes, New potatoes, 3c a pound. OREGON THEATER One Night Only TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 Irving Berlin's International Musica Revue Watch Your Step XCTFenney Co., A Nationwide Institution .2 Herearethe New Styles for Men and Young Men Whatever your taste you will find many suits you like. We have a wide range of mod els and fabrics to choose from. The purchasing power of our large organization enables us to buy our clothing in immense quantities there is only one small profit added to the price of making, doesn't it stand to reason that we can sell you a better suit for less money? New and Nifty Styles for Young Men, in plain and novelty fabrics Boys' Long Pants School Suits new models that please ALL WOOL BLUE SERGE SUITS wonderful values , $24.75 T0 $39.50 $18.75, $22.50, $24.75 $24.75 J Incorporated J OPPOSITE l to i r,l, lluliLife,-J K'- Penney Co, A Nationwide Institution 9.00 iff. X0.50 9.00 fH 9. DO 8.00? 9.00 .0Q 8.00 5.501 6.50 7.75 8.50 6.50 7.50 5.508 6.50 4.753) 5.75 300. TO 4.00 1 In 3 lets and 6 scenes of lavish investiture Will naturally curtail the output of cars. As a matter of fact a greater shortage is looked for this coming season than has been in the past. Make your car purchases accordingly. We have left with us to sell one 4 pass. Premier, 1920 model, driven 270 miles, absolutely new. There is a nice discount on this car and the terms are liberal. Will consider a car for a trade in. HALF A IflXIUlKD PEOITF s A Iliot of Color Synoopallonl Bac Time Ihiiiciiig z: Twonty-fivo Son;; Numbers lloJlutifnlly 4ioned Chorus Ij BPKOIAIj JAZZ OKCII'KSTIIA S 30 DANC1HG ;llil.s so i H; COMEDIANS - BIXGEHS . D.VNCKRS S PRICES S1.IK). 11.50, $2.00 S Seat sale. Thompson's Drug: Store. Sj Saturday, Nov. 8. I BHj S Mail ortlers now. WAR IS BEING WAGED ALL THE TIME Between the disease germs in the air you breathe, the water you drink, the food you eat, and the corpuscles in .your blood that are the forces of good health. Keep these forces strong, don't allow yourself to run down. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla, the medicine for the blood, stomach, liver and kidneys that has the approval of three generations. If a laxative is needed take Hood 's Pills, they are equally good. Heavy calves 8.0013.00 Stockers and feeders . . 7 50 9 "5 BUffiSllslANO MRS acres ranch j Eastern Oregon j Motor Co. I E Near Postofflce. CHEVROLET, VELIE, PEERLESS IIIIIIIIIMIMIIIIIIilllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIHT THINGS WORTH KN OWING. That WARD studio has moved. Ward Photos are permanent. Ward photos have artistic value. Ward photos are of high quality and low in price. Ward photos are the things for Xmas, and WE WILL TAKE YOU IN HOME. We will not hold you up. I LOOK AHEAD ghroYftfte for Hie future of your family. Know that their com fort i fU9MM"ed. Miens is only one roUd to this cinI. SAVE Let us help on INVEST your savings where they will (rrow. The 1 Cumulative Preferred Stock r the Pacific Power & Light Co. $100 and Accrued Dividend per Share offer-- ytm mm CXoeptlnMl opportunity to make the proper tart. Our rn-) payment BPKCIA1. sl(.s IM.AN will Umml you. Ask any of our employe to tell you alMHit it. (Kast Oregonian Special.) PIWT itOCK. Nov, l J. N. Bur Bess has traded 78 acres of land near D.I . otnu io uugg uros. for 56 which adjoins the Burgess here. B. B. Casteel and Mrs. Casteel were visitors to Pendleton Tuesday. George Carnes has returned home from a business trip to Portland. ubvi ciunage St.. killed a 19-point deer this wtek which weighed about 350 pounds. Fred Moes and Georr was ai9o Kiiiea a deer each. Mem bers of the hunting party were I C. Scharpf, Eugene Vincent of Portland, "Red-' Faber Fred Moes, George Wone, Levi Eldridge, Sr., Victor Bra cher, Newt Royer and Levi Eldridge, Jr. Mrs. Ward Stanley was shopping in Pendleton Thursday. Dr. Oscar De Vaul and C. .1. Mil ler attended the Red Cross directors' meeting held In Pendleton Wednes day afternoon. L. c. Scharpf was elected chairman of the Umatilla county chapter to succeed Roy Rlt ner. Miss Edith Wanke left Thursday right for a short visit to her home In Oregon City. Mrs. Arthur Hascall left Friday morning for Walla Walla to be at the bedside of her son Cecil, who is quite sick with typhoid fever. M. D. Orange succeeded in killing his first deer last week. Miss Vivian Gibbs left Tuesday for Pf ndleton and after a short visit with friends there she will return to Port land. BURN "PEACOCK" i A Bird of a COAL Mi mm S- "uZrut mm Phone 178 SMYTHE -LONERGAN CO. Quality Quantity Service gKRIAL NO. 1 1. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Folsom were initiated into the Eastern Star in Pen dleton Tuesday evening. The Red Crose made quite a ship ment of knitted Koodn from here this week which included 28 men's sweat ers, 22 Belgian sweaters, 2 scarfs, 2 square, 40 pair Belgian stockings, 89 pair men's sox. A community house for Pilot Rock Is one of the ambitions of Pilot Rock citizens and It is felt that the entire community will be interested In a building that can be used as a li brary, rest room, club room, etc. A Farm Bureau mass meeting will 1m; held here at the t O. O F. hall Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 4. f 5 i A BARGAIN FOR YOU Hudson Speedster 1918 Model If clothes didn't make the women some or them would look like men. In good condition. Can be seen at Oregon Motor Garage BUICK HUDSON CADILLAC Distributors 341 S3 3 I s: 9 3 3 f r a i sr.